The EKA gives more home every Week than any two other papers in North County ji miuo mi J YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER it No caper Bent outside of North York paid In Give us the liberty to know to to above ell liberty zj No 35 Copies So Newmarket Ont Friday Sept I TERMS per annum paid in advance HUSBAND Wife whats this string tied on my finger for THE WIFE Its to remind you about my new National Range be and fetch it with you to- night I want one just like Mrs Sabins the National Range with the square steel oven WE HAVE SOLD IN NEWMARKET AND VICINITY OVER NA TIONAL RANGES IN THE PAST YEARS THE PEOPLE WHO USE THEM ARE THEIR ADVERTISEMENT SOLD ONLY AT a A Man and His Mother in Law Can but there are two things that Cannot Agree in the Same a Headache and one of Powders One has to go and that one is never the der I PI WOE CENTS OUR What crowded makes our Parlor night Re- Ice is THE BEST It the- purest Cream and not adulterated my Our Bricks I IceCream the FARMERS In order sonic idea of the of Trades Unions in Scotland we visited the works he Scottish Cooperative Society in Glasgow on Tuesday afternoon and were to find that the premises occupied 12 acres fine clean any brick hold ings three stories employing hands about halt of girls There are IS distinct trades and each department works according to the established hours of the over per day and some only hours Some go worn at a others and Some quit work at pm others at oclock while nearly GOV arc and quit when they get through hut all stop work it one oclock on Saturday Having obtained a pass through Mr Whitehall one of the travellers we were directed to the Mr Thos who us through and having been over five years in the employ of the Company was ready to answer all our ques tions The manufacture of hoots and shots is one of the principal departments turning out from to pairs a week There arc 1250 hands constantly at this work The hides are bought on the Glasgow market tanned on the premises and sold as the finished article The tannery cannot begin to supply all the required and thousands of tons of leather are bought every year in the United States and Canada We re gret to learn that the proportion from Canada is very small After the leather is ready a pair of boots go through hand before they are ready for market men tinK leather by hand every and hours a day besides several power stamping machines Over girls are at work in one room half them with sewing machines all run electric power working on the uppers putting in eyelets sewing on bottoms making buttonholes etc A very interesting machine is the one that stretches the uppers and tacks them to the last as well as the pro cess on still another machine by which one man the uppers to the inner soles of pairs of boots each day We could not to tell the number of these machines in operation Other machines for coarse hoots put the soles on with brass wire pegs riveted at both ends Putting on the heels is an other interesting process All the fine boots are finished by hand and the factory certainly produces a well- made article Another department of special in terest to the ladies is the Department where they put down from to tons of jam day Only stone jars are used holding from one to 10 each The season is about over and already they have put down tons of plums They cannot get half the fruit want What they gel from Canada comes in small airtight barrels car ried in cold storage This is the only department that runs at night in case of a rush of fruit Should tons of fruit come in by train during the night all the steam boilers are put into requisition ami it is all cleared up by dinner time The girls are all dressed in uniform and everything looks clean and Inly The pickle department is quite simi lar The candy department gives con stant employment to a great many hands and the product very choice All the colorings are extracted on the premises from vegetables A great the candies arc handmade gives an opportunity to serve them more easily Those who to work at have breakfast from to and dinner from to who go to at and 8 have lunch from Panes o the Great Past BY A BANKER The majestic and imposing remains to and dinner from to Grecian temples still standing This is the reason the Scotchmen all the Acropolis at Athens convey a better conception of the extreme beauty and grace and the exquisite refinement and symmetry of ancient architecture than perhaps any other examples of the work of the old company with Mr who Greeks extant and as the astonished has been nine years in their employ and delighted beholder stands upon we had the privilege on a subsequent that historic mount and of going through their handsome plates those magnificent relics of the wholesale building which cost great past he is reluctantly compel 1- It is five storks hi id to admit that notwithstanding all our advance in civilization in knowl edge and attainments those an- Will This be the Next War suffered years have four meals a day tea at and supper at pm This same Society operates Wooll en Mills at Selkirk Scotland but the head office is in In constructed from one the rejected plans for Glasgows building The main entrance far excelled us lit the classical has mosaic floor marble walls and purity and the artistic refinement pillars giving an imposing effect and and beauty if not in all cases of in keeping with the beautiful ex ten- their statuary y certainly of their or This building is chiefly sample architectural achievements showrooms where every article size In the immediate foreground is the and style of manufacture is exhibited world famous Parthenon its lofty in classified regularity for the con- marble columns standing in bold veniencc of the retail storekeepers against the wondrous azure of whose selections arc recorded by those Grecian skies and though the number and the orders sent to the masterpiece of that greatest sculptor different warehouses where the stock whom the world has known for all is kept About bookkeepers are kept busy in this building This Society started in a small way between and years ago and has now assets amounting to Stock is taken every months time Phidias is no longer there to grace and adorn the noble building yet the dignity and the