Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 27 Jan 1905, p. 8

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ERA FRIDAY J AN 27 J res to TOU null cartel I I I their rood to the fret consulted Dr Utter jiving him all ftbouttfaircocditioDTmptoii ate received in return yod medical Arm nothing Write to tor V Pierce founder of the nd Surgical Buffalo Pierce by no means confines himself to bis wellknown medicines tic tells you in the Wty what tils you what you ought to do line of treatment should be followed Out in your particular and if your ewe docs not indicate the need for proprie tary medicine be tells you plainly and frankly you do and the best method of improving your health Tierce treat many chronic case at a distance through the mail And all you hart to do is to write him your symptoms my years of ratmed life I hart RELIABLE FIND TO D Mr Henry Marsh who has a num ber of men employed cutting wood in Mr bush to the north of Bradford Jost a valuable team of horses ly a tree falling upon them ZEPHYR Miss of Mount Albert visited at Miss Ida Gilberts John Parkins of Newmarket visited at Pickerings on Monday Misses Mabel and Walton of Mount Albert paid our burg a visit test week The Zephyr hockey team played a friendly game with Sutton on Tues day evening The skating rink is well attended this winter with large crowds every evening A large congregation listened to the Japanese on Sunday evening anil were highly pleased with his lecture oh Japan Quite a number of our peo ple attended the dance at Robert Ma- dills on Friday night EVE OP GftAY THUiGS a health write Daily of i all my ice lo write to Dr Wert I jet an early me whit Ike trouble wai I Dr and alio the Plannl yllita and cow I feel like w I ill j work feel cut to tare taken eight of the FaTOrlte It cat well and Dr Pellet cure fceadieJit of TT Man at Ma Action Art Net A to Da ilr said he would scorn to be leader of a Government that could not keep up With the find public spirit that prevail in this country The Liberal party so far as I am concerned he added far as the men following rue arc concerned is resolved that whatever may by enterprise- public spirit judicious iiivest indent money us will be done 0 that Ontario will hold the first place in The procession the Provinces of this was wiser P us thought when he proposed a new for Canada tte are now the pro gressive party as his was then behold slowly coming around foot of the hill we see Whitney with his little hand of footsore followers trying to catch up with the great Libera party by Stealing all that possess Have nothing to do with them they are not re quired they have not shown their capacity for governing yet They have been in the wilderness for a ood tunny years They have not filled the of their yet A Four years more before they cross into the promised land remain until the last hour and shall see on gnat shall lead the way Premier floss at pa nee Dim Cures an Ontario Lady Holland with only five million spends no less than seven million pounds a year on spirits An excise return states Out il less barrels of beer ted in the United Kingdom last year as compared with j Dr Clarke of- Rome says that vice drunkenness is corrupting Latin races He said that After of failures miseries cent of the applicants for service the the per in onies and despondency Mrs Hopper the French army are rejected on Out was cured by count of physical disabilities caused some of Celery Compound She says by alcohol With great pleasure and satisfacJ Miss Florence who re- I wish to add my testimony to returned from a two what has already been said in temperance tour in Australia and In- of Celery Compound For has declared to an interviewer very long time I suffered from gener- nothing makes for poverty in debility and rundown system more than the liquor traffic Having heard of Com- carried on by the Government pound I determined to give it a Minneapolis A the and I am happy to say it has saloons arc limited to onetwelfth of done for hie more good than I can city In the eleventwelfths express For ten years I doctored saloon 2S i without any good results hut after sufficient or patrol using Celery Compound I am where the perfectly restored to health can eat saloons are an digestion is good and my sleep V is sweet and sound Altogether I am a woman I always recommend the Province of On- Paine s Celery Compound to my friends THE FRIEND OF LABOR Authorized By the with an account in our Savings Bank Deposits of TWENTY CENTS and upwards received and Interest Allowed Daily Balance AND Compounded Pour Times a Year without presentation of Hook viz January April