Steele up Hc4 Toronto oKRoocKmmn General Marker NEWMARKET BRANCH General Bating TRANSACTED Interest at in net ISSUED A American Drafts bought to J Barrister Notary Ac Street to Farm Security Unlock Lea Ciart Dominion Bank TORONTO and Funds to Loan at Current Rates Conveyancer Ac Choppin over Parlor Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will on Saturdays and Court J Bom A Co Banker and Ontario Baa Aurora Reformer Block Money to INSURANCE J Agent for Life and Honey to Loan interest at Current Dunn CERTIFIED MIDWIFE AND MONTHLY NURSE Huron Street Newmarket Street Newmarket Practical Painter Millard and DIM In Ware Boom In of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Newmarket Paper- at private If NEWMARKET IK Monuments and Head Stone JAMES More I to lot Work that aw cold Wore the hired a up for she won fc an looker and of the by the t A WIDDllrXD GREAT SCHOOL toy MS Ivyuo J OLD Taougiess tioysi A couple of small boys their parents a great deal anxiety last Sunday evening They went out to the sugar bush in the afternoon after sap and up to oclock at bad not returned It would have been a good deal better for them if they had gone to Sunday School i invited to We omitted to mention last that Mr J H Johnson of Huntsville gives a pressing invitation to the North York Newmarket Firemen or any other local institu tion to visit this Summer and see one of the most charming lo cations in Muskokas farfamed tour ist resort as well as an active and thriving Town Mr Johnson will be pleased to assist in arranging for local sports or anything else that would contribute to the pleasure of an excursion party There Is ample Jioiel accommodation boating- fish ing rockclimbing etc and a trip to would make a splendid days outing high School Athletic Assn On Thursday morning of last week tbe pupils of the High School assem bled in Form I for the purpose of organizing for some line of sport Mr Coombs was called upon to take the chair and after much dis cussion it was decided to form an Athletic Association The following officers were then appointed the chairman of each of the Committees to form the Executive Committee of the Association President A Coombs MA VicePros J Lacrosse Committee Roy Cane Meyer Baseball Committee Johnston J Davis Football Commit Young- Quant J Prospects are bright for a good team in each of the above lines of sport and as soon as the season opens the boys hope to make a good record for themselves with some of the other teams in the neighborhood Methodist Church The services next Sunday will be of a special character Easter sermon Easter music and floral decorations In the evening the choir will render a Easier Song Service The appointment of Mr Hudson Bowman as ClassLeader in lieu of Mr Jos Stephenson resigned was unanimously confirmed by the last Sunday morning Following is the order of the even ing service Organ Intermezzo Holy Holy Holy HYMN Prayer Anthem The Strife is 1st Scripture Lesson Anthem The Story of Old Parks 2nd Scripture Lesson Pulpit Notices Anthem Awake Thou That Simper HYMN SERMON Prayer Quartette There is a Green Hill Far Away ring Anthem The Strife is Oer Mendelssohn HYMN March What the Old Man Says Some people love money because it is money while others seek it be cause of what it will bring to them The former hoard it deprive and others of legitimate pleas ures and finally leave it to be for by all possible and right ful heirs The latter earns the dol lar appreciates value and spends it in bringing happiness both pelf and oihdrs i RHEUMATIC PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED The excruciating pains characteris tic of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly relieved by applying Chamber- Pain Balm The great pain relieving power of the liniment has been the surprise and delight of thou sands of sufferers The quick relief from pain which It affords Is alone worth many tiroes Its cost For sale by Lloyd A man never discover that his wife had a temper If ah didnt lose it I was seated in- million thoughts were born Thoughts of what would be my ser mon for the Easter morn I called to tell the people the goodness of their Christ And to preach the old story but to picture it in life How the came from heaven of His lowly birth His love And for what we all arc searching mid the realm of light above But to find words to express it to my mind Would not be born Not one word for- this great sermon to be preached on morn Down went pen and book and paper then 1 closed my study door Restless the wavy billows paced I up and down the floor For that sermon Oh that sermon Where was I to get it from Yet million thoughts I searched for words and words that would not come Then another hindrance roses as two tiny starlike eyes Peeped just around the corner to trie spot where dolly lies Babys left it in the study down be side her old torn book Near the place she loved to play in which she termed her cosy nook Papa dearie are you busy May I not tome in and play No I almost shrieked quite loud ly you may come another day of for ami Papas busy busy busy yes course you may come in Now be quiet do dont fret me Im deep in studying Bui my papas coss and cuel he does not love me now And I watched the teardrops glisten and her dear wee troubled brow Then it was hard heart