Wrt ill Albert Block 3 2nd aid fills I Teeter MOUNT ALBERT every Tuesday at Mrs Terry prepared for Toronto fiTTRtory of Music fie Men 6fol8 company Capital A BRANCH- Total HEAP OFFICE CANADA THE MARKET The crowd seemed larger than usu al Tuesday awl was augmented by a number from a distance which testi fies to the growing popularity of our market Prices butter 20 to eggs chickens or Andrew P Esq J- at Levitt Current Albert Chief lur STATUTE LABOR Statute labor commutation has beep by Council of East limbury for at one dollar per day but all pay rag before June 1st will be allowed a rebate of pet day- the convenience of people living in Mount Albert and- vicinity who wish to Commute their statute labor the Treasurer has arranged with Mr to receive same for him Mr Ed sud denly ill on Sunday hemorrhage of too stomach but is again able to be out James Hushes Who has been spending the Chicago came to A J Hugfoes last week to recuperate after a severe attack of la Mrs- of Toronto spent a time in village on her way to spend the Summer at Orchard Beach Mrs bad intended spendi ng the Summer with relatives fe California but on account of the earthquake has postponed her visit indefinitely tndtiSKoescfcjitfc a hee lino Oran- found to Cobalt the floor of her Mr J Knight l tip morning last week see his returned to Sutton She is quite Symptoms in- for Mr Bros Any the temerity to jt Spring Goods Nice Selection In GOODS GINGHAMS etc r BOOTS AND SHOES AND WALL PAPERS New Styles HATS CAPS READYMADE CLOTHING MILLINERY PERSONA Mr A Davidson Public School Inspector was in town last week Mr of the Newmarket Higl School staff spent Sunday with friends in town Mr Corbet was out last for the first time since his ill ness John Moore was inTorontoon Friday attending a meeting of executive of theCOiOF Mrs Peter of is visiting at the home daughter Mrs- A Everett Mr Everett Hayes was home for a short visit this week Mr Lehman spent Sunday with friends in MOUNT ALBERT Heaters Cheer i HOT BLAST Cook Stoves kitchen Queen ft J ROWLAND Mount Albert ALBERT STORE We carry ft full line of PATENT MEDICINES them REMEDIES and RHEUMATIC CURE yrescriptiona and receive personal attention- day or night BRiEFLETS The Presbyterian has been undergoing extensive rejjaire this Spring It has repfastered and papered and the roof ha shiuglcd Mr- Robert infant son has been seriously ill for some time The View station of the James Bay Railway is almost completed It is quite a handsome frame structure A great many of our citizens are taking advantage of the cheap ready- mixed paints to be had at Rowlands and to improve the appearance of their dwellings The special revival services in the Methodist Church are being continued this week Mr A Cunningham has disposed of the Franklin Roller Mills to Mr Love of Kettleby who will take possession on June 1st See notice in another column East- Council meets tc- day Friday at Sharon REVIVAL SERVICES Owing to the increased interest and attendance at the revival services in Mt Albert the meetings will be con tinued another week night witnesses new converts Altogether there have been about SO Resolve Cards handed out which is somewhat in of the total for the Hart- man appointment Sunday being the regular Quarterly Services the peo ple have decided to Join in with the Mount Albert people in a grand cir cuit rally The centre seats will be reserved for the new converts the evangelist has con sented to remain over for next Sab bath services and it is expected that next Salbath weather permitting will be the greatest day Methodism has ever seen in Albert The Quarterly Love Feast will commence at am and the regular preach ing service Will begin at eleven in stead of This will bo Mr Mc- last day amongst us Let us make it the best The League workers- are planning a unique entertainment for the evening of May Although Festival of the Nations given last year was highly successful the coming event bids fair to rival the former Posters will be out soon Mr of Knox College Toronto was visiting at Mrs a few last week be fore leaving for where he is stationed for the Summer Mr J L Rannie and gentleman friend of Toronto were visiting at Mr J on Miss Emily of Bit1 Train ing School Toronto is home for a few days Mr Kavnnagh was in Sutton a couple of days this week Mr and Mrs J J Terry were in tfce city on Tuesday Messrs J Aylward and attended Horse Show jn Toronto couple of days last week Born To Sir and Mrs Geo Clark on Monday a daughter Born To Mr and Mrs Ed on Satirdar April daughter lumber lastvejek TMaUCcsiiic A very aevere over on Sunday anrf put tlimiii of light- the damage not -being- repaired until Tuesday Mr removed from the Mansion House- Tuesday- to SANDERSON