July and October Of each year The annual meeting Scott Agri cultural Society held at Urtora on Wednesday was one of the best at tended and most enthusiastic in the history of the Society The officers reports seemed to be eminently factory especially in the showing that a dollar grant the Society The Sovereign Bank of Canada paid out m money goes into with a cash surplus on I hand The work for was altogether left to the president secretary and a couple of directors which acted as a heavy handicap Yet Scott Fair in J was one of the best of local fairs especially in point of exhibits A lively set of of ficers and directors for were chosen and it can be looked forward to a year of abundant enterprise president John Parish VicePresi dentGeo Vernon Webster Honorary Directors Anderson Gordon and J Directors Jas Law J Dunn J Walter Barton J R Steven- ton Jewell and Pickering made up the list elected for Zephyr was the place chosen for the fall fair to be held on Tuesday October a0 He tilt I a Bottle of Agents 45 Branches in Canada AND- in all Parts of the World Unexcelled Modern Treatment Facilities A Celery Today ACCOUNT IS Wallace Bruce Manager BRANCH WANTED agent for acd to tree email and New Varieties of Potatoes Good salary or paid Over Acres Uuder ColtivaUon delivered Wid of tifl Our term are the beat In the Interested party now to CO Toronto Out paper out last week Whitchurch to loan to of School Sec tion No IK wan ran tod the filclc to re tlie yuhocrlotion for l hen eiial Tin waxh tubtructtl to pay to Deputy ftturiiiiiir Officer for and Poll Booth Tin- Clerk waa to the lo Fender or and or for a Of flovtyj were Baker and Foster imoii A i Collector fcliiKr ex it of Geo A Krodlp cor ih Option third improve and line between lot If mod 11 Con to met at ilone flail on the day of la there is a surplus of in one town and a deficiency in others What greatly relievo the difficulty and greatly contribute to easy running of labor market would be establishment of seme central labor bureau tatlitic can be kept of the of workingmen in any town and th number for whom their is employ ment that when say ten men are needed in any particular trade employers may writ to the central bureau and learn where they may get them Such a would help to facilitate the employment of would improve the relations be tween capital and labor and a bureau ilr said lie would be to see established under the control of the them elves The did not want to Interfere between capital and labor in any form as a but might contribute a fet Jan At small sum towards maintenance the order to clear the streets of such a bureau and let the work- was given and the cavalry rushed on manage it for themselves Nothing indicated the approach of horrible butchery which was des tined to stain the corner of the blood in talus- Revolution in Russia People Shot in Cold Blood was v who vofid against him had standing at it a small am to- iroui My friend Mr the j second In succession in the ty of Agriculture has grappled there persisted with the great problem of out n clamoring lor the value of soil and in and to their effect on the products at the troops but attempting no of the farm hat do our Two companies of the in regard to hi fluicrss now Guards of which on every hand from Nicholas himself was formerly colonel ease in I up mill marched at double quick towards the fatal corner followed with of the to awful swiftness The commanding threefold fivefold yes in officer shouted Disperse some the products the farm disperse Many in the turn- to advance among the farmers a to flee But it was too A Treat this one of bugle sounded and the men in the the noblest of Canadian callings to front ranks sank to their and their homes to companies fired three volleys to the markets of the world first mil products thai which will stand severest until today in we iittmd in the mat- corpses of thru third in the matter My Women Were pierced with British citizenship is a glorious privilege What does it mean It means the protection and the liberty which a brave have been striv- for centuries to attain which I they have embodied in wise laws and to retain which they mami armies courts ami governing institutions For the welfare of the people all these great agencies exist They arc tne methods by which arc secured to people the priceless heritage of freedom and safety which our s bought by costly sacrifice of treasure toil and olood Is it not a disgrace to civilisation that the mighty machinery of British law and British power should be bulwark of c degrading and destroy ing liquor traffic The agitation for the suppression of the liquor traffic