Will at Albert BrocAo Block on 2nd aid Ok Tuesday of each month I MANAGER Jersey Grades for Sale W from months to feus old have been bred Freeh Cows For further particulars apply to STOKES Albeit for Sale CHURCH REMOVAL The officers of he Methodist Church have decided to tear down Hie pres ent building and rebuild on the Council Meeting The ordinary monthly meeting BALDWIN BREEZES PINE ORCHARD of acres cloEe to Mount Albert having thereon good 3rick House Bank Barn well fenced well water- and in good slate of cultivation DAVIDSON Mount Albert Lie Liverpool London INSIJKANCK COMPANY lot The work Will probably the Council took place in the Town not be commenced until spring Hall on of December Members present Deputy Reeve Grant Coun cillors Taylor and Burrows- THE MARKET Tuesdays market was an exception Mr John Thayer met the Council ally Rood one both as regards attend- to get a rebate of oft his taxes and prices butter to 23c account of a dog that had been eggs to chickens to killed weeks after being assessed for geese turkeys to ducks per pair to As in last weeks news j Track-laying- is progressing very ra- has been a flareup in our mar- on the James Hay line The To please the taste ami con- rails are now laid to five entente a few the date has been south of where the work changed from Monday to Tuesday is stopped awaiting the completion As the mouthpiece of many patrons of some bridges Several of the i say they arc dissatisfied with the gang participated turn of affairs The better way Newmarket on would have been to call a the next in a free fight in Saturday last and morning paid Co for their fun HEAD CANADA Gautt Andrew J Dipiitj hair man ley ion Ir Alex of V DA CSMITH tot Dominion ANNIVERSARY The annual anniversary of the Zephyr Methodist Sunday School will be held on Sunday and Monday Dec I and On Sunday a special service for the children will be held at pm and on Monday evening a tea will be served in the school room of the church followed by an excellent program by the pupils of same The Deputy Retire advised him to renew his application at the special meeting of the Council to be held on iDec to the Miss Mabel Hill left last week to secured a position in meeting and discuss the pros ami cons ol the matter Win Crittendens annual shooting Toronto match will be on this Friday Liberal prizes and firstclass birds At a meeting held here on are promised evening a Beef Association consist The Loonier boys consider they in of twenty shares was formed hftVe Secured nite J vmw News Items wild pigeon j feeding v tcrlftbs tire the weathernow iff as and will dispose of his There ate not houses ini stock by auction in the VJ ttc our friend Ml few days eltlng Oils and Goggles Guns and Ammunition SHE MOUNT ALBERT scured a genuine passenger or the farmers of this locality They shot it whilst er member is needed to complete the There are no domesticate number course of a 0 I DONT GIVE IT AWAY Wool is Valuable This Year Sell to are marrying next week or two But dont let a impression he has made in Gum being quite an old raw it a Mr in tcvn on Hill was be turned out of their a deep tueensMiie was in ih iv and man his recovery is very doubtful Mrs Lemon of visited cor- with her mother Mrs for impression but he also has few days last week a as A FULL LINE OF CLOTHS FLANNELS SHEETINGS BLANKETS YARNS ETC ALWAYS ON HAND places to make room in interest and uy Goods Sell Them My says charge but one that Tuesday calling on a of he ratepayers Mr roakc announces as a candidate for l East Gwillimburys Township I J nr Vicnmv mental impression of his observant teacher is a great Mr P celebrated his birthday on Saturday last He is active and is able to read wit A fiave missel avocation I should and Esau and have been a wood and- dealer of another book Mr Nichols had a v success- to us- aboutJajout gfasses taking a keen interest in news contained in his daily long Thats all that we There are no other considerations to up our lime an days a we manage to keep busy Oir advertisements always you to tee our display hut we make most our gain most of our new friends and do Ibe our Vest advertising while are a visitor or rather cur goods do It for us the per GEO SON MOUNT ALBERT OfeOtybbtyo recovery AN EMERGENCY MEDICINE For sprains bruises burns scalds and similar injuries there is nothing so good as Chamberlains Pain Balm It soothes the wound and not only gives instant relief from pain but supper at six ion consequence causes the parts to heal in about supply of Furniture shows third the time required by the usual no weak spots It is compete treatment As it is an antiseptic arouml fcm losing to the great number of T ALLAN THEAKER adoumment clock Auctioneer voice suffered somewhat Wedding bells once again Abach- of the large number of A Ismail articles sold but- he had tjn wjU it on Thursday morning m informant Dame This end of the village seems cut didnt fly away she oft from the rest of it since St the remotest