Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Nov 1905, p. 7

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1 TrV v T NEff AY NOVEMBER 17 1905 J 1 -v- CHINA a Nov THE CAMPAIGN If comes into the riding row he will appear in the role of a roorback wont he With Maclean- and as political godfathers is no wonder that feels nervous If Gamey price is a night In North York how much is a good honest man worth at Ottawa for six months By the way where does the Farm ers likewise HighPro tectionist Macleans candidate stand on theTarifl question Just ETC Opened very fine Quality CURRANTS Selected cleaned lbs 25c Finest selected Valencias lbs Seeded Selected Muscatel packages for Very fine ft and lb Choice DATES 190S fruit very nice lb BLEND COFFEE is the finest quality lb Always fresh ground JAPAN TEA Our 25c line is sure to please CODFISH Pure Mb package Quality is good but a slow sell er bars 25c 25 ONLY Mr has made a host o new friends in North York since the campaign opened Every day is in creasing his majority Calgary riding gave the Liberals the biggest majority of any riding in Alberta Macleans solitary meeting was held there paid The electors at Holland Landing gave Maclean the merry Ha ha when he started talking about a glib talker from Toronto They knew what station gets oH at What will Mr Aylesworth do for North York ask his opponents He will do his duty and bring to the service of the country all that abil ity which has made him famous in his private life When T II told him hold up bis hands at the Holland Landing meeting Archie must have thought he was against the real thing in highway robbery at least Machine Played Out The Mail and Empire has been so accustomed to machine politics in connection with its own party or years prior to its overthrow on the Manitoba remedial school issue that It is prone to regard every ac tion of its opponents is machine made If a lawyer takes a brief on behalf of a Liberal he is forthwith branded as being an abettor of ma chine politics If he takes a brier to defend a private company on the one hand or is employed as counsel to defend the rights of a municipal corporation on the other the ma chine cry is made to do duty to hound a political opponent An un impeachable character for integrity unquestioned ability sacrifice for the public weal dont count in the Mail and Empires lexicon of political ethics or sense of propriety when a political opponent offers himself for a representative position Failing to I i North York that it must run a can on his platform v v As it is Mr- Lennox is between a returned and the nameless gentleman sea He has to do enough work to keep Archie solid and he is trying to do Utile enough to keep offending his leaders his sup porters and to be able to say when the snow slide comes on Nov It never touched me a few weeks visit with her brother Mr Burnett Mrs T Walker is spending a time with relatives at Toronto Mi and Mrs John Dougherty and daughter Martha bave moved from our burg for the winter and gone to to reside with their son John Miss Burnett is in the city lor a few weeks stay with relatives Mrs Morden has returned from the hospital and we are pleased to hear is getting along fairly well Mr lower was home on Sun day in the city V J Politics make strange bedfellows sometimes An instance is now pre sented to public notice in Mr FJ Mrs Albert Law was and Dr a few days visit While the latter thinks there ought to be room fox the in the Conservative party and Mr Maclean says ditto of Dr tew of the more prominent of the Con servative party are praying for good riddance of both Cold world aint it The Kingston News occasion the editor of the Toronto discover solid substantial cogent Evening News a special tip now that sons for rejecting such a candidate it lt so much to say about the Do- resorts to subterfuges and hurls ana themas at some chine conspiracy imaginary This is its stock- Latest returns from Alberta indi cate that one or perhaps two have been elected It needed just one more meeting under Macleans auspices to have it a clean sweep quality full size a set Library Lamps Two Specials at and each a Maclean addressed one meet ing in the Alberta election Campaign He had planned to set the heather on over the Province but lie did not find the atmosphere to his liking He thinks North York farmers are easier than the Western cowboys but he will soon find his mistake Considering what the Laurier Government has done for North in the Canal Scheme it would have been a more gracious act to elect a Cabinet Minister without opposition that to give all the worry of an election campaign Electors should not let party feelings run away with their good sense Answer to anxious enquirers Yes was intrade against the PostmasterGen eral but the electors of this riding will not be stampeded by such non sense