bU I venture Lake is liable to get iydoso of cold lead Bang- bang we hear I from morning Sunday night I used to enjoy the gpnie myself when had a streak Loons arc quite common They sit on the water ami are al most lulled to sleep the musical buzz- of at yard are a Royal Hotfil Mr great nuisance to fishermen in moved in the day Mr is kept busy these days with his team hauling lumber and removing household SUTTON SCHOOL Honor Roll or April H Amy Burc Howard El Taylor f Ernes III Division Jr III Velma Homer Delia Hor ner Dick Deering Brady 1 1 Lena Nelson Cronsbcrry Norman Jean Wilfred Taylor Jr Bessie Carpenter Marjory Allan Sandy Latimer Basil Cross Average attendance On roll BERRY Teacher NOTICE As we have sold the Franklin Mills and are going out of business June 1st all parties having accounts will please call and settle by that date A CUNNINGHAM West Franklin BALDWIN BREEZES Known reswenis ie Winchester repeater and Miss close company with his it word to their behalf nmch hard A ri T tLOYD DruKBlst have you secured SEED PEAS I not we nave very fine lot on hand Also all kinds RED and and TIMOTHY a cat0f American Highest i Also a lull paid for Grain Potatoes Groceries ALBERT PUBLIC SCHOOL Intermediate Room Results of the Test Total number of marks num ber required to pass French Myrtle Rear Vera Walton Floyd Herman Barrett John Smart Leslie Mahan Bertha Ross Donald Shields Oliver Sib ley Gladstone Myr tle Draper 200 Woodcock Barred Rocks Hawkins Orpingtons Clark Buff Bartiets PER SETTING Guarantee every egg a chick or re place at hall price Also White Holland Mam moth Ducks per selling J L Spring is Here Now is the time you heed that new HandMade Harness for the Spring work We Team Harness all complete- from upwards Single Driving Har ness from upwards A full line of Horse- Goods always on hand Also TRUNKS VA LISES If in need of anything In ttie horse line give us a call NOTTINGHAM Saddler One of our wellknown residents in the person of Mrs Peter Riddel pass ed away on Saturday morning after a prolonged period suffering cancer The funeral services were conducted by Rev Boyd at thefatiV ily residence on Sunday pm De ceased leaves a husband and grown up family two sons and a daughter to mourn the absence of a devoted wife and affectionate mother Tuesday witnesses the departure from Baldwin of two of its most widely known residents ie Mrs John Delia a good Our best wishes follow them Mr Stevenson Parry Sound formerly of our parts purchased the homestead which was sold by auction in Newmarket on 21st inst On Tuesday morning last it was whispered round town ihat a baby girl had arrived at Will Ste vensons and also that Mr and Mrs Crittenden were rejoicing over tJtc advent of a son and heir Just observe the smile of mine host and hostess Mr and Mrs Win Crit tenden you greet them as granddaddy Bill and Crit tenden These babies arc 1st cous ins Our hotel has yet received a full license only an extension for months The Col saw that quite a deal of improvements were desirable We hope these will be made So I as there is a licensed house Bald win we hope will be the holder he does not allow young lads about and maintains an orderly house A delicious Mrs Murray made a lie Albert shot Week- The Owl on- joyed it immensely One bird was not killed only winged and to make a pet of it Already Not so Pigeon Bay Lake Etlfer- In their pursuit of fish they entangled in pound nets and make a horrid mess- of twine in tbeir efforts to disengage themselves Occasion ally three or dead birds are found a single draught the nets Mrs removal from Bald- win will add one more to the list of Let Such a beau tiful property should not remain va cant long A couple of local men are sweating to get oft to Cobalt J Aimer Lake of Shore Jacksons has struck it lucky so it is said In that case Lucky Lake shall be his name Walter fires his first kiln of limn this week Andrew has bad a severe attack of what I surmise to be scia tica So extreme the spasms of pain as to be beyond I Oscar Sypber has finished the paint ing of the twins house per fectly to satisfaction Have you a job for him Theres just enough change in style of mens as well as womens head- wear as to make it necessary or those desiring to be classed amongst nobs to invest a new style This is a trick of the trade designed for its financial welfare For all I can see to the contrary a hat of block is just as good as the 61 1906 Mrs Morton is at her fa thers Joel Thompson Brown- hill in a very low condition It is reported that Paul LaCha- store at was forci bly entered on Sunday night and con siderable booty secured A fully charged Winchester repeater always money secured rig whisked ra pidly through this street