Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 10 Nov 1905, p. 4

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J J THE ERA FRIDAY NOVEMBER 10 by IllClieS at Aurora be I BLOODLESS- GIRLS SAVED BY DR WILLIAMS PINK PILLS Ian eloquent plea for toleration Dying by inches that is the only way to describe hundreds of blood less girls who are slipping slowly but from simple anaemia into a decline They drag themselves along with one foot in the crave through of that should be the happiest in their lives And the The PostmasterGeneral whole trouble lies in the blood Wad whole soul into his plea fountainhead of the feel in- between the races and Liberal Record In his second address in the North York campaign at a rousing meeting held In Aurora last Friday night lion A Aylesworth made an elo- for toleration and the ex tinction of racial fires in Canada threw bis For a better i blood is the trouble that afflicts woman from ma turity to middle life Bad blood all the backaches and side- aches all tbe paleness breathless- Bess and despondency all the heart palpitation sickly dizzy turns and deathlv fainting spells From faint ing spells to consumption is only a In nine cases out of ten con sumption from and the there but one gospel to be preach ed in such matters Surely these are circumstances which call or tol eration and for liberality ana fak ing to members of the great Libera party of Canada I can appeal with confidence to that spirit of British fair play and toleration which will say Give to twofifths of the people equal rights with the threefilths who are in the majority Loud cheers Mr reviewed the his tory of separate schools in Canada and in passing observed that speak ing personally as a Protestant of Ontario he would prefer to sec all NATURAL r Hot and i Mr has repeated ly and openly denounced the prin ciple public ownership To- fee same issue Of the from above extract is talcon report appears of Hon worths speech at the mass meeting in Newmarketlast week That gentlenian in creeds in the basis this country and made this the children going to the public for a powerful defence of school as in the village of his birth the autonomy legislation of last ses sion One or his forcible declara tions was that liberals are now as they ever have been the champions of Provincial rights The Mr Richard Under- hill spoke encouragingly of the Lib- only sure cure for bloodless- prospects He believed Mr is Dr Williams Pink Pills They Avlesworth would be their make new rich red blood on the of this month- that brings the rosy glow of health to sallow cheeks and strength to every tart of the body This has the audience been proved in thousands of cases Mr praised the Miss Frances Peach Well and record of the Government for A couple of years ago mr freedom from scandal It condition of health was very nothing but progress reform Doctors said that I had no blood that it had turned to water I was unfit to do anything for the Governments course in regard to where they marched along barefoot trxnrrv fast Catholics and Protcst- a year from that he will Premier shouted an enthusiast in months and was little more than a living skeleton I had no appetite the least exertion would leave me breathless and I had frequent severe headaches I was by several doctors but they failed to help me and I was completely discouraged Then I was urged to take Dr Williams Pink Pills and in a few weeks found my health improving I used eight boxes in all and was by that time again well and strong I prosperity and the unification of va ried and diversified interests all over Canada There did not appear to be an Opposition platform at present as Mr came out on the platform of William Fads Maclean who had been read out of his own at Ottawa Mr J Walton showed that the Liberals of the riding were united be hind Mr and pointed out that Mr had support ed Mr J Roche of Toronto last war when he opposed Sir William If an outsider was good a gained twentytwo pounds in weight enough then he is enough now a is Hear and never felt better in my life What Dr Williams Pink Pills did for Miss Peach they can do for every other weak and ailing girl Thev make new blood and new blood brings health strength and happi ness But you must be sure you have the pills with the full name Williams Pink Pills for Pale People printed on the wrapper around each box AH dealers sell these pills or you can get them by mail at J cents a box or six boxen Hear hear Mr Hartley KC To- lonto commented on the narrow lines of the Conservative Convention where absentees and outsiders were barred and referring to Mr T Lennox he observed ironically It is all right for a North York lawyer to come to Toronto to open a law hut it is all wrong for a To ronto lawyer to come to North York to seek to represent you Ap plause The old Conservative par- for by writing the Dr stood for something Its name had presented Barns Medicine Co Grand Trunk Railway LEAVE NEWMARKET Going South and am and pm Going North and and pm LEAVE TORONTO been modi part in another to L and now hybrid form as Public- arn am and pm Going West and am and pm Going East and am and pm par ty They were trying with a new coat of paint to gloss over the old condition of affairs to present a more palatable appearance They all knew Maclean said Mr Dew- art He had been like a clucking hen setting for years and trying to hatch something and never succeed ing He always wanted to Set and set at the