It- FRIDAY JAN V Doubt all weve said about PERFECT T10N CREAM SODAS the crackers all will But the first one of cat will prove that we For you cant doubt fresh Mooneys Perfection Cream Sodas proof of quality is crackers themselves EDITORIAL BOTES No judgment was given by the Court of Appeal in the North York election- case on Monday The Chief Justice seemed tobe of the opinion that the dissolution of the Legislature had rendered decision on the appeal unnecessary consequently Mr Davis was not unseated Court of Appeal on Monday affirmed the conviction of Alexander Martin for the murder of his infant child off Bay last sum mer Martin will be sentenced dur ing the present Assizes and unless the Minister of Justice intervenes will have to undergo the extreme penalty of the law The announcement has been made that every dollar advanced on ac count of wage claims made to the StotnaeK Trouble The Agonies of Indigestion Can Cured by Dr Williams Pink Pills AH over the land there are people whose lives had been made miserable through the pangs of indigestion who have been restored to the enjoy ment of health through the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills One of these is Win Moore of Well and Mr Moore is the manager of the electric light plant in that town and stands in the estimation of the citizens lie says It is really a pleasure to speak in favor Dr Williams Pink Pills For four years prior to I suffered great tor ture from indigestion and stomach trouble I could not cat solid food without great agony and for over two veers I had to re- Hon John Pair of Datrj Mil lia sort to a milk diet- I had grown Me Mane Companies has been returned to the Provincial treasury The Ontario Government is now en tirely relieved from its guarantee in connection with the wage claims knowledge Gregg Shorthand BookKeeping Law Rapid Calculation Spelling etc will up the way REMUNERATIVE P08ITIOPJ8 we have to offer Our facilities for imparting toil knowledge ate complete WINTER TERM COMMENCES JAN 3RD For full particular regard- log our careful and affile- rattle course write NOW to A fc The House of Commons in Commit tee of the whole passed a resolution introduced by the Premier for in creasing the pay all ranks in the Nor tiiWcst Mounted Police The will amount to 000 per annum In granting this additional increase the premier stated they were only complying with tho urgent representations from the NorthWest Territories or three Parliaments says the Toronto News should be the limit of the administration one party Tories of the old school could hold on to office for nearly two decades in the Dominion without any such suggestion from editors on that side of politics in favor of the doc trine now preached by the News Guess it is because the boot is on leg BRITISH AMERIC Toronto BROOK8 Principal w the other Our American cousins go in strong for exhibitions especially of the in ternational character Portland egon is now planning for an exhibi tion in honor of the hundredth anni versary of the exploration of Oregon by Lewis and Clark The exhibition will represent an expenditure of will occupy acres and will be open from June to Oct of the present year Slabs Delivered lLL KINDS ROUGH AND DRESSED Sheeting per LATH Price Sir Wilfrid was elected for two constituencies at the late elections to the Commons viz Quebec East and Wright On Friday he announced to the House his in tention to sit for the former Riding and tendered his resignation for Wright On the same day Mr Ed ward P for ten dered his resignation in order to af ford an opportunity for the defeated Conservative leader Mr I Bor den to become a member of the Commons The Speaker announced he had issued write for new elections to be held in the named Nominations will take place on the of February and should contests ensue the will follow one week later active work 1 was treated by doc tors and took advertised medicines but without any lasting benefit One day a friend urged to Dr Williams Pink Pills began their use but I must confess that it was much hope that they would cure me After taking a couple of boxes I could see an improvement and this gave me encouragement I continued using too pills until 1 had taken eight boxes when I was cured and able to eat any Rind of food I desired I shall al ways Dr Williams Pink as they saved me from such misery as only a dyspeptic knows I might add that my wife has also used the pills for troubles that afllict her sex and has been fully restored health Had blood poor Watery blood is cause nearly every ailment that afflicts ft is because every of Dr hums Pink Pills make new rich red blood that Key have such wonderful power to cure such ailments as indigestion anaemia rheumatism Si Vitus dance heart troubles and liver troubles special ailments I of women and eld But you must the ienuin- with the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People cm the wrapper around each box Sold all medicine dealers or by mail at cents a box or six boxes- for 2v0 by writing the Williams Me cone Co I Store Hut Pea COAL GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Deafness Cannot be Cared Holding ExCongressman Cable of Illinois has a charming young daughter who is receiving her education in France When she was several years younger than she is now her father took her on his knee one day and said to Today a ruan asked if would not sell little brother lie said he would give me a whole room of gold Shall I let him little brother The child shook her head But persisted her father think how much money this room full of gold would be how many things you could buy with it Dont you Mi Ink I had belter let the man have little brother No said the daughter lets NEWMARKET am vita on OriUlf ffytjfr Bay Bob am Daily Sunday for tfolitn- wood pm North MlriUlaiht pm Sunday tor Allele by local applications they cannot reach the portion of the ear There is only one way to cure and that Is by constitutional Deafness is by an InAarnd condition of the mucous lin ing of tbe When this tube gets you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is closed deal- is the result and unless the in- can be out and this tube restored to its normal con dition hearing will