statclincss of the superb structure itself is soover whelming and so bewildering that the spectator stands spellbound and fas- ami a percentage of the profits other enriched to all customers Last J and decorated marble erections of July the Society had in its and other of Reserve Fund after artistically gifted old Greek 105032 on a basis of on the warriors the Porch of the of profit To give our readers an tides live of the six gracefully idea of the quantity of goods sold by this Society we will quote in round figures from the report for the first six months of this year lflH0 tons of sugar tons of tea tons of butter 330 tons of margarine figures supporting the architrave still after the lapse of four and twenty centuries almost perfect the beautiful conic temple of victory or the handsome Theseum subsequently dedicated to Christian worship all Groceries sold dry goods these too evidence boots and shoes 193 of their accomplished 141000 The turnover architect for the year is considerably over Nearly travellers are on the road almost constantly This reives an idea of- the business of one of Glasgows many mercantile estab lishments JACKSON That But Now captain of the host of the King of Syria was a Threat man with his master and honorable because by him the Lord bad given deliverance unto Syria he was also a mighty man in valor but he was a leper Now John Smith chief clerk for Win Brown was a valuable man to his employer he was also at tentive to his duties and a goud sales man but he drank Now Henry Jones was the head accountant in a wholesale establishment of Brick Stone he was a levelheaded business man but he was a gambler Mas Johnston retail merchant in the town of was well thought of In the community did the largest business in his line in the place and was an elder in the Presbyterian church but he was crooked Thompson was one of the most gen tlemanly and painstaking travellers on the road he sold more goods than any man on his territory he was re spected and value by customers and employers lie was also a member of the Methodist church hut lie was an adulterer We used to learn at school that when you put infinity on one side of an equation the other be came zero When you put one of those huts on a mans life what docs the rest amount to I lis is a dead dog in a pit Baker Confec tioner And the prospects too from this marblepaved lofty hill is superb To the southwest the blue ocean with its many islands the good ship which brought the writer over the seas or the candies are handmade Ottawa Sept Dr but one Improved machine is now turning out between and tons ajl day conversation lozenges pepperhere to conduct smelting experiments mints and the like Judging in Canada believes- lljat in the next the quantity constantly manufactured decade Canada will have the largest Ottawa Sept of the Columbia Record France doctor of the with a load of brooms French Metallurgical who is began there at the to the north and east the scenes of many an epoch making battle where those old giants of warfare fought to the death with such surpassing valour and heroism while immediately beneath is the modern city oi Athens still beauti fied with ancient Grecian temples old Roman edifices and bastions and the recent restoration of the St ad ion erected by curd us a vast amphi theatre wholly constructed of daz zling white marble and capable of seating fifty thousand spectators But perhaps of greater interest than all is a low rocky hill at the foot of the named the Are opagus or Mars Hill Here the great Greek orators were wont to pour forth the flood of their burning eloquence here Demosthenes has kept his audience spellbound with his pas sionate oratory and here too the great apostle St Paul uttered that memorable harangue to the Greeks in which after expostulating with them lor their folly in erecting an altar to the unknown God he showed them that the Sou of God Himself had visited this earth of His and by making expiation for the sins of all who come to Him for pardon had opened the gates of Heaven to all believers And whosoever Com eth will In no wise be cast out Choice Cyrus Petting brooms for a living and kept a store in the New Hampshire town where both of them lived One day says the Columbia Record came in and then NORWAY AND SWEDEN NOW London Sept 14 Reports received from Copenhagen tonight say that some of the powers arc intervening to secure a peaceful settlement of the difficulties between Sweden and Nor way No authoritative account has yet been issued regarding the progress at Karlstad of the negotiations between the Swedish and Norwegian comns- Both the Swedish and Nor wegian papers crisis as acute The Swedish papers even talk of an ultimatum and prepara tions lor mobilization but though the situation between the two countries is strained it is not believed that it will cud in war A Pa per asserts that Norway would glad ly accept arbitration or mediation as the Norwegian Government has a sincere desire to effect an understand ing with Sweden Copenhagen Sept A Norwe gian diploniast said to the Associat ed Press today if owing to the oppo sition of the Swedish Government Prince Charles of Denmark should de cline to ascend the throne of Norway negotiations probably would be open ed with Prince George of Greece who was educated at the Danish Naval College Karlstad Sweden Sept It is reported from that a British of thirteen vessels is cruising outside the Norwegian ports of and London Sept li The correspond ent of The Times at Karlstad says Sweden regards as menacing and therefore requires the demolition of the recent works erected at the fort ress of some of which are within yards of the frontier and are armed with powerful guns This applies also to the modern works around the fortress of Kongs- which though within twenty miles from the frontier lie at junction of the railways leading across the frontier to Sweden Swe den has no desire to humiliate Nor way but is simply avoiding competi tion in the erection of defensive works which would be ruinous both countries lo -ALSO- Are our Come and Try Them SIMPSON No BAKERY tea Binder Twine feet feet feet feet Portland Cement The national Cement la the feat for foundations and other work AT J Huron St Storehouse Iron industry in the