Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 10 Nov 1905, p. 8

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A I THE NEWMARKET BRA- NO J 4 1 a You dont like those gray hairs do you And your hus band certainly doesnt like them Then not try a bottle of Ayefrs Hair Vigor It restores color gray hair every time all the deep rich color of early life And It cures dandruff also I certain that A Hair a preparation for and for I more or lets J can ill recommend It to la reed preparation Ma Hon Minn of PQ fills C CHERRY PECTORAL FARMERS BUY OFT GOAL FOR- THRESHING per Ion A around the flat AND FIND WORTHY TO RECORD STOUF9VIUE The buggy of Dr A collided with Ihe wagon of a Mr Hoover Pickering at Mr Ira Browns corner on Saturday night last and both shafts of the rig were broken of Victoria Square about ten weeks ago tell from the roof of a building alighting upon a fence which produced paralysis of nearly his whole body He lingered along in this helpless state until lie was called to his rest on Sunday last One of the old pioneers of villa in the person of Alfred Johnson passed away on Tuesday last in his year Deceased had been in failing health for the past five or six years and on Friday night last took I a stroke of paralysis from the effects of which he gradually sank until his spirit took its light The departed lived for the greater portion of his life on lot in the concession of Whitchurch removing to about twenty years ago On Saturday last about pm Mr- Alex Jones was on his way home an before he got to the East end his buggy locked with that of a Mr of who was com ing to town The force of the col lision caused the of Mr Jones to break and thus giving both horses their freedom and went west and turned south on Victoria St where were caught Mr Jones was jerked over the dashboard but neither driver was much injured the damage to the outfits was slight gazing on the diva as twere the voice of an angel and the applause when the last word died away was as the roar of a tempest Of late Toronto has enjoyed a visit- from two bright operatic stars Emma and fcmma Calve I sec that theyve had friend John in the sweat box at the Civic investigation John wouldnt need a sweater Glad to see he fac ed the music well Miss Canada says Well done good and faithful servant Goodbye Sir I There thats all Portland Cement The national Cement is the best for foundations and other work AT- J The Junior League of the Church has been reorganized with Miss Fetch for superintendent While driving out into the country last Saturday evening Mr Ban bury had the misfortune to run into Huron St Storehouse another rig which was coming into town just in front of the Agricultur al Works Mrs Jesse Banbury who was also in the rig was pitched out head first and was pretty badly She was carried into a neigh boring house where she recovered The North York Livery Consider yourself and keep up a cheerful look Our horses look sorry to be taken home and we are and you look gay And the contrast pleased to learn she has quite a great impression People look from the shock There is no at you then at the horse and say j light at the spot where the two rigs what happy people And to save collided hence the cause of the from feeling that you dont to take a nice new buggy out in the On Tuesday a man came into town mud and dirt we use all old ones and hired a rig from Mr Banbury Our horses have been kept on for the purpose he asserted of driving but now we have some sawdust so out to one of the camps on the James if you require anything in our Bay Railway After procuring call on us or call up phones or of whiskey he left Town Carting also done A WIDDIPIEM Proprietor a town Not reluming the rig as promised in the evening Mr Banbury started to look for it On Wednesday morning the animal was found wandering on the track by the workmen when thev came near The poor beast had been left out all night hitched to Notice is hereby given that Julia buggy A warrant has been is- Dover of Fuller Avenue in for the arrest of the fellow who the City of Toronto in the County rig but so far thev have York and Province of Ontario Mar- failed to locate him Woman will apply to the After an illness extending over of Canada at the next session fcra months Mrs John of Application for thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband Arthur Frederick Dover of the City of Toronto in the County of York Agent on the ground of adultery and desertion Dated at Toronto this day of September AD A ARMSTRONG Solicitor for Applicant Victoria St Toronto DO TELEGRAPHERS We NEEDED of this place passed away on Friday last at the General Hospital in To ronto where she had gone for treat ment She leaves two sons and two daughters The remains were inter nal a I Aurora Cemetery BALDWIN BREEZES Too for week Maple Leaf our emblem dear of good honest cheer come thee anew each year daughter Mr and Mrs Thompson will make their home