Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 3 Feb 1905, p. 4

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i p f THE NEWMARKET just thing For a bete at could be better than a of and Moonef Perfection- Cream Sodas Canadas finest cracket NOTES- 1 Ravages The Victims Lett Weak a Prey to Deadly Disease time and what little ability I cess to the welfare of electors of this Hiding and to the people of tho sometimes forget prom- made to the people when seeing all their votes and unless these utilities and franchises so tb are put in and white misuser- profits therefrom may go into tho Treasury of too Province instead standings- may arise We- therefore La grippe or influenza which over Canada winter is probably the most treacherous liberty of placing before our SeSJ Sping to reduce thca1 known to medical science -The- of into pockets of monopolists ease The Toronto Star makes this sug gestion It would appear that in struggle yesterday Jan the liquor and the prohibition both swept the country just watch the Alliance Executive w m alter Mr ttnitnev announces his Gov- attack mav last only a few days but- f m crnmeals policy through the the deadly poison in IUb blood member for North York To that tto fishing speech on the opening of mains You are left with hardly promisod to carry our if elebtod as the Legislature strength enough to walk Your lungs tho representative of this a your heart ana nerves are ency at the These A reported- interview not permanently weakened and you fallal to North York but its cfun- to deadly pneumonia sheet terpart from Dan to is consumption rheumatism or rack- form and are as follows Supporter Now elected I kidney troubles Dr Williams firing of a two cent youll get my boy a good tins- Pink Pills never fail to cure the dis- on Metropolitan Railroad and on astrous effects of la grippe because all other Electric and Steam purify the blood and sweep away roads throughout this Province its poisonous germs dose There is no reason why we in North makes new warm rich blood York should today bo paying a brings health and healing to every mile for travelling on the part of the body This is proved in tan Railway which runs up the case of Mies of Street as far as- Newmarket and The Methodist Magazine for St Jerome who says I had is about to extend to Lake contains no less than a severe attack of la grippe the alter The opening article on effects- which left me racked with ernment job New Well what can son do Supporter What lie do Great Scott If he do any thing I wouldnt le lohering you lions are so as to give residents of North York the benefit of the fishing privileges which arc now solely io the interests of sum mer tourists To have our factories and work shops where labor is employed rigid ly inspected and the rights of the- working man Safeguarded and respect ed I HERBERT LENNOX Dated Aurora January All Hod Some Birthday- Slabs Delivered PER CORD by the Rev Arm- pains in every part of iiy body strong has eighteen handsome appetite completely failed I had the stirring story of headaches was subject to the first discoverer of the great west with the least exposure and jrtw so and of his extraordinary adventures weak that I was unable to at has nine current topics has sixteen my trade as dressmaker I tried many illustrating the siege eral medicines without the slightest of Port Arthur success until a drug clerk advised me to take Dr Williams Pink Pills I A city paper states that Toronto acted upon his excellent advice and syndicate headed by Frederic ihc pills rapidly and completely cured and with Mackenzie Mann as me My strength returned thchead Five sons of Mr and Mrs William of Fayette County Kentucky The establishment of an cultural School in North York where celebrated their birthday together- farmers may send their sons be- Each came into the world on Jan come acquainted with scientific farm- Mho first on Jan 1M0 and lake lectures during win- out exception since then the loth months day of the first month of the year v ii has brought a now member of the 1-e- family Singularly Mr birthday is December just one month earlier and Mrs en trance into the world was on on for all sal A bonus of a ton Sugar Beets grown by them I during the next three years The establishment of a hoys Reformatory and other Government Institutions in North York through at oclock With ordinary a woman has to work so hard and so long on wash day ah has no lime for preparing any of the family meals Wash day is a trial and good wife with a sigh of despair Sunlight Soap makes all the difference in the world No toiling no rubbing- no less than half the labor with much better results women are all through their wash by twelve oclock when they with Sunlight Soap the Sun light way It nukes childs play of work ASK FOR THE OCTAGON BAR Sunlight Soap he clothes white and wont injure the hands LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO ALL KINDS ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER Sheeting per JV B LATH Ladders Half Price COAL