softened as I raised from the floor And once more I rose and quickly closed and locked my study door There the great man with his baby seated in his lounging chair From those tiny lips of sweetness heard her little childish prayer As she lisped the words that Papa would be made to love me more Found and preached an Easter ser mon such as neer was heard be fore Christ is risen marvelled at the divine And word pictures that he painted Were at least to say sublime Of how Jesus came from heaven of His lowly birth His love And for what we all arc searching mid the realm of light above The listeners speakers words Baby found the words to tell it that mighty throng Found the words and thoughts the pastor preached upon that Easter morn Ada ioOOc The Little Flower Girl Continued from Page tended her hand to receive it with an almost dazed expression upon her face recognizing the little miss who had but yesterday proved as it seem ed to her a mascot Oh thank you she murmured in a surprised tone I hope your mother is better continued the little miss as she and the fine gentleman turned from the door and began descending the stairs stood for a moment as if spellbound then as if awakening to the situation she stepped to I he railing and looking over called down as they were descending the second fileht with a voice full of gratitude Thank vou maam Thank you maam which reechoed through the bare Weak halt Again in the carriage the couch- man drew the reins flourished the whip when the horses hastened in the direction from whence they came Perhaps in all that great on that glorious Easter morn there was not a heart that throbbed with a sense of greater satisfaction than the heart of that little miss at the thought of the happiness and com fort conferred upon a family In dis tress And perhaps In alMhut great city there were no hearts more thank ful those upon as the grateful mother said It seemed manna had been sent from heaven You will get well mamma wont you exclaimed her happy trio as they with one accord rushed to her and kissed her hands face and neck as she sat with tearful eyes gazing upon the that Jay upon her lap Yes she replied I know I shall THE BEST REMEDY FOB BOWEL TROUBLES FAM ILY CAN AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT IT I regard Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea one of the very remedies for bowel troubles says Mr J Wanton editor of the Despatch Georgia I make this statement after having used the medicine in my family for several years I am without it No family can afford to be without a bottle of this remedy In It la certain to bo need ed sooner or later For sale by Lloyd 9 Its surprising how pretty mo homely women look in novels Naples The inhabitants tin viUesJjnthe vicinity of- Mount fircMna condition bordering tin panic Many homes haVe been abandoned for the open air been a thick fog day and the atmosphere has been dense with volcanic and the fumes of subterranean fires The churches arc crowded day and night with for deliverance from an im pending peril manifestations oi which are heard and felt in explosions which a heavy cannonading and in the tremblings of the earth which arc constantly recurring The main stream of lava proceeding from- Vesuvius is feet wide and It advances at times at the rate of feet a minute the Intense heat vegetation before the stream reached it The peasants of West foot of Vesuvius cleared therr grounds of vineyards and trees effort to lessen the danger from fire and resisted the progress of Java to their utmost The popu lation of on the South ern declivity of the mountain has sought safety in flight and to the Eastward also is threatened Women- of this village weeping with fright carried a statue of St Anne as near as they could go to the flow ing lava imploring a miracle stay the of the consuming stream The cemetery at has been invaded by lava The scene at night is one of min gled grandeur and horror as from the summit of Vesuvius leaps a column of fire fully feet in height and the glare lighting the sky and sea for many miles Occasional ly great masses of white hot stone sonic weighing as much as a ton are from the crater The village of Torre Del Greco which has been eight times destroyed and as rebuilt again is threat ened and the inhabitants arc in ex treme terror Naples April The hope that Vesuvius was becoming calm was dissipated today when the volcano became more active than ever The panic has spread to Naples Two strong earthquake shocks which shattered window panes and cracked the walls of buildings were experienc ed today The entire population rushed to the streets in terror many persons crying The Madonna has for saken the end of the world has come No trace remains of a commune on the Southern declivity of the mountain where up to hours ago ten thousand persons lived ami Torre on the shores of the Gulf of Naples one mile to the Southward is almost surrounded by the invading and has been- by its inhabitants The people were brought to Naples by trains street cars military carts and steamships Transportation facili ties have been sent to Torre Del Gre co to take away the people The po lice and carbineers arc guarding the abandoned houses and several mem bers of the government are also there Terror Stricken A telegram received from the mayor