Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Oct 1905, p. 5

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ERA P Stock P Total NEWMARKET BRANCH- A General Banking Easiness TRANSACTED Interest Allowed ori Deposits At CHRIST DRAFTS ISSUED AT mobs ft LEGAL J Notary Public Ac Street to loan on good Security CooTcysnccrt Ac over Billiard WHAT OH IK Reformer Bloc INSURANCE A fur fir soft Monty to Current Ramsay Fire Agent hi a and Town Oct Bradford Oct Bolton Oct 24 25 Scott at Zephyr Oct Beeton- Oct Cooks town Oct Oct IS Weston a Entertained One night last week Mr was driving down Main St to wards the North End at ft- furious rate and turning bis horse to the wrong side of the road be ran into the mortar board used in the con struction of the cement sidewalk with the result that a wheel was smashed all to pieces At the last meeting of the Town Council he put in a claim lor damages but when the Councillors heard all the circum stances they declined to entertain the claim fig The Directors of the North York Society will meet at the Council Chamber Newmarket at pm on Saturday to adjust all and pass upon accounts It is de sirable that all persons having claims against the Association will be pres ented to the Secretary Mr Keith on or before that meeting thai the Board may be able to pass upon the same and order payment On and after that date prizes and ac counts payable by the Treas urer Mr at the Office aetata Collect Street Newmarket Bolton Painter Pouie PJnter Corner Lane and MUSIC Mr Bayly Music m Aug J at ST BAST Jos One of Canada Popular Hall the simple yet comfortable official residence the GovernorGeneral of Canada is a twostory long low villalike house with its eightyseven acres of ground and was in and bought by the Gov ernment forty years later It has been fortunate in tenants and one of the most popular of the vicereines who have dispensed gracious hospitality within walls 13 Lady Minto sister of Earl Grey The youngest daughter of the late General the Honorable Charles Grey she was born and when twentyfive was married to Viscount who succeeded as fourth Earl of in Her close and affectionate re lation to Canada dates from a time shortly after her marriage on her husbands appointment as Secretary to the Marquis of then the Gov ernorGeneral little dreaming that within a few years he himself would occupy the exalted position of viceroy In the returned to 1ngland anil twelve later came back to Ottawa as the representatives of Her Majesty Queen Victoria in Canada- An excellent housekeeper a wise and devoted mother and a charming hostess was Lady Oh coming to Hall she had it transformed by a thorough renovating and redecorating and at such small expense that the department of works expressed delight at the marvel of results for a minimum of cost he tradespeople protested against the careful marketing of the household which though ever ample had no trace of the wasteful extravagance of other viceregal regimes The homelife at the Hall was simple and the happy laughter of the five children was never hushed The training of the people was unlike that common in English families of rank they were the close comrades of their parents and in a free natural companionship were present at all social affairs at Government House except the formal functions of State The public benevolence of Lady centered chiefly in her splendid work for the Victorian Order of Nurses and through her inspiration and initiative numerous cottage hospitals have been established in sparsely settled districts where they were greatly needed Her purse is ever open to works for the better ment of humanity and her heart head and hand cooperate in her charities The plans for beautifying the city by stimulating the individual action of its citizens owes much to Lady offer of prizes for the most attractive lawns and gar dens Tall stately with a rare charm that pervades her presence like some deli cate perfume she impressed her personality on a large list of Canadian friends and admirers who will ever remember her most kindly la Hit It lb at Era entire prompt attention Helping We note with much satisfaction that Hayes General Manager the has signified his willing ness to contribute from his company the sum of and a free site for the erection of a building at to be used principally by the men working in the Grand Trunk Shops there He also proposes to give per month for the mainten ance the building Attached to the gifts is the condition that the people of will contribute a sum equal to that given by the rail way company It is expected that the erection of the building will be commenced within a month or so Electrocuted On Thursday night of last week a boy named Wilfrid Williamson climb ed a telephone pole on Prospect Ave for the purpose shaking the elec tric lamp which had gone out to see if it would not relight As soon as he touched the iron bar a flame was emitted and he became stiffened by the electric shock falling to tne There are scores people in New- membrane the stomach the fall hut his hand was burnt and vicinity who are starving ulatea the solar plexus and strength- also las shoulder and his side was p to the ribs He was laid up they are in need of food but One little tablet out a Miami for two or three days and it will he they cannot digest the food box of Miona before and some time before he will be able to eat work He had a narrow will nn cap from death be a warning to everybody not nave recently re- touch the dectrie wire the cm- ceive4 a ar Mionathe K It you cannot obtain Miona vour druggist it will be sent by mail Miona is an unusual combination postpaid on receipt of price Write remedies lor the stomach and us for advice on your case a restive organs that heretofore have leading stomach specialist which will been little known in this country It be sent free The Coin- soothes and heals the Ithaca Men and Women who are In Need A Liberal Offer rent is on most recent discovery for the of stomach troubles cure a cc tr DeWltt TEACH from Toronto Studio in over he ta to terms C on wctK Due To A scarcity of bass in Hamilton led many persons to believe that it was to carp Hut it appears that carp is being unfairly blamed on this account The Hamilton Herald says The Ontario government wants to know why there is such an alarming decrease bass in the bay It will not give the local fishermen credit tor it The belief is that carp have been destroying the Iass The govern ment instructed Overseer Kerr to make an investigation He took Cap Spouse and Alt King out with him last night and by means of a jacklight they discovered a lot of carp They got one weighing pounds and they speared about 500 pounds of this kind of fish They failed to find any bass in the beds where tin carp were lying and they have reported that tile carp are not responsible for the disappearance the