Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Feb 1905, p. 1

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mo fee taw to otter to freely according to above all other liberty No fo Newmarket Friday Feb 17 No paper sen outside of North York unless paid in advance frm After New Years StockTaking And weeding out all winter goods A go time to saw money even if not needing the goods until next season We have a good assortment of CoalHeating Stoves SelfFeeders and Parlor Cook Stoves which you can save from 200 to each on We would much rather sell these goods at a small loss than run the risk of carrying any stock over in Following Lines Heating Stoves Saws Hand Sleighs Skates Axes Sleigh Bells Horse Blankets Weather Strip per foot CLYDESDALE STOCK FOOD FOR HORSES SHEEP HOGS AND POULTRY QUICK SURE CURE NEWMARKET QO TO FOR BARGAIN Perfumes Stationery Hymn Books Bibles Poems Fountain Pens Purses Brushes and Hand Bags m ALBO WEBBS CHOCOLATES Oar Toronto tetter A woman has been arrested charg ed with stealing a cloak from St Marys schoolhouse Several of clothing bavc recently been taken from the childrens cloak room Mr K Clarke MP returned from Ottawa at the close of last week in consequence of illness lie is bettor this week but far from be ing well who sued the Wilkin son Plow Company for damages fjr injuries received while in their em ploy Was given a verdict for by the civil assize court jury To Daughters of the Empire arc trying to get up an agitation in fa vor of the Dominion Government granting funds to purchase a fully armed and- equipped battleship and present the same to the imperial navy and to do this every five years These women would show a little more sense in devoting their energies towards domestic education The Corporation will make a grant of towards the Spring Horse Show this year Hon Dr Pyne Minister of Educa tion has decided to relinquish his medical practice hut will continue to hold fast to the rcgistrarsbip of the medical council Theres money in it- Italian circle was agitated two weeks or more ago by an alleged elopement Francis Zoncf aged 21 stands charged wilfi abducting Fran- ccs Leone aged They ran away to Hamilton and came back when their funds were gone Both acknowl edged a desire for wedded life but parents objected Zone was remand ed Miss Nellie of George St was a victim of pursesnatching while passing the Boys Home one night lately- This chatelaine stealing is getting altogether too frequent to be agreeable Abandon the chatelaine will be the next move Leech Herb Leslie and Reu ben were convicted last week on a charge of stealing a ring from the jewellery store or Miss Kent St Leech and Castello were the principals and Leslie an accom plice The two former were sent to the Central for 15 and months re spectively and the latter to days jail per I paid In advance ALMOST EVERYBODY HAS CATARRH A Girl Saved by Mr John To Whom Concern to certify that my Blanch eight of Buffered with catarrh of the head tot three while living in At times It affected jes o that could not bear the light and would hare to be kept In a dark room for three or four days It finally weal to her ears she and one of her ears began discharge that Tory I wrote and he me what to do Parana Today Trent Valley Canal One Hundred and Thirty Miles To Be Opened This Year That great undertaking trie Trent Valley Canal is slowly but surely making its way to completion Id a recent speaking of the work Contractor the firm of Brown who have for a number of years been engaged on the canal and just now arc complet ing the Lake section says the citizens of this district pride themselves upon the fact tat the Treat Valley waterway is- navig able the entire distance from eys Falls on the Trent riven to the head of Balsam Lake very few are awaro that at the end of the present year the canal will be ready and vessels from and other Lake ports will be able to visit Petcrboro Yet such is the case The Balsam Late and Lake coe division is miles in length and forms the connecting link be tween the two lakes It is divided into three sections Section No from Balsam Kirkfield a dis tance of about six miles is already completed The contract was let by the Conservative Government before going out of power to Andrew Indigestion A Trouble That Causes Untold Suf fering to Thousands Throughout Canada The Seedless Apple a DRUG STO At 560 per ton BEST HMD COAL I Nut and ALWAYS ON HAND AT- J Huron fit Strictly firaVcUu In all Magnificent catalogue free Student admitted at any time J ELLIOTT Principal Corner A Alexander Cedar Posts Wood and Building Timber FOR 8ALE of Bradford Can cut bill up ft long Or der a Bradford in The value of singing and drawing were discussed at a recent meeting of the Finance Committee of the of fcMucation Miss Mar tins motion to abolish the position of specialists in singing sewing drawing manual training and found no supporters Mr J W St John who will be Sneaker of next Legislature met of all the city news papers at the last week and with them changes in the press gallery which they desire to have carried out in to facil itate their work at the corning At the conclusion of Rev A Simpsons missionary address in Aon Congregational Church last he for volunteers for the foreign mission field and in response eightytwo persons stood up About twentyfive of were young men Hon has an address to the electors of South On tario in which he intimates he will not again seek their A parlor maid at the King Ed ward on Thursday of last found a purse with in one of the She turned it into the office where it wafc soon claimed The municipal contest in To ronto last week Ward practically decided against annexation to the city by a vote CO to as be tween Baker and for a sjat in the council The form er wa the candi date It is reported there is a on foot in this city to form a gigantic business college trust with Toronto The scheme Is to buy up all