Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 3 Feb 1905, p. 3

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1 i THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY A- IB OK IK A It is proposed to give the Sunday to Aurora on Saturday Sleighs will leave church at and on their return will bo in the school room The children are anticipating treaty as it is a number years since the school had a The Fountain light has been out for a week A number of Newmarket people are with grippe Mr shipped a car of hogs on Tuesday for which he paid live weight We are having our own troubles getting the Era out this wee as our foreman has been- laid up for three days Piano Bargain For a new manufactur ed by The Craig Piano Company of Montreal much below its tegular price The Roche Co Ltd Great Rejoicing The Conservatives are so overjoy ed in winning both North York and the Provincial Elections that their enthusiasm was continued to the close of last week On Thursday tight a torchlight procession follow ed by addresses in the Mechanics Hall took place in Aurora a simi lar demonstration took place at Sut ton on Friday night and on Satur day afternoon a reception was ten dered Mr and his wife at the Court House in Newmarket which was crowded to overflowing It is so seldom that have a chance to trow in North York it takes a good deal to satisfy tenon Church The different organizations under the Inspiration of the Anneal meet ing are at work with a thoroughness and hopefulness that will mean much for year Rev Campbell has in preparation a number of sermons on the book of Genesis Opening sermon on Feb A joint meeting of Session and Managers is set for Thursday even ing Feb 2nd The social advertised for Feb 1st fcan been postponed to Feb Please keep the date in mind A good evening is expected Refresh ments and program Social to be held in the Manse Come at oclock and bring your friends Day On evening a reeling was in the Presbyterian Church in interests of the Lords Day Alli ance Though not largely attended it was exceedingly and much sympathy in favor of the movement as evidenced the collection which amounted to The pastor Rev A Campbell presided and was assisted in the de votional exercises by Rev J The address of the evening was by J Shearer of Toronto who presented the claims of the Alli ance by citing many instances where it has prevented the violation of the fourth commandment The subject of his address was What we have well hold This was divided into two parts letIts worth holding 2nd It needs Holding On first point he spoke of the extent boundless fertili ty and natural beauty of this Cana da of ours the of all the nations and the place she Is destined to fill in counsels the nations if she continues to be a lawabiding Godfearing people but she will not do this unless the religious people band together to preserve tie sanc tity of the Sabbath There are now in Canada industrial slaves and corporation greed individual are constantly seeking to increase number The Alliance has nearly numbers it ha only three out of eases Instituted The address of over an hour was listened to with great attention and the close the Newmarket Branch of the Alliance was with the following officers I All ministers In Town Jackton Executive The above with Mrs Hughs Mrs Angus WIIHarns Mary Hill Miss At the conclusion of the meeting Executive aoggested that all the in preach a serrnon en Sabbath Observance on Feb that steps te taken to prevent the sale of Sunday newspapers In Town weeks wo that late and the lale Cane were brother and sis ter was i The late and late were brothersinlaw Prof is It regret that have to cororiicJe the death Prof Byron Oliver eldest son of the late Oliver of jtbii Town which sad event occurred at Ohio 6n Friday evening of week Jan after only a few days TJeceased was an in prune of life beloved by all his associates and eminently qual ified for the responsible position which he- occupied He leaves a- Wi dowed mother and sister Oliver in this Town also four broth ers to mourn their loss with we deeply sympathize iWij receipt of the telegram his illness his mother and brother left to see Mm but did not arrive in time to sec alive He had endeared himself so much to the faculty of the College that they pro posed to bear all the expenses of bur ial in booster and also erect a mon ument to his memory but Mrs Oli ver declined their very kind offer and brought the body home with her for burial in the family plot at Newmar ket Cemetery The casket was with flowers and it was impos sible to half of the exquisite floral tributes which expressed the sympathy of the people among whom Tie so successfully labored for the past The funeral service took here on Tuesday afternoon at- tic resi dence of Mr Amos Wilson conduct ed by Rev A Campbell who de livered a very appropriate address The pallbearers were Messrs A Davidson J Kill- son A Rogart and Dr Webb The following relatives and friends Were present from a distance Messrs Ed- Oliver Almonte Will Oliver Toronto Arthur Oliver Montana Oliver- To ronto Mr and Mrs- Fred Toronto Miss Emma and mother Toronto Miss cliDe and mother Toronto Dr Dickson Gordon Ferguson and Miss Toronto We copy the following