Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , December 1, 1905, p. 6

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Richardson DENTIST Will at Albeit Block 2nd Tuesday of Grades Heifer from month to rear old bred also Cows For fuctber particulars Apply to STOKES Albert J Farm for Sale acres close to Mount Albert having thereon good House Btflk Barn well fenced well water ed and in good state of cultivation C DAVIDSON Mount Albert CORRECTION The name Myrtle school report should have Star in the published last week been Hear s Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available HEAD CANADA OK Andrew Chairman Went rh J fliichanoftn a a Samuel 4 Clou Mr Alex tit SMITH AKtrci Mi lor The Hot Fowl Supper to be served in the basement of the Methodist Church on Monday evening next Dec promises to be the event of the THE MARKET season The tables will be ready at The weather was decidedly agreeable for the market on Tuesday will be the first served At clock and as a the attendance sharp program will commence Special music will be provided and Rev of Toronto will deliver his popular lecture Seven Different KIikIs of People of Whom You are One The services on Sunday will be in charge of Rev Keam a former pastor of this I Circuit Every person come and early bo not miss the the season Popular prices as a was not so laigc as usual Plenty of butter and eggs and fowl were of fered Butter to 23c eggs chickens to geese to turkeys to ducks S to r OBITUARY Mr Henry Hansford an old and esteemed resident East bury died in Toronto on Thursday last after an illness of about a week The remains were brought to Ml on Friday and were interred in Mailman Cemetery on Saturday The funeral service home of his son Mr ford John M who died last week was born in the Township of years ago In early years he followed his trade of mill- Wright and did much of the work on the older- tour mills in the counties of York Ontario He took up photographing in vhich he proved himself to be more than ordinarily proficient For the past three years however he has lived retired devoting much oj his leisure and attention to the prohibition cause foe which for many years he has been- a staunch advocate and numerous were the letters appearing over his signature in the Toronto pa pers on this and kindred subjects Mr was a man of the most Joseph Miller has sold out and Owl town John Miller also I understand moving to Brock this week J A great Is stirred up over our market Some imagine cat ions leaving means entire failure But Geo and Thos iuc still with us and theyre as if not better tiban Davy So We Us Co think at present things will remain at a deadlock Mr and Mrs Harry Thompson leave for Sudbury this week Belting Oils and Goggles Guns and Ammunition mount xai 15c children includes supper id honesty ami with the kindest of and lecture hearts incapable of deceit or petty A requisition is in circulation and meanness He leaves a widow form- DONT GIVE IT AWAY Wool is Valuable This Year Sell to uy Goods and Sell Them r Thate all that we There are no other considerations to tke up our time six days a week we manage to keep busy Oor advertisements always iu- you to our display feut we make most of our promises gain most of our new friends and do the most pf our test advertising while are a visitor or rather pur goods do It for us Our supply of no weak It is complete ALLAN THEAKER Cold Has Gome Again with it comes the thought its needs We have a nice assortment of Mens UNDERWEAR Youths and Boys also Ladies and Childrens which we have marked to the LOWEST NOTCH is in circulation and being largely signed requesting Mr Mill of this place to enter the Municipal contest as Councillor for I friends in Sutton the coming year members of- our Hoard of Trade intend going to Toronto on j Thursday to wait on the County Council regarding the proposed bridge across the Holland Rivet This is a ting in an appeaiancc on Tuesday improvement ami every Mr Wolfe of Dunham is the new people account the were disappointed on tax collector not Miss- J Wright of to mourn his loss besides a host of Mr J A Johnston B of Winnipeg paid his brother Mr If Johnston a visit on Saturday and Sunday O junior clerk in the Sovereign Bank A skating rink for the use of the pupils of the school is being prepared in Haves Grove south of the school house The James Day Railway have l steel laid several miles south of Mount Albert The station will be a short distance west of the station Gangs of men are now en gaged in putting in a tank and build ing the fence Anniversary services will be held in the Presbyterian Church on Thurs- EMERGENCY For sprains bruises burns scalds and similar injuries there is nothing sale so good as Chamberlains Pain Balm j It soothes the wound and not only gives instant relief from pain but day Dec a visitor Everett Mr was the home of Mr- Win Sunday last Fred left for Thursday person interested should help the matter along in every possible way Mr of Winnipeg re presentative in Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan for the Great West Saddlery Co of Winnipeg is causes the parts to heal in about visiting under the parental roof