Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 3 Nov 1905, p. 8

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY NOVEMBER hi Jig Hammer blows plied break the hardest rock Coughing day after day Jars and tears the throat and lungs until the healthy tissues give way Ayers Cherry Pectoral stops the coughing and heals the torn membranes f ftlvtli aay hard J hi a and an Lcrtll vers rife around the AND COS- TO Too lat6 for last week Mrs Geo Wight is spending a days at Mr Win Barkers Bel- haven Mr Win Shaws new house also Mr Johnsons and Mr Stevens new houses are completion and when completed will add to the appearance of the siderod Tom has returned after Pav ing a flying visit to the West Geo Dewey will his lecture To Business in Methodist Church on the eve Nov 2nd Everybody come and enjoy the treat conottpation retard re covery with Pills FARMERS FT GOAL -FOH- District Meeting the Sons of Temperance was held in the Temper ance Hall on Friday afternoon and in the evening a concert was given by the delegates Mr Holland Grand Worthy Patriarch acted as chairman Mr Walton of Kettlebx the Grand District Scribe gave a speech followed hy a song from Miss of Kcttleby a recitation by Miss of a recita tion from Miss Lennox of a reading by Mr Morrison of Pains and an address from the Rev Mr McLean of Churchill Although the weather was disagreeable there was a fair turnout and all present to enjoy themselves 9 KESWICK Too late for last week We extend our congratulations to Mr and Mrs Leslie Morton also Mr and Mrs Leslie Stephens Mr Owl was exact in his state ments regarding that new house in K as he always is in his weather forecasts The Owl is certainly a wise bird The house or rather the building operations have commenced talk is getting quite pre valent in our midst Dame rumor has it that there arc other weddings booked for in and near this locality The fever must be contagious Some of our benevolent ladies are and you look gay And theTeoaUMt J atrial impression People look ft to rase money at you then at the horse and say what happy people that no person should refuse to in the a grand cause and dirt we use all old ones jas massed Our have been on straw but now we have some tawdust so If you require in our line nil on or call up Portland Cement The national Cement is the best lor foundations and other work -AT- J WILLSONS Huron St Storehouse North Livery Consider and keep up a cheerful look Our look sorry to purchase an artificial limb for Miss of We you from feeling that you to a nice new out and would like to give some assist ance no matter how small it will very thankfully received if left he or on us Town Carting also done A Proprietor Kotice of Application for Divorce Mr Allan intends leaving here to join his brother Glen in Chi cago next week Miss Bessie Terry has returned from a few weeks visit with friends in Toronto Miss B Woods has been visiting at Notice is hereby given that Julia Mr Fred Warrincrs Dover of Fuller Avenue in City of Toronto in the County York and Province of Ontario Mar- ried Woman will apply to the Canada at the next cession excitement has been thereof for a bill of her around town over the alleged William Arthur Frederick banning of Dan Patch the great Dover of the City of Toronto in the Thompson of County of York Agent on the ground As is known to many of of adultery and desertion leaders Mr Thompson was a Dated at Toronto this day of September AD A ARMSTRONG for Applicant Victoria St Toronto our resident of having lived on the old mill property While there it will be remembered he owned a horse by the name of which did some good work on the local race tracks giving promise of great speed Then tame that fire at Bradford in which it was claimed that a number of other horses was burn ed For a lime great suspicion was CM by residents of the see the truthfulness of this it soon died away and as no trace of the horse could be Learn le Was moved away from town and after living in Newmarket for some time finally settled in Arthur Ik- has not been able lo it to yw to procure a close inspection of Dan 000 TELEGRAPHERS raamr NEEDED ft nil the created by tJOn as III Young l and Accounting- of In A in trie Our exclusive flyrapb In world by all railway i any time No vaca tion full reardluy of our writ- our free same and the view that he got of the pacer at the Inhibition Park Hack Toronto on Saturday was lie Morse School of t that the horse M ic was Will that was supposed to have been burned burned in Bradford some years ago Which belonged him is now pressing his claim for the horse an Italian wo- decided to enter a civil action against those who are exhibiting him to reports People will with interest future develop ments in this case Tottenham Sen tinel Mrs man burned to death at Montre al by lamp exploding and her was seriously Injured in to her ClairvoyantPsychic Medical Free bit P in clair voyance or not there no the that the doctor can plain the source and of your either nunlal or physical and hut ret lor to health and happiness who would have re- invalids all their Send lock hair name age and fctarftp Syracuse I ON A BANK ACCOUNT BOTH AND H m OF CANADA NEWMARKET ONTARIO a The authorities of the United Stale and the dominion of Canada are talking of Joint action to put- a stop illegal driukfng on the international boundary line It now looks as if a wort ol one will he named where these place will not be allowed to establish must locate wholly In the United States or in Canadian territory when they would become amenable to the law i In a wreck on the near- Kansas City thirteen killed and thirty Injured SHARON Too late for last week Mr Turner who led here on a late to the NorthWest is ly ing