from the Republican which shows the high esteem in which deceased was held in that Town Prof J Byron is dead The end came at p Friday in his apartments the conservatory of music was due to meningitis and diabetes Prof- Oliver never rallied from Wednesday evening when he sank into unconsciousness and passed away very quietly death com ing without a struggle Relatives had been notified of the fatal charac ter of his sickness but were not able to reach the city in time to sec him alive He died surrounded by friends who had given him loving and devoted at tention during the hours of his sick ness It was seen in the early hours the evening that the end was not jut oft that the verdict of the phy sicians who had been called was to be sealed that all hope for prolong ing the life of the beloved musician was over that he was pact all earth ly power and would soon be in the presence of the Maker The grief of the patient watchers when all was over was pathetic and of that char acter that attested to the deep re- for the deceased as teacher cit izen and man The high esteem in which Professor Oliver was held by all of peo ple was shown by the constant in quiry as to bis condition during be few days of his sickness and on his Only one week ago Mr Oliver was about his duties n the conservatory of music Professor Olivers condition was not regarded as serious until Tuesday evening and even then it was not thought that his ailment would terminate fatally and aftor he sank into unconscious ness Wednesday evening and the con sultation physicians on Thursday that his condition was such as to make recovery impossible it was hard for- those who had been about Mr Oliver constantly to believe that his death was so near sure to come in a few hours SKETCH OK LIFE J Byron Oliver came to about twelve years ago and was in tho year of his age He was a son of William Oliver and was born in Newmarket Ontario Can He graduated from toe University of Toronto Can and then spent three years In the renowned conservatory of fn Professor Oliver early in life evidenced talent for music and was given advantages lor advancement In the art Mr Oliver mot with success from the time of his coming to and four years ago was given a long cave of absence which he spent in further study Germany The aged moth er and so William Oliver a broth reached city at a Sat urday and are guest at the home of Mr and Mrs to Mr and Mrs fell the sad duty of telling the mother the terrible news of the death of her son A north or brother Arthur Oliver who resides- in Montana Is expected late tonight or early Sunday rooming Viol J Oliver like founder of the musical department of the University of Woofer the belov ed Karl was a much esteemed resident of the city esteem was not confined only to those connected with the college with all whom he came In contact He a thorough artlt In his calling an accomplished player on the piano and a thorough master of the art of teaching thorough be cause be was wedded to the art ho loved and because of his for advancement of who came to him for learning in mu sic Socially and in a business way J Byron Oliver was a gentle Na turally polished he all with his kindly ways and his bearing to pupils to the members of the col lege chorus was always such as to make him friends and admirers He was particularly proud of the work of toe College Choristers and fcbb Oratorio yet unassuming in work which he himself per formed to bring about many of the successful concerts given under his direction always that the praise be placed to the Credit of the singers and not to himself CO Society The annual concert under the aus pices of tie above Society will take place in Town the even ing of St Patricks Day of March Professional talent engaged for the occasion Cheep The Roche Company Lim ited are selling a 25c Buck and Green Tea at and Its Social of the one of Parson- r The hockey match at on Thursday night of last week was a very exciting game A special train was run from Newmarket to Mark- ham and return same night and nearly took advantage of the cheap rate to cheer our boys on to victory A big crowd witnessed the match which was fast and furious throughout First half ended to in favor of In the second half each side scored three making the total to Our players as follows Goal point Doyle coverpoint rover centre OHallarn right wing Doyle left- wing The standing in- district is now as follows Woo Lost To Play A I 1 The Ladies Aid Society Christian Church will hold their popular socials at the age next Friday evening February A hearty invitation Is ex tended to all to enjoy a pleasant evening Tea will be served Ad mission fifteen cents Police Count In the Police Court on Wednesday Bert Wind burn was charged with do malicious damage to the premi ses occupied by Tiros Riddle ou the Dawson farm St by break ing a door After hearing the ease was fined and costs and in default to go down lor days Mr A Williams for the complain ant and Mr lor defendant Newmarket St Georges Should the St Georges beat Mark- ham in tiir next match will then have to play Newmarket at the Mutual Street Toronto and our boy are aching for another chance to win the District Champion ship Changed Hands The Newmarket Soda