world Ho be lieves that pig iron can he made for a ton and steel for a ton He will superintend a series of exper iment at Marie under the supervision of the Department of Mines of the Dominion Government the Scotch must have a pret ty sweet tooth The arrangements for the comfort and convenience of the employees dur ing meal hours arc most complete IA large hall which in used for meet ings on special occasions and will ac commodate people is divided In to three by folding doors- one for girls one for men and the other for the foremen and account ants and dinner arc served here at cost or any employee can bring his or her own lunch and obtain any separate article such as soup tea coffee etc Beneath tile hall are three more permanent rooms etc a reading rooms and supplied the firm with dally papers and on dilute to Tub Co magazines The employees are divided into two sections so that only half the staff are at lunch at the same time which Kim Street W- Toronto All or can fur you Kara I want to sell you these brooms All right Ill take them dont want any store pay con tinued want cash for them Alter a thoughtful pause tell you Ill Ill you half cash and half trade pulled a straw out of one of the brooms and looked at it as If for inspiration guess thatll be all right he said at last After had put the brooms In their place In the store he said Heres your money Now what do you want In trade- shrewd glance swept over the miscellaneous stock of store Weil said he the same to you 111 take brooms A negro waiter In a suburban near was sentenced to two years Imprisonment for forcibly kissing an frith nursemaid mole is Mother The female fish has no maternal instincts whatever said J of Madison superintendent of the slate fish In fact the Is the most inhuman creature in exis tence that is of the animals which have any degree of intelligence at all Perhaps it is well that it is so for if the parent fish took care of their young as other creatures do the waters of the would he Idl ed with them In a very short time Under natural conditions not one egg in a million ever becomes a a year old As an example I have seen fe male brook trout go up into the spawning places and spawn their eggs and then turn around and deliberate ly eat them the past few years have been much interested in experiment ing with bass and studying lit ways Here the male parent has some maternal instincts apparently He builds the nest for he female some little pocket with a gravel bot tom protected from the si rung cur rent hut with plenty of fresh water and then pushes female into It The eggs are spawned by the fe male who swims away leaves them to their fate The male fertil izes the eggs and then for a few days watches over them fanning their occasionally to Insure a circulation of fresh water and keeping off other llsh who would devour the eggs The male fish have been known to follow the little fry for several days protecting them until they able to care for themselves I have seen a school of bass fry devoured in five minutes by a few sub bass or perch minnows Under the care of the fish hatchet fes from SO to OS per cent of the eggs become fish fry How many of fry live to he a year old or so after they arc planted in the streams it is very hard to determine It- depends so greatly upon conditions reliable estimates can venlng Wisconsin he thai no it Every man owes It to himself and his family to master a trade or pro fession Head the display advertise went of the six Morse Schools of Tel egraphy In this issue and learn how easily a young man or lady may learn telegraphy and bo assured a position With Catarrh of the Stomach Cured rev Congressman Kan In a letter to Dr Congressman gays My Dear Doctor It gives mo pleas ure to certify to excellent curative qualities of your medicines and I have been afflicted or lees for a quarter of a century with ca tarrh of the stomach unci constipation A in Washington has troubles A few of medicine have given mo almost com relief and am sure that a contin uation of then will effect a permanent ure J Mr a prominent real agent of Augusta writes have been a great sufferer from catarrhal dyspepsia tried many phy stela as vf sited a good hut ay springs but believe bas done more for than oil of the above out together I feet new person J LP Verde The most common form of summer catarrh l catarrh of stomach This Is generally known cures magic I you do not prompt and aatls- results from of write at to Dr a full your case and ho will bo pleased to you ad vise gratis Address Dr President of Columbus Waste Wilful waste makes woeful want but most people who arc great wast ers Will hardly admit that wilful The amount of money lost through carelessness in any business or any welltodohome would as a rule keep a family in moderate cir cumstances There are a lot of these wasters They everything from time to opportunity wretched slovens use the excuse I didnt think I forget I didnt it makes a man hot to note the number of people who arc paid tor services they do not give Young man your employer pays you a Sal ary to think and to see If you losing money for the institution by your carelessness indifference or lazi ness you are cheating him and world You have your hands in his pockets Business man if you not giving your business time and attention your relations with your creditors and customers have a light to expect you ore something than neglectful you arc You owe it to all concerned to waste time nor opportunity in your calling even if you arc jour own boss and Confection er U HAWK SPIT Public expectoration is against common law against laws of health also When the throat tickles thats the time yon need kodc it soothes away the irritation cuts out the phlegm and loosens tight feeling Youll quickly euro that catarrh and throat trouble with It positively prevents new attacks and cures catarrh for ever and for all time to come Dont take our word for It try yourself Once used youll bo delighted with its pleasant and help ful influence a MM Hie Christian Conven tion of the Ontario Christian Confer ence Will be held In Memorial Christian on Thursday and Friday Sept and Opening session on Thurs day evening A union choir of fifty voices will render special selections each evening All are Invited I i