Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 10 Feb 1905, p. 4

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J rf i t THE ERA FRIDAY I J J ey Grow has never a cracker made in Crd thai friends ifce Mooheyi Perfection Cream Sodas They have made the nation hungry made us size of our factory first year and made every body of PERFECTION CREAM SCDSvKcn think of crackers editorial In the case of a Former employee of the Militia Department by whose embezzlement a Ions of was occasioned the Government took action to recover the amount from toe Bank of Montreal as par ties to the loss During the past week Mr Justice Anglin gave judg ment in favor of the Government The announcement is made last issue of the that Mr Duncan Marshall has sold out journal to Mr Wil liams of It wiil con tinue to be published in tbc interests of the Liberal cause St Marshall I cracker f Delivered Sheeting per B LATH Ladders Half Price COAL 1 Store Nut Pea COAL SELECTED LUUP PEARSON How It Is Caused by Bad Blood ana Why Cured by Dr Williams Pink Pills Dr Orr manager of the Industrial Far started for last we for pose of securing treasures nest summers Exposition- military tournament in which several parts the Not many years ago doctors thought rheumatism Wis only a pain caused by cold British will present joints and muscles know that rheumatism Is by the I The thir4 annual Canadian tainted uric daie and Horse Show which acid from disordered liver and kid- was held here last week on the This acid eats into the vital vas excellent- The entries destroys their vitality newly but not more than contracts the muscles stiffens the forward Several of those joints and irritates nerves Then cold and wet make every bone groan with aching rheumatism You blame I 1 Hot too Late in any our excellent school the J OF TORONTO makes his retiring bow to personal and political friends in the last issue of the paper A suggestion was made in certain Conservative journals that the sala ry tho Premier of Ontario should he raised to and live sala ries of Cabinet Ministers to The Telegram takes the initiative in condemning proposed salary grab and says Agricultural public opin ion would not be reconciled to a salary grab even if the Province was always sure to secure a Premier for a salary and an Cabinet Minister for an salary On Saturday last the lection for Carfeton took and accord ing 10 an understanding Mr Borden Conservative leader in the Commons who was defeased at the elections was returned acclamation A Jolly piny went out to the place of nomination in company with Mr Borden The re turns were facilitated by the ileturn- Officer and when the House on Tuesday Mr Borden was in troduced to Mr Speaker and took his seat Considering the very large number of applications for free land grants under the veterans land act we are surprised at the limited number who have taken up locations It is out at the Parliament buildings that over J0 000 applications have been made and certificates au thorizing the holders to select- loca tions have been issued but up to the present not mere than men have taken up their locations Every man has four years in which to make a selection after the lite of receiving his certificate Unprecedented progress and perity have marked the history of ibis Dominion during the eight years under Liberal rule at Ottawa Never were farmers so well to so and so Never were manufacturers so busy were workingmen so much in Never did get belter wages Never did Canada bulk so largely in the eyes of the world Greater progress all round has been mJe in the past eight years than on exhibition were newly imported Mr John A Boag of was one of the Judges the weather but the real cause is County Commissioners this year acid in the blood The stiffness the Warden and Messrs Paine spreads and the pains grow worse a fiSfi for the Industrial each year until you are a helpless Home Messrs Alex and J cripple tortured night and day Per haps the disease may spread to the j week at East that means sudden death Umbrella factory caused hands to You must not neglect rheumatism- work temporarily but you cure it wrtfa liniments plasters or hot cloths They cannot possibly touch the blood The only sure scientific cure is Dr Williams Pink Pills because they actually make new Wood They sweep out the painful acid loosen the joints and strengthen the liver and kidneys for their work in casting out impurities Tnis is proved by the thousands suffering rheumatics who have been made well and strong by Dr Wil liams Pink Pills Mr Smith The be of Caledonia is one of these many witnesses He says a4 agitators demanded and was covered by insurance Company expects to be at again in course of