colleges in Ontario and con duct under one managing board Mr P Clarke ho It haul can have the position of Assess ment Commissioner as successor to J Fleming who now man ages Toronto Street Hallway- Ontario vegetable growers met and organized at the Parliament last week on similar llnc as the Fruit Growers and other agri cultural societies a w of Blind Ned who a newsstand on the corner of and Wei ling ten Sis fan been ordained a of Christian Workers and left last week for India Ho panic by his and child- tte have had for a number of vears a seedless orange and now we arc mi trie eve of having a seedless apple All of tho credit for the propagation of this apple thus far belongs to Mr John Spenser of Grand Junction Col who struck with the success of the seedless orange believed that similar results could be obtained with seedless apples lie is the own er of all the trees of seedless apple stock in the world and is budding others from them as rapidly as pos sible The tree is almost and renders it for the codling moth to take its hah i tat ion in the fru t The tree is said to be and may be grown in any fairly cold However as we have many excellent varieties of apples of tne seeded variety the seedless have to be I prime quality before it can supplant such frdit as the Northern Spy or the Island Greening Hie little troubles that afflict child ren without warning and the mother should keep at hand a medicine to relieve and cure the ail ments of childhood There is no medicine does this so and thoroughly as Babys Own Tablets and the mother knows this medicine Is safe because it is guaranteed to contain no opiate or poisonous- soothing These Tablets euro colic indigestion constipation di arrhoea simple and teething troubles They break up colds pre vent croup and bring natural sleep Mrs Mary Fair says I have used Babys Own Tablets with the very best remits and would not bo without In the house Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at cents a box by writing The Br Williams Medicine Co pitted into Berlin Feb 10 despatches from Sosnowlce describe the bloody character of the conflict between the military and strikers at the Iron Works One correspondent telegraphs that fifteen were killed and thlrlyflve wounded whlc another gives the number killed at fifty The military fired eight vol leys Another collision occurred at mine beyond where It Is rumored were The annual report of the Crows Nest Pass- Coal Company Indicates an increase of earnings for Feb During a hock ey here tonight between Hack le and A Company Robert aged son of ifr fell on the Ice break ing bis neck died Instantly v I going out power to la envying the of who finished the work five Sl years ago The second section attS rilc gins at Kirkfield and extends to the boundary Kldon and wen miles At Kirk- wa 1Cng concrclc su structure is already completed and the contract lor the placing of the iron works was let a short time ago to Dominion Bridge Company of Montreal who installed the ironwork on lift lock The cost the lift lock will be about same as the one there con crete work was not so costly but the iron work will be more expensive making the cost about the same The second section is in the charge of Messrs of St Catharines who will have the work completed by next December There has been much excavation work in this section Thc third section which is in charge of Messrs Aylmer Brown extends from the head of section 2 to Lake Sim coc and is a little over six miles in length Work on this part of thc canal work com menced in fall of and will be finished at the end of the present year A considerable amount of work has already been completed Messrs Aylmer Brown built five locks three dams and five bridges since commencement of work In all yards of concrete work and over half a million yards of ex cavating have been done There is a groat deal of dredging to lie done and firm arc the possessors of a complete dredging plant Including barges tugs steam derricks steam shovels and other machinery neces sary for the work All tho dams on the Lake section aro of concrete the Govern ment having decided to with the old timber structures Messrs Brown have between fifty sixty men now engaged in pre paring gravel arid stone for this aonls operations which will com mence in April- In summer be tween hundred and fifty and two hundred men are employed When the Lake and Bal sam Lake division Is completed which will he at tho end of the pres ent year will be a stretch of navigable water extending from eys Falls to Lake a dis tance in neighborhood of one hundred and thirty miles Thus over of the canal will have been completed only outlets at the end remaining unfinished- When they will ho completed depends en tirely upon the action of Domin ion Government Surveying parties at work at both and Government will base their action upon their report Mr states that the living around Lake who in habit richest and most fertile sections of Province delighted that northern is almost finished and they will hail joy the advent of the canal which expect to bo of great benefit to them I so much with acute In digestion that I frequently would walk floor through lone nights said Mrs Thomas Vincent residing at St Peter street bee- I had been afflicted with the trouble she continued for up wards of twenty years but it was only during tho past year that it as sumed- an acute form There were times when I was almost distracted everything I ate disagreed with me and the pains in the region of the stomach were almost unbearable When the attacks were at their worst ray head would grow and would throb violently and sometimes I would experience severe attacks of nausea As time went on was al most worn out either through abstin ence from food or the havoc it wrought when I did take it I tried many much lauded dyspepsia cures but they did me no good In fact got nothing that helped roe until my nephew urged