for third time required by the usual la couple of weeks treatment As it is an antiseptic Miss is visiting in all danger from blood poisoning is Toronto this week j avoided Sold by T Lloyd Mr Hill arrived home from the West on Monday last Remember lecture Our I BALDWIN BREEZES Habit to be given by Rev A Campbell of Newmarket next evening in the Presbyterian Church at oclock Dont miss hearing this treat by Mr Campbell Silver collection in aid of the Pres byterian Guild MUST BE QUICK Pains in the stomach and attacks of the colic come on So suddenly and are so extremely painful that imme diate relief must be obtained There is no necessity of sending for a doc tor in such cases if a bottle of Cham berlains Colic Cholera and Dar- jrhoea Remedy is at hand No doc tor can prescribe a better medicine by W Lloyd 0 is said about the impossibil- FULL LINE OF CLOTHS FLANNELS SHEETINGS BLANKETS YARNS ETC ALWAYS ON HAND SON MOUNT ALBERT at on on GROCERIES past six months left on Thursday of Our are complete in Mr Realty ry way and we mean only to get best and you will find it to popular A CERTAIN CURE FOR CROUP When a child shows symptoms of Mrs has left for croup there is no time to experiment where she will visit with with new remedies no matter how friends prior to her departure for highly they may be There is one Mr Hansford of Midland was always be depended upo in town attending the funeral of his been in use for many father never been known to fail viz Cham- Mr left on Monday Cough Remedy Give it for Midland where he has been a quick cure is sure to follow pointed to a responsible position in Mr of Market Tex tile Union Bank says it I have used Cham- Harold Realty who has Cough Remedy in severe In charge of the survey in connection cases of croup with my children and with the James Bay Railway for the jean truthfully say it always gives Master Herman does things on the greased lightning plan He went to the city made bis little pile and has returned home all in less than three weeks His services are necessary in the store Toronto is a place of big board bills and small salaries Mr Silas is home on a visit with his parents Mr and Mrs Valentine He is the eldest of a family of twelve eight 9 Much saiu ity making men sober by law and of impropriety attempting it This kind aWiment is supposed have much force But we submit that it is not a question of making men sober by law but of making them drunkards by law and that is a very different proposition Men aie sober ate born sober Except those who inherit a taste for strong drink from drunken parents they will incline to temperance It takes the tempter and the dramshop to them drunkards Without the dram shop there would be few drunkards It is a drunkardmaker When it is established by law then it is the making of people drunkards by law that is to be considered and not the making of men sober by law Pitts burg Advocate Mount Albert Planing and Sawing Mills Doors Sash and all kinds of Dressed Lumber kind Get material for your house ready this spring and save money and ShindlPQ cheaper than any PLACE NORTH OF TORONTO WOODCOCK fa jour interest to deal with us THIS NEW STORE MEANS BUSINESS WW SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT very Queen Heaters Good Cheer HOT BLAST Cook Stoves COAL Kitchen Queen Range GRIP QUICKLY KNOCKED OUT Some weeks ago during the severe winter weather both my wife and contracted severe colds which speedily developed into the worst kind of la grippe with all its misera ble symptoms says Mr J of Maple Landing Iowa Knees and joints aching muscles sore head stopped up eyes and nose running with alternate spells of chills and fever We began using Chamberlains Cough Itemed aiding the same with a dose of Stomach and Liver Tablets and by its liberal use soon complete ly knocked out the grip It is a good plan to take a dose of the Tablets when you have a cold They promote a healthy action the bowels liver and kidneys which always beneficial when the system is Congested by a cold or attack of the grip For sale by Lloyd SHARON cases of croup with can truthfully say prompt relief For sale by Lloyd The Gospel Temperance meeting will be held on Monday evening Dee at Mrs will give a paper on The evil effect ol cigarettes Music provided Ev erybody invited to a profitable evening NEW GOODS for the- J D ROWLAND Mount Albert ALBERT DRUG STOREf Pure Paris Green la bulk put up la by Poison Ply Paper and Tanglefoot Rev Keam of will preach in Sharon Methodist Church on Bee at J pm Mr J Robinson ol North moved on Tuesday to farm he purchased from Mr J Mr and Mrs spent day last week with relatives Id Toronto Rev of Bradford made a number of pastoral calls this week members of his congregation here Mr and Mm A 1 listing In the care of Mr J of Orchard Beach who Is very 111 with little hope of recovery Of New is spending a week Willi her brother Mr Brainrner after an jevenioji years There 1h strong talk a hot mu nicipal election Well the men who to Improve the roads be the to vote for Our are hiyr than this year and roads never and the sidewalk are to walk on in of the danger alter dark Jr I Mis Thorpe a couple of days week with her Mr Pal- on