a liWMAitKET ERA JAN 1 Weeks News League The was omitted dur ing tic holidays will resume next Monday evening with an interesting corse ox in a low program including a splendid address by a local worker An invitation is extended to all young people of the Town to enjoy this service A OP fiipHDERS v lew- f Her arc com I the of T Department has given the Tory Parly during the to allow a portion ol the Thursday night of last week the Juniors defeated tie juniors in a clear cut game with a J Wonted score of to 5 I Junior Grocery Salesman The ford Company Limited Annual meeting North York Society next Wednesday Minutes of Holland Landing Council too late for this issue Wonder if that fellow who goes Hockey Excursion The Newmarket Club plays against the St Georges of Toronto tonight at the Mutual St Rink Excursion Tickets may be had at around after night watching peoples the Drug Stores for good going and peaking- in at windows any afternoon car and returning he is not known special leaving North Toronto at doesnt call himself a man Special devotional meetings are held every evening this week in the Friends Church One or two robins arc still around St Georges Ward this week pm Presbyterion Church Methodist At Ho tic The At Home which took place in the Lecture Room of the dist Church on Tuesday evening was a decided success The attendance was good and the program greatly On Friday evening in connection enjoyed Mr Cane occupied with preparatory services Rev J A the chair Brief speeches were made Grant of Richmond Hill gave a by the chairman also Messrs and earnest address At the Jackson P V Pearson W Hunt- Ontario close the pastor Rev A Camp- A Coombs and the pastor- Is it tell in a lew wellchosen words re- latter introduced persons to into communion fourteen the congregation who had been members whose names were to the roll by the session members were cordially and in- contributed by Miss and formally welcomed by the Mr Young also- a vocal duett by last few years fight against Ontario in battle for Provincial righto The light Ontario in control system at one time to of of Education and of Agriculture Opposition to erection of Normal School Opposition to establishment of School of Practical Science Opposition to aiding colonization railways in New Ontario Opposition to helping the of the through a guarantee of bonds Opposition to the duties bill Opposition to appointment of a Forestry Opposition to the appointment of a drainage referee Opposition to the appointment of a Provincial Municipal Auditor Opposition to appointment of a good roads commissioner Opposition to the bill to tax cor porations Opposition to almost every of the Liberal Government for the advancement and building up of parade grounds to be flooded for a public skating rink Geo Patton in the police court pleaded guilty to abstracting from the of a roommate and sent to- the Central for six months mm mm mi v re- wise to place in of Blunderers the Obstructionists added during the BUILDING OP COLONIZATION AND Milt These mostly by letter Vocal solos were ROADS The meeting was an inspiring Miss and Mrs Aubrey Davis arid gives a hopeful outlook to besides by Mrs J the new year Miss Edna and On Sabbath morning the Sacra- Miss Yorke At the conclusion of of the Lords Supper was the program were jentJ The members very generally at individual tables the married were present at this beautiful service men acting as waiters that is so old yet ever new During the last three months over In the evening Miss Oliver rendered have been spent in connection a solo in her usual manner true with the church and Newmarket has interpretation and sweetness of tone now one of the most complete up- to- inclusive Miss who has filled date churches to be found outside position Organist and choir- the cities so well during the closing I weeks the closing year has been permanently engaged by the session lor that position Hon folic Op nrl The Liberal of Ontario has always kept in the forefront its policy of opening up the new dis tricts by means of colonization and mining roads In these regains they have kept With the growth of the Province the following figured Will indicate Miles of new roads Yearly average of miles Bridges built during same period miles expenditure on above public The inmates of the Home for In curables were entertained at an oys ter supper on Monday evening bivalves were supplied by the gener osity of Mr Mayor has called the at- Industries tention of the City Council to the interest on public lavatories He favored locating these conveniences at King and Streets Queen and and other thronged sections of the city Ontario shoe manufacturers have de cided to advance their prices per cent The is said to be the prevailing high prices of leather and shoe findings Clinton Street Methodist- Church had a narrow escape from fire Tues- day morning An overheated fur nace sot fire to the woodwork but the prompt action of the firemen pre vented damage to a greater extent than The Toronto Ferry Co will new