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Newmarket Era, 6 Oct 1905, p. 6

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7 A FlUUAY tV 1905 NEWMARKET DENTIST- Rill at Block 2nd Aid Tuesday of exfa month Jersey Grades for Heifer from month to old been bred also Cows For further particulars epply to STOKES Mount Albert Farm for Sale acres close to Mount Albert having thereon good 3 rick House PUPS FOR SALE Mr W Shields Mount Albert has a litter of pups bred from his im ported pair of pure bred old English Sheep dogs each Wait are j new Winchester with which lie con front of their store which fidentty expects to bag a hull adds greatly to Vile appearance Rev J Boyd was best man at head and horns J in putting down a the wedding of of cement verandah floor in front of Zephyr and Miss of his store Mr Win Watson doing arm The pleasmg event took place the work ion Wednesday Sept at the home THE MARKET Anniversary services ii tlePmuy- of the brides parents There was a slight failing off Church next Sunday will be j Mr AuiosKay Virginia left here the quantity of produce at conducted by Rev L McLean of Thursday-week- for Toronto Medical market but are Churchill a former of this College where he intends putting to eggs to congregation Services both third term do Certainly rind A thank offering will he at both services The Fair next week is going to he the event of the season so Bank Bam well fenced well water- chickens live dressed 10c ducks and evening at and in good state of cultivation DAVIDSON Mount Albert Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available Balance of Subscribed Capital The Sutton Fair which was held here last Thursday and Friday was decided success as the weatherwas so favorable The concert in the evening was also well patronized Bills A LADIES AID TEA Will be given on Friday evening you will come to on Bills arc out for the sale of the Oct in aid of the Franklin Chris- Tuesday and Wednesday anil lcsuiej household goods of Mrs John Curtis Church at the home of Mrs to stay for the Concert on Wednesday on Oct also of house and lot Everybody evening See the bills for 1 subject lo reserve bid liars Plan of seats now readv at HEAD OFFICE CANADA Richard Harper come BOARD Of Andrew Chairman in Deputy seats a- now re Waits general sieve Queensville is always glad to visitors and we are to welcome you at sure to come for time so the whole Fair J man Samuel ton Esq air Alex La HUK Accepted Current OWDAVIDSON- AaentMt Albert Ayeot for Dominion uy Goods and Sell Them BRIEFLETS Mr Ross Shields is seriously ill with an attack of inflammation The newlyappointed magistrates- the Concert for Mount Albert are Dr R For- Program for the League rest and Messrs John Moore andQ Geo A number of our citizens took in the entertainment at Hope church on Monday evening and report an enjoy- able time as usual is being well patronized from this locality Thats all that we do There CONCERT no other considerations loj- take up our time an days a week we manage keep busy Oar advertisements always in cite you to see our display but we make most o our promises gain most of our new friends and do the most Of our beat advertising while you are a visitor or rather our goods do it for us to I oh the even ing of the second day Of Fair Wednesday October prom ises to be of more ordinary in terest The talent secured for the occasion include Harry Bennett the wellknown humorist Miss Maude Alexander reader vocaiist and dolinist and Mrs Moore grad uate of the Athenaeum School of Mu sic Glasgow pianist Reserved scats The Christians Trials and Tri umphs T Miss Literary Better Work Our Society Should Do Heb 21 Mr Richardson Social Songs That Have Help ed Col Miss Wight A Praise Service Educational Work Chap of The Heart of Japan Miss A Missionary Mr William of Bramp ton a former resident of this village was here lately calling on eld glad be Miss Margaret who has and been visiting her cousins here for sev eral weeks left for her home in ville on Thursday week Miss Myrtle Kemp of was one of the successful exhibitors the Sutton Fair Miss Ameer Cadieux Friday land Saturday in the guest of liss Reesor Mr J Cadieux came home on Fri day for two or three weeks holidays Miss Blanche Bailey is undergoing treatment at the Toronto General Hospital Miss Alice Winch Belhavcn visited over Sunday at Dr Mr and Mrs Graham of Toron to were guests at from Friday to Monday It becomes our sad duty this week to record the passing away of an es teemed and wellknown citizen it Sunday exhibitions by intox- lads on our streets are exceed- I distasteful to our peaceloving citizens The mystery is Where they get their liquor in Baldwin Miss Adelaide Crittenden our oblig ing postmistress spent a week visit ing relatives in Donald Riddel is in attendance at the Assizes as Juror It is his lot to be called upon often Others there are who would be delighted to go but have never had the good luck to get a summons The widow and I