be destroyed for ever nine cases out of ten are caus ed by which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous We will One Hundred Dollars for- any of Deafness caused by that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure tor culurs- J CHENEY CO Toledo O Sold by Druggists Kails are the beet keep him till hes older He will bo worth m6re then Chicago News COO BUNDED WITH HEADACHE People often get Winding headaches from Sim plest remedy Is Dr Pills of Mandrake and Butternut are mild certain and safe For headaches and use only Dr Hamiltons Pills Price fl Pardonable An Irish laborer boarded a street car and handed corductor a ra ther dilapidatedlooking coin in pay ment of his fare The conductor looked at it critically and harried it back Thats tin lie aid Sure thought it war foivc answered the as he put the and f 4r ARRIVE NEWMARKET am Daily from North Bay Wharf and am Dally except from lUarord and from point Ik Bay and pm Sunday from f He an Too op Irishman complacently piece bade in his another nickel Q004- An widw with a quick one day recejvejd a call from a who had writ to on her Ac cording to the Pilot widow sav ed the day by tome court ing which took by surprise when he called at her house and gan in formal Madam I an attachment for My ihc said your attachment is You me inufct proceed to court- toe Well I tis but I prefer to let you do the courting Men are much better at than no time for Willing to come to terms judges and A isnt born as we fit it has a place The extent of the ocean is a sub we cannot comprehend too deep for us Tnere at College The fair saleslady has The is waiting The Justice waiting Veil th I frUppove bat so and Id a do it Wash greasy dishes pots or with Levers Dry Soap a powder St will remove the grease with the greatest ease DELICATE BOYS AND GIRLS Are altogether too numerous Our schools are full of them are your own children to the The trad and navigation returns tell thtir own story of result pi of educa tion among farmers of Ontario destroyed the barley and in fant todustrie too the attention of the to the disadvantage of other the sympathy of the kindhearted politi cian was for the poor farmer deserved His farm was aaged his sons were flocking to or to United and hie land losing its fertility and its It was about this time that Hon John be came of Agriculture for On tario It lw said with all mod eration that to him mora than to any other single human agency due the happy reversal of circum stances in which the farmers of this Province today The Globe With the market closed to our barley and with the fertility of the Soil warring through uninterrupted grain cultiva tion the one dor open was to pro mote mixed forming and stockraid ing with the British market as the objective A Id Mr set to work and later he was assisted by the cooperation of Liberal Government at Ot tawa to make the change and how successful his efforts wet everybody knows In short the whole charac ter of the Ontario was changed and the quality of Canadian and butter raised to a position Looking back at the let- tors quoted in tho reports of the Dureau of Industries reports of fifteen years ago we find such well- known porkpackers as the of Hamilton saying We do not ship any to the British market and adding that they could not compete with the western hogs Similarly tho report summarizes the opinion of the farmers them selves in that the Ontario hograiser can compote on equal terms against the cheap pig feed of the western States About this time barley took a big drop from cents a bushel In 1HR2 to in At the same time the old Idea of a short fat was firmly it Was no wonder the capture of the Eng lish bacon trade was looked upon almost impossible During the early and nine ties Mr took personally in hand a campaign for improving quality of the dairy and hug pro- ducts of the Province From to traveling dairy mads an- tours Of course it was met with ridicule by the Opposition proas who called it Prydens circus Un injured by the jeers went his way and thousands of farmers and their received inspiration for scientific dairying which has since made so profitable Mean time the Dairymens grew to be powerful agencies for promotion of new methods and interest department took la them with grants of each the securing of good speakers and the distribution of reports of tho meeting to 30000 farmer widen ed the constituency of enlightenment Two new dairy schools were also opened at and and that at taken over and Since about had spent the education of over dairy Under these encourag ing conditions the amount of cheew produced in Ontario grew from in to in and of creamery butter from to and the of cheese factory patron grow from to During the past year work has been Irnilrij to Include a more minute of factories farm dairy premievu In way which the highest and boat quality of choose and butter Beg While this proceeding no portentous was the revolution In hog industry There was only one way to accomplish this and that wao by persistent and educa tion Provincial tho Farmers and the die- of reports anil bulletins were chosen mediums The made a future at permanent ifmlldirigs erected and prises offered which would tempt the best This attracted of 1he tend and by del the crowded of the room just the kind of Jibg they wonted tliey accepted 1he Farmers Institute attended and seized the points of a hog and iteoufd by breeding an460njr and they carried the necessary to establish one In Ontario and the new building which will fco occupied at Ottawa year la effort Doing a tiork and yet fining general scheme Farmers Institutes have in the record of meetings in the Farmers Institutes have grown to last year with an attendance of while the Wo- rnens established only throe or four yours ago had year 9fl0 meetings and an attendance of Skilled agriculturists breeders and homemaker give lectures at these meetings Their ad reft ses are statements of men and women who have derived their knowledge from experience and in Imparting it the impres sion that what they have done oth ers can do The success of the Ontario live- stock competing at the at Buffalo in was the best tribute that could bo paid to the quality of stock and kept in this