Water Works have changed hands Mr Burke has sold the business to Messrs Smith Bros carters The latter have leas ed the premises lately occupied by butcher shop will take possession on the 1st of March It will be a good stand for the business and as the Smiths are pushing fel lows we have no doubt they will make the business a success Rogers The borne of Mr and Mrs Isaac was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday at three p when their daughter Miss Anna and Mr David were united in marriage I Moore pl Toronto officiating The room was tastefully decorated with evergreens and carnations- The bride was assisted by her sister Miss and Mr Theo dore Bolton of Port accom panied the groom The was beautifully attired in cream silk eolienne The contracting parties were the re cipients of many beautiful and use ful presents among which was a beautiful cabinet of silver from the of the Co with which the bride was associated for some years and the following- ad dress Dear Miss Armitage We your fellowassociates on ac count of the separation of some of the staff after Christmas holidays thought it would be opportune to take advantage of the occasion and combine with our Christmas wishes those of more lasting import We should like you to accept the accom panying cabinet of silver as a token of our respect and esteem of your- self during your years of association together We unite- in wiohing you long life and every happiness for the future Signed A T President On behalf of the stall The happy couple left on the train for Buflalo After a few weeks among friends and relatives ex pect to reside in Brandon Man Curling The competition for the Shield in becoming very keen and the different clubs are all working hard to win The Town team took an early lead and looked like winners hut have been forced to take second place The United Factories are lead ing with a small margin which they to increase on Friday night when they play the Office Specially Last week the Factory defeated the Specialty by 11 shots as follows Factories Of Co Cane Cane Morgan Marrow Bacon TAKE STOCK Our Stock is too heavy for this time of the must be Reduced The only way to do it is to Lowe Prices This has been done to the Lowest Notch lines of our White Goods Sale will be sold at the same lously Low Prices Do not wait until the last days of Sale but Come and Pick out the Choicest Bargains THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER At the Hone for Incurables Toron to on Wednesday six young ladies received their diplomas having grad uated as nurses after serving their usual course Among them Was Miss Ida May Da vis daughter- of Milton Davis Esq Lloyd town who was presented by the an address and Nurses Suit Case in testimony of their ap preciation of her services Mr Evans read the address and Mr made the presentation Miss Davis is very warmly regard ed by every one at home and her leaving there is greatly regretted It is her intention to take a well- earned rest before the practice of her profession Howard McCaflrey Doyle Trlvettskip Col He Total 32 21 On night Factory de feated toe Town by Factories Town Cane P Cane Brown H Clarke Society A meeting of the new and directors of the Newmarket Horticul tural Society was held at the Secre tarys office on Wednesday evening last Mr Webb president in the chair The first business trans acted was the rcappointment of Mr Secretary and Mr Jackson Treasurer The latter was instructed to procure necessary tick ets of membership for current year and distribute some among directors for gale Committees were appoint ed to revise the prize list and some discussion took place relative to lec tures and also lawn prizes A- spe cial committee was named to inter view the Council respecting a small grant in aid of the association The Board adjourned till the to receive reports the prize list revision Royal Templars R of T Council meets on Feb and in future the first and third Wednesday of the month Grand Council meets in Toronto Feb 23rd Jones Howard MtiOfiJlrey TrhcttBkJp Doyle Total SO standing the Clubs Is as fol lows Won test To Play United Factories 2 Town M Co the Era Obituary Last week we chronicled the death of Mrs Belfry vho until re cently was a resident of Newmarket Mrs Belfrys family has been associ ated with the history of Newmarket since lti earliest days her maternal grandfather being the late Joseph who owned and operated the first gristmill built in Newmarket Mr John Crone Mrs Belfrys father was a constant Newmarket with the exception of a few years in Sharon where Mrs Belfry was born In Up on her marriage to the late Christo pher Belfry she removed to Queens where the greater part of her married life was spent Upon retir ing from active life In Mr and Mrs Belfry settled in Newmarket and ten years later Mr Belfry pass ed away Mrs Belfry and her unmar ried daughter continuing to live in homo on Prospect Avenue Although advancing years left their mark upon her physically her mental powers were unimpaired I those who came in contact witu her felt the Influence of her kindly life and her ripening for the harvest All her life she was a con sistent member of Methodist Church having joined that body In her early girlhood