Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Oct 1905, p. 4

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r fln Eminent Visitor Sir Frederick Pollock now touring this Dominion to find out for himself what prominent Canadians about Imperial organizations and kindred subjects is regarded as Islanding in the front rank of living monies Coughs Cold Cory jurists- Although coming to this S wooto country with his own ideals fairly Horn well considered yet it is said he j appears more than willing and desjr- a great system tonic and stomach views obtaining here for regulator Life is worth living therefore If you hVO or are with I Consumption or Pulmonary trouble in any Coqoamptlon Women FIND HEALTH AND STRENGTH IN WILLIAMS PINK I Pills says consider Dr Williams Pink a most marvellous medicine Mrs Louis of its varied and insidious forms fly to Sharon Oct Meeting of Council held this day- All members present Minutes of last meeting confirmed Communications received from Hod Minister of Agriculture re Co street Montreal They SlFPi me to health and strength when n re on roadway Dr Webb re attendance on Gibson J Millard re burial of Gibson A Williams re Lundy Road Mrs Dougherty asking aid Also from the following persons to whom payments were ordered as fol lows A Rose re bridge H Woodcock re culvert Con in f I was in a most hopeless condition and almost despaired of recovery My rouble began a few years ago of comparison and co-opera- when passed through a severe ill from which I did not regain my accustomed health and strength Referring to his opinions and mis- lhc V best of care the Globe says aad treatment I seemed to glow tl Sir Frederick Pollocks ideal of weaker every day I was pale and Imperial organization is a very mod- had no appetite est one He has no faith in the re- hardly go about and found life presentation of the colonics in the almost a burden It seemed as Imperial Parliament He docs not though my blood had turned to as a believer in the efficacy of iter and my nerves seemed complete- preferential tariffs He does not My shattered All the time I was un even believe in a formal constitution medical treatment but with no elaborated for the occasion Such a apparent benefit One day a friend constitution to be of any use must who called to see me brought me grow All he proposes just now is some Dr Williams Pink Pills and to furnish a germ which in the lapse asked me to take them did so of decades perhaps generations may i and after a weeks I found combined is the wIial my appetite improving and present an Imperial constitution this as That germ would be a Committee helping GO It Trill do more to that uncon querable and telltale hacking cough to that unnatural hectic flush or that hollow pallid cheek yes to bring- you hack from the very verge of the grave and restore to perfect health beauty and vigor than all other socalled Con- ft bridge reps washout dependable core for consumption Mies Wood Saved a sign that the pills were me and I got another sup ply In a few weeks more the change my appearance and Condition was the Privy Council not the one which as a legal tribunal serves the colonics in the capacity of a court J marvellous and friends who dropped and of final appeal but a new Imperial in sec me hardly thought I was committee concerned with ihe Person It was not much fails of the empire as a whole not until I was completely cured with the matters that relate tetter than I have done to any single constituent mem ber of it- the I could cot any too I I it if I wist for or oh I too to lift it ft BOTES for years before I am therefore very happy to make known to all ailing women the fact that they can find new health through the use of Dr Williams rink Pills Mrs Turcot experience with this is the same as thousands of Others Dr Williams Pink Pills are Referring to rumored changes the greatest cure for the ailments the public school system Premier blood Ail the in reply to a Globe report- anaemia all the distress o 00 25 bhls CO i ft 50 ra stated Between now and Christ- indigestion all the pains and ache Government is going neuralgia sciatica consider public school matters all the misery and illhealt 0 50 UxaoirtWltAiTV Present we have had no time to consider them at all Tor ail koiit Tor j fcKitf 4nc ifrmiim understood says the Star troubles because h that women suffer from time to time come from bad blood And Williams Pink Pills cure these they make in Kit rMt Cuii that Sir William Mulock rich healthgiving blood Kiev TRIAL lis going ahead with his proposal to dont act upon the bowels they dont over the telephone business as a bother with mere thev go o service With the Gov- right to the root of the trouble and On Oct cheese eminent takng over the longdistance cure it through the blood But you dory in North Smith and the lines and the municipalities taking must get the genuinesubstitutes and were over the local exchanges