THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCTOBER CHINA HALL hoe Friends Church Sunday evening pastor hopes to a series sermons oi special interest to young people The first subject is Robbers pub lic cordially invited ir The Liberals of have again nominated Mr O for the vacant seat in the Commons HON Oct to call your attention to are offering while this d appears only No I ONLY pieces every piece Full printed 3 Colors Green Pale and Apple Green Price No ONLY pieces Printed Special Combin ation Colors Dark Blue and Deep Price the and Preserving Beaton To have good Pickles and Preserves use only finest quality of Pure Spices WE KEEP ONLY THE BEST Very Busy The Specialty Co has receiv ed several large orders for Metal Cabinets from England and in addi tion to these they have on hand con tracts for vault fittings for the Pro vincial Parliament Buildings and Hall the official headquarters of tht judiciary Toronto which amount to about each The work at the new boiler house has been greatly delayed for want of the right ki of bri Brief lets A highboard fence between fieldB livery and Simpsons bakery on Main St is a good act for safety of the public The previous railing was dangerous Two new houses on Street are now occupied Short hours at the P O on Day open from to am Kinir Council meets at on Saturday Next Tuesday is All Halloween All Saints Day next Wednesday The Executors of the late Sterling are being sued for by Miss Jennie Simpson for services rendered the deceased Two wedding parties at the Royal on Wednesday Delivery Boy Wanted At once at Store Social Last Wednesday evening some the members o the Friends Church were hospitably entertained at by the Frank and Mrs Cornell About twentyrive guests were pres ent most amusing games con undrums awl friendly social conver sation were in full swing During the evening songs were sung by Mi J Harris and Mr C which were highly appreci ated A nonpolitical gathering of the Merciful Providence will restore you citizens of North York was convened to renewed health and spare you for in the Town Hall Newmarket on many years to your country which Wednesday afternoon when Sir can so ill afford to lose such men as Mulock who has so efficiently yourself represented this Riding in the Par liament of Canada for nearly past quarter of a century said goodbye to his constituents Tbe attendance was not as large as might be anticipated owing no doubt to the very busy season with the farmers The chair was taken by exMayor Cane and after stating the object of the T J Robertson read the following address The new subscribers to the Youths Co Berkeley Street Bos ton Mass for who t sends the subscription price receive free all the remaining si the paper for issues will contain nearly com plete stories besides the North York irrespective of party wishes you God speed and unbounded chapters of Grace in new sohere of life The Chuuhills LatchString success in your new sphere of life Newmarket October Signed J Roadhouse A Our Stock of Crapes Saturday To the Honorable Sir William KCMG Dear Sir The people of North York having heard of your intention to retire from public life desire to express their hearty appreciation of the splendid services rendered by you to the Country and to the Constitu ency which you have so ably repre sented for the past twentythree years It has been a source of pride to your fellowruen in North York that US Cane J A Allan Cane Eugene Cane J Robertson Roche W Bruce Schmidt Jackson A Hunter A Smith A Ross J Millard Norman Rogers A Coombs Sir William was greatly afiected by tender emotions and his reply was mingled with much regret that owing to illhealth he was compelled to sev er the friendly relations that he had enjoyed with the people of North York as its representative for so long a period Owing to our issue being a day earlier this week than usual we arc unable to give more but will do a to her story of Second Violin which appeared in the early weeks of this year Madame Sein- will contribute an article on Sovereigns Have Sung To and there wilt be three stories by May Rolens Clark under the title of a Pawnee Hero- These will give a foretaste of the things in store for full illustrated Announcement which be sent to any address free with sample copies of the paper New subscribers also receive a gift of The Companions Minute- men Calendar for lithographed in twelve colors and gold Sweet Potatoes God Fish Gape God Fresh Finnan A straight Grocery every available space occupied by bright fresh