THE V way have a falling with your hair It might leave you Then what Thativould mean thin scraggly uneven rough hair Keep your hair at home I Fasten it tightly to your scalp You can it with Ayers Hair Vigor It is something more than a simple hair dress ing It is a hair medicine a hair tonic a hair food beat kind of a testimonial Sold for over sixty years Ii idle feaAT cor IO A little piece paper blown by the wind caused horse standing in front of store to take fright on Monday evening and run away On Monday morning the Bradford Intermediate Lacrosse Team left for New York City to spend a week or ten days and engage in two or three matches pens People who to of their earnings the get W Bank regularly and something more- than of PILLS jjjjj For Sale The convenient comfortable Brick- Dwelling on street Newmarket occupied by J A BASTEDO There is a considerable amount of talk among the town rate payers in regard to the recently passed bylaw granting aid to the Western Co The members of the Memorial church have granted their pastor Rev H a vaca tion He left on Monday June to spend one month on the Atlantic i coast for the benefit of Mrs health 11th LINE KING the money saved they are upon which a fortune may interest quarterly Put money in a place where you can get It when you want It Newmarket and Mount A LISTER MANAGER NEWMARKET power of the afi it from place to place the not there Was danger- to Pander keen off YORK COUNTY COUNCIL FOR Quite a few are selling their cream to a Toronto company It is hoped they will give better satisfaction than the Toronto Cream Butter Co None ol the patrons re- And buy a home instead paying one cent for the last months heavy rents I have three nice houses company failed Quite a large and sociable crowd Be Your Own Landlord tor Bite- IMS GEORGE VALE Cor Park Victoria FOR SALE A Comfortable Brick House on Yonge Street close to Newmarket and one acre of land with Stable and Poultry House Fruit trees Suit able for retired farmer LEVI ROGERS Newmarket PO For Sale assembled at Mr Thompsons Jake on May th The Fuller bro thers were so kind as to bring their boat and the afternoon was spent very pleasantly in boating fishing etc i Mr Patrick ONeill has purchased a building lot in and in tends taking down the roughcast house and replacing it in in which place he will live after from farm life Now that the summer months aro with us again the ladies are to be seen going about in their heads as though thev had not a five or six dollar hat at home WARDEN Johnston Esq John A Esq J P Court House Toronto COUNTY TREASURER J 1 Esq Toronto i No District 1 York Name p Address James Ley Ellesmere Ales Scarboro J Michel Deer Park 3 J Evans j Islington Richmond Centre Frank Turner I John Gardhouse What might have proved a serious accident occurred to J A Ab good a farm as is on St acres Loi Whitchurch one mile from the centre of Aurora Not one foot of broken land on it All that is cleared is underdrained Good buildings acres wood Donald about six oclock Wednesday kinds in every way afternoon the 23rd of May The Cant be beat Apply Box doctor was taking stroll through rear garden when he was struck the leg just above the knee by a King Hart man Sharon Highfleld Richmond Hill f Kirby Maple i Alex Pingle ITnionVjlle Arthur Archie King i Joseph Rogers Kettlehy Geo Powell IT J Woodcock John Johnston Aurora Newmarket Newmarket Coroners for North York Name When Appointed Residence J 1871 Forrest R Mount Albert Sylvester L Greenwood A Sutton West Alex Scott Stuart Newmarket Wesley J Newmarket House and Lot for Sale in stray bullet Oar Toronto Letter keep off the brewery drunkards heed it drinkers behold it All ye men take warning is danger on that there barrels of danger there AH along the wagon delivers some its danger only knew what dangerous is would they not let it alone Yet jhey have no excuse for slum with its beggars hospital with its patients every asylum with its inmates every ceme tery with its graves testifies to its danger Some day we shall read on saloon door Danger keep We that every reader reads now Lutheran Crusader Chinese Unselfishness Wo wonld bo- tremendously surprised we amovement inaugur ated by the or brewers land distillers had for its object the promotion of habits of sobriety The whole effort of the liquor traf fic has been toward the creation of business The barroom itself creates the trade it does and strives in every possible way to add to its attractive ness and to perfect its allurements The- manufacturers intoxicants use the most modern methods of publicity to their goods bcfoiC the pub- tic and to promote their sale The liquor is selfish caring only for profits and thinking nothing of results that come from in- in the goods deal with It is a relief therefore to turn from the unprincipled selfishness of the American liquor dealers to tlkcunself- action of the Chinese opium whom we so much despise J The in a recent article gives tlte following informa- who that the Chinese are savages pure and simple should note the action taken by the Chinese merchants and the Chinese Reform Association in Australia in regard to opium The Chinese merchants who living thing You cIose in these matters A little extra on a barrel of flour id you But there is a differ between spending money wisely and it foolishly Sometimes it is econo my to spend instead of to save It is in the case of Royal Household Flour Those few extra cnto a that in preference to inferior flour buy health Nothing contributes so much to the food you- eat as flour and therefore nothing should be more carefully bought Ogilvies Royal Household Flour is the whitest cleanest and most nutritious flour thats milled It is the only flour that is absolutely pure Ask your grocer Mills Co 119 QgUvies Book for ft Cook Contains pages of excellent some never published be fore