1 i- v the November SvRichandson NEWMARKET t Albert Brocks Block 2nd Tuesday of each month Jersey Grades for Sale W Heifer from month to rear have bred also Freak Cows For further particulars apply to WD STOKES Mount Albert Farm for Sale acres clse to Mount Albert bavin thereon good 3rick House Bank Barn well fenced well water ed and in good state of cultivation DAVIDSON Mount Albert The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY A Tillable Audi Capital Total HEAD CANADA lL BOARD Or DIRECTORS Andrew Gaiilt Cbalrronn Went- J Etq Deputy Samuel Esq Clout- ton Esq fclr Alex Lactate feu Accepted at Hold C DAVIDSON G CSMITH Albert Chief Airent for Dominion Goods and Sell Them Thats all that lo There are no other considerations to take up our time and si days a week we manage to keep busy Our advertisements always you to see our display but we make most our promises gain most our new friends and do the of our best advertising while are a visitor or rather our goods do it for us Our supply of Furniture no weak spots It is compete ALLAN a Too late for last week Mr Alex Graham of Uxbridge was in town week Miss Hose Horley entertained a lew of friends on Friday evening Air gone to to assist in the establish- in a branch of the Sovereign Bank in that lowo Mrs Fair barn and daughter Sharon spent Sunday town at the horuu of her sister Alary held in the THE MARKET Tuesdays market was as usual largely attended and keen competi tion among the buyers kept prices at the highest notch The offerings of poultry were unusually large Prices as follows butter to eggs 20 to chickens dressed to lit per lb ducks to 51 per pair geese per lb turkeys to per lb Thanksgiving service was the Presbyterian Church on noon of Thanksgiving Day The Rose Comedy Co gave an entertainment the town ball on Monday evening The Was a very good one but was attended- The small boys seemed to be hav ing a bus time on Halloween night and no doubt enjoyed themselves Mr of Lin wood is the manager of the Sovereign Bank here SHARON- HARVEST HOME annual harvest home of the Church will be held on Sunday and Monday Nov and On Sunday a song service will held in the church at pm and on Momiav the usual hot fowl sup per The chief feature of the pro gram will he a lecture entitled A Love Story by Rev Dewey a former pastor of the church See posters for particulars NEW Having refitted tbe old James Shields Store throughout we are Bow open for business in the line in connection READING circle The Reading Circle with the League of the Methodist Church has been organized and will be held on Monday evening each week The first meeting will he held even ing next at the home of Miss Leek and the subject of that evening is Macbeth All interested in this work are invited to attend OYSTER SUPPER The members of the Mount Albert lard a very enjoyable Ml Miss Georgia took in the Thanksgiving trip to Toronto Sirs J- Bailey came home from Toronto on Monday week bringing back with her Miss Blanche and Mrs Bebarriel Rev Geo left on Friday morning for where be has been appointed to take up mission work Mr Ralph of Toronto spent Thanksgiving here with his parents Mr the new station agent arrived here on Monday week He has moved into the house lately va cated by Mr Will Osborne We are sorry to hear of the removal of Mr from the station as he was al ways very obliging and accommodat ing Mr A Dixon spent over Thanks giving at Burlington Mr Leslie and party left here on Friday morning for the hunt ing grounds up north Mrs has gone to to visit her brother Mr Miss Toronto is visiting friends here Mr H Boyd of Knox College vis ited his brother here Rev J Boyd Sunday He preached at on Sunday evening Two loads of hunters left here for the North country on Monday even- ing In one of them were Messrs Scott Alec Burrows John McLaughlin and George Mil- lit the absence of the regular loi at Feneion Walker of Toronto conducted the services in St James on Sunday and chris tened infant of Mr Frank ivVvt Grose with Mrs A J Hughes as entertained a large company ot young friends on evening- present from St and Sharon The young people all testify that Miss Grose is an ideal hostess Mrs Lory and son Spent over Hie holiday with Mrs LBrys parents Mr Will has into the house vacated by Mr Fred Shaw S No E Report for October Dorothy Pearl Woods Jr Hazel Salter Salter Inez Fuller Ernest Ar nold Ross TIL Irene Wesley Squires Jr III Mae Woods Bertie Salter Minnie Clark Edna Wooding Sr Squires Amy J IRENE Teacher Mrt Thos Brown entertained a large company over the holiday Mrs Theakton is having a large sale of homemade bread a great people preferring it to bakers Miss Terry was At Home to a friends on of young day afternoon Your- cosresoondent voices the feeling- of a many people in this part of the