about three Sunday morning setting all the dogs a bowwowing Perhaps this was the cracksmen Paul LaChapellc intends I am told building a wing to his store to make increased accommodation for his flourishing furniture trade Another cream separator has been installed in our midst Miss Mary aspires to become a member of the local order dairymaids and to win fame as a maker of giltedged butter not so easy a matter as one might be led to imagine One of the most essential features of perfection in this domestic art is absolute and scrupulous cleanliness in every min ute detail Especially about the stables and bedding should watchful ness be exercised If you see such names as Mrs Ben Pleasant Valley Farm that spells Mrs Johnnie Taylor Mrs Mrs Chap man etc stamped on the butter ac cept it without hesitation Its the gold leap brand THE OWL GET THE HABIT PHONE LEEK Teacher I SHIELDS- MOUNT ALBERT i for Sale on hand oW J STOKES Albert Mount Albert Continuation Class Form III Total Jessie Nellie Harrison Form Total Rams- den Lea Eva Cou ples Gertie Moore Merle Jennings Clara Walton We let Form I Total IOCEtta Wilson Bertha Hartnan Millard Steeper Myrtle Clarence Pearson Frank Rams- den FRED Principal THE HOME OF School Reports rf j near fipkwan struck by arid entirely consumed including five SHARON a- Mr Will has moved into the farm house Mr E Penrose recently purchased- from Mr J Stephenson Mlss Phillips entertained a number of young from on Tuesday evening Mr Kenyon of- Toronto was up over Sunday to visit Ms parents Mr Fred has erected a lag pole on his lawn the In this part of the country New ways of doing things and better and more satisfactory of merchandising- are constantly being evolved and threequarters of Mils improvement results to the particular of the public This storVinvites you for what It Is for what It has and for what it does ft depends tor its very existence on satlsfaotion i It gives its custom ers and the fact that its volume of business Is Increasing ought to be proof enough that it keeps pretty well to the front of the proces- afpn Come expecting big values and be as critical as you PAINTS A full line of Robertsons and SherwinWilliams Mammoth Long Mangel Yellow Globe Mangel and Yellow Intermediate Mangel and Royal Beet ONIONS Dutch Sets and Multipliers GROCERY a w for 8 of Soap for for for Prunes for Victoria Cross Salmon per tin of VIrn for Bottle Pickles for inc Wool Valuable A FULL LINE OF CLOTHS PJHELS YARNS ETC ALWAYS ON HAND MOUNT ALBERT a look at- our stock before Wall Finest ever brought to Wall from per roll up a i t kind that wears Full stocky Now is time to put it on Groceries Fresh and at the Lowest Prices Royal Giant Sugar Beet Yellow Globe Mangel Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangel Mammoth Red Mangel Setts A full stock of Vegetable and Flower Seeds from the largest and most reliable house in Canada THE STEELE SEED CO We- have cheap Garden Seeds TOO Mays Seeds pkgs for They are American J CARD EN The Peoples Shoe Store MOUNT ALBERT i Our Spring stock of Ladles Gents Fine Boots and Shoes has rived end you are invited to call and see our when buying your next pair of Shoes Vfo packages- of choice North- assortment to from grown Garden Seeds for Heavy Working Shoes to wear Turnip Seed Mangel Girls School Shoes very best sewed tree of chargO on Shoes bought at the Peoples Shoe Store Fine Shoe and Ordered Work a specialty The Peoples Shoe Store 17 Lehman Prop Opposite tha Sovereign Bank Seed and also Seed Corn for sale HEADQUARTERS FOR FLOUR J the now Food each Package contains a toy 10c ASK fO HAVE YOUR PARCELS DELIVERED G WIGHT SOW The Leading Merchants QUEEN No Total marks obtainable 1st Tab Delia Smith Lyman Watson Vera Melford Nelson 2nd Tab Arley Kclliozton 3rd Tab Lawrence Jr 2 Elmer iu Pansy Sanderson 205 Willie Moulds Hazel 211 if Jr 11 Flossie Watson 212 How ard Jr III Melville Sanderson Aloiifto Cole Gertie Nelson Stanton Jr Sanderson tio Ursula Colo 255 Sr Smith 27Q Clar ence Mary Moulds Percy Cole Emma Watson Anthony 111 every Colo Sanderson Ha Sedore Pansy Sanderson Dolla mur Alonzo Cole Smith General good Arley El lington J A Toacher April A holt of light ning struck the house of Martin a farmer living hear last night setting to and It New Wall Paper roll up New Lace Curtains pair up New Curtain Poles 26c at for 26c New Spring Ginghams 10c yard up New and Voiles yard up i a I old son was Papers Fresh Garden 2 lb Dutch Set Onions Choice Canned Peas tin Corn Tomatoes Jelly Powder foil size reg for Fruit reg for Soda Special Shelled Pea Nuts reg for Pea Nut Butter something tot or for ordinary use lb for 27 lbs of Good Yellow Sugar reg 20o lb at Johnstons Cash Store Sutton t ii