agree on many points I think she is a pretty clev er woman No doubt about it she thinks ditto In reference to the concert at Newmarket she thought Harold Jar vis fine I think ditto Indeed he is acknowledged by judges to be the foremost Canadian male vocalist An bachelor minor says has contracted bad habits Late hours finds him often in the of One night lately he was trudging homeward hi all bunged up by sleepy in ill- darkness he perceived a hear which sought refuge by climbing tele phone pole Back he Hew lo hi own- hill fear lending wings to his heels He rousted cut with gun to find alas that it was a poor little coon out hunting its supper Continued on Page getting Oils mitlB and Goggles- Guns and Ammunition DONT GIVE IT AWAY Wool is Valuable This Year Sell to IT A FULL LINE OF CLOTHS SHEETINGS BLANKETS YARNS ETC ALWAYS ON HAND A J MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert Planing and Sawing Mills COULD NOT BE BETTER The uniform success of Chamber lains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea SOME SEASONABLE ADVICE It be a piece superfluous ad- are now on at lt on t Our supply J Furniture shows if the year to lay in a supply of Cham- no weak spot It is It is a- THEAKER this villa in the jHTson Mr r tation and many people throughout NEW STORE first will secure the best seats Sect posters for particulars most sure to be needed before winter over and much more prompt and Satisfactory results are obtained f when taken as soon as a cold is con- and before it has become set tled in the system which can only be PERSONAL Mr returned last week from a two months trip through the NorthWest and British done by keeping the remedy on hand Columbia This remedy is so widely known and Mr A Miller of was I altogether good that no one should Having Shields tow open refitted the old James Store throughout we are or business in the line of GROCERI the best we can buy and solicit a your patronage We are Paying the Highest Price for all kinds ot Grain and Seeds WW SHIELDS in town last week Mr It Jones left on Wednesday morning for Port Arthur alter a months holiday part of which was spent in town Mr Hen of Newmarket is enjoying a few holidays at his home Mrs Eliza Terry of is visiting with friends in town Mr and Mrs of Thornton and Miss of Toronto are visiting at the home of Mr Me Lean hesitate aliout buying it in preference to any other It is for sale by Lloyd SHARON Mr and Mrs of were in town on Tuesday Mr Isaac Allison of Washington News has been received of the death at her daughters residence Streets- ville of Mrs Mary Ann an old resident of the village and sis ter of the late Messrs David and Nelson Mr Grose attended the Fair at on Wednesday Mr Pan has purchased a Fry in the 85th year of his age which event took place Thursday morning of last week after a pro tracted illness His remains were laid to rest on Saturday forenoon in St James Cemetery On Saturday night when William returned home from Sutton saw a light through one of the windows of his house and up cautiously he found a man inside lighting matches and exploring Mr Osborne went around to the back of the house where a window was open ed There he waited until the man came out and pounced upon him His prisoner who gave his name as AH Jones was brought before Squire and committed lor trial on a charge of burglary He was brought to Toronto jail by Constable 0 the country will agree with Mr W ol Milford Va It works like magic and is the best preparation I know of It couldnt he any better He had a serious attack of dysentery and was advised to try a bottle of this reme dy which he did with the result that immediate relief was obtained For sale by Lloyd Doors Sash and all kinds of Dressed Lumber oa CUT CHEAPER THAN ANY PLACE NORTH OF TORONTO Get the material for your house ready this spring and save money Lumber and Shingles WOODCOCK HOW TO CURE CORNS AM HUN IONS First soak the com or bunion in water to soften it then pare it down as closely as possible barn out drawing blood and apply accompanied by his niece Miss MOUNTALBERT Agatha Allison were in lOtfu lor a short visit last week Mr and will move Pain twice daily rub- MILLINERY cm OPENINGS COMMENCING Saturday Sept A ALBERT Morton in Charge ROS8 ALBERT A JUDICIOUS INQUIRY A wellknown travelling man who visits the drug trade says be has of- ten heard druggists inquire of towers who for a cough whether it was wanted for a Id or for an adult and if or a Id they almost invariably Chamberlains Cough Remedy The reason for this is that they know there is no danger from it and that it always cures There is not the least danger in giving it and for coughs colds and croup it is unsur passable For sale by Lloyd Mr Geo Fogg arrived bantu Logo on Thursday lie is very enthusiastic about the great NorthWest and intends in the spring and taking his family with him Rev and Mrs returned from Alberta on Saturday last Mis I Arthur was in very oor when they arrived but at time of writing