I Out of registered at Jueens Fort- William Sept An University are Presbyterian wheat train of thirty cars was wreck- station Picking up A Methodist 120 Anglican Itomaii late yesterday afternoon Kail- paper he began evading and Catholic Congregational Bap- stead a hundred miles west of here minutes later he passed away Cauy iKif Toronto The Hebrews of the city celebrated the ushering in of another Jewish year last Friday evening with all due solemnity With iliem it was the anniversary the year of the worlds creation service was held in Holy Synagogue conducted by Rabbi Jacobs Mr J Ross Robertion of the gram has returned from an enjoyable visit in Britain and His continent i Willie Owen on Friday while climbing a door his fathers in McGcetrvot slipped fell to the floor nail iial been inserted in the keyhole inorder thai he might reach a parcel high up His foot slipped and coming contact with the nail his was terribly ripped The lad is only years old He was to the Hospital but are not entertained Mrs McAnnon of who Was visiting her brother in this city was suffocated with gas early Friday morning At in the morn ing she went into the next zoom from where she was sleeping to give drink to one of her others child ren and in turning out the gas ap parently accidentally turned it again with fatal results The Public School Trustees of Ibis city have a scheme lor rearranging its educational system In it is proposed to a High of every one of the schools I carried out and the will al low it the plan will save the half a million dollars annually About members of the National Association of Implement and Vehi cle Manufacturers the United States arrived in the city Friday af ternoon They have been holding their annual convention at Niagara Falls and on the invitation their Canadian brethren were the in Hamilton and Toronto A banquet at the King was the feature of the entertainment follow ing a trolley ride Tie city The work of excavation on the site for Knox Church Avenue is now under way The Divisional Court ruled that su perannuate civil servants are not exempt from municipal taxation a just ruling why should not civil servants pay for municipal the same as others who work a living The Methodists of this city are erecting seven new churches and en larging about twice number of Sunday School premises A section of the police force advocating a tax of on the of each member Inateaicf lite misent burial assessment of With members would be realized and bunded over to While a the Fred Victor day afternoon Henry was com pletely overcome by escaping gas mid had to be taken to the Emergency Hospital He is getting over it The City Engineers scheme for a crosstown car line from Parliament to street was by the civic Committee tin Works The Savage Grand English Opera Company will give a series of repre sentations of famous operas To ronto during the week commencing November In the Police Court week I Marco an Italian was committed for trial on a charge of murdering John J Hohan was stabbed during a quarrel on Monday evening September outglle Glioma Ho tel Chester who has been in custody in connection rtilh the tragedy was discharged Mr James veteran claims agent of the unexpectedly on while sitting at the five THE LEA Harvest is hero and we ready for it with a full line of all kinds of Harvesting requisites Binder Twine Oil Forks etc Secure your goods avoid See our stock of Hardware such as PUTTY NAILS VARNISHES all IdEds SHB8P HARDWARE o Repairing to Order r I O O IP I ESTABLISHED fist and others By faculties they divide as follows Arts theolo gy 39 medicine 208 There are piling twentythree cars of the track No one was hurt Passenger traffic was colored students regis- fourteen hours The wreck Caused by a broken axle grain on death apoplexy Tieceased was fcvrlouKiy years of age He leaves a vidow delayed I s sons The work of the Monuments and Head Stones- 1- JAMES PHOT I J M with Mr Poole of SMITHS Photo Studio will to you call work careful atten tion be watchword Developing and tor fcrnateurH promptly done For Bile at Office Produce I market last Saturday Prices were as follows per lb Eggs to 21c Dressed chickens to pair Apples 10 to Apples If to per Crab 15c Pears 20 to basket TorAaoea Cabbages do Cauliflower to 10c head peck Pickling Onions to jl 20c basket Potatoes to bag Old to Live Chickens to pair Live Turkeys lb Live IT pair pair to per live weight Young per pair Hides and lb 10 and lie to each Tallow torn House was week We have used Sunlight and want to tell you that it is the best soap made thats why we arc writing We found out that the Sunlight way is the best way to wash with Sunlight Soap At first we used to wash with Soap in the old way as wo did with common soap hut after we washed according to directions printed on the package we would never wash the old way again We firat articles leave them to soak and then rub out lightly on board Not to do and it the clothes white as mow ASK FOR THE BAR Soap white and wont injur BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO Peaches in Cold Storage Peaches from various points in the state are being shippjl to Stockton Cal and placed in cold storage The National Ice Company has by experimenting that it can freeze peaches and keep them three months easily Last year the experiment was made successfully and this year the company has engaged in storing fruit as a business Already there are boxes of peaches on Ice at the local plant The greater part of them came from the warm legions of The peaches were picked moderately green freezing they arc kept from ripening Thice months from now they will he placed upon the market cither In California or in the east Soon after the fruit is taken of the ice it By selecting a late variety of peaches it may be possible to preserve them till Christmas George Campbell Implement agent committed suicide at Wood stock by taking carbolic add Miss Lewis shot a black bear at Devil Lake that weighed nearly pounds I he objected to her mar riage Kaspan Kasparlan an Armen ian from Hamilton shot his young and pretty daughter at and then turned the revolver on him self Doth were seriously wounded Watches Chains Rings Bracelets Stick Pins CALL AND SEE THEM Bring your patches Clocks that are our of order We Guarantee Satisfaction in all Repairing To WATSON and Graduate Optician Corner Drug Store Open Sundays PURE DRUGS TED Druggist Necessities Church and Meal Hours PRICES MODERATE Corner Main and Timothy Streets Sand and ravol For cement delivered Orders by mall promptly attended to A For Brick Hours six rooma hard water Good good lo cation Apply to A WILLIAMS for Sal Tree Church The undersigned Is now running Union Bus to all trains Orders fey telephone for all parts of the Towo will receive prompt attention A BOYD Old Stand

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