i it Liven Tablet ARE tires are the of modern medicine They have accomplished more actual cares do DC more good to more people than any other medicine ever introduced in Canada for the lime they have been on sale are fruit juices They are natures cure for Bad Stomach Dyspepsia headaches Impure Blood Skin Diseases Kidney Trouble Rheumatism Irritated Heart are the juices of apples Oranges figs and prunes These juices are concentrated and by a secret juices are combined in a pe culiar manner This new combination much more active medicinally than fresh juices yet so perfect is the union that acton the system as If they in truth a natural fruit medicinally stronger than any other known fruit To this combination of fruit juices tonics and internal antiseptics and the whole made into tablets These are sold every where a box or boxes for Ottawa miles of the 1 road re before the Ontario cost is estimated at WEAK KIDNEC Mite r Restored to Strength Dr Williams T Providential The Bradford Witness deserves a great credit for its illustrat ed issue last week The printing is excellent arid he matter is of such ftn character that it will much the citizens of that town Bad blood is the cause of weak kid neys The impurities of blood clo- the kidneys so that her are un able to perform their workup separ ating the waste matter from the blood the bad from the Rood- The V During Fridays session of the Com mons the vote in aid of the San Francisco sufferers was put Mr Fielding intimated to the House that the Government had as certained that no objection would be taken by the United States authori ties The marriage of King Alfonso to Princess Victoria was celebrated at Madrid on May The entire night previous had been passed amid a din of fireworks singing and danc ing an early hour on Thursday all along the royal symptoms of diseased Sidneys are nu- tee the streets wor thronged with The dull sunken eye the the The Princess seemed coated tongue the backache weak to jartfelt shaky knees sallow Swollen face all demonstrations of joy and what is This disease- The bridal ceremony was celer must not be neglected Every in the churcu of St in cure is a Rear which was magnificently nearer Disease that trou- adorned- for the occasion The hie is incurable Do not waste time of the wedding was ac- money on a medicine which acts claimed by the firing of artillery on the kidneys It may relieve jutes and was wildly acclaimed by but it cannot cure you The trouble the populace The appearance the be permanently cured must be treat- along the line of march to through the blood Good blood am the place where makes healthy kidneys Dr Williams dials were celebrated aroused the Pills actually make new rich p to the highest pitch of emotion blood why they cure when Flowers were showered upon the Si If the Minister of Agriculture en tertained the notion demoting spe cially Si or other amount of the to Agricultural Societies gray iner cure Flowers were showered to Spring Stallion Shows be ought medicines tail Thousands princess from street balconies to have so informed the House and hie this pigeons let loose carrying the societies of the Province long be- Among them is Roy David- ftying streamers and ribbons fore the last week in May It would with his uncle Mr public Maclean near raacria Mr Maclean says My nephew Roy fi be exchanged for Toilet Soaps for you rive to pay out money eVery week SOAPS can get thei SOAPS in every package or write us for Premium List V Xgift is value if it consists of something have no use for need and use I a In exchange for every day SOAP COUWN Lover I Soap Coupons you can get something you For the Era save people surmizing tat certain Associations had inside knowledge or that politicians had a pull An announcement in Legislature would have reached the general public The Glories of Springtide BY A BANKER buy We do ask you to SEE the Tudhope Carri ages We will show you just the style of carriage you want for the road for every day use and for the family make them all And remember too that Carriages are guaranteed by best known makers in Canada THOS BUZZARD Newmarket The Ontario Government has ap pointed Mr James of Cornwall to be chairman of the new Railway and Municipal Board at a salary of per annum- This Board was treated by the legislation of last session and will be composed of two other members not vet ap pointed Mr Leitch is a man of ex- tensive legal and municipal experi ence so it is said and is regarded by the Government as eminently Qual ified for the position ft is a big and he should do something for it Dominion Parliament The bill to incorporate Toron to Union Station Co has been re ported by the Railway Committee station is to be owned conjoint- by the and but will be available to all steam rail ways entering the city as may j agreed upon or upon terms fixed by the Railway Commission The formation of a Canadian Pro testant Confederation to resist po litical Romanism was suggestion made in the address of Grand Master before the Grand Lodge of British North America of the Orange Order whose annual ses sion was held in Toronto last week Dr had a lot to say about Roman Catholic but it is quite within the recollection of many when his were hand and glove with the socalled aggressors Anything now to beat had weak kidneys About a rear he took the measles ami this left him in a bad state His kidneys were so weak that were incapable of per forming their functions He suffered from backache weakness and restless ness For a he had to leave school Our family doctor was unable to help him In fact be told me that might never get better that the disease would worse I then procured a supply of Dr Wil liams Pink I had used the Pills myself with great benefit and felt confident they would cure Roy He began them and continued their use until he had taken a half boxes which fully cured him He is now stronger better than he ever vVas and neither study nor work about the farm seem to fa tigue him