she is feeling much Mr It Ciai New Ontario on Monday last where he has been all summer with Survey or Speight He reports a much more pleasant trip this than last Mr Stephen Terry of Mt Albert it to his farm here to replace the one firing vigorously for five minutes at burned by lightning each application A corn plaster Miss E Willson is spending a should he worn a few days to protect week or two visiting her sister in it from the shoe As a general or on to went for sprains bruises lameness Mr Reuben Phillips has put his and rheumatism Pain Balm is press into running order and equalled pressed the first consignment of pies into cider last week Mrs returned last week from a fortnights visit in Toronto Mrs George Stokes of Midland on her way to Toronto stopped off at and spent the weotf find end with her nieces here The list of magistrates appointed by the new Government is published this week Evidently it was neces sary to add the names of a few good Liberals to give tone to the list For sale by T Lloyd 0 UNION STREET I was delighted when I read the ac- of the York Fair and to so many of the prizes finding their way to the Kim Grove Poultry Yard This is a little recompense for the breeder of purebred poultry Mr James has sold his farm to Mr Rose of for Butter AND Dozen for Eggs o and intends leaving this neighborhood Quite a number front here attended shortly the harvest festival of Christs A friend of mine witnessed a very Church Holland Landing and enjoyed an excellent dinner and Thanksgiving church in Taylors Hall service in the f ALBERT 1 1 DRUG STORE visittd A dom Mt week I Mrs of Aurora visile Dura S on Pure pans in bulk and put Newmarket J by ovrwivea- 9 on Sunday Mr and Mrs Sharp wire in Toronto on Monday Miss Nora Sprague visited in market over Sunday Mr and Mrs K and Kavanagh of on Sunday of Mi Irene Moore few day w A goryily number our at- Sutton Fair Lis week LLOYD Nottingham there with display of harness course wai awarded all fust Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot axed Family v attrition J a few days last week A BEAUTIFUL WHISK HOLDER Given With every lot of Polish Try a bottle of Patent Leather Cream it preserves the leather We sell the celebrated time Shoe Polish Once used always used a full line of Tan Polish Fine Shoe Repairing and Ordered Work Lehman Mount Albert his he Queen Heaters Good Cheer HOT BLAST Cook Stoves COAL WOOD Kitchen Queen Range J ROWLAND Mount Albert exciting race between the teams of two of the oldest farmers on Queen St Thursday Some very heavy firing at the Eng lishmen who were at the S on Sunday Still they believe In their creeds BALDWIN BREEZES On Friday the unlucky d So the flying rumors say Enoch came to town With one foot up and the other one down Jos Foster also was in town that As these gentlemen are per sons honor and veracity In or der to avoid all possibility of error I will leave it to them to give own individual version of what hap- After the was over one of them skid as though hed hud a headon collision with a locomo tive know young Andrew Miller pretty well It may surprise them to learn that he was married at Falls last week and has become a steady industrious citizen Mrs Tomlinson won In twen tytwo events at Sutton Fair and again demonstrated that she is the boss dairymaid of this district winning in every In which she entered Slic no one should begrudge her what she gets as she earns all she gets Vrs indeed she docs Id be delighted were she to win double as much Albert Invested in a dan- Just opened this week one case of New Fall Dress that wo picked up in Toronto at less than half the regular price Red Green Brown Black and Navy regular yard at 25c We also bought at same time pieces Fancy Mohairs regular yard at also in stock our Fall Shipments of Fancy and Pluin Lustres and Sicilians at yard New Venetians regular for Fine quality Broadcloths and yard We Import direct from the profit and every possible discount bio prices a manufacturer In England No breaking bulk no middlemans saved by paying Spot Cash allows us to mako these reraarka- Toilet Sets Pink Brown decorations very special Colored Toilet Sets Pink and Blue Decorations wide shelving edge on Basin extra grade of regular set for Gilt Toilet Set handsome decorations in and Blue or Gold and Pink regular set for J275 Choice Dinner Tea or Breakfast Plates made by A J Mcaken Eng land to do all one price 5c each Fine English Dinner Sets nice Dark Green decorations about pieces regular set lor fine Berry Sets fine large Fruit Dish and Fruit Nappies regular set for Pine Berry Sets Dark Flown very handsomely decorated in Gold Bowl and Nappies regular set for An assortment of Lamps just arrived from 20c to each If you want anything special in a fine Dinner or Tea Sot leave your order here We guarantee you lower prices than any in part of the country d We of Butter Lard Onions Beans Beeswax Ac Johnstons Gash o

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