f 1- J i NOBTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND us the liberty to know to tad to fro to above other liberty ADVERTISER No paper sent outside North York unless paid In No Copies each Newmarket Friday Nov 24 I I TERMS per annum if paid in advance mON WANTED In any and every kitchen lor twen tyfive cents a day for a period days I will work day and night lor you In consideration this amount I viU likewise work lor you for the without me balance of my natural life and ask nothing hut air treatment in re- Urn I will always look pleasant and be willing to do all your cooking and hiking in a few moments notice I will guarantee to eat much less my brothers and sisters you live in the country and have wood to for a while I can ac commodate you very savingly in fact will up any old scraps about the place I will save your time and temper by always having your meals ready en time colder the weather the harder will work to keep the place warm comfortable name Miss National a mativ happy in my short existence The boys at A Hardware know me pretty well and would be pleased to give you any information about my abilities and usefulness The question is not can you my services- Its can you to do Our -Toronto- fetter The appointment of Mr formerly Conservative to be inspector for Ontario in succession has been confirmed by order in Council William Deacon who died October King township an estate valued at This consists of in real es tate and cash The three sons receive all the property except ihe homestead which goes to Mrs Dea con and certain property which is to be sold and the proceeds divided among the four daughters y the many friends of Nor- lis advertising manager The Mail and Empire who has been confined to bed with an attack of appendicitis will he pleased to learn that lie vis recovering nicely and expects to be aiourd airain in a day or two at one time was a resident of Newmarket and conducted a station ery store Premier Whitney announced last week the appointment of J Mc Lean Ph as associate professor of political science at the University of Toronto By an signed 1ast week the LieutenantGovernor the district of North will from Jan next form part of Ward Two Of the City of Toronto The city limits will therefore extend norther ly 10 the track and easterly 10 the Belt Line the Scotch settlement being included The meeting Young Mens Liberal Club coming season will be held Georges Hall on Monday next t The new Traders Bank Building now being erected on St will be almost double the height of the King Hotel It will be the tallest commercial building in the British During examination of W OLD UNCLE BILL By Mary Kyle Dallas that ever lived Yes youre like did not always very busy often with But they were very busy often over j do very well books over Primes embroidery for portion for him has who visited Sir Nor which he designed patterns teaching waist a but I know a young clergyman who will attain eminence who only needs talk thus permission to propose She a proper a thick large mouth and ordinary V little dog a- thousand tricks feed- features continued Mr j the blind kittens luniin his eyeglass daughter drowning making a little well a clergyman should not look for from which the canary drew buckets beauty water And and the old is the prettiest gill know man would wander oil to river ami may earn net bread and an do it said Fred How- Strengthens Restores 1 line place on Hudson would be sure to no tice after a while an old man who wandered about the place J dressed all summer in a white shirt i and linen vest and trousers and a Y fichernians hat and all winter in a wmi woollen dressinggown He was a any tiling an meek tall bald old man and people at first took him for a superannuated the family- knew these old servant but finally his nice Belle older than linen his neat hands and a certain w years preferred she wellbred tone of voice if by chancel should consider herself a child until they heard him speak made them warned And detested her for her resem- to the sisterinlaw who had never been congenial one in the house knew but Id fish seldom ana she would Rive hex to me sir as f is that they inquired of Miss Belle the eldest unmarried daughter she would answer Ah old connection of poor mam mas I cant see why pa has him horrid thing If they asked Mr orriss maiden sifter she would reply One of the blessings my late sis terinlaw brought with her into Hie family A neerdowell of a rela tion If the question were propounded to pompous Mr as he sal in his armchair or drove about his proper- somcone not of the household did and shared times hi them Sometimes when the old matis rod dangled over the river a younger angler would take place near him a handsome young fellow with black hair and the brightest eyes in the world and then the hours went by like hours in a dream and felt as happy as she had felt when a I child by her mothers side And Uncle Bill laughed and told fisher mens stories As for the young man No Replied Mr She i may give herself to you ft she chooses to be a beggar Then he walked As and Fred stood looking at each other old Uncle rose above the shrubbery give my permission he said with more than usual dignity and I arn her mothers brother I think you wilt make her happy young Howard The maiden aunt and the sister who was to be the bride of an Eng lish nobleman led a sad Hie of it for a while hut one morning she walked out of her home in her simple churchgoing costume and was married in the little chapel of Old Uncle Bill in bis oldfashioned broadcloth suit went with them and gave the bride away Mrs Howard was there and a school friend of and a fellowclerk in one of his handsome vehicles Freds None of the Nor family of the for in St evening he would answer Well thats a sort of a relation of my wifes a neerdowell The black sheep of the flock you know Always is one in every family For her sake she was a very benevolent woman we let him stay about He prefers eating by himself Hes very stupid very but she wanted him here and she had her way poor soul I grudged her nothing Yes thats poor Bill But it was Miss of whom the question was asked she always answered Why that is Uncle Bill Hes a little eccentric but the dearest old W they were to was seventeen she had never bad a uJon mh Pnpmie trunks had been sent