the tele- imitations never cured anyone Sec phone monopoly business will become that the lull name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People is print ed on the wrapper around the was saved The loss is about HOW Our advices from Hamilton are to Sold by medicine dealers everywhere loss on buildings partly covered the effect that Mr will or sent by mail at cents a box or facto cheesemakers residence by fire yesterday afternoon There was about worth of a institution Cheese in the factory half of which by insurance Shorthand and KeepJDg Courses of the AMERICA COLLEGE J fiu again be the Liberal standardbearer at the approaching byeelection in and in all probability Mr Smith Will be his alive opponent That the contest will be a Warm one is fully by leading politicians of both par- tics but Liberals are confident that Scale will win out all right as many believe he was fairly erected last time six boxes for by writing The Dr Williams Medicine Co Out Pay Roll of Mutual Life Lots of Money for the Head Men a My truly fiU reanonaMe entre i salary You tirnEa I A done there f It A TORONTO NEEDED Annually fill new Croats Men Learn Telegraphy end Accounting of lb t and Button AfttzU In Our the Kytaraaud ndonca by all railway We every to Of her paving from of the ktt In to uontb or from to a month In of the upon fctudcoUcai enter at any time Mo vita- loot For full partcultra rtzardlny any of our writ direct to our our at i free The School of Buffalo LaCroaae Ml Headquarters I Harness from his pulpit in Berkeley Street Church for not giving suffi cient representation to Methodists on the University Commission To a Globe reporter he said I dont quite sec why clergymen should be on the Commission at all but two other denominations are represented so why not the Methodists Of I say all this in the friendliest spirit and it is much better for any to come from me a friend of Mr Whitneys than from some bitter partisan The byeelections to the Commons to fill vacancies in West Assinaboia and Saskatchewan caused by the re tirement of Messrs Walter Scott and J If Lamont from the Federal are na will probably take place towards the latter end of next month The existing voters lists being more than a year old cannot be used now the preparation of new lists becomes a necessity Besides the foregoing there are three other vacancies in the Commons viz and Wentworth in Ontario and in Nova Scotia- The chances are that all five elections will be brought on at the same time The action brought by against four Conservatives of West Northumberland for who had by misrepresentations as to his trustworthiness robbed him of a Government office worth a year suddenly collapsed when Premier Whitney Hon J J at de clined to tell in court what they knew about the appointment as it was a state w-cret- Hon In of good Harness call At Oldham covering Con Cook- re gravel and work 50 Crone reps bridge Con Simerson reps bridge Con Vandewater Boyd work lots Cons and Boyd teaming Andrews teaming tile work 3 days Arnold re work Wesley man man fc m J man and Stuffier work T Morris work gravel St J Proctor work gravel Mortimer work re road machine Clark gravel culvert J gravel Con A Con Br A Webb attendance re Gibson J Millard burial Gibson- Pearson lumber Con J A Cole re culvert Coltrnan gravel 5 Con 3 and T Croutch re villc sidewalk Motions were passed as follows That the Clerk notify Stafford remove bis fence the highway That Reeve and Councillor French investigate re Dougherty family as they More Trouble in Moscow MANY PEOPLE KILLED AND WOUNDED London Oct Special despatches to the London newspapers describe a desperate state of affairs at Moscow Saturday and Sunday Many persons were killed or Wound ed in the noting on the Boulevard at site of the monu ment of the Poet Alexander Pushkin and in the great square fronting the monastery where the troops used sa bres and rifles firing point blank in to the rioters The authorities have issued a proc lamation giving the police absolute power to prevent assemblages The correspondent of The Standard describes how many of those arrett ed were made to run the gauntlet of a double line of Cossacks in a long narrow courtyard the soldiers brut ally striking them with knouts butts of rifles until they dropped fainting or dead at the end of the line Moscow Oct During an atlray today between crowds of srri it- bakers and the troops the mob stoned the police and troops The latter fired blank shots and dispersed the demonstrators Two hundred ar rests Were made The strike here has spread to the bakers There is only sufficient white bread to last two The large crowds of strikers in the streets arc assuming a threatening attitude The employes of the street railroads who have joined strike have ren dered many of the cars useless Ttflis Oct Several bombs were thrown at Cossacks this evening The troops fired and a general panic ensued Many persons