of so doing Hotel has been closed altogether hope we shant suffer in business in j 1 Rude Rude A lady of these parts ias t habit of staying salo being not to repeat Dee Junelown cheese factory one of the best in was destroyed this morning by fire thought to have originated in the boilerroom There is a- total insurance of which will cover the loss m m Mount Albert Planing and Sawing Mills I SUDDEN DEATH Cold Winter Has Come Again Miss em taken ill on Tuesday morning with And with it comes the thought of its hemorrhage of the lungs Towards noon she fell so much improved that We have a nice assortment of Mens took her place at the dinner voting people entering wedlock in the J near future There was more than one noticed at Mr Nichols sale and fr- the bidding for do as usual but in short time UNDERWEAR Youths and Boys also Ladies and Childrens which we have marked down to the LOWEST NOTCH GROCERIES Oui Groceries are complete in ev ery way and we mean only to get Albcr Cemetery best- and you will find it to your interest to deal with us THIS NEW STORE MEANS BUSINESS WWSHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT got friends to hem Have you seen Dixons new store frorn the inside yet If not do so Fish we wish you success conspicuously absent Like the Ku gang and White Caps of Western States score of our local Vigilance Committee went trooping in Dont you dare come in here MUST BE QUICK Pains iu the stomach and attacks of the colic come on so suddenly and are so extremely painful that imme diate relief must be obtained There is no necessity of sending for a doc tor in such cases if bottle of Cham berlains Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy is at hand No doc tor can prescribe a better medicine For sale by W T Lloyd Poors Sash and all kinds of Dressed Lumber hind Get the material for your bouse ready this spring and save money Lumber and Shingles CUT CHEAPER THAN ANY PLACE NORTH OF TORONTO was seized a second attack and expired a few minutes ceased lady was an old and highly esteemed resident of this vicinity and a consistent member of the Church in which she was an The will of John Marshall she barricading the In anil photographer bequeathes an estate including cash I that it wa est securities in mortea IS our j teemed friend bench worker The Thursday afternoon was tended and she was laid funeral largely to rest On at- in occupied the their rude trance the committee received a dial reception l I When a child shows symptoms of goods croup there is no time to experiment J Preparations with new remedies no matter A CERTAIN CURE FOR CROUP are arc opening their being made for Queen Heaters Good Cheer HOT BLAST Cook Stoves COAL WOOD Kitchen Queen Range J ROWLAND Mount Albert GRIP QUICKLY KNOCKED OUT Some weeks ago during the severe winter weather both my wife and contracted severe colds which speedily developed into the worst of la grippe with all its symptoms says Mr J leston of Maple Landing Iowa Knees and joints aching muscles sore head stopped up eyes and nose running with alternate spells of chills and fever We began using Chamberlains Cough Remedy aiding the same with a dose of Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets and by its liberal use soon complete ly knocked out the grip It is a good plan to take a dose of the Tablets when you have a cold They promote a healthy action of the bowels and kidneys which is always when the system is congested by a cold or attack of the grip For sale by Lloyd tjUEKNSVILLB The Hot How Supper on Monday last was a huge success in every vay The tables were filled the first time at live oclock and wm now the usual entertainments at highly they may be recommended and There is one preparation that can hath Schools be depended upon It has As a rule n always be depended upon It has been in use for many years and has never been known to fail viz Cham Cough Remedy Give it and a quick cure is sure to follow Mr of Market Tex- As a rule youll necr refuse what is morally certain to be her last chance She grasps it as drowning man would a straw A really refined lady wears hut liU tie jewelry It Cough Remedy in severe cases of croup with my children and can truthfully say it always gives prompt relief For sale by Lloyd NEW GOODS for th TRADE AT ALBERT DRUG STORE Pure Paris Green In hulk and put up by Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot We aUo a full Patent Medlc4at among Remedies and Cute til eight oclock attentive and cour teous waiters ministered to the wants of the inner man All kinds of wellcooked fowl and dainty cook ery were there in abundance The program was varied and interesting The lecture by Rev Johnston was very interesting and instructive Was enjoyed by all j had the misfortune I to fall and injure his side on jday evening vas lbe for a day or two hut ate pleased see him out again The trustees of our school have hired Mr Power and Miss for another year A school con cert is on the slate In the near