A Political Once there was an old squire entered a room where a young man an execrable voice was singing a song The old squire sat down his hands crossed on the head of his stout walking stick and when the fellow had ceased his un musical squawking he said Young man I dont blame you You did the best you could but if I could get hold of the man who asked you to sing Id break his head with this club It isnt Mr McCallums fault that he is made to stand out before his surprising neighbors as the wizard of the twentieth century who if sent to Parliament cause water to up hill and enable I he people of North York to burn ice for firewood through bleak midwinter It isnt Mr fault but that of the man who put him up to it The fault is that of Maclean the greatest and predictor of modern times the man who after several years of Parliament has not a friend ally or associate in the House of Commons but has been for five years recognized as the of politics He strays into the Conservative camp at valstfrfvows allegiance and seeks to get near the couch of his leader while it minion Premier and the men he is choosing for Cabinet Ministers It savs Mr VYillison is experiencing some difficulty in having written the life of a prominent politician while yet alive and in and in editing a paper which tic feels called upon to criticize the hero of this den more than the Bennett who was defeated has slit the blankets in Calgary last week and whose par- Whitney and Leader will have only two members in a House of 25 is the same It Ben nett who in London and North Ox ford last summer told the electors A man in Torontojast Monday at tempted to play sharp on the post office and got fooled for his pay The Telegram says This parcel sent on commercial rates was one cent for etch ounce sent hook rates it was one cent for two ounces parcel Has said to contain books and cents was paid in postage This was an unlucky number When the parcel was picked up by the clerks its contents began to rattle This aroused the suspicion of the post master at the station and the box was opened It was found to con tain a childs dinner set knife fork and spoon a gold washed fruit spoon a pair of- ladys gloves and a hook Tne postage charged was just half what it should have been and the goods have been forwarded lite dead letter office at Ottawa PINK ORCHARD Mrs of Michigan has been visiting with relatives here for a cou ple of weeks Mr Nelson May is in Toronto put ting up a residence for Mr J Kennedy A well attended meeting was held in the Temperance Hall on Monday eve in the interests of Hon A Aylesworth Messrs Luudy of Newmarket and George A worth were the speakers J Flcurvs Sons held an auction sale of wood on Tuesday in Starrs from the tents of his people escaped account of such poor to the desert again And always his prices realized the sale was aim has been to empty a throne and withdrawn A number from here attended the wedding of Rev to Miss Clare Jones at Markham last Thurs day We wish them a long and journey through life The members of the Christian Church have decided to hold their annual Hot Roast Particulars lat er The funeral of the late Mrs Han nah Hill took place in the Christian Cemetery here last Saturday She had reached the advanced age of The family have the sympathy of this vicinity in their bereavement Mrs P Jones of Is the guest of her daughter Mrs M Pais ley for a few days Rev Williams occupied the pulpit in the Christian Church in interests of the Bible Society and Rev Barber of at the Methodist last Sunday Miss Davis is at Pine Orchard past week Our teacher Mr has been laid up For a couple of days Rev of Toronto will preach in the Christian Church next Sunday morning HAVE OUR NEW FRUITS Selected Valencia Raisins lb Finest Vostizea Currants lb New Orange Lemon and Citron Peels The honest Tea values we offer have been successful in winning for our Tea Department a host of appreciative customers Our Teas are bought from the best Tea Houses in Canada bought for cashone cents on the dollar Theres some principal character and ster ling worth in every leaf of Tea we offer The Leading Reliable UptoDate At latest reports Mr Bennett was thinking of using his gun to kill prairie chickens I Reliable Store KESWICK want honest square dealing thai Is my aim You get just whit you buy at the RIGHT PRICE beautiful Porcelain Dishes thrown MISS of has to take charge of the stand for He merely holds a Government House at Ottawa has hand in the game of chance for that again recognized two leading denomi- nations other than the Church of and Roman Catholic At the dinner last week Rev Br Carman General Superintendent of the Methodist Church and Rev Armstrong Moderator of the Presby terian Church were among the in vited guests The wiping out of church precedents will be the next step in the direction of equal TORONTO