to Freds moth ers little house The bride was not as happy as she might have been un der other circumstances but at home no one had ever loved or considered her since her mothers death and Fred loved her and she loved him Her only trouble was thaD she must leave old Uncle Bill That is lover She was well read in roman tic What happened was only to be expected In a little while two lovers sat beside old Uncle Bill on the banks of the pretty stream and walked together as far as the little gate is the hedge that else used and not hide froth the old man that they parted with a kiss Fred Howard was not a fashionable man only he son of a poor widow who had made a bookfkecper of her son What holidays he had he spent at home This was his mid summer vacation he was bright and Meredith secretary of the Master Plumbers and Steam Fitters was last week in the Police Court j mans only friend in that soul very very fond him and if he of me Dear old Uncle Bill I for his youngest daughter the old pompous tovefi Furnaces NEWMARKET Take the Elevator OPLE IT IS THAN WALKING UP STAIRS Syrup of the lIk an elevator from the basement sickness to the top story of health the fact was disclosed that the mem ber of the association had divided among themselves in less than two years from the commissions exacted on each contract carried out by the members a sum slightly under and that there was a few days a balance of available for the next dividend household She it was who went up to his little rpom with his meals and sat with him while he ate them who saw that he had the newspaper and his pipe who had fixed that little outoftheway place with a pretty carpet bookshelves a students lamp lots of pretty ornaments in And so one day as the two hav ing met accidentally on the road really hard the old man said very hard And then held out his hand Uncle Bill he said- we shall live in a very plain way but if you will live with us we will do our best to make you happy ami shall be happy ourselves Will you he so boy cried Un cle Bill A poor old man like me worsted and painted silk who never A at the T coal chutes j her monthly allowance near the foot of avenue one I out buying something for hill DONT TRY THE LONG WAY Do you want rosy checks want that reserved feeling Splendid Tonic Do you want to be as a It Cures Quietly PRICE O U 90 Cents TON S NEWMARKET Monuments and Head Stones JAMES PAY SALARY Two to Six dol- and Gravel cement delivered Orders mail promptly attended to A Aurora Boyds Livery The Is a WE wwkelther Ku8 to all trains Orders by free training telephone for all parts of the attention Toronto this A Old Stand night last week caused about damage Some our city Methodist churches are in looking ahead for new pastors Queen Methodist has extended an invitation to Rev Johnston to return to the pastorate of that church at the expiration of his term in Wesley church a year from next June Miss matinee at the Princess Theatre in aid of tin- uneni- of by an appeal it may he said of Ma jesty Queen Alexandra resulted In proceeds to The use of rifles and air- guns by boys on he streets the suburbs of Toronto has been a cause of and is not dan- At on Friday a bul let passed through the hat of Mr Cook wfiile was walking alonj liaiiol street Harvey the lad injured in boarding a freight train at on Thursday of last week died Friday in the General Hospital here There was a collision last Friday night on Queen street west between a street car and an express wagon in which were seated an employee of the Conger Coal Co and his brother Samuel a cartage agent The wagon was up set arid both men were thrown out on the sidewalk had his hone broken Vaughau Township electors will vote on Local Option next January and the council of Richmond J HI has now the question of Local Option be fore It Richard a recently arrived vnuriK who is at the Hotel was the victim of a confidence game last week and Is now regret the loss of which he parted- to a newlyfound friend of winning niannexM The fire in the post ofilce storage building at fi street and the arrest of Win Finch and John J Wardrobe has been followed hy recovery of a Jot of metal Used In with automobiles arid the place The metal found In possesion of a dealer Kennedy who thinks the building was fired to cover up the thefts His pretty snowwhite shirts were her gift and she saw that they were done up properly The flannel dressinggown he wore in winter was of contrivance In fact up in that dormer- roofed room there were hour that were more homelike than any spent great parlors or the big diningroom where only was affectionate to pa when she wan fed him to feivc her more money spend ami Miss the old er sister of the master of the house made bitter speeches in the pauses of the in which she was perpetually engaged sometimes di rected at her brother sometimes at Belle sometimes at hemic but all worded so circumspectly and clothed in such a guise of piety that no one dared resent them What a comfort you are Uncle Hill would say as she poured out the old mans And what a comfort arc old Uncle would say If I was a rich uncle just homo from India like those in plays and novels you couldnt make more of inc I shouldnt make so much uncle hemic made answer youd be a victim of liver complaint and that would make you illnatured and youd scold and say naughty words They all do you know you havent any money or stocks to collar worry about like poor pa and you are not irritable and like to be vou Youre like mamma too have her You are Susans image the old man would say remember to this day that you eame with Yes said I was Just twelve years old and mamma was cry over telegram My only brother she said so sick that he may and so poor that hes In the hospital Then we came and J saw you In bed and after a while we brought you home and ma nursed you well again And died herself Just as got about salt Uncle Dill And your father the did not like a shabby aid man around the house Well I was to get a home suppose and to such disinterested as yours Youre were talking together with an on either face that made an old country lady who drove past rcr marh to her husband Hiram take my word for it thems beaux Mr marched up behind the pair and appeared like a very florid ghost between them with an I was not aware Mr Howard that you had ever been