ill of typhoid fever in the hospi tal at Carman Mrs Phillips also Miss J spent over Sunday with their mother Mr A Wilson took in the races at Toronto last Saturday to see Dan Patch Mr Richard who has sum mered in Brandon returned to spend the winter with bis daughter Mrs Miss Kavanagh spent a few days with Miss and calling on a number of old friends Mr John made a church business trip to Toronto last week Quilt a number from here attended the farewell to Sir Win Program of Young Peoples Associ ation November Educational Work Chap of The Heart Japan Rev Partridge Missionary Am I Keeping My League Cove Mai 256 II Cor 21 Miss Grose Consecration The Dangers of Indulgence 2935 2225 Mr I Terry Literary Womans Work Chap of The Heart of Japan Miss R Stephenson Missionary ooa The anniversary services of Methodist Church here will take place on December and L Further particulars later The Misses Aylward were At Home to a number of friends at Hearts ease on Thanksgiving evening Program for the Am I Keeping My League Cove nant Mai 2 Cor Rev Partridge Consecration 13 The Dangers of Indulgence 5 3 Miss Pearson Literary Work Chap of The Heart of Japan Mrs J Henry Missionary Wonderful Works Ps J Mrs J Thanksgiving Service Program for the Guild November Missions Leader Mr Missionary My Covenant Leader Miss Grose Mai II Con Consecration Dangers of Indulgence Leader Mr I Prov Temperance 22 Praising Leader Miss A Wright Ps SO Thanksgiving Missions Leader Miss Missionary KESWICK The anniversary services of the Methodist Church at Keswick will take place on November and j On Sunday Rev J Simpson of Toronto former pastor of this circuit will preach at am and pm On Tuesday even ing Rev Johnston of Toronto will deliver his celebrated lecture Wisdom and Folly in Home Life Mr is so widely known as a lecturer throughout On tario that it is needless for us to say further than that he will be by a large gathering Where ever he goes the people are delighted lo hear him- Fall DISEASE PREVALENT NOW BUT CAN BE QUICKLY CURED WITH HYOMEL A many people suffer more with catarrh during the fall months than at any other season of the year the changes in weather seeming to have a bad effect upon the disease Some of the cures made by seem marvellous when one that the patient had suffered from catarrh since childhood and that for years they had been unable to get a good nights sleep on ac count of the disagreeable tickling and dropping at the back of the throat caused by this dis ease A few days treatment with Hyomei brought quick relief and its continued use made a complete and lasting cure By breathing through the inhaler that conies with every outfit all the air passages of the lungs and throat arc filled with air laden with Natures own remedies for the cure of catarrh All disease genus arc killed and the irritated j mucous membrane is healed The complete outfit costs but SI extra bottles cents Compare this small expense with the fees charged specialists If you cannot obtain of your dealer it will lie forwarded fay mail postage pain on receipt of price Write today for consultation blank that will entitle you to services of our medical department without charge The R Booth Company Building Ithaca Our Settlers Canada has received immigrants in last nine years For every British immigrant in nine years there has been an Ameri can Sixty per cent of total immigra tion for nine years has been English- speaking per cent foreign The British immigration of 1301 in creased over the American decreased Cost of bringing immigrants to Canada Continental per head Great Britain United States general average immigration of was dou ble thai of treble that of The British Immigrants for were MCU1 English Scotch il28 Irish Foreign arrival were Gall- elans Germans Hungari an other Austrian Scandinavians Russians and Finns French and Belgians The Immigration of averaged 2500 per week I Idleness Is the fools continuous holiday The October Assizes The Kail for the Judicial County of York opened last Monday at the Court House Toronto with Mr Justice on the bench Following is the docket Emma Harvey murder Josephine Carr murder Taberinto murder Bruno murder George Pullman murder John Downs- rape William Kelly rape William rape J H Spood Macedonians rape Then the following cases which were traversed from last spring as sizes John OBrien rape John Guehrie rape Richard conspiracy Mr A is the Crown prosecutor Just the list Almost every case is furnished Toronto but the County has to bear its proportion of taxation to the cost of these trials This is the price North York has to up for the privilege of doing its judi cial business in Toronto Thousands of dollars would be annually saved to the ratepayers North York were the Riding set apart into a se parate county QOO Out Wheatfields Facts and Figures About the West ern Granary Canada has the largest wheat field in the world miles Canadas wheatgrowing area in west is per Prof Saunders es timate million acres in extent Canada has less than five millions this area under cultivation or only per cent- If onefourth of the million acres were under wheat it would supply Britain three times over and the home market as well By there will it is estimated bo- 10 million acres under wheat yielding million bushels The Canadian west is capable of producing billion bushels of wheat Canadas wheat crop mil lion bushels millions in the west- Canada ranks tenth among the worlds wheatproducing countries Canadas wheat crop is nearly double that of the United Kingdom Canadas grain crop of all kinds reached million bushels Prof Tanner the agricul tural chemist western Canada has the richest soil in the world Canadas wheat yield for the last ten years averaged