at Sudbury as he has a sit on the It- Mr Artie is down at Toronto prospecting round We are pleased to report that our teacher is reengaged Hes such a splendid fellow they couldnt afford to let him go nohow We have of recent years had several clever teach ers Messrs Kay and did grand work Several of James Stevensons cat- tie got a bad dose of poison last week Spite work is supposed to be motive We never Know whos skulking round after dark The might possibly yet be obliged I to spend a term in durance vile and have his hair cropped close Recently at a public dinner in our neighborhood the topic of weddings was introduced and a lady guest goaded on by jealousy took I occasion to pass some scathing on a wellknown lady Such galling remarks in public certainly show a great Jack of good sense Lyman Miller so known about here very badly injured at his house in Toronto He got into some Kind of an altercation so it is said with the stage- driver from Sutton During the melee Lyman was bundled out on the roadside and his leg terribly bruised We hope to hear of some change for the belter for hes not a had fellow at heart though hes seen a great many up and downs in his rambles about the world Souvenir post cards of Baldwin scenery are issued including a track ing good one of The Palace where King rules supreme when Her Majestys away and one of Pleas ant View the widows pleasant lit tle bowery The mans sketches from the old sod made our Peter Kerr the Scotchman home sick so he has up and away to revisit his old home in Scotland Revolution in Russia is the out come of long pentup animosity to- vaids the Czar by the serfs Japan missed her opportunity She could have dictated her own to Hamilton Herald The Tory can didate in North York is nearly seven tall What a leg to pull Nominations in the new Province of Alberta for the first Legislature took place on the Three seats went Government by acclamation seventeen seats ace contested but a general impression prevails that the Province will go Liberal by a good working majority A press despatch from Ottawa states that a new- lake not shown on anv of the Canadian maps hitherto has been discovered north and west of lake This lake was dis covered by surveyors of the National Transcontinental It is re ported to be twelve miles long and three miles wide The Conservatives who nominated and supported Mr J Roche of Toronto in opposition to the best PostmasterGeneral Canada ever had ought to have the gumption not to raise the cry of outsider against Hon Mr The present Conservative candidate has this inconsistency chalked up against him to start with Premier Whitney has announced that his Government proposes to ap point a consultative council in educa tional matters whose duty it shall be to advise the Minister hut not to direct him This council is to be composed of representatives of the various teaching bodies including the staff the High School Collegiate Public and Separate School teachers the man home be lovely if if Young Ladles or to I surroundings arc in harmony with its Telegraphy name October the Owls Accounting I li are completely bare Hon- altd Seems tiling fkihooia in Hut blooms sweet balmy spring j make the a to student With The Leaf Forever in Ltd of Seldom has it afiorded me greater Mountain or a pleasure to record a than In of upon J the present On vutvr No vka- ay the 25th at the residence of the For of brides parents Mr and Mrs Wm writ free Crittenden Horse School of ih marriage to Mr Hairy Thompson eldest son of Walter Thompson Holt of Sutton officiated About eighty many from a distance sal down to an elegant Mr are consisting of roast Jowl and fortytwo municipalities in the Pro- the delicacies of the season i ho vino where a local option campaign brides A and reflected On Friday last Hon Mr Fielding settled all rumors respecting a of revision by stating that it was thepurpose of the Gov ernment to proceed with the work session During this week the Tarifi Commission held sittings in Montreal It is expected that the I Commission will begin sittings in Toronto next Monday It is under stood the Commission will spend at least two months in hearing evidence and some time must he devoted after that to straightening out of the evidence Parliament will not therefore meet as early in the year as was expected By the way talk ing about revision what are the views of Mr Macleans candidate on the question Does he favor his leaders views in regard to protec tion Or is he on the side of Un favorable to a revenue on incidental protection farmer ami based Aeeoidlng to at sia and she would have been obliged Model Fair to -accept- Russia tried a bluff and ami conducted by succeeded Japs were ailed eminent was not press reports the Simcoe as outlined the Ontario success Go To in in ClairvoyantPsychic Medical Examination Free credit on its baker The gifts to the bride wore valuable chaste and handsome and too numerous low of