Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , June 8, 1906, p. 5

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FRIDAY JUNE ONTARIO Capital Stock Paid It EST Toui Office Toronto President General Hanger NEWMARKET BRANCH A Banking General TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposit DRAFTS ISSUED AT ILL I I Draft Collections American Farm Notes ltd promptly attended to Manager LEGAL J Notary Public Main Newmarket to Security County Council The County Council commence on Monday June The Wardens annual excursion to Niagara will take utace on the following day MANS At Marconi has allied with him the present time less telegraph stations 0 hc scientists ami most North York Constables Alber Banbury VV L EAST GWILLIMBURY I Boyd Richard Sharon Alfred Cain Cook Mount Albert Buggy Upset One day last week a horse Was frightened at a street car at Sykesjtbat corner and turning across the track distributed upset the buggy completely wonder nobody was hurt and owner got on with little damages Died In the States Kiteleyt Jos Sharon Link John Queens v ill Cornelius Mount Albert Newmarket Hillock Lee Clark SOLICITORS SO Dominion Bank Cor TORONTO Private end Trust Fund to Loan at Current most evenwhere terouuiMciwHiaiit the lie has the able too list all fittest now- living in this country Mr Thomas A For a j Isles Italy China Edison and Dr I the two in Germany the Congo University have been retained Free State one each in Belgium suiting engineers Under these con- Newmarket Holland and Montenegro nineteen motions it is not difficult to predict Holland Landing Canada and five in United States the future of wireless telegraphy Josiah Sharon these latter being located at Ine- only is that we are apt Parish Albert- Mr P frwinot Winnipeg went Babylon and Long to rather than over- ITfticsK Mount Albert over to Creek to visit J Marthas estimate its possibilities his brother Mr Jared Irwin former- south and transPacific Newmarket While there he a grand total of telegraphy Is already an sick and died at toe residence of snore stations in all Three of these his nephew Dr J on stations are provided for distances miles is a 29th of May transmitters easily capable daily occurrence and when selectiv- barristers Conveyancers Choppln over Billiard Parlor Herbert Aurora will alio beat on and court Row Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora to mil INSURANCE J fl Agent ffJr and Life Companies Money lo Loaninterest at Current Rate At the Poet Office Newmarket Duncan AUCTIONEER- Lacrosse We clip the following from the NewsLetter From present indications it appears that will bis season have theiP ered transmitters easily capable of sending messages across the Atlantic shall have been more fully oied who shall say that every tele- we Include the British and line and every submarine not be relegated to the fastest twelve that ever represented the town doubt the strongest one in the The winners have for the last two years been intermediate champions and will be in at the fin ish of this season Aurora navies there are almost two shall not be reiegaicu to Hie scrap hundred ships that carry Marconi pile and messages sent to the rcmot- Atlantic fleet of liners est corners of the earth as easily a now gent a usine this service alone numbering ace thousand miles Our district is without SeVfenty vessels the lines There are few places on this round are the Allan American Anchor ball of ours that remain Atlantic Transport Belgium Packets Pole is one them Transatlantic the Antarctic Circle is another Lloyd HamburgAmerican Red of ore the obstacles that have White Star NavagazioneGehcr- fronted the intrepid have and are collecting ale and tbe not alone been the Ice and but formidable aggregations while Line Other naval pastor in sbore staiion and treats his subject J the approximate cables to that could not be at any time proves reaeh Pole K afTBi Collected Street Newmarket a- Bolton Practical Painur and Lane and ford will hare last years champion twelve almost unbroken I BB Methodist Church Services were well attended last Sunday Rev Bedford of Aurora ex changed pulpits with the pastor in the morning The Man with much originality In the evening Rev J continued his observations on the text My yoke is easy and My bur den is light Mr Blue ami Miss Ironside contributed a duett and also assisted with the anthem The pastor expects to assist in the services next Sunday Conference convenes in Toronto on Thursday morning of next week Ministers meet on the day previous and merchant marine are being fitted the isolation Given communication as fast as they can be built and the civilized world and nothing ship that does not carry Marconi in- can prevent these men who are may well be said to bea with the spirit of Columbus menace to traffic on high seas A method by the Marconi Company by an operator on from reaching the coveted Peary- carries on his ship the Roosevelt wireless apparatus and has establish ed wireless connecting with mainland That he will is more than probable thai tolt insure a perfect service a mil ta comes from either of the tele- that S J l graph companies to any one of tint o a factor that n hoc stations for transmission to There are a ship at sea operator in he orc of course must Know somewhere near- of Marconiair is here to stay and tire where the ship is This coming wireless age will be Brlefets Mr Thomas little through the skylight he is enabled to do easily and quick ly by consulting his communication which is printed and issued at the first o each month Should the ship he desires to communicate with be farther awav than the range of his girl who fell