township as regards condition of the sale by Lloyd roads the south town- line and the sideroad between here and Dykes mill The has beer a disgrace to any township all WHEN YOU HAVE A BAD COLD You want a remedy that will not only give quick relief but effect a permanent cure You want a remedy that will re lieve the lungs and keep expectora tion easy You Want a remedy that will coun teract any tendency toward pneumo nia You want a remedy that is pleas ant and safe to take Chamberlains Cough Remedy meets all of these requirements and for the speedy and permanent cure of bad colds stands without a peer For A FULL LINE OF CLOTHS FLANNELS SHEETINGS BLANKETS YARNS ETC ALWAYS ON HAND A Winnipeg Oct A dent resulting in the railway of two HAIGH SON MOUNT ALBERT a summer and now when rain is falling lives occurred early yesterday every day it has been all fori up with the plow and one has to travel in ruts nearly a foot deep Wo think we wouldbe as well with out a council as to have some mem bers who know comparatively no thing about making a road The Liberals are all anxiously wait- in to give Hon A a bumper sendoff at this his first nom ination in North York Although we are all sorry to lose Sir William are anxious to keep the honor of electing the PostmasterGeneral to this Riding again ing on the main line of the Canadian Pacific at miles west of Fort William ooc HERB EDWARDS INJURES Herb Edwards of Moines Iowa got a fall on an icy walk last winter spraining his wrist and his knees The next day he says they were so sore and stiff I was afraid I would have to stay in I bed but I rubbed them well with Balm and after Albert Planing and Sawing Mills Doors Sash and all kinds of Dressed Lumber I hand- baseball club had reunion on Tuesday MJ evening entertained to an earn evening GROCERIES ike best we can buy and solicit a of your patronage We are Paying the Highest Price for all kinds of Grain and Seeds SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT MILLINERY OPENING COMMENCING Saturday Sept A T- thev were iameu to an oyster supper at Mrs by Mr John Moore On the day of the match with Newmarket Mi Moore promis ed to put up the oysters for the if they won and on Tuesday the promise was fulfilled In addi tion to the members of the team several of their friends and support ers were also invited After partak ing of the good things provided Mr Tinsciale was called to the chair and a number of toasts were given and responded to The name of Wood war the clubs best pitcher now in New en t as wheji the toast of Our Absent Members proposed by the chairman and responded to by Messrs A Everett and Stewart Terry After a short address from the host of the occasion Mr Moore the gathering dispersed Kinging Cod Save the King The above Was for last week THE MARKET There was the usual good market on Tuesday when the following prices were paid butter to eggs to 2ie chickens to to SI geese i to Will lately of when is visiting friends here Sutton Public School Clasps III Cadieux J Horner Young T P POISON IN CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY From Napier New Zealand Herald Two years ago the Pharmacy Board of New South Wales Australia had analysis made of ail the cough medicines that were sold in that market Out of the entire list they found only one that they declared Greenwood V Horner L Allen Ernes E Treloar i exception was Chamberlaibs Jr Brooks made by the Cfiam- Burch Cross L BERRY Teacher Chamberlains 1ain a few applications all soreness had disappeared feel that this bottle of Pain Balm saved mc several- days time to say nothing of the suffer ing This liniment is for sale by W Lloyd tbe material for your bouse ready this spring and save money CUT CHEAPER THAN ANY PLACE NORTH OF TORONTO Lumber and Shingles received too late pair per lb Medicine Company Iowa USA The absence of makes this remedy the est and be had and it is with a feeling of security that any mother can give ilto her lit IN ones i Chamberlains Cough Remedy is es pecially recommended by its makers for coughs colds croup and whoop ing cough When taken in time it prevents pneumonia This remedy is From the premises of the under- for sale by W T Lloyd tan the STRAYED I signed lot Con East on Oct lath one Light Red Yearling Heifer Information lead ing to its recovery will be suitably rewarded FRANK Holt ALBERT Miss Morton In Charge RO88 Mr A Ayleswortb Postmaster- General was in town on Tuesday ac companied by Mr of Newmarket Mr John Terry has gone out of the tailoring business and left this week for Toronto Mr Geo Arnold of former resident was Thursday Toronto in town a on NOTICE Is hereby given that a Court will held pursuant to the Ontario Voters List Act by His Honor the Judge of the County Court at the Temperance flail Sharon on Mom day the