Egg Stove Nut Pea SOFT COAL SELECTED LUMP HO PEARSON interested parties have purchased the aches and cough disappeared and I Niagara St Catharines Toronto am again enjoying my oldtime Electrical Railway Mr Nichols is health I am satisfied that if sii1ct- prominent figure in at least one of from la grippe will use Or companies developing electrical Hams Fink Pills they will speedily power at Niagara looks as if recover from those after which Mackenzie Mann in addition to makes the lives of so many people a the transcontinental railway they ai burden building will shortly control ail the Dr Williams Pink Pills cure all the electrical railways in central Ontario common ailments due to weak and as well as the power generated at watery blood such as anaemia head- Niagara used in operating same aches indigestion neural gia rheumatism sciatica weakness and the i and The Governments financial aid and assistance to Towns and Vil lages in North York towards a sewerage system thereby improv- the sanitary condition of one month later ARE YOUR KIDNEYS SICK Towns and liases in this Mr Andrew weakness and the for the Conservative party in an in- ailments that growing girls with the Telegram frank ly that Mr Ross was turned down and the Conservatives placed in the majority very largely Lib eral votes He say Liberals Riding To use every possible efiort within my power ti have the rales reduced on steam and electric Io have the Liquor License Law properly and rigidly enforced ami the enforcement of it taken out of the bawls of politicians and placed in women do not like to talk about even the hands of an Independent Board of to leir doctors But only genu- Commissioners who will do justice to can do this and yon should concerned see that the full name Dr Williams To have all Public School books Pink Pills for Pale People is primed by a Government Printing above their party bitterness on the wrapper around each box reau so that the parents may it is now for Mr Whitney to put f you cannot get the genuine pills chase ahem art absolute cost and if in tho promises he has of from druggist send direct to the this cannot bo done then I am in Williams Medicine Co vor providing for the children all Ont and they will be mailed school hooks they may require cents a box or six boxes for clean and honest government Kic leader of the Opposition fails to meet the expectation of Liberals who si stained him they will turn him down when opportunity Word comes from Vancouver that Conservative journals aud speaker of Port Simpson who who contended that it fno of the same as is now be ing done in city of Toronto and in other cities throughout the Pro vince To wipe out bribery and I that it was the frightfully scalded in a launch whether it appears in the duty of the AttorneyGeneral lo recently has bad a or Conservative party and to light jut the law in force for the punish- peoples grafted on him honest elections and sec that all other peoples fifi of corrupt residents To enter for a term in any school the practices at elections can now devote contributed their their energies towards impressing way Hon Mr Whitneys new Attorney- of General with the propriety of making is now Lt jour urine stand for a glass or vessel and then If ft milky or cloudy contain a red- brickdust or If parti- or germs float about in Itypnr kidneys are If the are well they filter just so but if are sick or weak from cause they leave the poison in blood and ibis poison affects the It is to urine three times a day but many who regard healthy are obliged to pass water to ten lime daily and are obliged to get- up during the They have sick a bladder and dont know it Bj Pills and aU ami make new rich blood We will send yon a paid together on the Address P Monea MTU i l OF TORONTO good their contention the bribery cane a tew days iago The operator said he had en much dope but be seemed to have the proper notion as stride ol politics to attack Deafness Cannot be Cured For Winter Term now open we aj atari of teachers and can has voted efler not to be found a J and during past mail for particulate and arrange to once Addreea SHAW Principal St A POSITIVE CUM AMD ALL WKJRWT WTO ttrr loco- Formal l Ram ahear Number of Ram All Shropshire registered a aatf J GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Simpson violators of the Election Act are thc women to the fullest extent of the law To oppose any further ing of railways by money belonging to lie people of this Province To regulate the running of au tomobiles upon the public highway and to insist upon the rigid local anplicatior8 they the law relating to running i reach the diseased portion of the ear ot automobiles Upon this question There is only one way to cure deaf- Down in Montreal the Council in the interest of the farmers in HIE EVILS OF CONSTIPATION lor whiskey cure condition of the Kid of North York and tho Are well known and the next best Province generally to regulate think is to know a reliable cure running of automobiles so that the Mrs of stony Mountain of