bushels an acre Wheat yield in the United Slates for same period bushels per acre Manitobas average wheat yield for ten years bushels per acre Minnesotas yield for same period 14 Kansas 12 Missouri Canadas western wheat contains per cent morn albuminoids than the best European varieties One hundred pounds of Canadian flour makes more bread of high qual ity than the same weight of any wheat imported into Britain 0 The Western British American of Chicago gels off the following hit at motor car operators A donkey killci a man in one of the roads of England and this leads an complain that savage don keys are allowed to travel the roads unhindered while the driver of a mo tor car is hedged in and restricted on all sides It must be confessed that donkeys are not always properly classified If they were some of them be driving motor cars but like Nebuchadnezzar might he put put to grass with their four- footed brethren while rational driv ers would not suffer undue restric tions Dear Mother Many people have a habit of ailing How much better it be to learn to keep well For health after all is largely a matter of habit which all may acquire with a little practise teach good habits to Stomach Liver Kidney and If you arc subject lo Bilious Attacks suffer from Constipation or arc troubled with Indigestion Nervousness or Headache Pills will reform all these bad habits and set an example of health which the body willquickly follow You can break up all sickly habits by occasionally using the health suggestions trans- by Pills only by El Helens I Sold All In CnU and t America boxes cents Your little care in Fall ux weather Thct will catch cold Do know about Tonic what it has foe to many It said to be die only reliable for all of air in absolutely hamlets pleasant to lake- It is guaranteed to money it returned- The price bottle and all dealers in medicine sell he every Headquarters I Harness When in need of good Harness call At Harness Headquarters Also Hugs Whips SweatPads Tel escopes Trunks Suit Cases Gall Guaranteed to Cure or Refunded j Prompt and Neat Repairing US A CALL P NOTTINGHAM QTJEBNSVILUS it merely something you it weakness in the stomach A pain danger signal that something is wrong Indigestion stomachs way of telling you that it cant or wont NOW is the time to take Those fruit tablets rct the stomach bring copious flow of gastric juice at meal and make stomach and intestines digest everything you eat You know that are doing you good because there Is no more pain no more sour stomach no belching gas keep the stomach clean and healthyand ready to digest any meal you eat while the constipation is entirely cured by their use Pruitsitlve are most valuable In the home We have two boxes their to and very Mr P Calgary Alberta arc pure juices in tablet form act gently on oil the organs of digestion strengthen invigorate and cure If there is anything with fitouiach or bowels cure with are getting third which opinion find them socially good for the chiMrco vtrv their Action or Livor Tablets by Frultatlves Limited hi ii 1 the paying hen beyond a doubt One dozen of egg on the average Mill for the lame a one pound of butter and the much Nothing on the farm give paying if properly fed as the hen it her natural action to lay egg Hercules Poultry Food contains the harmless ingredient tha t makes your hens lay in winter time when are at the highest price It keeps them in splendid condition to resist disease HERCULES LOUSE KILLER will keep your fowl free from vermin and CARBOLINE ANTISEPTIC will keep your hen house clean This to the egg production All our preparations are sold under a POSITIVE GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION or money cheerfully refunded by the dealer Food Co Limited Toronto lVM a O a o ONCRATULATION i A man receives his first congratulations af ter purchasing one of our FALL AND WIN TER SUITS from his looking glass He re ceives his second from CustomMade MENS SU ITS Just enough dash style about these win ter suitings to make them distinctive The cityuiadc look stands all over them WILLI J NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON STREET Qo D u It Inherited ny Blood you virus or beta from the system At timet you but live in hop no will follow you a following Bore ulcers on or In tbt Ice of the tores or blotches on the red eiusl weakness enlMfed to Dont ruin your system with old treatment patent which sUPtreea for a Urns only to break when happy In domestic life- Dont let quacks experiment on you la to cure you OUR BY HANK that the Wood or Skin will of patient have been already cured by our ilKNT for over and no return of the dilate No not 4 up tut cure The USIOWilHOUT HAD POISON YEARS Now Method Treatment Coral ttr Drugs Hot all fulled J W- of Mich I do not like notoriety A of kind but I I 1 WjI lh great they have done rne I had A bleed du ll fir of The akin and f J ad illy formed rurnlng broke out hair In the boms and Joint foul Itchy etc It rnJNu for me to tried I grw lo looks vlHtrd Hot Springs months each time It helped me temporarily tut months after home I was as bad as aver Finally a Doctor of Kenntdy Kergan Me ho had known of them for over JO year l they made a and the by the they ought to expert In curing I was afraid of advertltlmc but I advice fhty to treat ma under a guarantee or no yy Investigated their landing and found they were perfectly I commenced the Treafraent The disappeared the bone paint In four and In four months I entirely cured air can recommend the New Treatment for and for for Treat lis Chailcs was killed by a few men arc appreciated until blow while with North- lake up their in a at St John Bun J Inn t

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