stock and only the first quality goods gain access to this exclusive Gro cery Riding has been represented hy a man who was so fearless honest and information this week incorruptible so in our next While some have opposed you upon Speeches of an appreciative grounds there arc none who followed by Messrs T Brun- are not proud to do you honor as a ton J McKay man and aeitizen Widdifield T J Robertson and You have set an example hones- others zeal energy and progressive pa- The address will be illuminated and to the youth of Canada bound in Morocco as a keepsake Which ought to lead them to higher At the close of the meeting Chief ideals in public and private life and Justice Mulock was entertained by name will long be treasured in the Committee to a banquet in the the memory of your countrymen Court House Your hosts of friends deeply j A similar meeting was announced pat hi with you in the cause of to take place the same evening in your retirement and trust that a Aurora WHAT CAUSES APPENDICITIS The commonest cause ol appendici tis is constipation When you in quire physic dont use cheap drastic pills get Dr Hamiltons Pills which strengthen the stomach regulate the bowels and prevent any tendency to appendicitis In one day voull feet the tremendous benefit of Dr Ham iltons Pills By purifying the blood and cleansing the system they pre vent headaches lilt depression and drive away weariness No medicine so successful as Dr Hamiltons Pills sold everywhere in boxes with yellow cover gel the genuine Canned Meats 32 varieties Coffee Essence Condensed Milk Pickles Sauces Catsups Hams Rolls and Breakfast Bacon We have everything to make your camp table homelike Our Cooked Meats on ice are always fresh and dainty and we slice them correctly We have a very choice grade of Sausage made by a prominent To ronto butcher small size perfectly delicious try them lb Our Tea Department becomes more popular each month our sales are in advance of the previous one quality shows up in the cup Fall Pruning of Vines Bush Fruits and St Lawrence SUGARS Prices In 100rb Bags After a vote thanks had been passed lo Mr and Mrs Cornell for protection of Tine and bushes their kind hospitality the former in response expressed the hope of the pleasure of several such evenings during the coming winter The even in concluded with singing the hymn God he with you till we meet again and the guests depart ed about having had a most enjoyable time As soon as the leaves are off in the autumn much of the pruning of Tines and bush fruits may be done to better advantage by lea v in it till next spring- Much of course depends upon the locality In southern section where no winter is needed the pruning may be lert till some convenient time during the early spring but In northern sections where grape Tinea and Is necessary In southern sections the or one of the high ami system Is more convenient What ever method of training may adopted the main object of annual pruning is to remove wood and reduce vine to Just what is sufficient hear a full crop of fruit Thirty or forty buds is usually all that in necessary and these should be even ly distributed over the vine be the all Welsh coal exporters are discuss ing the establishing of a trade be tween Wales and Canada By a vote or to rate payers carried a bylaw to loan a new manufacturing company At the proposed Exhi bition of an entire section may be devoted to Canadian exhibits Three hundred and eight warships including the captured Russian ves sel took part in the Japanese naval A Variety of Biscuits all Choice Prime Stilton Cheese Pure Clover Money 3 lb Tin Pork and Beans 3 for 25c i lb Corn Starch 5c Jelly Powder flavors 4 for English Malt Vinegar gallon WESTONS Toronto Bread PETERS CHOCOLATES the to review at Tokjo on Monday Tel -O-QQO- Flirtation and Flints It is possible of course to flirt in berry bushes have to be laid down pities Ladies who have the propeu- fall and covered with earth st Pen them will enact the j non to do the pruning UIravoraWe has proved before covering Is romance of a flirtation Your real Y The Leading Reliable Telephone RIMLESS GLASSES They are attractive doubtless and becoming to many people not advisable for everybody though However It makes no differ ence about the rims Its the lenses do the good The may be In gold filled or steel and help the wearer equally In either We fit lenses to the eye the rims to features and the price to the amount which you would like to pay ALL ADVISE FREE ATKINSON CO JEWELERS Benefit