the city were summoned to health of this Hiding who have paid win says Dr Hamiltons Pills quarters to receive from or rfect 1m hiways may have an are thing Dr McKay on bow to administer his art when it is entirely csed deal ta t r Corner Main Timothy I feel very strongly and I promise that will do everything in my pow er in the interest of the farmers in awl during past week the ififltna ltaij8 several police districU the Japan has ordered eighteen motives from Glasgow A Peculiar Case treatment for alcoholism Prisoners is the result and unless the in- brought to police stations under the can be and this of intoxicants- are to be treated with Dr McKays antidote Newmarket Council ought to enquire if this new dope is a success and if so procure some of it to administer to tome wellknown character dont appear to le able to resist the temptation NEWMARKET am Dally for Wharf coaneetlbi with boats for points on Lakes North Bay am Dally except Sunday tor Wharf pm iriafori Orlllia Worth Bay and in the pm fa ffimrMIUv wood Peseta and NEWMARKET Am Dally from North According to Hie particular leaning of public men they have their notion how the trick was dune last week by which Liberal politic- landslide was Mr J A Austin Councillor Tem plars of Temperance to a city re porter next day the rcnult of election must he taken as another indication that the people of this Province are determin ed to have temperance legislation I have no doubt but thousands of tem perance Liberals voted against the Administration Mr Whitney will now have to reckon with temperance voters or step down and out On Thursday of last week the trial of the men who were reported as guil ty of corrupt practice in the by o elections adjourned to lo Toronto when further proceedings will take place Grant was fined and Napoleon Audctte tor paying transporta- of voters The against Wharf Coy so will come up again tomorrow am Dally except Sunday from The propriety of prosecuting Smith will also be considered and a and final disposition made of Lack pm Daily from points la Kennedy a caw The Chancellor North- North Bay staled that he could not that BarCoyne was Implicated- Mr made an effort to have except rotn Smith added as a party to Min- Bar- nle M crime but the cvjri held that C4 tube restored to normal con dition hearing will be destroyed for ever nine cases out ten are caus ed by which Is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot- be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for culars free J CO Toledo O Sold by Druggists Halls Family Pills are the beat Some thirty years ago the salary of the President the United State was increased from to A Mil 1s now before Congress to the amount to and to provide that a retiring Presi dent after quitting office shall be given a year for life The days of democratic simplicity far as our neighbors concerned ap pear to be an end to themselves and their families I Hamiltons Pills A rigid thorough and complete box Price 25c per inspection of sold in public all intoxicating liquors houses in this Province VS taxation of railways and all other established fran chises upon the same principle as farm lands are taxed believing as I do that a mans farm lias no more right to IO taxed than wealthy rail way and other corporations If rail- Way lands arid other franchise arc- taxed on the same basis as farm aids it will mean thousands of dol lars paid in each year Munici pality and the Provincial Treasury thereby reducing the burden of taxi- lion to the farmer JI To have the finances of this Province audit by an independent auditor bo that the people may sec they stand financially a statement of such audit containing a Fire did several thousand ilollars damage to the Woodstock gas plant AN ASTHMATICS STORY TOLD Sleepless nights suffocating sensa tions difiicult to even breathe I can scarcely describe all I suffered from Asthma writes Mrs P of Spasms of coughing would come on that made hie weak Nothing did mo any- good until I used the fragrant healing Ca- I am delighted to re commend this remedy which cured mo of chronic asthma after scores of good physicians had given me up Catarrhozonc Is better or asthma I Two years In a state of catalepsy is the remarkable record a patient in the Philadelphia Hospital His case attracting much attention physicians of that city It is the first of Its kind of such long dur- that has come to their notice Fed entirely with liquid foods admin through the tube the mans has been impaired by his ga right I usual condition In fact the only clans hope to have the patient on feet again although they bis mind will bo beyond cure The man was admitted to hospital in Sep tember He was then years old Ho had never shown any sign of dementia until two mouths his Ho was not- violent then seemed to suffer loss memory For a month after he was admitted to the ward only the usual attention was paid to him At that time however he was found one morning sitting in a chair in the din ing room He did not move a mus cle and stared directly in front