Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 3 Nov 1905, p. 1

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J Si v v The every week than any two othjpapers inNorth Combined and is to a NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER AG Gift us the liberty to know to utter to freely to above all liberty No paper sent outside ol North York paid in No Copies So Newmarket Friday Nov 3 TERMS per annum SI if paid In advance THE PROOF THE PUDDING The National line of Ranges has been our leader for the past years and we have sold about in our town and vicinity With the improvements now embodied in these ranges there is nothing to equal as fuel savers heating and cooking qualities The oven will fit four No pie plates inches in diameter Reinforced Concrete Poles 1 Hon A the Liberal Candidal Voting Taks Place on Nov A par lial list our many customers now using the National Range GEO MOORE J MARROW MR MANNING P MORGAN Mclaughlin A McCAFFREY Mcdonald MR MRS R OSBORNE REV JOS L MR LEMON PATTERSON MR PHILLIPS MRS PARKS MRS CASE MR CASE GERALD PEARSON MR DR PEARSON JOS ROACH THOS JNO ROGERS MRS L ROGERS MR MISS STARR MRS STEWART MRS SMITH W SCOTT ED STRASLER MR SHANKS SNIDER DUNHAM FRANK ANDREW EGO MISS MRS FREEMAN MISS FOOT JOS GOULD MRS GORING MR A GORING MRS J WALTER DARKER J HUGHES I MUTT I ft J J MR JNO HARTRY BELFRY J R MR BARRY JAS BURKE MRS T BROWN GEO MR BELLA A WALTER FRED KESWICK NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET SHARON NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET SHARON NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET AURORA NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET SHARON NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET SHARON OUEENSVILLE MR NEWMARKET A AiM P MR COLE JACOB DOYLE DUNCAN MR MR T SMITH DAVID SPRAGUE MRS SHIELDS MR MR SIMPSON MR HILL THOMPSON 9 NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET KETTLEBY NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET KESWICK HOLLAND LANDING HOLLAND LANDING NEWMARKET AURORA SOLD ONLY AT St The result of the Liberal Mass- Meet in the Town Hall Newmar ket last Saturday afternoon was the unanimous choice of Hon A B Mr Cane observed that the first name on the list Mr had already been tendered a very large proportion of the ballots and as heir candidate at the pleasure in retiring approachim- byeelection North A Aylesworth York There was some outside talK candidature or A Ayles- of a split in the convention over a j have of whom local candidate but the result show- York will have every reason to that it was all imaginary Thc PostmasterGenera had a lead in the the ballot before his name sironK candidate a man was even mentioned in public and a the other nominees retired from the field all hut one specially in his important very best do not know It is very that we should have the men on the Bench and the other day one of our best Judges resigned be cause he could make far more in practice than on the Bench Then there was an increase to the mem- The various electric transmission companies which have been organized within the past few tears to transfer the energies of Canadas large and numerous- water powers for hundreds of miles from the power producing plants have been and are yet in a state of uncertainty as to what style of support is best adapted for these Ions lines The cedar poles which formerly could be procured at a small price and of almost any dimensions becoming a thing of the past being of an inferior quality high in price and difficult to obtain In addition to ibis the cedar poles require to be set very closely together as their strength is not sufficient to carry the heavy wires used unless short spam- are adopted The adoption short spans means large numbers of crossarms and insulators which J would not be required on longer spans and as the insulators are the weak points in long distance mission where continuity service TWO STATE SENATORS ENDORSE Imperial reputation He was a man they would follow with a right good favor Mr Aylesworth was and as them to buckle around as he has do it by telephone and his am the enemy reply was to the effect that if his stin Liberal nomination was unanimous he would regretted there was I a larger turnout He asked that said There is no Riding in the Pro- there be no feeling in the matter vmce I would more gladly represent than North York Before the meeting closed it was announced would visit the riding at the begin ning of this week and that a mass meeting would be held at Newmarket on Thursday afternoon and one at Aurora on Thursday evening and that the campaign would begin In earnest FORMAL PROCEEDINGS or an outside man whether a local were chosen We have rather got into the said Mr when his turn he thought they should not apply be came of being represented by a member of the Ministry in North York It is not a bad habit but rather a good habit so far as ma terial advantage to Ins people North York is concerned North York in thai way has done some thing to mould the policy of the is absolutely necessary it is very indemnity of is al- j number should be limited to the fewest possible 1 When the spans are increased in length it becomes necessary to use stronger poles and various styles of structures have been designed for tin purpose and spans as long as erected upon them Steel poles have the disadvantage being costly and require considerable ex pense in maintenance Wide base been used instead of poles on account of cheapness have the further disadvantage of taking up considerable width of right Way and being necessarily built of light material will not have the same length of life fore a man was sixtyfive years ol age hut it was not right that those Superintending Engineer of old men should be turned out on the lhe Canal conceived the idea street in their old age Mr Camp- concrete pole to take the