t I A HALL Nov 1905 Weeks League- Next Monday will be devoted to Temperance Musical and Literacy program is being prepared and good attendance is anticipated Out Baldwin Breezes and some school reports were received too late or this issue will appear next week magistrates Court Inspector has laid infor mation in a couple of cases lor vio lation of the Local Option Act in Whitchurch Township and sum monses are issued for a hearing in Newmarket this afternoon ETC Just CURRANTS Selected cloned Opened very fine lbs selected Valencias Its RAISINS Finest Seeded Selected Muscatel Rais ins packages for 25c Very fine selected lb ft box Choice and It Two special constables were on duty on Halloween which no doubt kept the crowds of hoys and girls from committing any serious depre dations Those who wantonly de stroyed a portion of the fence be longing to the Friends Church on Park Ave should be ashamed of their work and contribute to neces sary repairs Committee Room The North York Reform Executive have opened a Committee Room in the Sovereign Bank building for the Election campaign now on Mr Scott is in charge Telephone connection has been made and any information required by canvassers or electors concerning the North York as well as campaign literature can he obtained by calling at the Room Hurrah for Magnificent addresses were deliver ed by Esq and Hon A in the Town Half here yesterday and an enthusiastic campaign opened which will no doubt terminate In the elec tion of the new J KETTLEHY- Just received our first shipment of new Fruits selected Valencia Raisins and very fine Currants cleaned fullflavored Fruits fruit very nice lb EXCELSIOR BLEND COFFEE is the finest quality lb Always fresh ground JAPAN TEA Our line is sure to please CODFISH Pure package ECLIPSE SOAP Quality is good hut a slow sell er bars Hon A K ONLY On Monday evening a man and bis wife were put in the cooler for creat ing a disturbance on the street and on promising to do better were let out during the evening Dr Clarks house is gelling on finely The masons expect to start plastering next week The entire basement of Roche store has got a new floor Regular meeting of the will be held at the home of Mrs Hughes next Tuesday afternoon at oclock Did you see Mr T Watsons new watch a new sign Presbyterian Church Morn Ink and evening services Good quality full size a set Library Lamps Two Specials at and each The Leading Reliable Telephone were well attended and Sabbath School full to overflowing At the evening service Miss Oliver sang a solo with her usual power of interpretation The Young Girls Mission Band have been fortunate in securing Mr one of Knox Colleges most talented young men to give an address at their Missionary meeting j on Tuesdav evening Nov The meeting will be held in the church Lunch will be served in the school loom at the close of the meeting All welcome Silver collection at door Hon A is now in public life as PostmasterGeneral and as Liberal candidate in North York He is a new figure in politics but he is recognized by the opponents of his party as too important a man to be allowed to quietly enter upon his career and it is safc to say that he wilt at the very outset be met with the fiercest resistance that can be put up by every influence hostile to the Liberal patty the Liberal policy or any part of it the Liberal leader or Mr himself There will be a fight of unusual vigor against the election of Mr because he is more than an or dinary candidate His political op ponents see in him a man of unusual ability who to be beaten at all must be beaten before he has been allowed time to exhibit his talents in Parliament and to prove his im portance as an acquisition lo the Ministry and to Ontarios represen tation in it Word will be sent in to every camp hostile to the Liberal Government that unless Hon A Aylesworth can be destroyed in his political cradle in North York he will be a giant to fight later on They will say that if by tremendous efforts they can heat him now while he is new to politics and not inured to the malice and meanness of party strife he may revolt at the whole thing whereas if he once enters Par liament he will be a success and quickly become a- great figure in the count If the defeat of Hon A is going to be made so dear an object by every opponent of the Liberal Government as seems likely at present his election by a large majority should lc made the deter mined purpose of every Liberil in North York They should not be de ceived those who for this reason or that would have them id in terest in politics and refrain from voting The object will he to beat this man of all men not for this that or the other reason advanced by canvassers but because of his po tential strength because of his force of mind and character and his and Miss Nelson accompanied by some friends from Aurora visited rat- Mr Rankin on Thanks giving Miss Hal tie Love ami friend Miss Mi Idle ton also Love of Toron to spent here Howard P Proctor of Aurora spent the day at his home Miss Rachel Ramsay is visiting with her old neighbors and friends and Mrs of are visiting with the tatters parents here Mr John Elliott Ml W Robinson shipped a car load of apples destined for Germany Air Jos Rogers has returned from the West While there he purchased a in the vicinity of Man Mr Walter remained there for a time to get the Fall plowing done Two of his sons will go West in ihe spring The Division had the pleasure of the newly married couples from Keswick on Saturday evening at their lodge Mr Morton and bride and Mr Stephens and bride They were the guests of Mr Baker Mr Alfred and