The Era Si Ww i j fc J r V YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER aire cos the liberty to know to utter to argue freely to conscience above all other liberty No paper sent outside of North York unless paid In advance No copies each Newmarket 0nt Friday Dec 30 TERMS SI per annum if paid in advance WE WISH atrons AND NEWMARKET TO iM Calendars Christmas Stationery Hymn Books Bibles Poems Fountain Pens Purses Brushes and Hand Bags A 0 w 9 AND Many Other Select Christmas Presents or xkt Invent- r4 Mow arc fc J t off It c4 it ivr Ihrcjfr Mar lor Ac Ml r kU in IhrvjfcfcVl utivitrrt Mar He MARION MARION Patent Solicitor Mi UCI Marks Ac Scientific American Vjl9 OLD FOR BALK AT For tie Era to 1904 Adieu Nine our thy sojourn is j Thy months have sped by with ve- swift Thy coming brought blessings too many to number No one has forgotten for all had a Some sorrow as well Which tongue cannot tell Much grief through bereavement which years cannot lift But many more mercies than trials were meted Thy gifts were in trust to be scat- abroad j As each day appeared enough was provided Which our Father on all has To Him lei offer The best we can proffer Our heartfelt thanksgiving His to best gift conferred was space to do better a To give up the course that has the To overcome habits that yielded small pleasure Like crackling of thorns blaze cannot last With earnest endeavor The shackles to sever And strive to redeem opportunities lost New aims for the future new obJ pursuing j Some service to render with pur pose renewed To cheer the afflicted to lift up fallen In keeping the needy with shelter and food Thus energy using In Kindness diffusing A blessing receiving while thus do ing good How much has been done for good and for evil Since first thou approached us from regions afar What secrets revealed from natures resources Which science discovered through channels ajar Gods spirit directed Where long He protected The mysteries waiting much good to confer the ancient Druids came the sfcitions regarding the silvery mistle toe while in the Scandinavian feast when huge bonfires were set boars head were all dishes peculiar to the Christmas festival From the time of Henry VIII until near the close of seventeenth century the affame in honor we find the head was the crowning tri- of the Yule log From of the Christmas feast After earliest times this festival season the guests had assembled about the seems to have been accompanied by festal board of retain- the exchange of gifts and donations to the poor In the of Esther the Jews are commanded to make them days of feasting and joy and of sending portions one to another and gifts to the poor In converting the Pa gans to Christianity the early Chris tians found their chief difficulty in persuading the heathen to leave their old customs behind They declared themselves willing to accept the Christians God but they must be allowed to worship Him in their own way So the temples were changed into churches the statues of the gods rechristened after saints the Saturnalia Christmas and the wreaths and garlands that had heretofore decked the gods became perquisites of the skints The first churchman who makes mention of Christmas was us Bishop of Antioch who refers- to is in a paschal letter written about A but the day was not regu larly observed among the Christians until the fourth century Among the Christians it was called Epiphany or Manifestation of Light It was during this hat St Nicholas or Santa Clans though a denizen of a city of Lydia in Asia Minor his fabulous beneficence and generosity soon caus ed his name to be blazoned far and wide He loved children therefore adopted as their patron saint while he even crept into the stony hearts of patrons and robbers ers appeared by the blare of trumpets and bearing above their heads the shef of the feast But the church bells ring the children have completed the explora tion of their stockings and still the joyous refrain Merry Christmas Merry Christmas echoes and re echoes a cheering potent coming year for the JO For the Era A Pall BY A li the St From lime to tvtno during la ter months the metropolis of great British Empire is shrouded in a dense pall of combined fog and smoke day is turned into black est night and the entire city is plunged in a Cimmerian darkness In a severe though happily rare visita tion like that which literally plung ed London into mourning in the year when more than two thousand victims succumbed to the deathly choking compound and hundreds of oxen were suffocated in the mas cattle show the black murky pall which overshadowed the city as though the had been obliterated from the firmament was so dense and turbid that it was impossible to see an object a yard distant even the lights in the shop windows fail ing to penetrate the sooty shroud which enveloped everything In the streets an appalling In Germany especially las founl a old city of Ghent above the porch of a figure of the saint watching three and repeated collisions occurred while as omnibus collided with omnibus or with ami in the reigned supreme Men with till be seen links and torches preceded every the churches hide but notwithstanding this con- How many have gone to the region of shadows By the cruel infliction of war been slain The greed usurper and gallant de fender Met in deadly and un fitted have lain Their widows forsaken In want overtaken Their children to starve on the hill- bide and plain Perchance thou art glad to leave a planet Where no oho in safe and nothing is sure Where accidents lurk to destroy mens devices Which none can foresee and nothing can cure Through causes unknown j Great losses arc shown Which all men must and many endure If during thy weve tried to im prove it By doing to others as wed have them do This rule Jesus gave laid down for our guidance Well knowing true to those would accrue Who copied Saviour In deed and behaviour In 16ving obedience His work to pur