day or November Ilfi5 at 2 pm to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters List of Municipality of the Township of East for All persons having business at the Court are re quired to attend at the said time and place A J HUGHES Clerk of East Bated at Sharon Nov 11 ALBERT ALBERT DRUG STORE Pure Green In bulk and put p by Poison Fly Paper and at to a full line Patent and Cure and Family attention or CHURCH SERVICES On Sunday next special Thanksgiv ing services will be held in Meth- Jrflrt Church a thanksgiving sermon he forenoon and a Service of Song be evening The choir are music for and ANOTHER BUTCHER WANTED We have two butchers fn our town and the shops of each are plentifully supplied with an abundance of choice meat makes a goodly when from the outside through the window But both are generally kept locked with no charge to dispose of the meat they are of very Jit tie use to the hungry customers Hence the need Of another butcher who can occasion ally bo found attending to business the two already In town let us know their oflfce hours will publish them for the benefit of who make LLOYD trips first to one shop and then the other in the vain hope boding omeorio In charge A BEAUTIFUL WHISK HOLDER Given Away With every lot of Polish Try a bottle of Patent Leather Cream It preserves the leather We sell the celebrated time Shoe Miss Alma of Toronto School was home for the holiday Miss Stiles and Mr J of Toronto were visitors at J If S for over the holi day Mi R Claim of Toronto was home from Thursday to Sunday last Br Graham and Mr Geo Smith of Raven shoe are away deer hunting They went back to Long ford this year Mr is moving into house at the south end Messrs and their families spent Thanksgiving Bay at Mr Lepards Newmarket Mr Fred Pearson who has fceen with the Constabulary Force in South Africa for the past four returned home this week for a six months furlough Mr and Mrs Win Bond of Port Hope were visitors at Mr Robert Bonds a few days his week Mr W of Toronto vis ited at Mr Peter this Mi Iaines Milne left on Saturday last for where he in tended joining a hunting parly Mr and Mrs Walter of Ladies Vests in the New Boston Rib good closely woven heavy goods reg each for Ladies Ribbed Vests pure white also cream very fine goods a line just in each for Ladies Ribned Vests Pure White and Natural Grey colors Plush lined very fine and and extra good quality extra sizes for large ladies reg each for Ladies Puritan Vests in the following prices and each Ladies Fleece Lined Underwear very closely woven goods each Ladies Drawers all qualities and prices Mens Underwear in all qualities from to per garment Extra large size tor big men Underwear for Hoys and Underwear for Girls in all qualities and all alien SPECIAL Combination Suit for Boys and Girls in Merino and very fine Angora Wool also in plain grey shades of natural wool v Queen Heaters Good Cheer HOT BLAST Cook Stoves COAL WOOD Kitchen Queen Range J ROWLAND Mount Albert- indisposed a few days last week hut we are pleased to note that she recovering Halloween passed of here with the usual pranks noise practised on such a night Some of our good neighbors became rather the boys but they the neighbors would have been better had they gone to bed and let- the boys have their fun A Comedy Co was booked to give an entertainment the town hall on Thursday evening New York of over City has now four millions a popu- Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy This Is the most successful medicine In the world for bowel complaints and is only remedy that will cure chronic diar rhoea Every bottle Is warranted For hale W Lloyd j Grey Union Flannel good width and nice quality lie yd for Heavy Grey Union Flannel good goods yd for Grey Flannel extra good quality very close even weave fine soft fabric inch wide yd Grey Flannel make our very best extra soft closely spun goods inches wide yd tor English Military Flannel extra width and extra quality yd for Army Flannel In a new weave yd for Fine Shirting Flannel in very pretty patterns 30 Navy Flannel Union goods yd lor Navy Flannel all wool very fine closely spun goods In wide reg 10c yd for White Saxony Flannel and Scarlet all woo Flannel good qualities yard Flannelettes too numerous to mention from a yard to yd Our Special Flannelette full yard wide extra heavy close even weave finely decorated In fancy stripes reg for lflc Another special Loch Lomond Shirting Flannelette nice dark patterns extra heavy quality reg yd for 10c Flannel Blankets Horse Blankets Comforters Full Cloth Mackinaw Cloth Eiderdown Bearskin everything for Winter now In stock 9 We have a consignment of Fur Collars Fur Stoles Fur Ruffs Ac just up We are- A selling these at 33 per cent less than regular prices Johnstons Cash Store I