Yoir grocer can tell THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST The bullet passed thru the muscles of the leg and penetrated to the other side where it Last Saturday being Hie On Timothy St Bast at the rear could be felt The doctor thought it of the fight at the the Model School House in to take n chances and took the Veterans of decorated the graves repair Hard and soft water Good evening train to Toronto and had of their fallen comrades at the Ne stable icehouse poultry house near- the bullet extracted at the hospital and St James Cemeteries an acre of land with fruit trees dressed Tins being done they to Saturday and was able to visit Prospect Park Rink for refreshments of his patients on Tuesday The customs receipts for the month is responsible was shooting the subject of an inquiry Mr Blair thought the Commission could not are distributors of the drug cons blade necessarily much difference in the quality of steel in fence wire as there is in a knife blade or razor The Co use a high carbon wire which though it costs you but little more is fifty per cent stronger that wire mother fences The lightest PAGE fence is as strong the heaviest of other makes Notice the lock in PAGE EMPIRE FENCE You may have noticed also that others Are Imitating it That is a good recommend for it Where we lead others follow I All PAGE wire is COILED not crimped THE LOCK EM PI Re the life of wire for years And also while coating makes wire much more sightly Owing to the great strength and elasticity of PAGE fencing one- third posts arc re quired thus reducing the cost of the fencing As you get in PAGE FENCES onehalf more fence strength greater protection against rust better workmanship better appearance use less posts can you afford to use other fences even though you could buy them for onehalf the price of the PAGE But really ours cost you little if any more IN PAGE FENCES This property can be bought for or less Twothirds cash bal ance on easy payments Apply to MRS HUNTER Newmarket home some Master Harry Mason for the accident lie of May at the tion amounted port of Toronto to For lite at a bird with a 22 rifle in toe rear of his fathers residence and did not see the doctor who was screened by this year of 17926 some hushes and two fences This The extension of Victoria Street shooting bv hoys young men too northward to Carlton Street is now Three Choice Bulls Cor sale the village is a dangerous the City Fathers and rate- tcr the present railway tariff but Mr Killiam quite undeceived the rail way advocate Premier Whitney has been to introduce the members of the univer sity commission for I to bo conferred on the afternoon of Friday June A week ago last Monday Herbert Henderson was liberated from the Central Prison Last Saturday night he washout arrested on a corresponding month of last year they were showing an increase ami on Monday Short Horns 4 at farmers prices should be stopped DAVIDSON mist Start for a Summer training in Banking Shorthand or Book- Keeping Courses at the British American Business Which for years feu taken- the lead for Posi tions Open all and night downto A Toronto The Masons in this vicinity are looking forward to an interesting time tomorrow afternoon when the new Hall of Sharon is to be dedicated The ceremony is 10 take place at and of visiting brethren are to be herefrom a distance J Program for the League junk payers interested Tle cost is esti mated at and this staggers the agitators A young woman and a pet lamb tethered by a blue ribbon on York St a few days ago were the observed of all observers Johnston for breaking into the trunk of his roommate and ab stracting some clothing therefrom was Sent down for days The Allied Editorial Asso ciation about 250 in number will ho here about the 25lti and will be looked after by the civic reception commit ami the Canadian Mann- are displaying the greatest earned in endeavoring to secure legisla tion in the Federal Parliament topre- vent its introduction for smoking They have not hesitated to ask and Ellison the deer of I I l0 aid of the Labor party Albert S though that party is zealous to ex- elude them from Australia They have obtained help- from the Protest ant churches and also from Cardinal the head of the Roman Catho lic Church in Australia Not only- are they willing to forego the profit they have been making by the sale of opium hut also to hear the expense of medical treatment for the victims of the opium habit when will Chris tian churches see a deputation from brewers and distillers begging them to prevent consumption of alcohol on the ground of its injury to the best interests of the community Get prices before- placing your order for or Lawn Fence FOR Suton West A J Petch Aurora John Henry J Bradford P Aurora Grand Trunk Railway NEWMARKET Going South am 142 and pm Doing and am and pm TORONTO North J am and pm Going West and am pm hast and am pm Metropolitan Leave Newmarket am pm at and Christs Life His Relation Association for a day The to His Disciples and What He Pennsylvania Press Association is Expects of Us Matt also coming to Toronto Miss Jessie Wright The total number arriving at the Literary Union Station for the month of May 18 The Glorified Life John from has reached the W of This is in Rev L Partridge excess of May last year For the five Social months of the figures are 24- 25 Missionary Meeting Union Movements and What Came of Word has reached the Provincial Them of Overseer Miss Turner Shelley has seized of Missionary fish at Niagara Falls and were consigned to points in the Gnftcd States and were held on the ground that they were under the size permitted the regulations 1 repairs which have in pro gress for some time at the Church of the have been at a cost of about The legislative excursion to New Ontario was grain outing at the Provincial expense and