wrong place and hatch out the wrong kind of eggs and the result was he never brought anything out Laughter Now that ban- tarn was going about with a Shang hai chick but they all knew the in sincerity that had marked the whole Leave Newmarket and career of Maclean Ap- am andlplausp Mr praised the pm character and work of Mr Ayles- car every Monday morning worth quoting from his own obser- vations of the candidates work and Late car every Wednesday and after a reference to some features of Saturday night at IMS the Governments record reminded the Leave Toronto and people of the riding that the eyes of am 540 and 8 the Dominion were upon them and pm should not take a step Late car Wednesday night by defeating the PostmasterGeneral Mr Aylesworths Speech ants together Still separate schools had been established Quebec for the protection of the Protestant min ority and afterwards were establish ed elsewhere for the benefit of the Catholic minority The very people who now said the NorthWest was be- in coerced were those who on the other side of the Atlantic cried out that there must be no home rule lor Ireland because the Roman Catholic majority might impose their rule on the Protestant minority Mr reviewed the different views held respecting religious instruction in schools and said that the people of the had settled that Question for themselves fifteen years ago so far as they were concerned Their system had been voluntarily enacted ami that was the system which it was now said to be coercion to perpetuate Cheers No more ridiculous no more utterly false po litical cry has ever been put before the people How with any regard for truth fulness any politician or can dare to apply to the Government of Canada or to Sir Wilfrid Laurier the epithet of coercion it passes comprehension Cheers I come upon the record or that Government not apologizing for it not on my de fence in this matter I come here and glory in it It a proud thing for the statesman of Canada that have courage and in the face of that agitation to stand nobly and firmly to their posi tion and say We will give to them the constitution which Brit ain gave to us and we stand for rights as the Liberal party has always stood We say now simply what we said in the Provinces of the have J declared their own laws Whether we of the Dominion agree or not we perpetuate them we support them we will not override them Strange how appropriate remedy for a local or genial diatut The inside which grow in and the great carefc acute Quinine cure for Ague- is made rom Bark which tree thrives in aguish districts Again fruit ftourisnea in hot where liver kidney and skin diseases aboundand he who lives in a hot climate and abstains from easing port states the Hon fruit will die gen rally from liver disease Why jccause fruit acts on the Presenting his views on the question bowels and mates them move acta the of public ownership made these and causes more bile to flow which is the natural kidneys and them excretemore It was in the interest of the urine acts on the skin and Increases the J people who ate serving theJWants action of the skin in throwing of the people whoever thev may Fruit punfies At- be that business in which they may be engaged should be to get the full benefit A selfsupporting and as soon as in Ottawa has discovered a method of f the progress of the country combining the juices of apples orange should warrant it either the men prunes and and then forcing an who are pushing forward this atom of bitter from the prangs vice or the Government if the peels juices and thiaJ makes a stronger fruit material many times stronger than ordinary fruit The fruit laxative extract is nude into tablet and sold under the name of Fruit-a- lives or Fruit Liver Tablets These tablets are natural remedy for palion Biliousness Sick Headache Kidney Liver and Skin diseases and all bldoij Impurities a box bores I put the World or sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa HOT -J- Friday mornings Globe That noise that you heard yesterday was Messrs Borden and Foster rushing to North York to help elect Mr Mac leans candidate Toronto Globe Mr Borden ed a few days ago that he would be willing to come up and assist at the if he were asked Will Mr Maclean the new party manager ask him to come up to North York finances of the country will war rant will- proceed withthe ex tension of telephones Into the thinlysettled parts of the Does that sound like denouncing the principle of public ownership didnt tell all that Hon Mr Aylesworth said about this public ownership of telephones and telegraphs The Hon gentleman told his hearers that he was cogni zant of the fact that his predecessor in the Postal Department Sir Wil liam had taken a lively in terest in this question was Indeed chairman of a Parliamentary Com- last session appointed to consider the matter He also added that this step was Sir Wil liam with the full knowledge and consent of the Administration of Sir Wilfrid Also that it was the intention of the Government to that inquiry and it was his Three Government candidates were I purpose to by acclamation up in Alberta low the footsteps of Sir William on nomination day hut nary an On- j on this question Why did not the 1 position Alberta people ought to j give this the Tory papers of This disease is increasing with alarming rapidity Large numbers of people are its victims It is no respecter of persons young old and middle aged are