instrument will permit him to send in the a ship that is somewhere last week between Then he sends his message an graphy era of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Paper at If desired NEWMARKET LATEST IN Mo- merits and Head Stone Call Before Ord trior JAMES Wonderful Invention Telegraphone Expected to Revolutionize Methods of Corres pondence The Telegraphone is an in vention be which the human voice is recorded and stored on a simple wire kept in touch with throughout thin sheet of without the use In addition to ibis re- ot any agency other than the Bank around again as lively a cricket to the nearest vessel from whence it three weeks in turn transmitted to more Sunday distant one In this way not only Air Hewitt has been showing his VeSscl W cached but it artistic ability on Mr entire trip now be sent to ships carrying waves even to the minutest whisper i Marconi Ions distance receiving ap- or respiration arc faithfully The certainty transmission nings reslderee and it looks line Mr Stephen Doyle and Mr Hill have both put in granolithic walks to their residences Mr Amos Wilson is having a new foundation put under his residence Mr Cane has Invested in a new autocar Mr Cane as well Every man hates to pay taxes but he loves to call the Chief on the slightest provocation and because roads anrl streets are not in better condition I lay telegraph service messages of electromagnetism and it is impossible to destroy the record except a magnet be used to even greater in wireless telegraphy wipe it off The Poulson invention than where a wire is used lor the is a perfect talking machine and the slightest break in the wire will cut absence the harsh mcbalic sound oft and wireless tele- found in ordinary gramophone records Here l I have lot Work Horses that be before the hired girls Is up for she says she wont to them any longer and we want her to leave so help me difficulty by the A Newmarket Livery GREAT SCHOOL Police Court Last Saturday afternoon Lloyd heard tle ease of Robert vs John lKth of Holland Landjng in which the latter was fin ed and Costs to be paid in days days in gaol at hard labor It was a assault ease in which Mr Woodcock for the plaintiff awl Mr for the defendant lawyers protested against the Cols as he was appointed for Newmarket and Aurora but the information Was laid here and J he Col declined to le influenced In any way by their opin ions He declared he was boss of the situation In the ease which came up on Saturday evening the lad was found guilty but sentence was deferred the down The new method telegraphy has likewise filled a void where cable links were lacking between lands for instance Montenegro has been con- White Charles Ravenshoe Young Richard Wm Baldwin Corner Peflerlaw Lyons James ti Virginia Park Henry Vachell Rut tie John A Sutton West HOLLAND LANDING Evans Win Kitchin Ernest KING Harry V Lloyd town William Newmarket Francis A Hamilton Wesley Laskay Jeffrey Phillip Nobleton Robinson M Stewart Win TvSchomberg Thompson Stephen Bradford Walsh John NEWMARKET P J Savage John Cain Michael Duncan Francis Peter Low William Trivett George NORTH Bi Atkinson Thomas Jacksons Point Boyd Roachs Point Draper Pair barn James Grant Duncan Sutton West Mann Keswick Marsh Robert Roachs Point McNeil Joseph Sutton West Taylor Thomas Sutton West Joseph OBrien Paisley Lemon Pcnnock Elijah Perry Charles Saunders John Reynolds Ringwood PO SUTTON WEST Grant Peter Peter WHITCHURCH Brown Robert Campbell Stewart Dougherty William Lehman II Ringwood Lundy Edward Pine Orchard Charles Pine Orchard Welsh Arthur John Vivian 4 NEWMARKET JACKS FOR I I Special This Week dozen Hose Ladies Misses 10c pair pairs for 100 dozen Ladies Vests Long Sleeves Short Sleeves and Sleeveless Worth up to each for fa 300 Yards of Matting Regular 20c yard for Toronto Jobbing House SixtyFive Drowned Riga Livonia May 30 An notable The men behind ttc scheme claim that its commercial pos sibilities are unlimited Attached to the telephone the ma- loaded excursion steamer capsized of chine records the conversation here yesterday evening drown- both parties If a man desire sixtyfive persons that a continuous public service is maintained across the Adriatic Sea Like equipments are als installed Ik ports of and La brador A recent invention Mar coni called an electromagnetic wire detector makes it possible to receive as fast as an can send them awl as to the accuracy transmission it is as perfect as lhc Morse system today There has been little In the transmitting ap paratus in recent years except that high power generators have been sub stituted for those of low power but the aerial wire system from which Eater any time logue free J ELLIOTT Principal Victoria College Mission Band Pour students Victoria College HOUSEKEEPERS CHEMICALLLY PREPARED any time The metal discs cost about cents ami never wear out A letter may be dictated on one or both sides mailed to another parly who alter hearing the letter read in the senders natural voice wipe it with a magnet and use the disc again It is believed that the disc type of the Telegraphone is destined shortly to revolutionize all methods of corres pondence both private and commer cial doing away with typewriters pen ink paper The wire uses Include all forms of direct dictations tele phone recording long distance tele phoning correspondence hint ruction purposes It is the ion to rent at a year It is expected within two years to have on the telephones in Canada The wire will record an tire an entire book ora tion evidence at court trials etc and tbe records remain indestructible and and oil flrio withjut lewder or other aid handy PRICE AT A