were killed or wound Hi re teaming tjf re culvert Cor IS 23 giving iisaste words VOUl a word with you and and Overcoat We wont w about agents for what are admittedly the wear garments offered in Iunuda the We are side Fall Suit finest New York Oct Closing a week T1 every day of which has produced a a that has stirred the P try te special legislative committee investigating the methods of insur ance companies adjourned today un til Tuesday of next week In todays testimony the sensation al development was when Mr Hughes demanded the pay roll of the execu tive officers of the Mutual Co This was produced and showed the sal aries of these officers since For the year President McCurdy re ceived two vicepresidents were paid feOOOOj each a second vice- president and the general manager who will this yiar receive and the treasurer Robert said he never knew the salary of his father until today when he heard it read in the commit tee room He thought how ever that there should be no limit to the of such positions he- cause they should be in accordance with the accumulations of the com pany Thin offer One Hundred Dollar lie- Ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J CHENEY it Co Toledo the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by bis firm KINNAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure is taken take such action deem necessary 3 That Councillor French also in vestigate re sheep claim of Mark Hall The Reeve introduced a ByLaw to close the road known as Road on lot Con ByLaw regularly passed and on the final adoption of same the yeas and nays were- de manded by Messrs and Smith and he ByLaw was finally passed on the following vote YeasFrench and in ays Smith and Council adjourned to meet in on on Nov at am your fiiends or relatives suffer whh Fits St Vitus Dance or falling Sickness write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on dtases to Tub Co Street Toronto Canada All obtain brand of mens fine tailored garments Dont confuse these clothes with the readymade stuff They are different and better in every respect and the very kind of clothes you are looking for They are being worn by dressy men all over Canada They solve the clothes problem for the When Ho Did Better A celebrated bishop once sat thru a long and atrocious sermon on a hot summer morning With an immova ble countenance he listened to meta phors that were mixed pathos that was pathos and humor that was The preacher was a youth just out of col lego a very conceited youth He bellowed through the sermon at the top of his lungs His gestures were violent enough to break his arms At every climax he fixei the bishop with his eye to see if a suitable im pression had been made And at the end of the service this young snipe swaggered up to the bishop and said I fancy I did rather well man who wants stylish clothes Were ready when you are at a reasonable price- COCriENOUR OPPOSITE SOVKHHION BANK NKWMAKKBT A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps for there Is a companionship of books as well as of men add one should always live in the best company whether it be of hooks or of men The literal meaning character is identification It is engraved in our moral nature and becomes part It Its very essence Character is the merit of our works and disposi tion Reputation is something we may possess not the least meritori ous Character is one thing and reputation is another The virulent attacks of the wicked do not efface a pure and character is THIS Thats why it is sure to cure Ca tarrh You see it goes direct to the source of the diseaseits healing va por repairs the damage caused by ca tarrhal inflammation always cures because it goes into those tiny cells and passages that ordinary remedies cant reach goes where the disease actually is Impossible for to fall as any doctor will tell you be misled into thinking here anything so good as use it and youll soon say goodbye to catarrh ooo I The surplus on last yrara Domin ion accounts is A Montreal customs officer discov ered snakes in a lot of wine Import ed by a Chinese merchant sir Dont you think so Yes returned the bishop you did better last year Last year said the young Why I didnt preach at all but man last year Thats the Dry Soap a powder to woollens and youll It reason said the bish op with a pleasant smile For a Case of Incurable Constipation To a person who cant be cured of constipation by Dr Hamiltons the above reward will be paid No cathartic medicine gives such lasting satisfaction or effects such marvel lous cures as Hamiltons Relief immediately follows for head ache biliousness and stomach disor ders No griping pains no burning sensations nothing but the most pleasant relief attends the- use of Dr Hamiltons others not good Price 25c a box at all deal ers GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY FOR SALS Registered Large English Berk shire Boars and Sows Jersey Bull