I believe Dr Williams Pink Pills saved him life of misery Dr Williams Pink Pills do just one tbirnc but do that thoroughly They actually make new rich red blood which feeds and every nerve and organ in That is why this medicine cures such common ailments as anaemia weakness headaches and indigestion palpitation of the heart and the ail- which make the lives of so many women and young girls miser- able Dont take something else which the dealer mar say is iusti as If you cant get the genuine Pills from your dealer send to The I Dr Williams Medicine Co ville and get them by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for fonsp and Princess Victoria had a terribly dramatic sequel thjs after noon While he and his bride were on the way home from their wedding a bomb thrown at King and from a third storey window was deflected by an electric wire ami did its deadly work upon the Royal attendants The breadth of a wire stood between death and Spains King and the wire held but at least six teen persons most of them being of the personal and military escort arid others spectators were killed Many others were injured Several of those killed were stand ing on the balcony of the house which the bomb was thrown The explosion occurred just as the royal couple were about to enter the pal ace A year ago to the day an attempt on Alfonsos life was made in Paris while he was driving from the Opera House with President The King and the President had driven along the Avenue after the performance and just as the car- cent horse chestnut its lofty strengthens Hi- w the body What a spectacle of vivid coloring and gorgeous beauty do the gardens and the lovely lanes and the wreath ed and festooned hedgerows of old England present in late springtide The flowering trees and shrubs are now a very blaze of bloom while the oorders are revelling in a kaleido scopic display of many varied hues ranging the deep crimson of peony arid the flashing royal scarlet of the herbaceous poppy through the unnumbered glowing tints of purple blue iris golden daylilies spring lupins and many another beauty of the flora world to the grace of the pendent racemes of the bleeding heart or the lovely subdued hue of the forget-me- not more brilliant still are the shrubs trees so many of which are now clothed in a positive glory of brilliance The showy labour num arrayed in a countless profusion of pensile tasselled sprays of flowers each flower dashed with a double streak of crimsoned umber that imperial monarch of all flowcr- trees the handsome and was swinging into the Rue j spreading boughs anil branches loaded voli a man sprang forward through with innumerable erect spikes can ine cordon of police and threw a bomb which passed clear over the royal carriage hit a cuirassier of the guard on the shoulder and fall ing on the ground exploded and wounded many spectators An in quiry proved that tho bombs had been supplied by a group of Spanish anar chists Twenty were killed and sixty feathered flowers of white and gold and pink hawthorns some covered with a profusion ol crimsonpink others mantled in white as though shrouded with virgin snow with lilacs adorned with a mass of hanging clustered I plumes Of mauve or pure white or damasked purple snowy in Senator Robert recently appointed to position delivered his maiden speech last and made about oclock fire broke Fire at Agricultural a Loss Out May Lot Portland Cement RAVEN LAKE BRAND I j a good impression He spoke in fa vor of the bill to allow the Vancou ver Westminster and Yukon Railway J to construct a branch from their line through Yellow Head Pass to Edmonton The bill passed with an amendment by Hon Senator Scott Secretary of State providing running rights over that portion the road through pass for other lines on terms agreed upon or fixed by the Railway Commission also robed in pure white in the attempted assassination a vision of scarlet or mauve of the Spanish King ami Queen at and many another Madrid lavishly arrayed in all its floral voooc glory And with what varied tints is the Fighting in Morocco leafage of the groves and coppices now adorned not it is true in the Southern Country Given vivid glowing hues of autumn when the trees of the forest arc ablaze in a fire of scarlet and burnished gold and rich auburn and amber but Whole Over to Fire and Sword May News has been received here that the perpetual an- j endowed with a soft and beauty preferred by some to more enrichments of mn The graceful birch and the or beautiful larch are now a dell- save j tain of a notorious emerald the leafy oak and the it upstairs contained all the tor is being attacked by the majestic beech are also avjvid agricultural dishes tables and chairs forces in the provinces of paler green and leaves Park Avenue NEWMARKET Town Carting All orders for moving and general carting left at the residence of Mrs Hunter rear of Public School will prompt attention Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our See the Bathroom Outfit at the THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SON Opposite Grocery The Senate one day last week dis cussed at considerable length the question of limited divorce Several Senators favored attaching a clause to bills of divorce that in order to discourage the violation of the mar riage vow that whichever one was found guilty they bo denied the pri vilege of remarrying during the life time of the applicant for a divorce Others wanted to relegate the ques tion of divorce to the divorce courts hut this view was not largely enter tained Court divorces as illustrat ed in the neighboring Republic did not strike the noble Senators as something desirable to be repeated in Canada A change some direction Is Imminent divorces have been granted this session for banquets The lower part was filled with new implements belonging to an agent Everything was a com plete loss The hall was insured for The cause of the fire is as yet unknown Had No Money to Burn I