another week The carnation exhibit Chicago last week was the greatest ever shown in America It was the next annual exhibition would take place in this city the honor has to Boston citys debt S00- during and now the cry- has gone out for retrenchment and a pay as you go policy A fev short years ago the citys we the previous years ft of tecobcti and not to be a arrine to GAND TRUNK RAILWAY 1147 iiit Ml LEAVE for boat for Lakes OrliHaHorth Bat for Dally for Stay- aer Smie Bay ana poiaU la the aau Ho Bay and Buttle Daily GottUffViMfPWt- pm Daily boa la aa North Bay HuaUTllte an4 rte pally Sunday from rie Intimations received by go to show that Farmers meetings this season have teen more than usually successful he increase attendance is very mark- erf- He also states that some Womens Institutes aro hold meetings on the days as fanners institutes and to hold joint gatherings after the meetings Wo are glad to notice this social fea ture of tbe two Institutes but how about North York institute What a lot of information and firstclass jollification they are miss ing Already the Conservative press is beginning to take on the ques tion of Oamcy out or in as Minister of Mines in Mr Whit neys Cabinet St Catharines on Monday last at a political in honor of Dr for Lincoln and Col or- Well and up a sifi It lor of Mine inscribed intimated to Premier- that- Dr for make table Commissioner Crowd Lands and we priced that has not soot in an amplication for Mr Herb Lett not for number of years I was badly troubled with rheumatism and was so Crip pled up I could scarcely do any work I tried a number of medicines but they did not help me I saw Dr Williams Pink Pills adWtisod as a cure for rheumatism and decided to try them Before thc third t box was gone I found myself much better continued to use the pills tbrougjipat the winter and they have me I got so could day without a coat and not feel a of the trouble I think every sufferer should promptly take Dr Williams Pink Pills Dr Williams Pink Pills cure men and women who arc crippled lumbago rheumatism sciatic par alysis and even locomotor ataxia be cause they actually make new rich blood This new bipod sweeps the painful poisonous impurities out of the system and puts the whole lxdy into a healthy state Nothing nut rich blood can do that and nothing can give you blood Dr Williams Pink Pills If the blood is bad the nerves are lal for the nerves feed on the I That is the cause of sleeplessness nervousness hysteria Vitus dance neuralgia and loss of vitality in and women Or Williams Pink Pills faithfully used and other blood such as indi gestion heart troubles backache kid Boy trouble and decline But you must get the genuine pills The something else just as medi cine which some dealers try to per suade their customers to take never cured anything See that full Williams Pink Pills tor Pale People is on wrapper aroJnd every box If in doJt write direct to Use Dr Co anil will be at cents a or ait ooiee for Clerk of May A P and Monday sold for on its have- tooth ache fc That the power of makes kit Any aching tooth can be by In a few mo ment by filling the cavity with bat ting soaked In A good plan Is to rub the urns with alio There a single rem edy that one fourth he power of which like kills the pain outright prevents It from You for toothache or neuralgia the beat join made- Price 5 Veritas has he of ancient history and present day prophecy In the last Parry Star as an of the flection The Tories will now Surplus and most of It change one dollar hills into fojves tins and an if a few page ay public accouiits are let him blame it am now and can re- was hearin spake Blake an rjq Its a long time even Whitney was a thin an no his whiskers fcheir sliver among We had years victor- lew In an we didnt think if worth to lb big drum frum Lodge n all tin Tory to awake all an we did nt build on filrnply took a Scotch and Whit ney an to bed We can because at thim a born only to die of rickets or Infantum TttQin Two were and 33 were injured in a wreck on the New York Central at three miles west of here at this morning The trainmen were the engineer and fireman of the locomotive of n west bound train on which an occurred The werr in an eastbound train all the ears of were blown from track by explosion- Soidisunfectant is rccorumendod by the medi cal profession as a safeguard against Infectious notfeetheayy In Key baa blocked railway In some placta drifts are WRfc- Deafness be Cared t b7 local appHcatione as they reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deaf- and that by constitutional Deafness is caused by an condition of the When iblitube inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing and when it Is entirely cloced- deaf- s the rcaiilt and unless the In- can be tatn out arid this tube to its normal con dition hearing will be destroyed for ever nine out of ten are caus- by which an condition of tbc mucous We will give One Hundred Dollars for any of caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Catarrh Cure Vox cir culars free L CHENEY CO Toledo O Sold by Druggists a cumulative voting system and new a counter agitation is id for abolition of that sys tem Public sentiment is fickle- change seems to be order of d7 The Dr specific for Al coholism so it is will reclaim worst case of drunkenness in the country Corporations of the Towns and Villages of York County ought to invest and dose off the two or throe old topers who dont know enough not to make public nuisances of ttcuisehes The police his city ought to have a cellar of the specific if it would save the lice court from sending a lot of toughs over the Don almost daily Milton the defeated Liberal of Parry Sound was in the city last week When asked by a Telegram reporter the reason of his defeat re plied Oh whiskey and water is to blame Tbey go together you know en Scotch and water The church and the liquor vote went arm in arm Jurors for the March County Court selected last week Sher iff tbe Peace Nelson J P were the elestors The commission issued last week to investigate tbo University charges of improper conduct on part of a couple of Pjofessora is compos ed of Chid Justice Meredith Chief Justice Moss Mr Justice Street Rev Prof and A Pretty heavyweight commission The applications for relief to the City Relief Officer in January this year numbered eighty more than in January last year The in crease Mr Taylor says is caused by high- rents sickness and new arrivals to the city The report is current at City Hall that the Board of Control will recommend that Clarke be the position of Com missioner of Assessment and Proper ty Accooiingto Board of Health re turns total deaths in city during 100 as com pared with in giving a rate of about for as about per 1901 The- Dominion Government his pur chased from the pro perty at the north corner of Yoogc stress and will crept a branch Post office The price was Mr Field Secretary and Mrs Ross President of the Wo- mens Missionary Society of thy Canadian Church both of left last week for via Francisco where they spend five months visiting tho va rious of society ind on way home will Inspect homes and British- The annual meeting of the and Co Matters vitally tteAgrtcultnyal ftt tie annual JfWfS n4 Association which will be held in February to great majority of- the societies have appointed delegates to this convention in order that they may have an opportunity of expressing tbciriTlews on subjects under dis cussion The most important subjects which will come up are Societies be separate in the Agricultural and Arts Act from Ag ricultural Societies Should the number Agricultural Societies be reduced How many fall exhibi tions should be allowed in each County best method of re ducing the number of fall exhibi tions Should distinction be tween township and district societies be abolished and societies receive their grants in proportion to the amounta they expend for agricultural purposes Should toe Government grant be withheld from societies that perm it- games of chance at their ex hibitions Should the legislature be asked to vote a special appropria tion to assist in stamping out sanies of chance at Agricultural exhibi tions Other subjects of a general nature which will be considered include of Stock by Agricultural Societies and Spring Stallion Shows Owing to the importance of the subjects the convention- this year will last three days instead of two days as formerly Reduced rates have been secured oyer all tbe rail ways North York Ag Society has ap pointed its President Secretary and Treasurer as delegates or It chemicals and common soap3 that destroy your clothes It is adulterations iliM harden your woollens and the excels alkali that destroys and shrinks them m i I pure s in hard contains no adulteration or excess alkali Itis fats and oils why cleanses your clothe or does not injure them dealers are to return your purchase money it you find any cause for complaint tCVan TORONTO of Eating is common toalUhtimanitytiTitfl the organsgo then- joy is turne4 sorrow and food the body little or no good If you would return to the ability toenjoy food usee j Sold Everywhere- In boxes cents flairs FarnJly s Pills are the beat dian Press held In this city last wee was very well attend ed Mr Arch Windsor pecord is the new President ami Mr Hone secretary A ban quet was held Thursday evening at and a big spread turn