place of cedar and steel The together too much for a great many numbers there applause gen tlemen it is not enough for a great many members Take any business man or farmer to Ottawa six months in the year and let him spend a good devl of the other six months running as he has to do ami it is not too much As to the allow ance of J 000 to the leader of the Opposition Mr Campbell thought I towers which have a splendid thing for the country to have a rood Opposition but was in clined to think that or a year would be money well spent As to the pensions to exMinisters 1 hell concluded by asking the conven tion to work with their might lo return Mr Aylesworth mm The meeting was called to order by eminent of this country I would the President Mr of like to see that influence continued Aurora when Mr fane moved seconded by Mr the following resolution which was car ried unanimously That the Liberals of North York in meeting assembled desire to taKe this opportunity the first since the last Dominion elec tion of placing on confidence and was very much pleased indeed to note your reception of Mr Ayles- name- Mr denied that Mr was being foist ed riding Al any rate there had been no communication or nego tiation by himself or any member of the Executive so far as he knew Parents dread their childs voice record their with Mr Aylesworth J would look upon this occasion Mr being an opportunity for is the head For nine years I North York It is a question of ma in the Government of upon which the Right Hon Sir added as that government has been in power building and shaping the destinies of the Dominion of Canada during which period the progress of our country has been immense I lie rate of progress being double thai of the previous eighteen years that the Con servative Government was in power It is our earnest hope that Sir Wil frid may long Ik spared to bis country and his party and we pledge ourselves to use our earnest and united efforts to effect the re turn for the North Riding of York of a candidate who will give his sup port lo the Government of Sir Wil frid Another resolution was moved by Mr T Robertson seconded Mr expressing very deep and sincere regret at lhe sever ance of the political tie which for the last years has hound them and Sir William and adding their be lief that the country can ill afford to lose the services of such a man This resolution was also carried On motion of Mr seconded by Mr J Davidson the rules of order framed by the Execu tive were adopted Nominations were then made by ballot the following were ap pointed scrutineers Messrs Thompson Eugene E J Walton and Angus Williams The Secretary read the list of can didates nominated as follows Hon A Toronto S Cane Newmarket Jos avidson North J Davis Newmarket It Fitch Aurora Luke Gibbons King Township Howard Toron- an should benefits North York opportunity which feel she not throw away Mr who was received with cheers regarded Mr Aylesworth as a man of it showed they did not know a good thing when they saw It am not a candidate Mr Lundv added ft Is not for me lo that I resign in favor of Ml Aylesworth I would resign idea seemed so preposterous however I that it was over two years its jlirst conception that lhe firs pole j was made This was a failure on account of faulty reinforcement and it was not until the third of fourth trial that a substantial was made nearly two years ago This smiling and V satisfactory ull ol fun by sleep iately built and today there are nearly- one hun dred poles erected on the cause they know when he awakes he transmission line will cry and fret and keep everyone or the move until befalls asleep poles feet In from exhaustion These ad a ready been contracted fits make the life of the or consequently the Babys flrjuakening It ought to he a pleasure lo look to babys awakening He full ready for a good time How many HON 3 Hod J Senator Douglas Co to the Nebraska writes from Franks Hotel Omaha as follows tried Peruna I can mead It to alt as a great tonic and par tlcvlariy good as a remedy for catarrh SAUER Honorable Patrick Kennedy of ttje Massachusetts Legislature writer th following letter from the Boston Doctor Sir have no hesitation a saying that after baying tried of other remedies without relief Iowa my perfect health and clear voice today to Peruna I know it to cure for indigestion and its attendant affliction nervous debility tho weeks that was on the through tie recent campaign I need regularly and although I spoo two and times each day never failed roe I know a cure for bronchial troubles- P Kennedy If you do not derive prompt and results from the use of writs at once to giving a of your case and he will be pleased to vice gratis Br President Che OII again crying mother a torment And yet baby is not crying for the fun of the thing there is something wrong though the mother may not see any- rifling might well proud P If Durham did not elect Mr concrete poles were used only in po sitions such as railway and road crossings where an extra high pole was required poles arc manufactured on the Held who says baby was terribly cross often kept mo loot pole for ordinary line work weighing about two and one half tons and a foot one about live Ions Most of the poles so far made have been calculated stand a the top of 2000 pounds and I tests that have been made show thai lhe calculations have heen correct all standing the full load without impairment except one which failed at pounds the cause being a in the weld of one of the steel roils The poles are moulded in wooden forms in a horizontal position the top side being left open awl finished with a trowel Fool steps are bedded in the soft concrete as the pole is being made and bolls for crossarms also or holes are left so that a bo I may after he put some important legislation jf Me The Ms composed of mixture as heartily in favor of any other awake half the night before