Concert In connection with the Concert next Wednesday night for the benefit of the Free Sanitarium the following have consented to take part in the program Miss May SniderCordon Toronto Mrs Dr Miss Maud Richardson Miss Miss Nettie Kennedy Miss Kate Mr Geo Mr J McKay Mr Fred Harris Male Quartette Miss Perkins and Miss Ross pian ists Miss Ironside with class of little Rev Cornell will give a short adtkess Mayor will preside The public may anticipate an ex cellent program and the proceeds are for a very worthy object Ft is hoped that the Hall will be crowded The raised scats only are reserved at Rogers Drug Store for Gener al ion Church Currant and can make himself at home in are bo hardy that they need no dust and roar of the metropolis winter protection even la the north his bogus double who is they leaf out ho early in the ikc son of Venus than a porcelain doll is like an arrows ays his CHILLS PROVE FATAL If warmth and circulation arc not promptly restored chills result in fa tal pneumonia This necessitates keeping on hand Taken in hot water in breaks up a chill in two minutes By rubbing over throat and chest it prevents colds No liniment so strong so penetrat ing so swift to kill pain and inflam- fifty years record the value of Poisons ou should get a bottle to day TWINS sous that it Is well to have them- spring linn authentic baby and whose pruned In the fall It Is best tickle but do not stick grow them in the bush form allow- effectively In the summer about canes to the of fashion The And as the best fruit Ik borne on bards have furnished an assortment wood not more than than three of delicious phrases appropriate to years old It well to adopt a re- all kinds of romantic scenery from During Recent Months the ELLIOTT each year and Allowing two of losc the new canes to take their places for an earnest man to be In this way the whole bush in in the toils of a practised jilt In three yearn The ends of I When he wakes up to a sense of the new growth should be ed enough 10 keep the me trical Raspberries mid black berries have perennial roots but biennial cane- that If the roots live through a number of but the canes die after fruiting at the end of the sec ond I rick that has been put upon him and finds that the eyes which seemed to look a thousand times were mere ignes used to lead him into a false position he is apt to judge of the whole sex by the that has beguiled him and for granted that there is no truth in woman But it a man thus Some kinds have more deceived and played upon deserves Reliable Store is square dealing my aim You get JuEt you buy it the RIGHT PRICK beautiful Porcelain thrown KISS of baa two engaged to take charge of the or lew or an annual fruiting habit sympathy and his fair temptress that is they bear fruit and die In our scorn what shall we say of the the knows just how TICK OPENING DAYS are Satur day Sept and Monday Oct All are Invited Call and COLE Attendance at Sunday School last Sunday was one the best in the history of the school Two have been added to the stall Another is expected shortly Larger classes are being made into two smaller classes TeachcrTrafning Course which deals with practical questions of teaching is growing in interest The class is well attended Subject of next lesson Rivalry and Conduct All are welcome Then was a large attendance at the Missionary meeting on Tuesday afternoon Mrs A Da vidson presided assisted by Miss Forsyth as organist Mrs of Toronto gave a most excellent and practical address At the close a vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs J A Allan which was seconded by Mrs J A supported by Mrs Amos of Aurora on behalf of a number of ladies pres ent from that town The thankof fering was gtneroWR Lunch was ficrved at the the meet ing when I he members of the Young Mission Band waited on the tables All report a moat enjoyable afternoon Mrs has consented to take tie position of organist choir leader for a time Choir meet for practice each Thursday at pm Mrs will take the first Sunday in November one seaKon such bushes then In cut ting out all the canes which have home fruit The new canea should he thinned out as ont Corner Alexander has received Ten Fifteen Twenty and even Fifty Times as many calls for Stenographers as it had students graduating during the same months This Is The School To Attend ENTER NOW Write for magnificent free Catalogue J ELLIOTT Principal WANTED A reliable agent for Newmarket and surrounding country Good pay weekly exclusive territory Sample case or