On Saturday morning last Mr Jus tice on the finding of the Metal Workers Union delivered a sleeping judgment The Union and allied associations have to pay damages and are perpetually restrain ed from in any way interfering with the employees of said Metal Roofing Co or from any attempts to induce persons not to trade with said Co The Union officials arc made person ally liable This knocks the strikers cold The train of a peeress varies in length with her rank A duchess have her train yards long ami a marchioness yards while count esses are limited yards In Canada the ladys taste pride or vanity and the length of her purse govern in deeding the length of the train one yard however is consid ered a pretty good sweep A city dally which stated that over of the electors of Holland Land ing listened to the burning eloquence of Archie Maclean Herbert Lennox Thos If ton and last if not least J Mo- Kav appears to have been oblivious iv of the fact that the whole north on large only counts about fourscore Mr pretends stand for electors all told Billy blurt nothing much that is what does gov- else and desire it to continue assisting to elect Aylesworth that be another Peter j returned IC he i4 knows how THE OPENING DAYS are Sept and Monday Oct 2 All ire Call and The World with typical mendacity declares that Mr Aylesworth con fesses to having made an arrange ment with Sir Wilfrid where by he will continue his law practice What Mr did was to em phatically deny that there was any such arrangement However if Maclean would give pub lishing a newspaper on account ol his duties one be disposed to let him stay in Par liament till the cows come home man of adventure Maclean The Case of Herbert Lennox ft COLE Custom Sawing Haying erected a SawMill on lot A la the of Whitchurch I am Prepared to tike orders for bill Terra Hint Orchard Teacher Wanted for fcttloa Kast to commence State salary with to Secretary Sharon Dont you feel the pain The after the Liberate nom inated candidate for the bye- election made this observation J It must be very painful to Mr Ayles worth to discover his unfortunate po sition in North York and the peculiar manner of his nomination As he goes through the constituency he is everywhere and by everyone looked upon as a stranger and an intruder His candidature has been received with apathy and coldness About Wednesday evening next when the vote are counted- the pain will strike the Itraid man so thai he wont know himself from a Lucas House temperance delegate to Teacher Wanted a No Whitchurch for Apply If When early the present year Sir William asked the County Cornell of for a report of tele- pi one matters Archie bawd a splendid opportunity to make a for public ownership which he now professes to think so much of of that be voted for a re port concluding with the following resolution Your committee would therefore recommend that the Government take any available means of THE FORMATION OK LINKS by requiring the Telephone Co to give them long distance connection at a reasonable This campaign is requiring a good deal of clean skating on the part of T Herbert Lennox MPP and It is still doubtful whether he will get thiough it without falling into a blow hole He is keeping his fingers crossed all the time and wears a smile as much as to say You wont lag me if can help it His difficulty arises in this way Archie being a personal supporter of his can very well ask T to work for him on personal grounds else it will be goodbye when the next Provincial election cornea around so gets real busy when Archie is In the vicinity But on the other hand Mr Lennox knows that to af filiate with The Man with the Knife from the Toronto World office and his candidate may lead to serious misunderstandings with his party leaders Mr and Mr Borden and Herbert being a of ambition In political life can not riek getting into his leaders bad graces A man cannot serve two masters and Mr Lennox knows that he cannot serve W Maclean and be loyal to Mr Borden or Mr Whit ney Then Coo Mr Lennox is under some obligation to a number of Lib eral who helped to elect him TJiesc same Liberals are supporting worth to a man and have strong convictions about his being the man for North York These are men whom Mr Lennox cannot afford lo offend If Mr Lcnnox had thought there was anv chance defeating Mr he could have been the candidate himself arid could have had support of Mr Borden and the Conservative party Ikfore the nom inations Mr Horde sent for him to ask what the chances were but Mr Lrrnox could see only defeat and much as he would to be member In the Dominion House he decided that a bird fn I he hand was Worth half a doen in the bush Hut all would have been smooth sailing if a certain newspaper publisher from jrooto had not butted In and told VIVIAN Mr and Mrs J Brooks of Pine View attended tho