mother also his Utile daughter Ruth spent Thanksgiving in the city Out village commissioners have made about rods of cement walk feet wide which makes quite an improvement lo the town Mrs Florence is spending a few days at the home Mrs Lew is Mount A few from this vicinity are going to take in the plowing match on Nov The stone crusher is running full time now The hoys of this vicinity gathered at the homo of Mr and Mrs Edward Baker on Wednesday evening last to do honor in serenading the new brid al Mr and Mrs Leslie Mor ton Mr and Mrs Leslie Stephens who were spending their honeymoon at their home After the noise was quiet and congratulations were ex tended bridegrooms responded liberally Then a hearty invitation was extended by Mr Baker to step in and make themselves com- This seasons Canned Tomatoes Peas Corn and Beans Aylmer Brand This brand has always maintained its supremacy and has won for itself an enviable reputation for ty Nothing but the Highest 39 SALMON AT Grade Fish POPULAR Our Tea Department carries the best values in North York Our spe cial Japan at 25c positively without a rival At Our Provision Counter Sample our Breakfast Bacon lb no better cured meat pro curable Smoked Hams and Rolls Long Clear Bacon Cooked Meats Ham Corned Beef Jellied Veal and Hocks Headcheese and Bologna Pork Pies lbs Fork Sausage 75 The best Bulk Oysters in the Dominion Fresh Finnan Labrador Herring Cranberries and Sweet Potatoes Sweet Oranges SoaiikI Lemons WE STONES Toronto Bread PETERS CHOCOLATES SIOBM city to a great part in the for a short lime when lie life of the country The reasons why his defeat will be eagerly sought are the best possible reasons why North York should eiect him To ronto Star Mr Arch the Conservative Candidate their frit Hot Supper I RIMLESS They are attractive doubtless and becoming to many people not advisable for everybody though However It makes no diOer- about the rims the lenses do the good The lenses may be in gold gold filled silver or steel rims and help the wearer equally in either fit lenses to the eye the rims to the features and the price to the amount which you would like to pay ALL ADVISE FREE ATKINSON CO J The annual Hot Fowl Supper of the Newmarket Christian Church will fake place on Tuesday Nov The committee have been fortunate in securing Rev of Trinity Methodist Church Toron to belter known as Moveon Will- son to give one of his popular lec tures The subject will be Some thing Everybody Wants and we have no doubt that Mr will not only clothe his thoughts in beau tiful language but will give some thing edifying inspiring and humor ous The price of admission has been raised to cents Consider ing the high price of fowl we are surprised that the price was not year and are sure that IV increase will not stand in the way of a full house The supper alone is worth the price and the lec ture is thrown in so to speak A massmeeting of the Conserva tives of North York was called at the Town Hall Newmarket on to select a candidate to con test the Riding in the approaching byeelection The attendance was not much to inspire confidence in the result but what- was lacking in num bers was made up by the enthusiasm of those present The following nominations were made Major J A Allan Newmarket Arch of King Tp J McKay Newmarket Maclean Toronto Mayor of Aurora John Newmarket Roche New- riding who he thought could market Newmarket Lennox Aurora T J Wood cock Newmarket Michael North Titus Peregrine Queens vj lie Alt the nominees the meeting and all hut three declined lo act namely A Roche and T These three names then went to the ballot and as there was no election the of Roche having received the smallest vote was drop ped On the second ballot A McCallum was declared to have a majority the votes cast The announcement was received with loud cheers and on motion made unanimous Mr McCallum in accepting the nomination thanked the convention for the honor done him Though his name had been mentioned for some weeks in connection with the nomi nation he had felt a reluctance to have it go before the convention cause there were other men in the in a larger vote Mr was clever lawyer and a Cabinet Min ister and the fight would be a hard one hut if all put their shoulder to the yoke victory would be assured Mr said that he would de- vole his whole time until election day lo earnest work for his parlys success and he knew that his sup porters would he equally active Meeting closed with the usual cheers new- made eider and were heartily received by all after which the boys returned to their respective homes having spent a most enjoyable even ing On the following Friday evening a party was given by Mr Edward Baker in honor of A pleasant evening was spent in games of which nearly thirty took part A prize was given to one receiving the highest marks Mr Elmer Terry being the fortunate person After this all of a wellprepared tea ami returned to their homes in the wee small hours of the morning Miss Campbell and Miss of spent Thanksgiving Mrs Wm Smith and other friends Whitchurch Council at Bnlhin of Town A Reliable Store KESWIGK square dealing that Is my aim You get just you buy at the RIGHT PRICE beautiful Porcelain Dishes thrown MISS of has t winged to take charge of the the knows just how OPENING DAYS are Q Monday Oct 2 All are Invited Call and COLE Court In the absence of Col Lloyd Police Magistrate Mr Woodcock presided at the Court on Saturday when Mr Morton appeared to answer the charge of disorderly conduct He was remanded until Monday on his own recognizance but when Court was called he failed to appear Jos Wooden also