fu ture Re on the lookout for further announce Miss Minnie White of Is visiting Miss Mary week Mr amiMrs A went to v may answer very as says of it I have used Cham- well for lassies and young women to sport lockets bracelets brooches and a superabundance of like ornaments but it looks absolutely vulgar to see mature dames overloaded with such trinkets The face as an index of character There are marks and prominent points in he human countenance and also the animal that as clearly in dicate the as inkmarks on paper It is a useful as well as pleasant thing to know these marks as a person may know thereby how to deal individually with persons Especially is this faculty of value to business men and police authorities Look at Sir Wilfrid he is clearly a man of stability and strength of purpose Sir Win is benevolent Premier Whitney selfesteeming the mil- acquisitiveness and shrewd ness Lord Salisbury firmness amount to bull dog tenacity Pres ident Roosevelt skilful diplomacy Our M PP well hes so affected by welled head as to make his char acter almost unrecognizable Per haps might venture a guess a jol ly good fellow when going rounds the Three weeks Gorge vdnewlay to attend the day or wedding of their niece MLss to Mr of LLOYD to wedding parly from Sutton was ferW In town on Wednesday cA fir Arnold Peterson has been sen- a of lt fa years lost Ws and this flrowns crop by Wet on Nov I at Winnipeg a month ago store including LADIES LACE FANCY COLLARS GENTS KNOTS Also the Stock of RUBBERS AND LARAOANS For the Winter Wear is Complete For the next few weeks will make A Clearing in Special Lines OF- MILLINERY ALBERT more till Great Therell be many an dinner pouch that Just Arrived A Fine Lot of Ladies Gentlemens Fancy Slippers the Inlngloj Christmas presents A look our window will convince you that we have the right thing No trouble to show goods Rips sewed free on goods bought from us The Peoples Shoe Store Lehman Prop Opposite Sovereign Pank MOUNT ALBERT is They eace lift day goodhyed to our Settlement were gorxl neighbors scrupulously clean and tidy mansions of vealth I a more cosy log Ross and Moss Some mi on move seeking winter quarters Time was settled never cabin Tomlinson and Sunday at Unci Union St people arc as the was Rich on the Our Stock of Gifts this year is away head of what it was a year ago Going to To ronto almost every week gives us a chance to keep thoroughly in touch with the very latest suggestions Last we cleared what little left entirely out so that now we come with an absolutely new showing of the daintiest prettiest Gifts obtainable Ladies Hemstitched Handkerchiefs in fancy gift boxes hex for Ladies Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs also Hemstitched with fancy Lace Borders Jo and each Ladies Fancy Initial Silk Handkerchiefs very find goods 50c each Ladies Fancy Blouse lengths in handsome presentation boxes SI per box for Ladies Fancy Neckwear Our slock of Ladies Fancy Collars is now on display and includes the daintiest lot of One Neckwear ever seen in Sutton Prices 10c to each Ladies Fancy Work Boxes Sewing Companions Jewel Boxes Manicure Sets Fancy Cellu loid Goods Ac very special lines 25c and higher priced ones ol course We have hundreds of other presents for ladies too numerous to mention o In handsome prescuta- in very fancy Gentlemens Fancy Neckties very beautiful goods lion boxes each Gentlemens Fancy Suspenders extra choice goods done gift boxes pair Gentlemens Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs special each Gentlemens Fancy Neck and Client Protectors special and The Scott Protector keeps neck chest and cars thoroughly protected from cold a new thing just out for first time the three in one special Mens Fancy Lined Gloves to each Many more suggestions for men we havent space to enumerate T As promised In his letter last week Santa came Monday night with his load of Toys Other pretty things He left them all at Johnstons Store where the children can see them and my but he must have had a big load Why just think of it enough to fill the store but light you so the reindeer brought them through all right Hero arc some of the things he brought Toy Watches Tool Sots Toy Pianos Rattles Toy Railways Toy Harps Toy Animals Noahs Ark Toy Tea Sets Toy Blocks Toy Airships Mouth Organs Toy Engines that run with real steam Ferris Wheels Bugles Trumpets Dominoes Bagatelle and Toy Horses Cats Bogs Roosters in fact a whole toy menagerie Toy Tin and Cups and Saucers and Plates and hundreds of other pretty toys we havent room to mention Fancy China Our Fancy China this is just simply grand Dont fall to come before and see the beautiful goods now on display Wu imported our fancy China for this direct from the makers In Germany and wo many novelties for this way gives us prices that defies competition seasons trade besides buying in that Paying lb for Butter and Highest market price for Eggs are Johnstons Gash Store buying Dried Apples I o J