Mrs Belfry was at the home of her daughter St Catharines when the call came until four days previously was in her usual health On the evening of Jan Rev A Ave church St conducted a private service in toe home and on the following day all that was mor tal was brought to Newmarket by her Mr and Mr and interred in the family plot in the Cemetery Mrs Belfry Is survived by her three daughters Miss Belfry Mrs Nile of Hamilton and Mrs T Hartley of St Catharines to forget the Social Tea next Monday evening at the residence of Mr W Hunter There will be a good program Admission Proceeds to be applied to Ihe pur chase of the new church piano Large attendance anticipated Sale Register TUESDAY Feb Mr Red- will have an extensive and un reserved sale of stock implements etc on the rear of lot 29 2nd Con of Whitchurch just south of credit on sums over or per cent oft for cash Sale at one Smith Auct WEDNESDAY March Mr Graham Wcddcl will extensive and unreserved sale stock imple ments furniture etc on lot Queen St East 2 ailes from Newmarket ft credit on sums over or per cent oft fox cash Sale at oclock sharp Smith fa Death from a Sty Vancouver Jan Most extraor dinary was the cause of Wal ler Appleton of Aurora He died at Hospital from directly attributed to a sty on the eye It Is supposed that Appleton who was employed in a drug store scratched the eye ana possibly had some chemical on his fingers quickly de veloped affected his brain Toronto Feb White Wheat per a Red Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per bush a per a Rye per bush a Butter roll per lb a Eggs per do- a Potatoes per bag fiO a Dressed hogs per a Hay per ton a per lb a Chickens per lb a Chickens per a Turkeys per a Beef fore W a Beef hind a 70 23 0 0 House for Sole St Newmar ket Ave rooms domestic water good garden lobe of fruit Belongs to estate of the late Jas Apply on prem ises at the noon hour or in the even ing or write to B of fln Interesting Com Census At the Ontario Mr Whitley of the Dairy Com oners Branch Ot- very Interesting count of a cow censu which con ducted in the of Que during of Un der his supervision seventytwo farm ers kept daily imUk records of their cows and three tiroes a month took samples for testing from the milk of each divan in their In way reasonably accurate fig ures wore obtained For the month of Jime tthe gen- average of the tested of gelding lbs of fat in one cows had a yield for tilesmonth or lbs of milk lbs of an average per cow of of and of fat another herd of eleven every animal was below the general tho rango being as to lbs of milk pen cow an4 able herd con- of Jersey Ayrshire and grades ind natives In to this another herd of cows of similar breeding yield from iW mo cow that every caw Id the was was above thu fiverage that tho flow of mVk dopenda of cowh von more upon their breeding Id the month July a herd of twontyuovon town Jersey Ayrshire Shorthorn graded gave l7ftO of milk and lbs i of an lbs of milk of fat cow of horde con keeps records he cannot tell which they are It will pay aim to find put The wide variation jln the total of butter by Individual In the appar ent In the fori period for four months Ihefcows one hnwl of fourteen varied lbs the best cow three times an the poorest for the was per cow while the general average of nil the cows tented months Was 08 lbs Would not this man bo bet ter off ad disposed at least- four Another herd varied from to cow with an average the It lejprobably men think have pretty good cows or a period off months made showing of lbs of nutter par trow toOref than double the average of herds and the census average of lbs per cow for five months Indeed every one of twelve bend oxoeeded average ranging lbs These figures are This record and should be equalled on a thousand farms In the next five results by using and ttester the robber cow get then by use of a good and lbs of bat ter per good herd mil speedily There of dairy fajrunerflwho thus of their in a yeaiVi or to annum of The CHAMBEIA1NS STOMACH ANd record par cow to jhwa UNEQVALL- Mr A a prominent dru- fcist Bitter Stomach and Lives tablets are in my judgment superior preparation anyi thing in use to-day- for They are sure in action and tendency to nauseate or gripe sale by Lloyd HOOO cows for July The beat snowing mis by whooo record more tXppff that of it ho poorest cow had five more cows khan that and yot produced lbs less mr tho Another July record showed that one of six cows gave K5 fcs of while another rfalry twelve cows lbs purine as many gave over three milk one lot three cows ymd other lot oft twenty- to roe yielded lbs records the nocid for knowing production of average por cow must bo by weeding poor ones Figuring with arm Wliii figure the production of butter to aver- age farm herd can bo lonst lbs year Jfivo If has boor done scopes of la safe almost averr I or twenty teows has whtoh ha ho Feb Flour per barrel 60 a White Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per bush a Goes 0 a Rye per bush a Buckwheat a Hay per ton- a Bran per ton 17 a Shorts per ton Butter per lb I a i per doi Packed Eggs per 0 a a per pair a Ducks fl a oft a M f S Send Era to absent friend a

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