answered the charge of disorderly conduct and fined and coats or days On Saturday last Magistrate Wood cock had a case from North The complainant Mrs Mann had rented a piece of property to defendant Crittenden The latter it claimed was only a monthly tenant and after leaving the place and giving up possession returned and carried off a portion of the fruit Defendant claims he had a right to do this as the fruit was not reserved when rented the place Complainant contends to come and take the fruit without permission was a trespass If not something worse The case was adjourned till next Saturday when more witnesses will be examined touching the bar gain There appears to be a Jo of outs and ins about the case and some considerable Interest has been create respecting the result PINE ORCHARD Miss spent Thanks giving with her friend Mrs Chas Coombs of Bradford Mrs Geo Knowles of Pasadena was calling on friends here on Monday Misses Jennie and Annie Hill have returned to Toronto after a short vacation spent at home Mrs A son Fred of Toronto spent Thanksgiving at Mr Some our local sportsmen left on Monday for the North and will doubt soon be hack laden with veni son Mrs has been ap pointed Bible Class teacher in con nection with the Every scholar was delighted with the way she performed her on Sunday- Mr Stanley Cowleson after two years hard study lias been most successful In gaining honors In his final examination on poultry raising at Toronto All praise is due Mr Mr J has met with great success during the Fall his total prizes amounting to being chiefly on sheep swine and poultry During the p few weeks there has been a big demand for the dic tionary around College Corners Farm for Sal Miss Ethel Williams of Shanty Bay has been visiting with her grandpar ents Mr and Mrs Ihe approaching is the chief topic of interest these days Though a comparative stranger Mr Avlesworths election Is conceded by all it would be an act courtesy grairi or da y farm fifty wire the Conservatives to allow him la ge if returned It is a foundation log house and two good wells well elded honor and in the best Inter- ft a of electors lo have as our representative in the House of Com mons a Cabinet Minister and he the UNION preached a very In teresting sermon on Sunday School work before a good attendance on Sunday ed convenient to church and school being lot In Concession North also Sixty acres good clay loam about thirty acres under crop balance pas ture land well watered Lot 4 North Either or both of these valuable farms will be sold on reasonable terms upon application to DRAPER i Belhaven Council met true on the Member nil present from lough on of culvert being removed on line east were presented by Williamson Hep culvert be tween and eon J ft plank for culvert con Wen gravel John Baker ft hours shoveling 70 T Bennett yd 10 MeQnllleni room for Coun cil meeting Matthew claimed damage for one ewe killed by dogs Nelson claimed for eight ewes killed by dogs The treasurer Instructed to pay the presented and two thirds the claims for sheep killed Councillor was instructed to see that the agreement with the James Bay By Co In regard to the overhead crossing between lots IK and on carried out and Councillor Thompson was to look after on side line and Con also between lots 10 and Con- The Reeve was commissioned to look after crossings on Con on between lots Con The Clerk was Instructed to ask the Council of Oxbridge replace culvert on Town Lino be tween and Whitchurch opposite lot No of Whitchurch Councillor was Instructed to have culverts on Con and Con opposite lot repaired Councillor Leathers was Instruct- because dishes have to be washed times a year summon to your aid and let the twins do your work GOLD DUST is womans dirts worst enemy OTHER GENERAL I ScrubUr floors clothes and dishes wood- USES FOR work off- doth tinware GOLD DUST I both room etc making the finest soft Made by THE K COMPANY Montreal P FAIRY SOAP rate For Hunters Single Fare Nov to Arthur to Good going daily Points in on to points inclusive to Port Good Going October 26th to Novem ber TO Muskoka Lakes Midland Lake of Magnctewan River Lakefleld All stations Argyle to Severn to North Bay Points on Northern Nav Co Geor gian Bay and Mackinaw Division All tickets valid returning until December For tickets Illustrated literature and Information call on J Agent HUNDREDS Of Stenographers Typewriters Book keepers Correspondents Office men Business Teachers Railway Clerks get places from the WANTED A reliable agent for Newmarket and country Good pay am weekly exclusive territory Sample and 11 or outfit free Our terms are best In the business We need a man of good and ability during fall and winter months OVER ACRES The choicest and most tensive Hat of stock In Canada including fruit and ornamental stock small fruits and seed potatoes Fast sell- specialties offered for the first eu to rpulr culvert Write for terms now to lot TUB NURSERY CO Council adjourned to men at Toronto iantrae on the of November Every farmer teacher scholar and get catalogue at once Could not fill J positions in Octo ber A YMCA cor A Toronto During Recent Months TORONTO Corner Yonge Alexaudcr has received Ten Fifteen Twenty and even Fifty Times as many calls for Stenographers ft had students graduating during the same months This is The School To Attend ENTER NOW Write for magniftccnt free Catalogue V J Principal Heifer Astray Came upon lot in tho Con of East about the of Sept a 3ycarold Red Heifer Owner is requested to proper ly pay charges and take her away GOODWIN BROS 3w4Q Good Apply to Mrs Aubrey Davis Vic- Ave Newmarket i