adds that more to J 1 000 sessional in demnity A warrant is out for one Max A the Police Magistrate sent him back to the Central for another year Mr J Jackson local agent of the North Shore Navigation Co while on his way home to Whitby on Sunday met three automobiles run ning at a racing speed and in a col lision which resulted Mr Jacksons arm was broken his horse killed and Mrs Jackson who was with her tons- hand considerably bruised The BarRoom lit Work Word comes from Cobalt that the principal fault found with the j earned Local excursionists last week was option hut the Council refused to that took along with them a lot ft reading of afterdinner speeches and were bent Commit respected the popular will refused to licenses in the town Last licenses were again issued and the result is shown in the following item taken the St Thomas Journal Blenheim has added several more to her lengthy record of liquor The charges heard before Magistrate on delivering them MASTER SPECIALISTS OF AMERICA Remarkable Test Nine Stores Burned 1 Has Been Known for Yeats land is Guaranteed to Cure Catarrh Greenwood yesterday were the We given a most spree indulged in by a trio thorough and remarkable test lads on last The remedy has made so many of the Sheldon cures that we have urged its use in J of the most chronic eases of catarrh ter were charged selling for a few minutes four The particular times a day through an inhaler that know the diseases and weaknesses of men like an open book Wo have been curing them for We have given our Uvea to and thousands upon thousands of men restored to Vigorous Vitality aro today living monuments to the skill knowledge and success of Kennedy Kergan Wo hold out hopes we never undertake a case we cannot cure Wo have made so thorough a study of all tho diseases of men of Varicocele Stricture Blood Poison Hydrocele Nervous Debility Paralysis Bladder Urinary and Kidney Diseases General Weakness Loss of Vitality and have cured so many thousands of cases that If there is a cure for YOTJR dlseaso you will find It here When we undertake a case there fa no such thing as failure We charge nothing for consultation and our knowledge skill and experience are your service Wo will explain to you How ami Why We Can Cure You why the diseases of men require the knowledge and skill Master Specialists We do not require to experiment with your case ns we know from experience in treating thousands of cases exactly what to for your symptoms Dont ho discourager If you have treated without success with Quacks Electric Belts Free Trials etc You must get Doctors alone can cure you Our New Method System of treatment hag stood teat for yearswhy should it fall in your case Should your case prove you need not pay us a dollar Wo refer you to any Bank In this city to our financial standing If you cannot H oiuWoWS SHELBY STREET DETROIT Vancouver May Fire swept through the business section of Chilli- his morning and before it was put out nine stores in ashes At one time it fookivJ as though the J and town sixty miles from Vancou ver on the River was but the splendid workby the Monday moraine brigade it For five hours flames fought and the damage car every anil J contd to lie insurance with using the malls Saturday at J and arid being Leave am pm car every Saturday at every and Saturday afternoon BRANCH at Bond Lfce Leave am an p Arrive Toronto J am and pm Leave am and p AitVitt at 1 Sleep Like Top Dont lie awake with the remedy at your elbow To banish wakeful ness nervous starts bad dreams to sleep soundly and waken re freshed take Sold lis cent To for fraudulent purposes Last a number of Toronto people re ceived circulars from Max telling them that for one dollar he would Kive them a sure tip on certain Wool- bine rates There was a warm and specially in terested session of the Dominion Rail way Commission In this on the Chairman KiiHam made it very tear to Hon A others that ho dfd not to at beck and carl who may fancy he has a airing to pull He najd the com plaints of the Toronto of irale wvrc ImporUint comes with every outfit it soothes the irritated mucous membrane of I ho nose throat ami kills the catarrhal restores complete health Its healing anti septic fragrance penetrates to the most air passages as no med icine taken into the stomach can do Immediate relief almost always follows the use of and erieat benefit is seen after a lew days treatment Fleming accompanied and John Thompson came into the Lake- town Tuesday the lllth the trio proceeding to imbibe freely at the two establishments As a re- suit they took on board a slmt jag which proceeded to tote tip and dov11 the main street One of the trio fell through a party then The two were afterwards placed under arrest ami brought before magistrate The complete outfit costs A by only and consists of an inhaler Jacls that can he carried In or lhe two purse ami will last a lifetime add were medicine dropper and a of artd tin other again If this Is not sufficient for Vc3t ol a complete cure aldiUonal bottles I Smith of can be obtained or SO taU that all four chafes will be ccatft pressed to the limit Compare this small expense with If you cannot your dealer It will be forwarded by I notice if any- further charges one mall- postage paid on receipt of price Write lor consultation blank that will entitle you to ser vices of our medical department without Booth Building were laid against his licence he would lose An is to be made Iron ore deposits and water powers of it worth something to know that Burns Chicken Houses Tool Sheds etc have fireproof roofs Wire Edge Ready Roofing is absolutely fireproof ami waterproof and practically It is cheaper than shingles and lasts a lifetime We will send yon a free sample Test it yourself copy of our illustrated booklet Wire also mail a We will Hrdwte tore it ff you on It oh