Several Heifers Also a choice lot Yearling Bar red Breeding liens jIb Farm to Lot end of Lot 3rd Con King buildings mostly cleared and cultivation fair orchard well watered Terms reasonable For further particulars apply to Black on premises or to proprietor J LEAVE am Daily or Wharf connecting with boats for points on Lakes Orillla North Bay and am Daily except Sunday for Colling wood Wharf pm Daily for Stay- Barrle North Bay and points in the Canadian NorthWest pm Daily except Sunday for Allandale and Farm for Sale On easy terms to suit purchaser containing sixty three acres situate near Sharon in the Township of Soil clay loam Good frame House with Woodshed two frame Barns and large straw shed Hard and soft water Eight acres fall wheat in the ground twelve acres seeded Fall ploughing will be done For further particulars apply to Sharon O ft I know the place of housekeeper at the Parliament Buildings had been secured for him or Dickie would not have known how he got buncoed Headquarters Whips SweatPads Tel- le Web the Pre It appears was a little Anally acting directly upon the blood over anxious to let his friend Dickie land mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price per bottle Sold by all Drug gists Take Halls Family Pills for Trunks Suit Casta Gall to Cure or Prompt Repairing GIVE US a CALL I con stipation and other witnesses claimed Dickies chances to handle the ducats fondly anticipated to abstract from the defendants and now he hah the costs of the case to liquidate of a lucrative office All this trouble would have been avoided Valkers leg says the Toronto Star if Dr lough by In the goodness of his heart hadnt been too eager to tell glad news to his frier1 from Brighton This looks if government offices were being farmed out in the of old Colonial By the recent storm in the Phil ippine Islands two hundred natives and twentyfive Americans and for eigners were killed oo THAT PALK TIRED She Is in society in business at home everywhere you sec her but always worn and fatigued She has not heard of or she would David Walker of Delhi fell asleep bo perfectly well How quickly It and allowed his to wander on strengthens what an appetite it the railway track A train came what a glow it brings to pal- along killed this and brake lid cheeks I The nutriment contain ed In puts Into Laughing eyes rosy lips bright quick movements all tell of the vitality produce wo- to coats a in day Take LKattve Quinine Tab- Thousands of attractive happy lets AH refund the money men use why not you A it fails cure box of fifty chocolate coated tablets Groves signature Is on box costs fifty cents at any store The Line steamer Virgin ian sunk on September 1ms been raised and towed to Quebec The tender Foley Brothers Larseu Co Winnipeg to build the branch of the Grand Trunk Pacific Hallway between Fort William and Late Superior Junction a distance of 2U miles has been accepted The report of President D Warren to the shareholders of the Lake Superior Corporation stated that the last Canadian property to remain In the receivers hands this Lake Superior Power Co has been released and has passed into the full control of the corporation A SUCCESSFUL HORSEMAN Never allows horse to suffer pafn He always uses Is noted for curing stiffness rheumatism swellings and Ncrvlline Is Just as good Inside as outside For cramps and in ternal pain its a perfect marvel In tho good racing stables Is always because it makes better horses and smaller veterinary Twentyfive cents buys a large bottle of try It NEWMARKET am Dally from North Bay Wharf and am Dally except Sunday from Orillla and p Daily from points in Cana dian NorthWest North Bay and pm Daily Sunday from Meaford Bar and WANTED Farm for Sale Being composed of the north cast part of lot No Id the sixth con cession of tho Township of West In County of Sim coo and part of the north half of lot No 1 concession of the said township containing about DO acres The buildings ore good and the farm Is well drained and fenced Two wells of good water good orchard and farm Is in good condition Most Of the village of Bond Head Is on lots Terms as may agreed on Apply to CROSS Bond A reliable agent for Newmarket and surrounding country Good pay weekly exclusive territory Sample case or outfit Our terms are beat In the business We need man of good character and ability during fall and winter months OVER COO ACRES Tho choicest and moat of stock in Canada Including fruit and ornamental stock small fruits and seed potatoes Fast sell ing specialties offered for the first time Write for terms now to THE NURSERY CO Toronto Ont PROMPTLY SECURED Write book r Hal you or of your it opinion whether It by office In conduct fully quipped office In lonlrtr and prompt ly work quickly the Invention Mi- lion without chart ihrou of lhc Dominion MARION MARION Potent Expert end Now York ton

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