attraction for Island visitors nest summer A large figure eight coaster is being constructed and will cost It takes up a space of by feet making shoot of nearly a mile and a half It stands as Hotel and is Situated at the northeast end of the grounds The coaster will make the circuit of the figure four times he cars will shoot the incline at the rate of a mile a minute Geo fell to a terrible death in the elevator shaft at the ware house of T Co on He appears to have power Party the of COME AND SEE THE BARGAINS IN Ladies White Wear Cottons Sheetings Quilts Towels etc The public wait for this sale and we never them We have some big surprises 1 1 This Sale is for January only Come early as many lines being one J cannot be repeated at thesame price THE BEST RESULTS BAKING POWDER 1 T 2S0 Yearly average of 183 miles of roads repaired during fiamO day afternoon stepped off the hoist at the flat without stopping it and accidentally fell backwards down the shaft alight- ing on his head He expired in about an hour Bird who stood charged Cheap The Roche Co have three The annual meeting of the Wood Furnaces to dispose of at Five works cation will be held on Thursday even- Dollars each Messrs J A Al- This sum is but one of Jan to at- oclock A pleas- Ian Co put in a combination Hot many aubstantial returns made to tha with attempting the life of Willie J ant meeting is expected with good at- Air and Hot Water Coal Furnace for people from the surplus revenue that Burke by throwing him in the waters l There be important them so they have no use for to the able and economical furnaces They also have a management of the has Craig to sell at lfiO cha zed Liber cash worth business Conervotiye A big Conservative MassMeeting The Vote in Whitchurch was announced to take place in the Option was carried in the Town Hall Newmarket last Tuesday Township of Whitchurch by a passed by afternoon for the purpose of There arc only two bo ating a candidate in the approaching Township and where they provincial Elections It was called gave majorities against- for oclock tut at there were ih The vote was as j present including lilies lows At Mr of North President of the North rj No York Conservative Association took No and called gen- No to the platform He No for nominations when Major No Allan of Newmarket seconded by Mr J A of North foTrBBit fiapplimii Wry Act The Ross brought be fore tho in tha Supplementary Bill It was the and in the of the most opposition of per of Bay two months ago anil also attempting to do him bodily injury pleaded guilty to the second count in the Assize Court on Tues day and was let of on suspended Sentence Mo had been in jail for two months and Chief Justice thought this would he a warning to Bird to curb his bad tern- No For gainst SO Mr Lennox No nominations were and Mr Lennox was declared to he the party candidate Mr Lennox was invited to the platform and received with cheers He expressed his thanks for receiving tie party nomination for the third time and declared that he had of the hottest election campaigns in the Province of Ontario and he hoped that in the present contest no man will stoop to do anything that doe not become a gentleman He did not speak with that sanguine aid of which formerly character ized his platform utterances He said that he had devoted three of the years of his life for the purpose winning seat in the Legislature home practice means and whether he succeeds or is defeat- he will still merit the of the party He said he would rather stnc other man was an their candidate it in see Municipal Election The vote for the Council was as fol lows For Councillors For Reeve SO 20 V 32 HO 30 79 20 Mr Whitney and his followers that lima the Act reali zed a legitimate source of revenue that would been lost had Mr Whitney his This revenue guvs in to asylums and public institutions of Ontario following are the receipts from inclusive from tho companies by I Act Sundry insurance com panies 9 I 55000 Railway 16790014 Street Railway panfei Pullman and Shaping Companies Natural and Electric Light Companies Telegraph Companies Telephone objecting to spice factory residents arc the establishment of a on Street Dr Conservative for North Toronto pro poses to enter a libel action against the for its statements regard ing the Doctor an1 a Card well con vention same years ago The Globe Come on arid reiterates its story which places the wouldbe C2 Alteration of Premise Belling a large part of the stock at as in anything but a favorable light a politician 2099167 Stoek JVlarket While cattle arc lower than they were some time ago the prices are still higher than they were this time afit Toronto this exporters arc quoted at CO to milium to cws to and export bulls to ft 35 2VJ J The races on ice here on Thurs day arid Friday of last week quite a crowd of spectators and they were regarded a great success a candidate again He beats w the on the choice made for his opponentMr wltirwl MM he said in a fai Sir Robert J possible respect The fight