wedding of Miss Nellie M Smith to Mr Walter New ton of Newmarket Mrs of is liu guest of her sister Mrs of Much sympathy is felt for the fam ily of Mrs J She died last Wednesday it her residence in Mr arid Mrs 1 Brooks visited her parents at Sprucedale Kami last Sunday Rev of preaches at Churchill next Sunday mil Mr and Mrs J Woodcock of To ronto Junction were the guests Mrs Rcid of Vivian The Liberals of this place feel very proud of candidate Hon A Aylesworth and are going to do all they can to elect him FROSTY AURORA Almost distressing accident occur red last afternoon when Wilfrid Villis the youngest son of Mr Chafl A Willis druggist was accidentally shot by Austin only son the Manager of the On tario Bank lure The hoys who are about fourteen years old had been out In the hush hunting with small awl were returning home about oclock Young flrcd his rifle at a bird and just at the mo ment of firing young Willis stepped in front of the gun receiving the charge in his forehead He died about six hours after the accident The sad affair has caused gloom In town both boys being Well known and much sympathy is felt for both fami lies The Public Library Board have purchased a large number of new books which will be put into circula tion in a few days The price of beef has been lowered hy the butchers In town Sirloin steak formerly cents a pound Is now and round steak formerly is now Roasts are now and This will he good news to the householders A meeting of more than usual in let est was held in the Jewish Syna gogue St on behalf of the persecuted Jews of Russia Mayor occupied the chair Prem ier Whitney T KC Rev Dr Wild Rev Dr Rev Dr McTavish and others delivered addresses and resolutions of sympathy were adopt ed also one asking King to interfere in Russia The horrors and cruelties of Odessa j were recounted while strong men and women wept aloud A collection taken up in aid of the distressed amounted to nearly The Gold Medal Manufacturing Co building and contents were damaged by fire on Sunday the ex bent- of A traveller for Bros met rival very suddenly on Saturday His name is David Condow fie v as at work during the day am at the time of his death was lying on sofa talking to his wife when heart failure his life in a moment During lite early hours of Monday morning four contribution boxes were stolen from Union Station They the property of the Childrens Aid Association and were all well fllltd with money One Was found with the money still in it A majority of the City Council voted to submit a bylaw to the on I lie question of reducing tavern licenses In this city to and shop licenses to a lwo- thirri vote being necessary the vot ing will be deferred till after the next January election His Honor Judge Winchester who has been suffering from an attack of pneumonia Is gradually recovering his health Hon A J Provincial Treasurer has returned from Eng land whither he went to float a vlnclalloan for Ternlskamlng Ontario Railway construction He did not succeed and considering the wav he ran down Ontarios finances when In Opposition people are not astonished at his nonsuccess The Horticultural and Honey Show on this week at Hall s a grand success o specials for Pure Staple Syrup heavy gal win measure Pink Salmon tin Rich Red Salmon for Sardines tin Cream of Wheat package English Breakfast Coffee lb tin 3 Large Cakes Toilet Soap perfumed I lb Bar Pure Castile Soap Choice Mexican Oranges dozen New Figs lb Cooked and Smoked Meats Try our Pea Meal Breakfast Bacon Pork Sausages Pork Pics etc Myers Poultry and Cattle Foods Chase Sanborns Rich Coffees i THE GROWING POPULARITY of our ENGLISH PLATED WARE IS DUE TO ALONE IT GRACES THE MOST ELABORATE TABLE WITH THE SAME BRILLIANCY AS STERLING SILVER 1 I SOLID E NT ERE DISHES BUTTER COOLERS PRESERVE DISHES AC AC Come and See Them ATKINSON a JEWELERS OPTICIANS ANYTHING SO IMPORTANT as he VENTILATING OK YOUR CELLAR REMOVE TH POISON Stored there for years and prevent sickness and disease by having a Ven tilator put in at once Recommended by the Medical and Boards of Health a at of Si Merle McCormack Roy Nathaniel MeConnack Robert McCorrnack Jr Brooks Stewart Florence Clara Grose III Frederic Gladys Mabel Ruby Jr HI Vivian McCormacfc Chris- Myers Bradford TindaH Jr Oliver Jessie Smart Neva Murray Jr PL If Rosy Good Calm I Robert Muriel Good Clarence Myers Jr I Smart Stanley Mc Tillie Carl Jaynes Karlylo Peterson Results and not by aro achieved by action talk Stray Cattle Came upon lot I la the North about of July a yearold Roan Steer And a Yearling Roan Heifer Is requested to prove property pay charges and take them away P Ravenshoe Bedroom Warm and comfortable would two good boarders Ap ply at Era Offlce Good 8oratW6td Apply to Mrs Aubrey Davie VIc- Ave Newmarket OLD NEWSPAPERS For at This

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