ed out to be came very suddenly to Mrs Mary wife of Mr Jus tice on Thuroday of last week While on her way a reception at Conservatory of Music was with a pain in Iter side Or along at the time and Mrs was taken in Mb cutter to her home bit she died minutes after Heart failure Is assigned cause Candlemas day was bright crough for bruin to see his all right How the old bear Knows when the 2nd of February cemen is what Is puzzling Old The situation In is serious Thousands of starving peo ple are at large Warsaw bas a practical reign of terror and many have been Willed L A COMING AGAIN doctors believe another demlc of Grippe is here and already many are The medical men are not afraid of Grippe since was introduced and claim that no one will ever catch this disease who inhales the fragrant healing vapor of a few times daily kills the Grippe germ and prevents it spread ing through the system winter I had an attack of Grippe writes P Mackinnpn of St Johns bought and got re lief in short time I found Cawbor zone better than anything else- and was cured by using it Catarrho prevents an4 cures Grippe colds and catarrh Two months treat ment trial 25c do Rehqious Revival London Feb There is every indication that a wave of reli gious as strong as- that which followed the first mission of Moody and is about to spread over Great Indeed It has been for- some time gaining force in parts of the country and has been going On for many weeks In Wales whore such religious awakening Is de clared to have been since 1859 Corner Main Timothy m mi mm- Trv 4 iit 1 Bating w EVERY CHILDS HEALTH MANPwS The use a laxative occasionally For a mild safe certain relief use Dr Hamiltons and Specially to children Let your childron use only Dr Hamiltons Price St Petersburg Fob A despatch to the from Mukden that the Russian looses lit the recent fighting on the Hun are estimated at men A telegram from Mukden to the says that Russian wound ed have passed through there The Revere Hotel at was burned on Saturday One of the employees Mrs Mary lost her life and all the In mates had to make escape from the upper windows Winnipeg Feb The lour The Poor Stomachs Tale Just Now is Needed At this season of the year thou- sands of people are already the ill symptoms that are snro suit from tie usual Indoor life food lack of exercise overwork and poor ventilation spell sickness and poor health If the stomach cannot do its work property ill health is sure to Is medicine- that as sures a ijlgcfltion than the stomach Booties and- heals all irritation ioilammation in the stomach It is this that makes it a certain and guaranteed cft for all stomach troubles If digetioP is impaired the blood is impoverished and filled With impurities de ranging system and jog sickness and suffering acting upon tiie stomaci and dlgesr organs cure3slcopleasntss ner vous troubles headaches backaches and general weakness and debility If you are weak and ailing the chances arc that it is duo to a dis eased stomach but you can bo cured by using i the Tlrrrr WJ strong guarantee undefi a box if It does not help you tbe price Is nothing -rrr- The period of service for Rus- soldiers Is years four In the ranks two years on furlough li able to recall at any inorneul and nine years In the reserves which can only bo out In case of war or national danger DECIDE WOW tab our and prepare to fill a re sponsible Our calls for skilled of fice help axe greater wo can supply AMEWCAM A Building Toronto ttieiSBSnnSYlni tno BEST in aid are are arranged to the require ments of a modern business of fice Ar- Business Law Pen- rransnlp Correspondence Spell- Gregg Typewriting thoroughiy by tacbeio any time Individual I curt rub on Handsome BROOKS House osoaH iJHjrtM i r Wanted woman a advanc ed In years to abate a homo WOMAN IN POOR HEALTH to mutuil advantage Has awful struggle Lots to do all kinds of worry must contend Surrey Centre with loss of sleep poor appetite and tired nerves Her only desire fori mill the sort of destroyed jit gives one more strength and hotter health This la exactly what comes from us- 1 Sale the greatest sickly women can use persona wanting Dry Wood makes the blood tingle and grow on the spot or delivered apply red the cheeks rosy and tho ARNOLD or foe eyes bright Invigorates I at this the body new strength and makes life Worth living tonic that builds up reserve of nerve force owned by It by at tantornitlons that sickness Is unknown Let proprietor was oiling the every woman machinery I and Gravel West Selkirk yesterday establishes healthy condl- from a lantern lions that sickness unknown Lot For delivered by mall promptly attended to A Aurora

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