js an agitation to make the right use of British liberty ami British law It is a movement to utilize these migh ty forces for the protection of the home ami the promotion of what is It is a phase of the development of social organization that Will go on until its full success is achieved in a political system under which no man will dare to carry on the evil occupa tion of making money by doing his neighbor harm night Mem small thing his can realities is it a Government in so direct blank Cartridges and the last with hall A hundred strewed the sidewalks women were pierced with bul lets thru the hack as they were try ing to escape Invent- r are alrtflt3 r j will tell yea to it Oil testis l I a r en fully jrot by W a to Jy ii lovtRtC 1ieru ft ta- v l ljtlrt of Solicitor Only Ad He Even Hod I hero was a man in our town Who so wondrous wlte He thouglit a business he could run And advertise Tale heed and learn the moral Of this sad arid mournful tale For the only ad he ever had Was Closed for Sheriff Sale THE CONSTANT ADVERTISER the constant drop of water a hole in solid stone constant gnaw of Masticates- the hardest TIB the constant wooing lover the cooing maid And pit constant advertiser Is the man who the trade of butler while at St Louis our cattle ud carried off Applause It is only the other too that I read that our flint carried off of the fust at Die at London oiangled corpses of persons of all there is evident l0ln filrcw that work not rnoial Great splashes and streams of blood stained snow July Mangled Corpses The Associated Press correspondent standing behind the troops saw ovdnc In the improvement of the in the bank account in competition with other that the work of of Agriculture Iff rtorie and few of the victims remained alive for the fatal volley was fired at a distance of not more than twenty paces and so the ambulances had that it has brought to this country little work to do Police lrmcr a large number of sleighs to carry oft in Toronto die dead Heartrending scenes were Vfar Mr Hon Pona aid at the Temple banquet In To ronto wanted an audit of the finan ces The Province of Ontario had an auditor with powers Mr Ottawa and he thought wr safe bin hands Jhre was a Public Ac- scenes were witnessed as wives ami Husbands and mothers came up to claim their dead ones and carried with them In the sleighs Meanwhile the crowd had drifted the Prospect yelling Murderers murderers and square its aspect the troops returned to their stations it was now the turn for the crowd JS All worlds a stage rail speaking MrB Adam Lloyd was burned to death at Mom fire in the office of The Winnipeg Tribune did damage Tuesday night It that the placed contract wltJi the counts Committee on which twenty- stationed at the entrance to the square the Horse the exploit with which they the and drove the peo ple pellmell down the thorofau A few who were wounded were Picked up and conveyed to a drug store An orator addressed tin impromptu thus Comrade We came humbly and peacefully lf emperor and lay our grievances fore him but the emperor refused to and instead soldiers were sent to shoot us down Then all I can ay is he in no emperor Down with the emperor shouted the The figures of the total number killed or wounded here at the Conservatives sat every Still Mr did not think the public v ere well enough known to the and proposed putting Jo the arid srrhools bis Speakers pas tor to open a copy of the accounts in church on Sunday and to preach a from it he thought he won I have to excuvd home and read Milt on or The very of these said Mr Hoc the extremities to which are driven no larger scheme to appeal to the Imagination noth ing to do anybody substantial good do not claim to bo lb a Boy That the young King of Spain is a boy ready to see his sisters failings if not his own is amusingly shown by a story told of him by a friend of his French tutor During one of the hot days last summer the tutor dictated to his pupil an exer cise in which occurred the phrase She possessed In the highest degree the distinguished manners and race of speech innate in royal princesses The man who wrote that never liv ed at court thats certain remark ed the hoy king What makes you think so de manded his astonished tutor Why just look replied the king pointing to his two sisters who hap pened lo he in the room Look at those royal princesses Look at their distinguished manners lay sprawling over a table looking sleepy ami over heated Maria Teresa maintained a more ladylike attitude but was ab stractly scratching her head with her left hand in apparent embarrassment over a problem of French orthogra phy