AND A SMITH Boyds Livery Baa to by tor of the will prompt attention BOYD Old the messages are sent out oil the one boys father promising to pay all the nam and received on the other have costs amounting to improved thanks an coni painstaking investigations and nurneioua experiments Tiijj Marconi wireless telegraph has closely followed the history of those Toronto who are spending the modes of transmitting Intelli- in the Interest foreign mis- Kence electrically the among of Toronto telegraph and tlc Well and Hamilton and the Marconi company are vlrtuall- Commenced a series of meetings in repeating the history of the Western Newmarket on Wednesday evening Tjnlon and Hell companies When under auspices of the Morse Introduced bis first working league apparatus It was not before he The Hand composed of the had a imitators Hell lowing I Robertson who to contend with numerous other men is under appointment to West China w invented telephones after ho had as representative of Wesley Church them how the thing was done Hamilton Harold P Is wrestling with the of wires and magnetic Influence had Kori of tW Dr Cor- questionable inventors respited in recording responding Secretary of MissiooB in As in the cases Morse and Hell Western are Mng the soloist of Hand as rapdly as the process of law a member London Conference will permit every decision and N leader handed down If a victory for Marconi of the Hand who Is under appoint- his fundamental patents are s to West China as represents- drawn that those who have live the Toronto West District deviled appara- cannot get over under around young men are excellent speak- through claims For this reason the Marconi Com panys future Is an assured fact Sunt sure as the Western Union and the Bel A reign of terror exists in Province Russia The Hell Telephone Company have been granted a five years franchise in Berlin Forty Mexicans are reported kill ed in a strike riot at Greens mines in Mexico Tin I It have orderel one thousand more Ikx cars to be built at the Angus shops Karl vlsiteit last week and the Agricultural College awl Institute Howard grist mil at was burned night with loss and no insurance White millionaire bank er was killed at Buffalo in a colli sion between an automobile and street car The Council has passed a bylaw increasing the license foe a Wonderful potato Moat Cropper Perfectly Blight Proof Double tbe crop off the same ground and every one a sound one In troduced in England in at per lbs three later its blight proof and enormous cioppjng features caused the greatest sensa tion resulting in record prices of ail time as high as 51250 per lb being paid and for one tuber Even so recently as September last when Mr Massey Its of Eldoradoa people were amazed and incredulous yet three months later same gentleman received a cheque for 1400 for Its of same variety Free Press England Jan The yield of the Eldorado Potato the kind that brought the record price is reported to run from to lbs from one lb tubers Rural New Yorker New York Jan Introduced here by us in at per lb Eldorado is repeating on a smaller scale the sensation it created in England making the record prices of all time for the US and Canada April to J Connolly Fishers Mis of for April last to Mr Rebel rill Jar vis Street Toronto lis for A great many sales of ID to lbs made to the leading Seed potato growers Ex perimental Farms etc in Canada and ihe These arc aware history of the truly wonderful potato lb planlejl now within two years will yield enough to plant all he acreage you want Every lb planted now is worth Plant now next year sell seed to your friends One lb planted by us June last raised lbs that year Crops of to bushels per acre common Pure Seed per IT Sold only by us In Canada Send for list containing history photos potato checks paid extracts pa- etc Also other kinds SMITH BROS Box MH 28 Beachville Members Canadian Seed Growers Association The invention was discovered to years ago by Valdernar a Danish electrical engineer while i superlntcHlent of a words repeated that several days before phone apart found a crossing com- The rS- S early succumb he spoken fallowing a iaillly of lye that words He realized his great discov ery ami the Invent Win has been devel oped until perfected fcis and splerrdid singerB- arid people of the town turn out to hear them as should we are the three trainrobbers were found at BC wards and were sentenced to life and ColUhoun to years Port Arthurs population is given at by her assessment commis sioner This is Increase over last year and four years ago At Ont Thomas Wod- monopoly for NEWSPAPERS that In both home and for- telephone enjoyed monopoly mission work will be greatly In- many years are practically In of tbe today so also continue Sun- Marconi CrAnpany a vlr- Huntsvllle Town Council have or dered a supply electric meters Rev Oliver Chlttlek formerly and Richard at Essex County telegraph operator were from the ministry and ex- from the Church by tbe Mettio- Conference at this week from tlelr canoe while attempting to run Rapids Detroit Mich May The Erin upbound and towing the schooner was run Into and cut In two by steamer in to in days LAXATIVE Quinine Tablets Druggists refund money If the Clair River Just below St St falls to cure GROVES Clair early today and members box 25c Of the Erins crew were drowned 1 I- r fell Assorted For Spring and Summer Wear IN STYLE FIT AN FINISH IS EVERY GARMENT THAT LEAVES OUR T A L I M T We will bo pleased to talk with you about Goods and Prices O F WILLI NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON MAIN STREET 1

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