Toronto not against Mr bit against the Rosa I he then to quote certain newspapers and clergymen to his contention that was corrupt arid should I halfmile heatf driven from Mr Hayes Harry Leadley fcpoke for hour and by Ms time J mU in tfic hall were three A 2 full There was Looking Glass Dr Forest enthusiasm displayed some bridge occasions George Hugh Scott To ronto Shiver Mat Toronto Timel7 Second race pace and trot Rat ftU Ho than per cent of all the revenue of Ontario Has been re turned to people Out of v9ry of revenue re ceived In the Province spent About on About on Public Institution About on Public Works and Buildings About on Administration of Justice About on Aid and Annuities About on Agriculture About on Hospitals and About on Civil Government About on Legislation About 8320 on Colon Charge on Best feeders are to to J 3 and dairy Stackers to Host butchering cattle ate 125 to medium 350 to common to 325 bulls to and dry cows 275 to Calves are 4 to Jn lambs there la a full dollar per hundredweight between flotations In order to concentrate the stock in the South Store The North Store leased to Mr Gar- to commence work on Monday Tortonto markets this year and last best Chickens per lb in the market at to wethers to and bucks 3- milk cows are to each Nogs selects lights and Jou White Wheat per a Red Wheat per hush a Spring Wheat per a Goose Wheat Oats per bush Peas per bush Barley Butter roll per Eggs Per Potatoes per bag dreBscd hogs per cwt a Hay per ton a Ducks per lb 0 a 03 a 0 a 4 a a a a a a a a a 81 05 1 0 0 Chickens per pair Turkey per lb per lb Beef fore Beef hind 0 11 5 Sand and Gravel For cement delivered Orders by mail promptly attended to A Aurora Not Too Late To enter for a term In any Departs of our excellent school the Pullman Sleepers to Ottawa Leave Toronto daily on Grand A Mr J St John of Toronto Junction was the only other with applause and over an hour He M the policy of the Literal prahed the labors of the lakes and Mwat the Government ha1 from the tradltlonR and were of many corrupt was enlarge upon letail He of lumber of the Province and education by government profiting Mr Whitney Into power would le at a bo in all public schools Mr St I an Interesting speaker and with for and i tree Toronto Time Second Day class halfmile heats Black Bird K eft wick 2 FOR itching bleeding or refund money if OINTMENT falls to cure About on Crown any ease no matter of how Eastern at 1030 pm Land a standing in to ap- making connections from all points About on Repairs to Public plication give cafe and rest Returning leave Ottawa at pm If your irugglat hasnt it send Reservations made at Grand Trunk in stamps and it will bo forwarded postpaid by Pans Medicine Co St Louis Mo Heifer Astray Came on lot Con North In Dec a Heller Own er is requested to prove property pay expenses and take it away MILES Delicious So Attractive Is tin t CITY BAKERY- FANCY to Whipped OFTOROWTO Winter Term now open wo a stall of 20 teachers and can advantages not to be found in a small unimportant school for particulars and arrange to start at Address SHAW Principal Gerard Toronto llll Puffs imK- from extra III About About 8180 on Drainage Colonization etc on it a I Failures they been from immemorial In of legisla tion In lie presentation their pol icy up to the and with failure written over their whole ca- L Mr Lamb Toronto ftBknK m l 114 I they mG now going to the 4 Peeler Mr Hamilton 1 1 Jill Mr Freeforall half-milt- heats Looking Port Hope i Black Joe Jackson 4 13 A Wek ford Hayes Jan Flour per barrel li a White Wheat per bush 05 a Spring Wheat per bush 4 Shall the of Ontario take In to their service a party that fails in presenting an acceptable policy and that him failed eight times Premier Row at Temple banquet III Cent patient Am- merfean to Average per patient to Average patient On tario Goose Wheat Barley per Rye per bush Buckwheat Hay per ton Bran per ton I 17 a a a a a 20 a 10 Shorts per too 00 a 0 Butter roll per lb a per a Picked per 22 a Potatoes per bag Chickens per pair Geese per lb Ducks Turkeys 0 CO a a a a 25 0 00 Do You Know That in lens than two days you can be enjoying the fruit and Mowers at Florida Winter Resorts and in than four days reach California Ask your for full Informa tion or address J I McDonald Dis trict Agent Toronto regular we Klondike Vilnuii And Cream Muffti Twists Breakfast ami Tea Biscuits I READ CAKES Drop Metro toll Inn Mnrtdi For Ticket Call on Agent No Finest Bananas Oranges and Messina Lemons Lunches at all Hours I and Hot Dinner on Saturday W A HILL CITY OAKERY If you are what lino work to take up con sult We have helped young people to excel lent positions Our advice will and It Is free Our calaloguo will give you useful inlormation and will bo supplemented by a personal letter dealing with any points you may wish explained Take- advantage of this oppor tunity Send us your rcqucet for particulars about our work 1 Mb r To Cure a Gold in Take Laxative Quinine Tablets sold In part Signature Sv- la Two on Air