Alfonso pinched the arm of his elder sister and pulled the hair the younger Oh you horrid hoy they exclaimed Theres your grace of speech commented his majesty with a rogu ish glance at his teacher Woodstock Jan A frightful ac cident occurred at a small vil lage ten miles from here yesterday afternoon when Whiteheads sawmill was completely wrecked by a boiler explosion and our men kill ed row CASTOR I A For Kind You Bought of minion Steel delivery of rails Company tons of for stl The lady bug may ho stuck gentleman M a mail could get credit Ur his he no object Vomeri save up money a rainy day because ihey cant get out to It in when it rains city to those of my predecessors who cow gate at Various bridges n- gavs you much of that legislation Wo have done a little good In the last five years Hut I have given you the of the Liberal party and It our ambition to keep high the term of our A doctor told that had studying too hard lately fib And it lands and at the winter palace vary best Is WW ooot In acres free grant larjdtt were taken up the West Wolf who was In ioroulo for forging the of did of Dresden to a check He Oh advfRcd him to go Into by A Co Toronto sottety little more and givo was to the Central Prison from Falling hair means weak hair Then strengthen your hair feed it the only hair food Ayers Hair Vigor It checks falling hair makes the hair Hair Vi grow completely cures dan druff And it always restores color ray hair all the rich dark color of early life Sab cat I fcojldliallaf J I A Hair Viae- rcfla tor 1alr all I io ftatoa Kllxatath J J ATS I for nine months Falling Hair A a Worn why you should Red Wave In this pa per have explained that I J a composed entirely and solely of the rich fragrant teas of India and that it is made by men who are skilled in the tasting and blending of that It has a rich liquor it is always uniform in quality economical to use perfectly clean and pure A number of other reasons will appear- in subsequent In meantime would you not like to try a pound of the tea By doing so you will appreciate more fully the force of toe reasons which appear later Red Rose tea will substantiate every statement made about It St John BRANCHES TORONTO WINNIPEG j -T- 7 Do you to add to your income will only require few minutes of tout time earn rear Incubator A No Chatham will from to no of Eifciy a low average hatch of Chatham you dcmaJ anJthc wr fitty the average price If only lake oft tight iu a jur an income of extra le useful to all you can buy a Chatham Incubator without one cent of cash until October A ay a for many fcfore that us titJay for paiiwir I The machine than We Chatham to your payment not due until Incubatoraand Brooder have every new There a prepaid by us and worth or he are of trial J J Our iTii a ail ny yean I you accept be earning THE and Chatham Farm CT at M0nirc1l Man Ml wt f if A If you Inherited or contracted you are never or ha been the At timet you ernpioni but Jnhope- no will follow you any of the Mng terns fiore on the tongue or In the mouth fall- IdlC out aching of the kin or en the red lyr peptic A Dont trust luck ruin your with the oil torn treatment injury potent rrfdlclne which tho for a time only to break cut when happy In Dont let experiment on you lur METHOD I- to cure you BACKED BV BANK that the Blood or Skin Kill never return Thousand of been already by eur NEW for over year- no turn the No no not A pch up tut a cafes foul fled dexter I four morel time as bad as Kennedy HAD BLOOD POISON YEARS New Method Ae ail Patterson of Mi experience I do Ilk of Mich re- Mi expejicnLt I do Ilk notoriety and I til I I to K ft K for irreat done I had -erioC- d of The I dually rd Fit ally Ho Eilurning i broke out hair aim in thi hoM and Itchy el It for me to look 4 I vlitrd Hoi Spring lwlC4 It helped roe in six mine them tur over afraid of ey to trej We iintfi J found they method TrealrnM The DIM hid iiviu they mad a laity die the won thty to to In hut I took hi advice flnancl tindlnif found they The d In t tour I entire- Trtatment for and ti tore Jrt In four week ami In four I entirely I can he Trtatment for and NO I Correlation Hooks Free If Treatment let A to call write for ft question SHELBY STREET DETROIT MICH WANT A Salesman for and territory to CANADAS GREATEST Newest and Hardy and A and or man Pay weekly out fit for and Kcd tor our pocket thing to In trees and plants tor ft oyer 00 Toronto Ontario DraiQim c Indention la in to on our A CO Scientific fcniriciauilDo i Tens ft four Bold Weil NN a Small Organ for Piano W In Sunday School t 1 it 1 v-ftfr- Ifc-

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