of Sebasciano a village near the ob servatory on the Northwest declivity of Vesuvius says the lava is ap and that he people are terror stricken They have been for nights without sleep he says are destitute and beg that assistance ho given them The work of succor is hampered ow ing to the railway service which is interrupted by red hot stones thrown to a height of feet falling on the tracks And yet it is impossible to count the craters that have opened and from which streams of lava have flooded the beautiful prosperous and happy land lying on the Southeast shores of the of Naples An Inferno The atmosphere is heavily charged with electricity and now and then the flashes of lightning arc blinding the detonations from the volcano re semble In sound a terrible explosion The churches of thu city were open all Saturday night and were crowded With persons Mem bers of the clergy are doing their ut most to calm their fears but the ef fects of their arguments go almost for naught when renewed earthquake experienced With the dan and horror ol the situation aside Vesuvius presents of the most splendid sights Imaginable The streams of are resistless snap like pipe stems the trunks of trees hundreds of years old and blight with torrid breath the blooms on the peach trees before the trees themselves have been reached The molten streams do not spare the homes peasants and when these have been razed they dash Into the wells as seeking to slake their thirst and having- filled them con tinue their course down the mountain side Pitiful Scenes Everywhere In the vicinity of the volcano pitiful scenes are witnessed women tearing their hair in grief and old men crying aloud at loss of their beloved homesteads while In the distance In striking contrast Ho the sapphirecolored Mediterranean the vlolcthued mountains of the Sorrento peninsula and island Capri In the tranquil Artillery carts been sent to the assistance of the fleeing peasants and of Cardinal i School Reports Report for March NO Names in order of merit Edith Johnston Hose Rose- Flossie Johnston Clarence Wright Willie Lewis Nel son Shanks Floyd Cunningham Rob ert Cunningham Jr Ross Grant Wakefield La- Pier Fred Collins Sr LaPier Nora Bait Stanley Shanks Miller Max Vincent Cain May Cain Jr H Frank Wilder Pt II Louisa Miller Blanche Cun ningham Mabel Pt I Bert Rose Present every day Judith Johnston Clarence Wright Flossie Johnston Ross Grant Frank Wilder ROY Teacher No GwllUmbury Dorothy Jr IV Irene Kelley Inez Fuller Hazel Salter Florence Salter Wes ley Squires Ernest Arnold Ernest Ross Jr III Johnnie McDonald Don ald McDonald II Squires Amy Garnet McDonald Pt Vera Manning J IRENE Teacher S No Sadie Burrows Vera Smith Walter Rose Ill Martha Burrows Willie Young 73 Nellie Smith Angus Mildred Lome Burrows 53 Ross Rose Lulu Cowieson Johnnie Smith Ellis Pollock absent Sr Annie Smith Nellie Rose flO Jr Eva Mcin tosh Charlie Mitchell Marjory Smith L Floyd Mitchell Present every day Martha Burrows Willie Young Annie Smith Lila Charlie Mitchell St JOHN Teacher S NO 1st Tab Delia Smith Vera pard 2nd Tab Shcppard Kellington 3rd Tab Lawrence Clar ence Jr Pt Elmer Sheppard Bert- ran Sr Pt Pansy Sanderson Haz el Willie Moulds Jr Flossie Watson Sr Howard Smith Ethel pard Jr III Melville Sanderson Cole Stanton Willie Howard Gertie Nelson Bertie Irons Sr San derson Ursula Cole Smith Percy Cole Anthony Crouton Emma Watson Mary Moulds Fred Johnston David Sweet Ernest Smith Present day Smith Melville Sanderson Howard Smith Mable Sanderson Hat tie J A Teacher SHARON SCHOOL Total Shaw 571 507 337 A Shaw Hall 20 Jr IV Total Barker J Penrose 505 Turncy Sr HI Total Shropshire Penrose Studies Ifi Jr HI Total Penrose Shanks Hall J Jack son 00 Davis Jr Total Stephenson A Playter S Storey Jr Pt L Shropshire Pcterman I Littlejohn Tate Penrose M Doane Shanks Graham Turncy Jr I If Shropshire Wright Graham Wright Average attendance Present day E Shaw Barker Doane Penrose P Hall L Wright Listowcl April Tonight about oclock while some boys about years of ago were out shooting musk- rats along the river of the boys Ross Grant son of Mr J Grant assignee had his left arm shot off be low the elbow by the accidental dis charge a carried by one of his companions or St Dunce or Fulling write for nd on wch Co Street Toronto All tell or can yon T WE Will soon be on Dont spend your time hunting for the right kind of j When everything in that Hue can be had at this store at rock bottom prices JACKS FOR HIRE ALLAN I A ft -OF- Prints to Choose Prom Special Value at yard- Toronto Jobbing House a a ooo Nov is a good time to make your selection for a Spring Suit as our stock is well selected of Tweeds and Worsteds Oar Style Pit and Workmanship Is tbe Best Give us a trial and be convinced 1 F WILLI NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON MAIN i4 Aborts that Mark while ritual led an Ulna aUa built for cultivating A fired Bed rail KaoA tUw or after Look lor Kone without wet Sale by and by T oWT Drop pott card tor GROCERIES r CHOICEST FRESHEST I Lemons Orarea Nuts Candles the Beat fine Dates Cured- Beat Flour rnd you can get Best Coal OH Day or We Oil Tank Correct Measure- No Spilling AND SEE US I Sand and ravel aell6ffd by promptly to for mo i A JNV We the of Rag f it Patent txamcU4 fiat taoder a pur tew po f wr pp MlJa