introduced to my daughter The young man but an swered But I by friend her uncle Oli replied Mr lower ing his tone a little Then you know my brother Mr Whipple in the city He is a relative I am proud of worth half a million if ho is a cent have Often heard of Mr Whipple replied the young man frankly but have never met him owe my Introduction to Miss to her Uncle William ah ah The young man suddenly re membered that he did hot know Un cle Hills last name Her Uncle William repeated Mr does young Howard allude to your poor unfortunate brother Bill bowed her head Young Howard I repeated Mr That person has no au thority to Introduce my daughter Consider yourself a stranger to henceforth looked at look ed at It is loo late sir the latter said I your daughter won her heart Shu has promised to he my wife Mr stared him lifted his eyebrows stared again through double eyeglass and spoke stern ly have one daughter who is a credit to me Lord paid gieal attention to her last winter He ban written to ask my consent to their nuptials which shall give and he will return In the fall to be to her Ah noble man would hardly like a brother-in- law who makes perhaps twenty dol lars a week My eldest daughter Mrs Tiinkjus Trotter has married a esteemed the Really cried with oy Really and truly heaven knows and Fred grasped his and shook It You brought us together Un cle Bill he said It3 lucky answered Uncle Bill lor Norris has turn ed out his house for aiding and abetting you told me that I might be town poor if I liked I didnt but I just said Very well Ill go Ill get your things and take them to mothers said Fred You will be company lor her while were gone alter that one home for all of us Then the old man looked at them ant with another and laughed his sweet goodnatured laugh Youre two good honest gener ous children he said And youre Freds mother maam Hut Ive an explanation to make Five years ago my sister Susan heard that I was sick at a hospital and look to her house She nursed mc back to tolerable health and was very good to me Then sweet an gel she died She thought that be ing a hospital meant poverty I was paying dollars a week there I have a fortune I hat even Mr would respect but seeing- what ho was I fancy that Id find out what bis children were I have I have lived about the place as old Uncle Hill a poor relation was not wanted even at the table I was despised by all but She dear little soul has been a daughter to I told my sister ptisan the truth Ah her deathbed anil promised to do my best by this sweet ajrl and mv money has been growing un der care- for five years Why had I been the beggar they thought me Id have gone to an almshouse rather than eat bread all these years As it wan I enjoyed the joke To think how he would have respected mc If he had known the truth How he scorned me for being poor when I was a wealthy man hut let all that pass we aru happy together and what need we care V There was great excitement at the mansion when the news reach- ADELAIDE CLATRE Fortyfirst street New York City writes strengthens and restores nervous system builds up your worn out constitution and what women need who are afflicted with weakness oy kind I hear but all side Most of the of my family have used it and all by it as a ml health giver Mies Adelaide Claire Catarrh a Systemic Disease Catarrh Is a systemic disease only aystemlc treatment A remedy that catarrh must aim directly at the depressed nerve centers la what does immediately invigorates the nerve centers give vitality to the mucous membranes- Then catarrh disappears then it la cured cares the catarrh wherever lo cated you do not derive prompt and factory results from the use of Pern no write at once to Br giving A full statement of your case and be will be pleased you his ad vice gratis Address Dr President of The Sanitarium like Susan I was the girl She plain ami unprepossessing gentleman who is wealthiest In its Inhabitants and Mr Hon in with my brother a formal forgiveness his a man I am proud of Now I shall iiiaki a fuss about She was a good girl anil fell glad only tell you this If she married that this was so but she you disown her You can her she chooses I shall never give her a penny She may have her clothes ami trinkets and go slid obeys me she shall he rieu or single well provided for fi Indian An Indian treaty designated as Mo has been signed by Hon Frank Cochrane Ontario Minister Mines and Lands with the Dominion Gov ernment with square miles of land lying north the height of land and east of the land specified by treaty which it self lies north of the Superior region By the terms of the treaty the In dians in the territory specified receive per head the first year and after wards yearly family of live gets a reserve of one square mile The commissioners two appointed by tlw Dominion Government and one by the Province journeyed through this territory beginning at on the north of this Albany River thence east to Fort Albany Moose Factory and Lake Ahlttlhi They found far lower than they anticipated and were able to reserve only square miles which provides for 1660 The Province pays the per capita giants while the Dominion pays the expenses of the commissioners sur- also the cost of delivery of the money which is heavy item JViiserabIe Nights Nothing so an infant and enslaves the parents as to take a cross or wakeful baby from the bed and walk him up and down the floor during the night The baby cries be cause It is not well generally be cause its stomach is sour Its bowels congested and its skin hot and feverish Relieve this and baby will sleep soundly all night growing stronger and better every day Just what mothers need to keep baby healthy and make him sleep soundly is Babys Own Tablets which cure all stomach bowel and teething trou bles and thus promote natural healthgiving sleep Mrs Holmes Out says My was troubled with sour stomach and i Was constipated most of the lima only began and was always cross and restless I take to know what real happiness was In Rave him the home where she and those who trujy loved her lived contentedly to gether for many long and pleasant years po the Kra to friends Own found them a complete would not now be without You ran get Babys Own Tablets and ftrl them Tablets from any druggist or by mail tfn cents a box by writing the I