a classified list in the space at our disposal The happy couple are personal friends of the scribe so tit teal not to speak too glowing ly venture the assertion ever youll travel many a weary mile ere you find a prettier By DR of Believing in or not there Is no gainsay- and as she possesses amiability an the fact that the doctor can obliging disposition and the source and of your Marled she is a real true and either or physical and to health and happiness persons who would have re- helpless Invalid- all their live Send lock of hair name age fetainp to trious little woman What more can he The groom too Is not without his good qualities I can give no minor details of dress brides maids etc Father Bill gave away the bride and did It amazingly grace ful and proud as rout Syracuse and well might he Ire proud of such a in that deal was as witty as About ISO delegates the notorious Boer to invitation to visit this ex- leader from other associations hut has opened the unfortunately It rained every day of butcher shop Give him a call the Fair and largely interfered with Mrs Roy is doing the arrangements As a result the vale trade in millinery management will he several hundred Wild geese went over just previous dollars in the hole Quite a last storm They are getting of those In attendance from scarce owing to their haunts in Can- sections of country expressed the aria awl Mexico being encroached opinion that outside attractions upon Birth Geo is grand- daddy of another hoy Mr and Mrs Thompson the parents I would have lessened the deficit oth ers as stoutly contended otherwise A good many delegates ventured the I Mrs Jacob Taylor Newmarket is siting the Taylors of Baldwin Mr and Mrs Donald cele brated the anniversary of their wedding day on Friday last They gave a dance to the young folks to limber un their joints Three students Bertram Andy Cameron and Willie Riddel at tend High School from here They get desirable rates from The long delayed absence of our j moose hunters is causing some easiness We hope to see them come trooping in this week lugging a j bouncer moose apiece A travelling minstrel The Great Livingstone struck our burg on Thanksgiving night and drew a bum per house The kids pronounced him bully His greatness probably arises from his own great Imagina tion Such tramp concerts have no charm for me whatever Ive heard the peerless Minnie and many other operatic queens- When In the zenith of her fame sang Home Sweet Homo as Ive never heard It sung before nor since cannot describe my feel- in of rapture The vast throng of thousands eat spellbound Intently faith W lnt the look Ic ill if a it fttd to t If ue a dM it Try a thought that local hoards of societies bad a better concept tion of how to manage their own shows than persons un acquainted with the section country where exhibi tions arc- held i Whats broke loose A Newmar ket correspondent to a city evening paper states that Mr Borden has been asked to stay out of this rid ing Mr W F Maclean tendered his good offices and appears to have been accepted Guess the MP for York regard Mr McCal- in the light of a recruit for the new party which The World would fain make its readers believe is going to revolutionize the whole ideals of government A deputation waited upon the Pro vincial Secretary on Wednesday and urged the probation plan of dealing with inebriates and also to extend the system to various classes of of fenders In this connection the depuiaion likewise urged Hon Mr to personally take a trip to Massachusetts and other American States where the probation system is in vogue in order that he might obtain facts ami figures respecting results of its operation there The proposition will be considered Friend Archie is just now passing through a first experience of newspaper criticism Wo has yet to learn that talking politics and making deliberate statements before the electorate as a parliamentary candidate is not talking to a municipal caucus He told the nom ination meeting that lie came to -the- convention with no idea of accepting a nomination and shortly after pro duced some sheets of notes on public ownership the reduction of express rates and railway passenger rates Guileless innocent soul and then stood the second ballot get there Archie Wilson of was kill ed while turning on an electric light a short time ago We have a strong suspicion that another Archie whose domicile is down in the southern part of King Township will be politically killed on the inst when the light of the ballot is turned on in this Riding The result will be a veritable surprise for the Third Party- machine bosses North York would never think of selecting a backbench representative when it is quite within the reach of the elec tors to secure a member oT the Gov ernment DANGER OF LIVING WITH CON SUMPTIVES Is real danger because the sputum of affected persons diffuses itself thru the air and finds lodgment in the sys