numbered in the long list of sufferers Worry anxiety and general debility are the main causes The symptoms are Yellow eyes yellow skin pains in shoulders irregular bowels bad taste shortness of breath a dry hacking cough languor depressed spirits The nervous system is disturbed and a disinclination for work These are a few of the symptoms a deranged liver Psychine is an invaluable remedy in any of the above symptoms It is the tonic you need to tone up the system It- will steady the nerves set the liver in proper working order and cleanse all impurities from the blood will banish insomnia dispel depression and revive all the dormant energies After using one or two bottles there will be no more trouble with the liver Just try and see the results 5 SIKEEN si ALL ONE DOLLARTRIAL DL A Limited I 179 King Street West Toronto Canada n Metropolitan Ry at JO S5CHOMBKRG BRANCH Connecting at Bond Lake Leave Schomherg am and p Arrive in Toronto am and pm Leave Toronto am and p Arrive in at am and pm IS YOUR DOCTOR BILL LARGE Beat way to keep it small is not to call the doctor hut use For minor ailments like colds coughs chills cramps bead- ache and fitoroach trouhle Is oodaB any doctor It up a cold in one cures in the chest and lor and rheumatism you anything hall so Rood as I The fame for A most cordial reception was Hon Mr when he rose He said he had hoped to enter public if ever as an ally and support er of Sir William and the withdrawal was a great source regret to him It was some rime since the first surest ion had come to him to enter political life It bad appeared to him a mat ter tit public duty it was his duly to answer the call Sir Wilfrid Lauricrs great aim in life had been to unite the various races and creeds of Canada In him there lived and breathed a pureminded whole sou led patriot In our sister Province there lived a Frenchspeaking race who had been here before the whom the conquerors wisely permit ted to retain their language insti tutions Now a grave condition colic and pain in the atom- to ach extends far and wide Good for J lr Wilfrid had atKed him to join help anythn a liniment can be Rood for I coats hut for a large bottle i Mr Burton a pioneer Kee- watin to death in a fire that destroyed Mr lotm he had believed it was literally his public dity to do what he could Mr Aylesworth did not appeal for support on any merit of his own hut on the record of the I Government Twelve months ago North York had elected a supporter one Province of Manitoba years ago decided something against the interest the Roman Catholic Church just as we the Reform party ted by Sir Wilfrid then said that the law should be maintained so we stand for the law of the Provinces as they themselves have enacted it to he maintained and to remain their law and we arc to day as we have always been true champions of Provincial rights in Canada Loud cheers The meeting closed with renewed cheers for Mr Aylesworth and the King 000 Obstinate Coughs and Colds A cough is an exceedingly trouble some symptom of various diseases It rnav arise from irritation of the air passages bronchial tubes the lungs from aneurism or heart dis ease and also from stomach disor ders The source of most coughs is most frequently in the lungs and it is therefore wise to rid yourself of a cough as quickly as possible After a few doses of the ordinary cough disappears but where the cough is obstinate and the throat sore with frequent coughing Dr Coltsfoote a soothing healing cough syrup should also be used and disease germs eas ily eradicated the extension of the seat of disease to the bronchial tubes and lungs rendered impossible and Expectorant can be purchased from any druggist The steamer Bavarian with 250 passengers and tons of cargo went ashore in a snowstorm last Friday night miles east of Que bec She was on her way from Montreal to Liverpool In trying to get off the rocks the ships back was broken and will be a total loss The passengers were removed in safety by the government steamer which went to its aid next morning very short to know how badly they are being coerced A good story comes from North Gwillimbury in connection with Arch ie canvass It is said he entered a schoolhouse on one of the concession lines and made a nice little speech respecting his being a candidate and although he was a tall man now he once was as as any of them Archie then asked a small child in the junior class so the story goes what is a pilgrim pilgrim is man who goes about a good deal was the reply This not being quite satisfactory he observed I about a good deal but I am not a pilgrim Please sir said the pupil I mean a good man Turn ing to the gentleman accompanying him in his Archie said voce Whod have thought of finding such development in Gum Swamp and a broad sifTile covered two faces as the candidate and bis pilot left the schoolroom It is perhaps only a story but it furnishes an il lustrated chapter in the present North York campaign give tnis part of Mr speech a place in its col umns Simply because it would flat contradiction to Mr Mac leans in the same Hall last week and likewise give to the country substantial evidence of its attempt to mislead the electorate of North York in regard to Mr Ayles- attitude on this ver ques tion of public ownership It wont do I he people of Riding now understand the tactics of the ents of the PostmasterGeneral a man whom the World declared mi his return from the Alaska award arbi tration