outfit free Our terms arc best the business We need man of good character and ability months You remember fablo of dog who dropped a real bona for its shadow which he saw in Bear in mind that all is not Gold Dust that glitters under the name of washing powder Dont accept a shadowy substitute get tho real with tho Gold Dust Twins on package OTHER GENERAL USES GOLD DUST ScrubUrj floor clothes and dishes cleaning wood work oil cloth and tinware trass work room pipes etc and making the finest soft soap Made by THE COMPANY Montreal of FAIRY SOAP water also OVER COO ACRES choicest and most of stock in Canada including confiding woman who has thus leen humbugged and compromised In the eye- of society and of the male jilt who has sported with her affect Her lady companions one and all and ornamental stock small to make common cause with bruits and seed potatoes Fast only six or eight of the arid turn their backs upon specialties offered for first canes to each bush or If the wretch who has trifled with her time Write for terms now to are grown lit the hedge row Instead But alas I In most cases of of the hill system the thinning nr too apt to sneer at should leave the cane sir or eight THE NURSERY CO Toronto Inches apart in the row Ah to whether the tops of their forsaken sister and patronUc Ihv who has gratified his rasp- frtcrablc vanity at her expense or blackberry bushes should Flirts of both sexes are thoroughly hurry be headed back In the fall depend contemptible but as long as lady- largely upon the locality In sec- killers are popular with women lions where the canes do not kill hack In the winter they may headed hack In the- fall but where and coquettes are run after by men there is no likelihood of the abated a Local Agents Wanted the canes have or to be laid down and or where they kill back i At one time strawberries were more or less during the winter It Ik best to leave the heading back till spring when they can he cut fc Mr Clark whin duck hunt- back to sound The height hit near Lethbrhlge was to which sound cants should be cut five Curl night watchman In depending upon the vigor the almost back varies from three to strung on straws Thus they got their name lark while drowned in attempting to rescue his dog works at Yarker In boring ma- wheel Out was caught There are almost as mnay killed systems of training the grape is money to the bookmaker an there are kinds of grapes but when your horse falls to come In In for northern Mictions one of the low time arm renewal systems Is best as this Cats like politicians give voice facilitates the laying down and to their most decided utterances TORONTO At once for Canadas Greatest Nurseries for Town of Newmar ket and surrounding country which will be reserved for the right man START NOW at the best selling icason and handle our NEW SPE CIALTIES on Liberal Terms Write for particulars and send for our handsome Alurnipurn Pocket Micro scope a little gem useful to Farmers examining seeds and grains jOrchardlsts exam Trees for Insects exam Plants for Insects Teachers and Scholars studying Botany and Everybody In a hundred different ways WELLING TO N Nurseries over 80 acres ONTARIO GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET am Daily for Muskoka Wharf connecting with for points on Muskoka Lakes Orillla North Bay am Daily except Sunday for Pcnetang Orlllla Wharf pm Daily lor Allaudale Stay North Bay and points In Canadian pm Dally except Sunday for Coiling- wood and ARRIVE NEWMARKET am Daily from North Bay Wharf and 868 am Dally except Sunday from tang Orlllla and pm Dally from points in Cana dian North Bay Orlllla and pm Dally except Sunday Gravenhurst and Orlllla V A i CO VEAliO COPYPIOMTO AC lending a our btbr ui our It Counlo- tint tor taken Monn a Co In If PROMPTLY coYirlng of the Tin en where that while on fence in larl Germany has to increase her navy by six cruisers and thirty- ftvc torpedo boats The Japanese transport wan sunk by a fioatlnx mine and three of the crew drowned Write for our Interesting Invent or Help an I How you arc swindled Scad sketch or model of your la- or Improvement we you our opinion to whether it ten tabic tctcted applications often en successfully prosecuted by u We conduct fully offices In Montreal and to prompt ly dispatch work Patents as he references Patents procured through Marion Be receive special notice without chard Id over loo distributed throughout the Dominion Specialty Patent MtinUc- and era MARION MARION Patent Export- Solicitors- i New York Lite