tems of others exposed to Con sumption use fragrant healing tarrhozonc the most efficient cide known No case of Catarrh can withstand Catarrhozone which cures this loathsome disease thor oughly Cold in the head is cured in a few minutes and bronchitis asthma and lung trouble are cured to stay cured is em ployed I dont know any remedy so good for catarrh and bronchitis as Catarrhozone writes Eaton of Knowlton It cured me after years of suffering and saved me from consumption Two months treat ment trial size 25c The biggest rope ever used for haulage purposes has just been made for a district subway in Glasgow It is seven miles long four and five- eighths inches in circumference and weighs neatly tons It has been made in one and length of patent crucible steel j THE SMALLPOX QUESTION Any intelligent physician will ad mit that you dont catch smallpox because someone else has it but be cause your condition favors it Low vitality always encourages sickness and at this season especially every one should take Kerr ozone which de stroys disease germs and makes the system so strong and healthy that sickness cant exist Is a vitalizing tonic that makes rich red blood builds up the nerves cures drives away To get strong and it costa but at A BANK ACCOUNT BOTH DESIRABLE AND ve reign Bank OF CANADA NEWMARKET ONTARIO I A K mi nervousness and languid feelings keep strong sures health and all druggists Shiloh Ltd A Attic Current was visiter by a destructive fire on Saturday night Only for lite assistance of awl a liuckcl brigade most of the town have been destroyed I MM I lo iU it will wo wcIo- Proof toco Kit i UilA I U CmuumU I M I I vaM r lVJ aiW We it lo tf tfy ftttfA ftll Vi rfiH ri TUB CAUSE OF PILES Is Invariably constipation which fa quickly remedied by Dr Hamiltons Pills Of Mandrake and Butternut Sure relief and ho griping pains For a remedy that never falls use Dr Pills 26c It Is estimated tliat the casual ties during the rioting at Odessa to talled COO the Jews One hundred and twenty New foundland reservists embarked on three cruisers which are de tailed tor a lengthy voyage fittrl Of KM In ordinary the steer consume about of its ordinary feed the balance is un digested or wasted This undigested can be made to to I lb extra gain per day and at a profit by adding the salt pepper and gravy to its food to it tasty Yon like thcfc en your own fowl why not the animal Like the animal longs for a taty meal It starts mouth watering before eat ing and the sumach fills with digestive fluids to thoroughly dissolve the food This am digestive fluid dis solves an extra amount of food This is the extra gain comes in Clydesdale Stock Food the salt pepper and that animals mouth water It is equally for Horses Sheep and Hogs Nothing injurious in it andean stop feeding it without harmful effects Human beings can take it with benefit take it every We know its contents It is mah clean If not satisfied money will be cheerfully refunded by the dealer TRY POULTRY STOCK CONGRATULATIONS A man receives his first congratulations af ter purchasing one of- our FALL AND 0 TICK SUITS from his looking glass He re ceives His second from CustomMade ME U IT Just enough dash and style about these win ter suitings to make them distinctive The citymade look stands all over them WILLIS NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON STRBKT o 0 a NAMES WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT Confined to His Home for Weeks J 51 In youth on double When I hard the aching become and was tail up fur a a family tod an ratlin i but I I tut all was my I to doctors as little Utter than One day my fl- why I was work much and I told Mm advised me to Kennedy and Kervan from them end knew and skillful Its wrote and sot the fur me My progress was aril i flrst InontVa treatment was somewhat fc continued treatment for three months lonr and a complete cure I could only earn a In a before treatment now am earning I all sufferers knew of your valuable HENRY nt HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED POISONS ore th most and most very life of rtdlcId from the will cause of Mercury only lancet a vtctlm Havo you Are you ob your bloc Have you any Our Method Treatment will What It iasIone It do for you No matter who Jaj treated write for an opinion me of Char BOOKS Moni tor on of Men NO WITHOUT CONSENT No or confidential Question and colt of for Homo Treatment Cor Mich Ave and Detroit Mich mm Headquarters Harness i When in need of good Harness call At Harness Hedquattera Also FlyNets Tel- Trunks Suit Cases Gall to Cure or Money i A Prompt and Neat Repairing done GIVE US A PROMPTLY Write for our am Mlow are fleodyia rough ami our opinion as to I been i conduct fully and owl aeitaulcfclv as at the invention Highest through Hon receive pUl newrpapera the Dominion fc- Specialty Patent of MARION MARION Patent Export i New York

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