had no peer in the country The Third Party leader has got the wrong ear to the sidewalk I That cm rent wont work the line is defective ard Howse two boys Government What had occur- by a train while driving r itmn wihh the railway at lla killed afexih or subject of public debate since the bad been the school clauses of the autonomy bills Within his I memory no subject had been to un fairly debated or The Roman Catholics comprise two- fifths of the population of Canada What would you do Mr I AvIewortJi in a township Council where there were three Protest two Catholics think it would- tend to peaceful and jmoniouH relations between man and if the three were to fcay to the Co two You have bo rights you All put down an Iron heel shall treated as you expect men to le treated In the des potism of Russia Why surely We One Hundred Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J A Co Toledo undersigned J Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his KINNAN Wholesale Druggists Toledo Catarrh Cure a taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces the Testimonials sent free Price per bottle Sold by all Drug gists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation 1 Theres a screw loose somewhere the Tory machine in North York seems to be sadly out of gear Only two short weeks ago a city evening paper professedly IndependentCon servative in politics but always man aging to jump down on that side of the feedingtrough announced that strong pressure was being brought to hear to John Lennox to run against Hon A Aylesworth It was also added by way of spec tacular setting as to his qualifica tions for the position of representa tive in the realm of Dominion poli tics that he was for one year pres ident of the Canadian Lacrosse Asso ciation That ought to have been enough to be president of a sport ing crowd ought to enable him to deal with such questions as trade commerce inland revenue public- works civil and religions liberty or hobknob with Mr Macleans hobby of public ownership In view of nil this why was that portion of the Lennox family who has taken up his abode in the village of not presented for admiring Conserva tives instead of the tall man Archie from King at the recent con vention Something must have gone wrong with the combination In Odessa the storm centre of Russia mobs arc killing the Jews For the Month of October No Thornton Prosper Nor man Cook J limes Jr Mary Main Willie Mitchell HI Clarence Goodyear Audrey Ernes Ruby Mc Donald Jr III Archie Pollock Carl On an Huntley Gordon Crowder John Marritt Jr Flossie Cole Mildred Rose Harry No 10 Total Marks Sadie Burrows Mabel Rose Amv Pollock Vera Smith absent HI Martha Burrows Mildred Ross Rose Nellie Smith Lulu Willie Young SI Kills Pollock Johnnie Smith Angus Lome Burrows absent Nellie Rose Annie Smith PL Lilu Mc intosh Int PL Marjorie Smith Jr Charlie Mitchell Present every Mabel Rose Mil dred Willie Young ST JOHN Teacher UST a word with you And its about your Fall Suit and Overcoat We wont waste words We are sole agents for what are admittedly the finest ready-to- wear garments offered in Canada the brand of mens lino tailored garments Dont confuse these clothes with the readymade stuff They arc different and better in every respect and the very kind of clothes you are looking for They are being worn by dressy men all over Canada They solve the clothes problem for the man who wants stylish clothes at a reasonable price Wo re ready when you are OPPOSITE SOVEREIGN BANK NEWMARKET v WANTED Farm to Let end of Lot 32 3rd Con King Good buildings mostly cleared ana A reliable agent for Newmarket and under cultivation fair orchard well Gordon Wilfred country Good pay watered Terms reasonable For and plundering their property For eign residents In Russia have ap pealed to their Embassies at St Pe tersburg for aid distress after dizziness that heavy feeling wind and pains in the stomach and furred tongue take SCHOOL Evelyn Starr Howard Clure Harry Wesley Bertie linger Gladys Vernon Arthur Ver- weekly exclusive territory further particulars apply to John case or outfit- tree Our terms arc Black on premlsea or to proprietor HI Eva Ethel We need a J Sheridan Starr Gordon man of good character and ability vcrsidc Gertrude Haw- during fall and- winter months l OVER ACRES As Jr III Cleave Al bert Armstrong Myrrcl Shropshire Dot tie before you retire to start the juices assist the to dispose of the food en courage appetite di gestion and make you feel life is worth living Sold In boxes cents the result of a gas explosion which wrecked a bank building at and most three children were If Horace persons injured 11 Horace Bertie fruit and ornamental stock small Alice Wesley Jean Bona fruits and seed potatoes it Armstrom Lundy Myrtle specialties offered for the first Vernon time Write for terms now to I L Myrtle Allan Frank Elton Armstrong Audrey NURSERY CO 87 Toronto Ont pt Allan Lawrence Mahel ton Cora Allan Clarence Wil bur Shropshire Jr Pt I Leila Lundy Herbert Shropshire Leslie Albert Every noble impulse translated into a noble action becomes a per manent addition to a lifes spiritual energy PAY to Six dol lars per week cither sex introducing our NEW IDEA free training ra pid advancement opportunity sure Nicholas Company Limited Toronto GEO ABBOTT teacher Mention this paper CASTOR I A For Infants Children Tho Kind You Haw Always Bought Boars of 1

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