sue P Richmond Hill Dec A Merry Merry Christmas As the greeting Merry Christmas Merry Christ echoes through the up and down the streets and Ik turned into sweetest music by the swinging church bells it is a joy to- recall that ait holding to traditions and keeping faith with older inan older than history and even than tradition Itself Although Christmas property dates from the Wrth of most the in connection will its still further back Into the merry Past even to ancient Saturnalia the festivals of the Druids and the feast god of To the or golden age may the modern cessation of labor the of school and the joyful feast From small children a isrti The that the good saint en tered the house through the chimney was evidently gleaned from the ex ample of a Norse goddess At the festival held in her honor the houses were dressed with evergreens and an altar otoue was erected at the end of the hall where the family usually assembled Hence stone came hearthstone Fir branches were laid upon this hearth then set on fire and under cover of the dense smoke caused by the green wood the goddess was sup posed to descend and influence the di rection of the flames which in turn predicted the pres ent From the Christmas tree and its pretty legend When Eve plucked the la tal apple reads the story immediately the leaves of the tree shrank into points and its bright turned dark it changed its nature became evergreen at ill reasons thus telling of mans fall Only on Christ mart does it bloom brightly with lovely gifts The curse is changed into a blessing by he com ing of Christbill won der that every son of In- Fatherland clings to his tree insignificant In son jo parts of Germ in mii a latter day version of Nicholas gos to mi eve taking gifts for good child ren and rods for iir iav England the advent of Christ mas was joyfully heralded by the Waits who were degenerate descendants of the ancient bards who formed part of the entourage of the great nobles or wandered from place to place to attend tournaments or festivals It was the pleasant prac tice of these musicians to go from door to door at night telling watches upon some musical instru ment and reaping thereby a golden harvest Many are pic- tures of ancient manner tide which have been for us by quaint old Scott and and in these the Chrirlnins hast looms up in jiroportfons In Chaucers days piece do at great house and the pact speaks of a fat Wall Mince pies re first called shred pies and were made ob long in shape to typify the manger On being too closely identified with Christmas festivities they mil nuclei the of the Puritans John Dun- For the Family Likeness By Martha McCullockWilliam t HES coming today Vernier said despairingly jt looking up from open letter the eldest Venner smiled wanly I knew it she said Misfortunes never come singly the youngest of them who had foolish dimples and silk curls all over a wise little head protested mildly Dont say that Berry Im sure Cousin Angela means to tc very kind Shell nag nag nag over our risking that money Im sure there was not enough to be worth keep ing Trix said dropping her head be tween her hands laughed she had the spirit of them all Right you are she said Still theres no denying I dont see just how- we are to live without the hundred odd dollars interest it brought Why somebody all bodies must go to work answered sighing Im already in business raising chickens said smiling whimsically Hereafter I shall sell broilers and fresh eggs instead of let ting them be eaten at home You neednt laugh I can make something out of my chicks and has at least a chance to be organist at St Michaels Cassy you must keep house and help me with the brooders Oh we shall manage famously with out troubling Cousin I hate to trouble her but there isnt any other way said with her most infantile smile The other two stared You dont mean you are going to live with her be a companion and dependent cried red spots lashing out of both cheeks patted the red spots softly as she answered Oh no Im just going home with her for a visit She likes to have me at because Carter said FOR TWENTYONE YEAR Catarrh Remedies and Doctors Failed Cured such an artistic once con- crash a heavy drag almost demol ishes a cab or carriage females shriek and men express themselves according to their several idiosyn crasies while the shouting of the who in the dimness look like ashy ghouls grasping a will-o- the stern commands of the policemen and hoarse strident vociferations of the coachmen and drivers create an uproar and rend ing discord quite impossible to de scribe No one is quite certain where he is or in which direction he is proceeding some thinking they arc going towards their home find they are going in the opposite direc tion others finding it impossible to find their way give up the attempt and take refuge in restaurants and inns while many others continue helplessly to grope in the uliginous darkness to find themselves perhaps no nearer their destination than when they started long before And so it goes on hour alter hour until sud denly a wind arises and in an in credibly short space of time the fog has Cleared oil and the sun shines in a cloudless sky Judging from traditions extant in China and other lands it is the whole earth was once plung ed in a supernatural darkness for a space of three hours and surely that darksome eclipse ot nature must have extended throughout the whole of the universes must haw not on ly darkened our own sun but every other sun throughout the illimitable abysm of space lie who had created them all was bearing the dread load of the sins of the uni verses was being as it were suf focated by the revolting horror which like a foul loathsome vampire was resting upon Him and crushing down Ilia pure and holy soul with hideous noisome burden And then with the joyous cry it is finished Ills released spirit bounds upwards to Paradise the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven are open to all believers and sor rowing nature which could not en dure the dire tragedy which was be ing enacted easts off the veil which had shrouded it all from iter view quicker than it cheeks That is one of ing to out HE PITY His Buffering from Sciatica was to great but thanks to he during his imprisonment cured I suffered for to have refuted to partake this years from Sciatica Pi questionable albeit delectable com- j Jenkins of Portland and no mat pound even when sore distressed fox more I spent a small a comfortable meal Plum pudding J fortune on different remedies but In- the latter day evolution of plum i merit was porridge was also denounced by I used a few Puritan fathers as godless and savj and was perfectly cured I of idolatry Huge barons of a a sure beef peacock and roasted its excellent also then rehabilitated In their gorgeous rheumatism and Try plumage cranes and above all 25c at all we two made Why does she not marry him and have done with it I wonder Trix said reflectively Bernice had turned away her head the red dying out had come to her sat very straight the things J am go- she said then as a thunderous knock sounded Talk of angels and Angelas There she is as sure as fate Miss Angela otherwise the family way heavy in person as in purse Notwithstanding a slender beauty was so curiously like her could not help hating her Undoubtedly it was aggravating to have fate take the same general out line and color scheme yet from it evolve a creature so exquisite as to make one seem a course anil dauby caricature Still since Miss Venner had really a conscience she greeted Berry more affectionately than the others even pumping a few tears But dont you worry Cousin piped then smiling up at her rich cousin Im going to marry you know marry rich After that we shall be happy Indeed I Who is the man Miss demanded half aghast sy smiled more than over I not right certain yet she said Im going home with you to find out With all my heart you ridiculous baby Miss Venner said pinching assys cheek In her fortnights stay she made at least fifty separate plans hut wen home with un der her wing assured that her poor cousins were ungratefully bent upon working salvation in ways of their own devising Midsummer always brought to its best This especial midsum mer it was fairly enchanting had there two months Carter Iee and his bachelor uncle the ma jor had kept things social humming The two balanced beautifully Carter had money and willful vtrength the major gallant experience Between them it was no work at all to make the of the countryside Miss Angela had let them into sys pious purpose and so set them to fetching in the in herds a young person thus specula tively bent wa no end diffi cult so difficult indeed Miss Angela begging Carter to take her to task roundly She Is letting slip the best chances she can ever hope to have said Cousin Angela Refus ed three men last week to my certain knowledge each of whom has thou sands a year So Carter lay in wait for as she went out to the rose garden a minute they walked silently along the petal strewn paths then the man faced about ask ing Cassy who keep you from marrying rich Carter who keeps you from mar- ILL In a very recent com munication from this place cornea news that Mr Arthur Ernest Kidd a wellknown architect of that city recovery from catarrh of from which he had suffered for nearly a quarter of a Ho writes rori Hamilton I am 12 of and have had nlavrh of the head for over half of my a result of fever followed typhoid fever I got so bad that I almost coughing and my catarrhgreatly Impaired my eyesight and hearing one car and reduced my weight to pounds I tried nearly every catarrh remedy advertised besides a great many differ ent physicians treatments allot which failed I had heard and read of and finally decided to try two months ago I now taken seven bottles and weigh pounds Never felt happier jr merrier Keel tip top A If you do not derive prompt and results from thouse of write at to Dr giving a full statement of case and ho will cbe pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis Address Dr President of Sanitarium Columbus i rich Youve been as I have not this last sewn years retorted looking at him side- wise Or He laughed not quite easily Wont you know about my engage ment he asked I courted Ange to please my grandmother who was in love with Vcndale I have not married her as yetto please my self I sec Your delay is reward you allow yourself for diligence Cassy said her eyes Stop Carter said roughly You know I love who will have nothing to say to mo because she thinks I agreed to sell myself and rightly enough despises me If I tell you a secret two secrets will you ever tell Cassy asked ir relevantly smiling roguishly Carter nodded Again she laughed and put her mouth close to his car I cant whisper the secret Is big Ma jor is dead in love with Cousin Ange O goodness dont It would be too cruel I Carter gasp ed Cassy ran on as though she had not heard Hes courting her too- courting her a heap better than ever you did And she likes It The only reason she doesnt say Yes Is she thinks the loss of her would kill you Oh how can I undeceive her CatMr cried assy looked at him with lofty compassion Dont you think her eyes would be opened if you married someone else she asked You you said there were two se crets You dont you cant mean does not hate me Car ter demanded trembling as he spoke Cassy looked wise You heard all you can hear for onetime she said Mrs Major born Venner loves to tell over her romance and com monly winds up with It Is really too touching After poor dear Car ter had so nobly stood aside for his uncle he married my cousin of the family likeness I It is current up In the Queens Park Toronto that Mr who for the past two or three years lias been private secre tary to the Commissioner of Public Works will recolvo the appointment of Inspector of Division Cowls vacant by the recent death of Mr