worked for John Rockefeller once says a Boston landscape gard ener One morning I was out In the grounds doing some work a in on the flowers plants as I work- I Pretty soon the old man strolled out that way and when he came up to where J was said in a quiet I never had money to hum I tumble for a and he there looking at me I have managed to put few dol lars he continued but I never had any money to burn It came to me all at once what be meant and throw the cigar away Next morn- ling when he came around there I was not smoking He came up with a smile on his face and saW Well the stove Isnt going today Cannot bo Cured With LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they cannot reach the seat of the dis ease Catarrh Is a blood or consti tutional disease and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies Halls Catarrh Cure taken Intern ally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces Halls Ca tarrh Cure la not a quack medicine A fight in handsome are In 2d of the as snow and soft as velvet while the darker and more sombre hue of the Scotch flrs con trast with and brings Into stronger relief the more varied shades of those and other deciduous trees Yes this fair earth of ours has tru ly adorned by the beneficent Creator with a grace and comely beauty which if seen lor the flrst time would overpower and startle And that beneficence is still more abundantly displayed by the gracious loving Redeemer having in order to give mankind the opportunity of at taining to the heaven suf fered Himself to insulted and ami last week tribesmen being killed Fighting on a bigger scale is imminent Moga- is practically blockaded on the land side is plundering car avans with impunity within sight ol walls of Mogador The unrest is largely due to the hostility to the re forms adopted by the Algeeiras con ference All classes of Moors are de termined oppose the introduction of a European police force A Vienna Riot was a great Vienna May There demonstration here today of small a death And He rom physicians in this country for years and Is a regular prescription It Is composed of tho best tonics known combined with the best blood purifi ers acting directly on the mucous surfaces The perfect combination of the two ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results In curias Ca tarrh Send for testimonials free J CHENEY It CO Props Toledo Sold druggists price Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation ooo Big Fire at Chicago to whomsoever will accept that great salvation oo Could Not Fool Her largo cooperative stores ft led to a riot in parliament whith er the demonstrators marched to lay their The police a banner whereupon trie demonstrators swept police away ami to- wards Chamber of Deputies r the glass doors at cities for the first trance Several deputies hastened to tsrct4 her doors upon hearing the tumult U and they were seriously l Among Luper eventually ad- dressed crowd and Induced them visit lo ol to leave Later the Prime Minister J in a in condemn- J5fJ wrote Cousin William to the top of one of tall A man who has an in No a yacht Jumps up and down when forced to Ret on another tack Many a man who wakes up and flidn himself famous goea to Hie police for their action Chicago May Fire early destroyed Armour Company ele vator at Street Willi tic elevator were destroyed bushels of- wheat corn eats Four men employed in the elevator were hurt one fatally The loss was es timated roughly at between arid Michael the Irish Nation al died Wednesday night il but It la Bay nd follow he again arid sleeps it off A for Plleo Itching Blind Protruding Piles are to bed refind If OINTMENT fails to cure to days ft Orlllla will a tiy- lav on June for went with us All til country round hire said where this populous city now stands was under lalo once Where are we I Was this all Canadian and Canadian pub- 1 Ml lie life a new standard- of duct We need a few men who f look willing to become martyrs on behalf lliu public Integrity and honesty to t didnt political methods One great any thin I knew that In that direction will abolition thc of all Mlltlcai by mean of j youve more and conmrLnsive Civil in a city before they can Service Acts At least this is W administrative lesson which one learns from a fttudyVof political history of ami the United States Canadian Marine OpO- A woman may that hue- band gqta light never that her shoes arc THE DUKE 25375 STANDARD AND REGISTERED TROTTING STALLION Duke is a beautiful seal brown Stallion about hands high and in stud condition weighs about pounds He is not a pacer but one of the finest trotting horses in America He has trial in quarters in seconds gait inspect this horse before a sire we will guarantee them a present of and a colt without charge if The Duke Is not just as represented one of the best bred Trotting Stallions on the Continent and of greatest Stock on earth Route weeks commencing Monday April 30th MONDAY Hotel from to and thence to Golden Hotel Street for noon to Hughs Hotel Thornhill from to and thence up Yonge Street Hotel Elgin for night TUESDAY Lemons Hotel Aurora for noon Forsyth House Newmarket for night WEDNESDAY Mr Joseph Hills arm Lot Concession King near for noon for night THURSDAY Kleloburg for noon and Woodbridge House for FRIDAY Thistletown for noon and Islington Hotel for night SATURDAY Black Horse Hotel Toronto for noon where ho will until evening when he will go to his own stable Street where he will remain until Monday morning insures living colt payable days after mare foals If colt comes deformed or dies within that time no charge whatever will made 1 REYNOLDS J la chaw St Toronto Loans made to Farmers Five Per Cent Apply to Mr only Disk docs ike nark while half on Not by anything V a for cultivating A for I 1 laTfd Land or ffUJda M iar or the without It For ft by T OUT a poet card for MADE CANADA a CANADIAN COMPANY PRICES TO SUIT TERMS TO SUIT tTQR NAME THE imitiB TORONTO HAMILTON OTtvvA A