On thai occasion the proportion of prizes won by stock was as follows Ontario all Canada United States The triumphs at St Louis during the present year i are still fresh In the public mind In the improvement of Ontario live stock Mr himself a prac tical brooder ami noted stockraiser has taken a keen interest and grants to the various breeders ciatfons and the of low freight rates to the west for stock are samples of practical steps along this line I Helping Fruit Farmer The reorganization of Ontario Fruit Growers years ago and work in co more directly under the care of probably that cleaned your Clothes quickly but have found opt afterwards that it had destroyed them is guaranteed to be absolutely pure containing no ingredient that vdll injure the daintiest fabric It washes equally welt in hard or soft water without boiling or hard nibbing Follow the directions on the package and you will a more successful wash with labor Your dealer is authorised to refund the purchase money anyone finding cause for complaint LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED to l0 Ontario J department a stop which has resulted in many valuable extensions of tho work begun by Mr and continued by Mr P the present energetic j secrtary In addition to the papers read at the annual meeting and subsequently printed and distributed there are now fruit institutes and orchard demonstrations during summer and this autumn there was begun the fruit flower and honey show the success of which has de manded that it bo made permanent The fruit experiment stations fourteen in different district of th Province doing nit excel lent work in determining the varie ties of fruit best suited to each grade of soil altitude and climate There has also been considerable de velopment In cooperative work In fruit in grading packing and ship ping Further plans are under con sideration for the enlargement of this valuable field of usefulness An energetic Interest has been tak en la the improvement of fall fairs and a special known as ths Superintendent of Fall Fairs ap pointed Mr per formed this work prior to his coptance of the of Agricultural College and it is In of Mr Cowan aim hat boon to substitute education for amusement features Ths success of the Winter Fair on tha former plan justified it extension to fair generally Model plots of ground are sown and competitions hold tho export Judges of live stock uch aa are tralnod yearly in the courses at the now Tho Main Timothy A Real Accomplishment A learned man who knew so much it hurt him hired a boatman to row across a wide river On the way across he began to in- the boatman furnished and Friend do you Rod a they are required to reasons for physics their decisions It Is also intended a bit boatman to reduce the number of fairs and to ftJU on rowing Improve the quality of each of life la of fall exhibitions have profited by new program and there is pronounced movement in favor of a flonoral adoption of now policy grants of the Government to advancement of agriculture amount this year to They are flo generous and so well by Mr and his picked staff of export that they go far to keep Government la its high place for administrative re cord which Is never by Its opponents and will stand comparison lth that of any State or Province on continent life la Then onefourth of your lost Do you know rhetoric Not at all Then hall your is lost you ever studied mathematics No I Then of your Kin yc- swim asked the Alas no replied the philosopher Sure thin the whole your life is lost A in day For- Sale of All ro at3 J C0T7IES0N NEWMARKET Ontario TO Laxative Tab- Ihe Tory party under tho Ail refund leadership ha viciously at- tacked every pulpwood signature Is on box Into by the Admlnle- tration thus proving and It is in of this opposition therefore that following ro shown proof of policy In ifario and Paper tons Clubbing and Weekly and Weekly Mall Era and Globe I year York only and Star and Farmer Advocate only and to Output No of men employed Monthly wages paid and Farmers Advocaio ro- Sturgeon Kails and 1apnr Mills Output of per day ln No of men employed Including men In Monthly wofi paid Amount Invested la 2 1 lH Monuments arid Head Stones Call ft Allan 4 Strayed From my premises a twoyearold Hull dark red points of were cut off and two cut out from the under side of left ear Any person giving where I will find him will Address DRAPER Box For Two Heifers January and May Aleo Spring Would exchange any for good PEARSON BrickClad House and fotonto Dally Star one year to out of town and Weekly Hall with premium For tha property the lata on Prospect A tho Public School roomy good cellar and for Immediate sale Ap ply to J or to OSCAR to a afneBo MP health when they could be made strong by Ihe growing and girls can take the whole body helps digestion the blood pure and rich more nourishment than children can in other way and toon a reserve of force and your children watch strong Price per box more who attended duty Jrer on duty on on the painful spot not fritinK last lands through 4U1- because more pow- Ui Ini-Bapplbrnt- mont mining and- tour- ordinary You It la expected will bo running early The mill will probably employ men Including at work In and of During the left son of a of flra WITH CRICK IN THE BACK You arc up against a lob trouble yoti have a strong remedy like to settle pain and dislodge from the and Just rub It Too Late I To enter for a term In any Depart ment of our excellent school of the fat Hog by tho lean tho kind that makes the juicy hocon and th red for John The of this work Is shown by the the value of tin hog Mold by On tario from In to In Ho popular hud the Fair become that a year or two Ago it travel greater r long after la of danger from rang almost on duly along lint of TemlaininK and On- Mr tario Hallway during says I I used I lion guess my back would he yet A It In to record that j few of took out thanks to vigilance of thia and I for of men the minor of pan fed without any of flrg on Crown 1 recommend for any Mod muscular pain for rheumatism Price OF For the open wo fcotafl of and can Dot to bo unimportant Write for particulars and arrange to start at once Address V SHAW Principal- Toronto