me to take Dr Wil liams Pink Pills He had used them himself with the greatest benefit and assured me that they would help me After I had taken three of our boxes of the pills there was some improve ment and I continued to take the pills regularly for about Three months and at the end of that time I found myself cured I could eat a hearty meal and eat it with relish I slept soundly at night my weight in creased and my constitution general ly was built up think Dr Wil liams Pink Pills will cure any case of dyspepsia if they arc given a fair trial such as them Dr Williams Pink Pills cure cases Mrs Vincents simply because they fill veins with that rich red blood that enables every organ of the body to do its work properly That is the reason why the pills cure all blood and nerve troubles such as heart troubles skin diseases St Vitus dance paralysis and the spe cial ailments of growing girls and wo men of middle age When you ask for Dr Williams Pink Pills sec that you get the genuine with the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People printed on the wrapper around every box Sold by medicine dealers everywhere or by mail at cents a box or six boxes for writing the Dr Williams Medicine Co The Compensations BY A BANKER Probably the great majority of the inhabitants temperate climes pro- seasons of spring and i I summer to the active and the ro bust however the glacial rigour and heel of winter present many compensating advantages Perhaps of ail the varied j available not excluding even golf skating that delightful time of the English and their de scendants since the days when the aboriginal savages fixed deer noma or bones to their sandals and dis ported themselves upon the frozen rivers and lakes has ever held of the first places in their regard Wo are skating on a frozen lake of the water whereof has run owing to the stream which re plenishes- it having frozen the bottom Tho banks are a suc cession of undulating hillocks and the thick sKeet of ice is now resting on its long series ol natural men- Ascending one these icy knolls swift as an arrow we glide down the steep hurtle across the intervening level and impelled by the of the descent career up to the summit of next acclivity Pausing here for a moment we now swoop down the hill diagonally with a delicious plunge as though on thc very wings of the wind momentum propell ing us as though volleyed rem a balljster almost to trie centre of the lake where we curvet and thrilled through and through with a bounding exhilaration and a buoyant zest Note in order successfully to perform feat it is imperative to have a death of Mr John of makes the fatality duo to explosion in that neighborhood The steamer seized by the Japanese on way from San Francisco to has been condemned as a legal cap ture Insurance loss la 07500 New Steamer for Lake Advices from state that splendid progress Is being made on new boat to replace the Mr Longford The planking has been completed and bull practically finished Tho boiler manufactured by The Bertram Co Toronto was shipped last week and will be In stalled with the engine shortly The new boat will be ready for service bejorc opening of navigation and will bo put on the ice to launch herself when lake opens It was suggested that the new boat be called Geneva but Mr Thomson has decided to call alter thc old boat hence will be the Longford The material and workmanship In the new Long ford is of a superior quality The contractors of course have an ob ject in putting forth their best ef fort In this contract as the future fair to warrant special atten tion to first attempt on those waters in viow of tho possibilities at tendant upon completion of tho Trent canal Mr Cull a competent authority on marine matters Is over seeing the work for Mr Thomson Mr Cull Intimated that hull of now Longford Is superior to of any boat that ever sailed fakes with possible exception of tho The and boiler aro both of the most approved type specially built the being 116 p it nave hollowground skates otherwise descent will probably be made in a far less dignified and heroic fashion And then there is the recently- adopted diversion of the Nor wegians of travelling over the snow which from all accounts appears to be more exhilarating than skating for not only can it is said the speed of an ordinary train be but vaulting jumps can be performed which any kangaroo might envy And or too J it causes the how it causes the blood to course through the veins to Inge down for instance- he steep winding round from three thou sand feet up in the mountain right down almost to on the Lake of Geneva As swift as an swooping on its prey the- frail little sledge scours sweeping round corners bounding over ob structing accumulations of snow speeding in its impetuous downward career at the pace almost a ing avalanche But though the gelid cold of win ter provides all these recreation yet thoso able to enjoy them should not forget that its rigours at the same are the cause of suffering and grinding blighting upon many and following the bests- of Him who to us from realm of black remorse gave His for us on the dread and bit- cross should according to several ability feed the hungry clothe the naked and liberally suc cor thoso less favored than them selves His Head Off Montreal Feb Araadie a young man of 24 years em ployed by the at the Angus shops suffered the terrible to day of having his head torn on by a steam crane The young man In some way pot entangled In the ma chinery and before horrified on lookers- could stop machinery the headless body fell to the ground United States scouts in the Phil ippines had a brush with and captured six guns Mrs Robert of vlllo wan so badly burned while light- WT was burned Lose expected to recover FOR PERFECT HOME DYEING EASY TO USE BRIGHTEST AND BEST ASK FOR THK DIAMOND- All and TAKB MO J J I

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