him An attendant could not rouse the man and he was carried to his cot For three weeks he remained in a state of catalepsy At tho end that time he arose from his- bed morning and walked from the- room He was put to work In dining- SCIRE To take a course in our Col lege and to fill a re sponsible and remunerative posi tion Our calls for- skilled of fice help are greater we can supply BRITISH AMERICAN gives quicker relief than anything I I know of My cure is a perfect one room and although he scarcely detail synopsis of the receipts pry it never falls to seemed to understand place1 in Die bands of cure asthmas Complete that was said to him A week later had no power to do Godwin of better to friend Von to wake fast friend Pa he case S teuton David and J are not being a cold one day Take Laxative Tab lets All refund the rioney f It fallai to iSc algoatjre la on box I A BLOATED STOMACH Distension and pains from Indiges tion arc cured quickly by Nervillne When you get an attack of stomach trouble take a dose of which Is perfectly harmless but mar vellously quick In ejecting a cure I was taken ill with stomach trouble writes Edward Powell Rochester I was In great pain and but half a of fixed me up in a few min utes I can recommend Nervillne for sick and cramps and con sider It an Invaluable household rem edy Try It yourself Price In the Province the trial o Easily Caught every elector same as now appertains under the Munidipal Act In To sell all Pulp and Timber Limit by public auction to the high est bidder the same to be sold wot Ak eccentriclooking old man as at present at so much a square in an armchair before a mile but so much a ft so that ft the smoking room of one of a man with limited means hate Uie leading commercial hotels his in opportunity to buy arid further trousers were somewhat drawn up for the reason that the Province leg which was crowed over be paid for every ft of timber other exposing to view a brilliant it red white and blue striped stocking The development of our mines noticing some of tho company and the husbanding of our water looking at it and smiling he said with apparent satisfaction The reduction of the costs and Nice pattern that Isnt it gentle- expenses in tho Division Courts of Ill hot there Hi not another our Province and what Is more it in the room I will support an Act which i cigars around there is will givo the same rights to a poor replied a youthful commercial Been tit in Stono placed upon an mid rained road sinks out sight In the mud Many a highway commissioner has only learned this after spending hun dreds of dollars of the taxpayers money POSSIBLY YOUR WIFE Doesnt look so young and pretty as she used to If her cheeks hollow and pale it she Is tired and nervous she needs which Is noted for tho bloom health to sickly and women In addition to tho above i re- wink I generally Complexion quickly becomes rosy man as a wealthy man that Is that cried the old man where there be only one appeal from Is It the Judgment of a Trial Judge On your other foot responded of as at present four with Wie bettor a triumphant laugh Let a man get the that result that Corporations and men of which wan generally Joined in be fa either a genius or a thing a decided advantage over I Thats lust where you make a and you tan mm htm right farmer or mechanic take said the old man with a off the man tho man again relapsed into a state of plasticity and has remained so ever since In the last two years ho has not moved an inch of his own vo lition Levers Wise Head Disinfect ant Soap Powder dusted in tho bath softens the water and disinfects M A Building Toronto Has the reputatlonlor giving BEST in both Commercial and Shorthand education Our courses comlotc and are arranged to meet the require- ments of a modern business of fice Bookkeeping Commercial Ar ithmetic Business Law Pen manship Correspondence Spell ing Gregg Shorthand and Touch Typewriting thoroughly taught by experienced toachero Enter any time Individual Instruction Handsome cata- free BROOKS Principal and serve the right and privilege sup- finding flat In a company porting all good whether so come prepared Introduced by or Op- 1 He then pulled up tho other leg of and I pledge myself that at his and to amusement times I consider interests of all but the leaver exposed a black my Constituents and devote my stocking spirits rise and strength increases dally Health and vigor will soon return to your or daughter It Fcrrozono taken It Is best tonic made and costs at drug gists BrickClad House i For sale property of the lata situate on Prospect Ave opposite School House roomy- good cellar and furnace Price for immediate- sale Ap- ply to J Robertson Wanted woman a little In year a to share a country borne Please correspond and- form to mutual advantage J HUNTLEY Surrey British Columbia Apy persons wanting Dry Wood on the spot or apply to p- or for at this Sand and Gravel For cement delivered Order by mall promptly attended to A WOOL Aurora

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