St ft Hit vjttWite- fctWfcW 7 vKf XMAS TRADE including LADIES LACE FANCY COLLARS KNOTS Also the Stock RUBBERS AND LARAOANS For the Winter Vear iu Complete For the next few weeks vIII make A Clearing in Special Lines OF MILLINERY also carry a amoag tfcta Cure Pxctalpttot attention or blbt T LLOYD lev ALBERT New Shoe Store A full line of Boots and Shoes Overshoes Rubbers etc horn the beet manufacturers in Can ada Rips Sewed Free On all shoes purchased from us The Peoples Shoe Store- Opposite the Sovereign Bank MOUNT ALBPitT Lehman Prop 1 form a family circle it reminds me of the old fashioned school Bull in the ring Thev are a fine robust family Silas deceased also had a doen ihiiii- A hair butcher has stalled niisimv- in our own in affiliation with butcher Our boys moustaches will suffer now Joi Kay surely surely gets his pay When for tax he this Some who vowed J Will not after a deal of- vigorous kicking deemed discretion the better of valor and forked over Palaces a rare luxury in our domain I hey are taxed exorbitantly a few changes are eonioin- about here before folks get really settled for the coming told spell I Sally and Mary I ate packing up lo leave us They are a goodhearted lot of Hans This World is full ingltss titles Who has not letter addressed Such may pleased a colored gentleman but to a man of sense it is treated with Rlain John OwJ suits me best Owl for the business and for a handle to it by A poor illiterate man in turn Swamp received a latter addressed It Was lung as an honored keepsake Mr and Mrs John Oldham have liOt settled hi their home In Baldwin We hope theyre here for welcome them heartily Mrs Riddel wo to announce is enduring the agonies of from cancerous growths whirh involved all the organs of sense In the head I like to got new sobs for the Era hut my especial delight is to win back the old timers who for some trivial reason perhaps politics have withdrawn their support It always like a moral victory for the Era John Fountain has secured a re newal lease for the nonce of the Chapman farm still on the market for sale Some longheaded ah Id hotter say bulletheaded farmers have still to get In I heir Theyd been wise had long ago got a n Five vacant houses in our burg now James Stevensons cattle that supposed to have been poisoned were examined by Dots Daley and found to have had too jolly a I on It resultcl In the death of one- valuable animal Jas Is selling out and from this week Ho has been a successful farmer and his neighbors regret him He In going Into the hotel so it Is announced Mr Riddel flucccds him as tenant of the Archie- Riddel homestead Im forgetting much of ny this weolt J i o A Letter from Santa A Woozy Land North Pole Nov 27 1005 ALL LITTLE BOYS AND CURLS My dear little friends Is is now just a year since I- got ready before to come away down to your homes with my lovely load presents for you I had thought of taking all my nice things lo you in an airship this year but I was afraid something would no wrong so I am coming with a lovely span of reindeer Just now they are tied to the North while I loading up with the prettiest things you ever saw My but its cold up here hut a new fur coat this season and then too when your bright smiles and sunny faces I know I shall soon warm up again I am going to leave my prettiest things at John- Store Sutton where you can sec them if you wish and then on Eve I- will take them down the chimneys to all good boys and girls mind you now you must be good and must always do what Papa and Mamma tell you Now I am in an awful hurry to get all my pretty things packed so I must say goodbye till I come Eve Your loving ami dear old friend santa p I I Blue Eagle Selected Raisins Its for 25c Royal Crown Valencia Raisins for 25c Extra choice Sultana Seedless Raisins Its for Finest Pallas Cleaned Currants 3 Its for Finest leaned Currants lbs for Choice new Cooking Figs fie Figs lb Crown Table Figs very line lite lb Choice Bates lb lor fie Fancy Late Howe Cranberries quart St Nicholas Brand Lemons fresh and very large doz Choice Navel Oranges large juicy fruit each Nonpareil Brand California Seeded Raisins for Buckingham Cluster Raisins the imported lb lor Em a Fancy Tinted drapes the and choicest winter Grapes special lb Choice large fresh Oysters A GIFTS o Gilts this year is simply superb lilts for from light up to dear old and Grandpapa the very Hero something to think Our slock smallest little lot over Fancy Hemstitched Handkerchiefs 1 do in fancy presentation box box for Fancy Neckwear for ladies Our new stock is hero and the swcll- niftiest goods ever In Sutton to each Mens Fancy Neckties very beautiful goods done up In handsome Gift each Mens Suspenders handsome goods in very fancy gift boxes special each pair Jewel Good pairs Horse Blankets including Kersey fancy lined lull lin ed heavy Blankets Ac pair at pair- rtUhHUUVIft fry ill it Work Boxes Manicure Sets Writing Sots Fancy China Toys Dolls Books Games ice In great prolusion HORSE BLANKETS Johnstons Gash Store Sutton Paying 22c lb for full weight Butler do for nowlaid Eggs and lb for bright Dried Apples a a ra i

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