I got man who received the nomination of Own Tablets for her Since this meeting began giving her the Tablets she Mi the last on the list Perfectly well sleeps soundly all to retire moved that Mr and wakes up bright and worths nomination be made morning Babys Own Mr Davidson seconded the Tablets are a safe medicine for child ren of all ages They cannot do anything but good You can get them from your druggist or by mail at 25 cents a box by writing The Dr Williams Medicine Co vllle On I motion which was carried on a standing vote amid loud applause Mil ON SCHOOLS The meeting was then addressed by Mr Arch Campbell for Centre York who was given a very hearty reception He commented on the magnanimity lhe local men who is given out at the Parliament had withdrawn from the contest and Toronto that the Govern- then eulogized Mr Aylesworth as a men I will devote one day In every strong candidate and a lawyer who wick to the discussion of measures stood at the head of his profession be presented next session Among Mr Campbell adverted to of the record i amendments to the mining aci observing that there bad been pro- the educational act affecting both the In every department during public and high wider nine years A great Railway Commls- of two poles feet in height at St Catharines to carry wires over the old canal lor the Lincoln Light and Power Company The erection of the poles especial lysuch large ones as those mention ed above which weigh about fifty tons each is quite a serious matter but Ihcy arc being put up little trouble now although at first several were broken through defective tackle The cost of these poles will depend on local conditions somewhat and upon the specifications as different users have ideas as to the strength a pole should have for line work As a general rule however the cost may be taken as about per cent less than that of a steel pole of similar strength To mak these poles completely fire and time proof concrete crossarms would lie a step forward and these are now being experimented with In cities where wooden trolley poles are not allowed reinforced concrete poles should soon replace other forms as they present a belter appearance are cheaper than Steele and will not rust on at the ground line as steel poles do Canadian News amount of rubbish had been said about the autonomy bill Mr -amp- hell defended Sir Wilfrid position saying that he was In the I same position now as in lie now sought to maintain the schools established by the Territories as In siou dealing with gratuities to civil servants changes In the agricultural and arts act respecting the control and conduct of agricultural exhibi tions relating to forest reserves graining aid towards the development using the best Portland cement and clean sand and finely broken stone O ravel has been used with success iu fact most of the pules so far have been built with gravel Instead of broken stone Concrete polen do not paint ing being of a pleasing grey color which of course will last indefinite- Township f fought to retain schools to law reform also re- of the tobacco industry and a meas- J be to Whit It J o- 1 Newmarket Aurora Newmarket The Chairman Mr Davis name as he said they all knew that gentleman would not allow it to go before the convention Messrs and Howard were not but lhe other nominees one after another retired in favor of the except Mr Da vidson who retired in favor of the nominee of the convention- whoever desired by Manitoba clause of the autonomy bills gave the new Provinces the right to change the oidinances and permit the people to have their children educated very possible way they can Of the hilt granting Increased sal aries and indemnities Mr Campbell tat lug to changes the County Councils by a return to the pal of reeves and deputies somewhat akin to the old Baldwin act The Government has not yet decided In regard to changes in the liquor li cense act weather is claimed to have no effect whatever on them As there is some nest ion about this latter assertion attention may he drawn to a good granolithic sidewalk which if pro perly built shows no sign whatever of age alter 25 years and a sidewalk during spring fall and winter is under much more serious stresses of weather than a pole could possibly he Therefore there seems to be no reason why the concrete pole may also For myself be add- I did not say anything in At a convention held In Owen House but In our caucus there were Hound recently it was decided to ask a great many of us who did not an- the council of Owen Hound and each not he the pole of the future They of the bill as it was brought of the municipalities in the surroumU can be built of any desired height or In We thought for Instance that district submit a local option strength an increase of a year to the bylaw to the ratepayers at the com I judges would be sufficient Hut 1 elections I Arrangements are now being con cluded for the building and erection The Hicks Almanac for The hi Hicks Almanac will not be published or but his monthly journal Word and has been changed iulo a large and costly magazine anil it will contain his storm and weather forecasts and other as Iron eat features complete The November number now ready contains the forecasts from January to June The January number ready December will contain the forecasts from July to The price of this splendid Magazine is one dollar a year See it and you will have it The Novem ber and January numbers containing the Ill It forecasts for the whole year and more complete than ever can he had by sending at once cents to Word and Works Publishing Company Locust St St Louis Mo Pelrolia Out Oct A it I disastrous fire occurred here this morning by which the Works were totally destroyed fire will throw about men out of employment It is expected that the loss will between J70- and i

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