Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 Dec 1904, p. 6

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v r 1 Will J Dp NEWMARKET DENTIST be at Ml Albert Brooks Block 2nd Ok Tutsaay of each m P V DENTIST Comer College and Brunswick will be In Mount Albert on 1st and 3rd Friday and in fe the 1st and 3rd Saturday of pica month Jersey Grades for Sale JO months- to Mors old have been bred also Cows For further particulars apply STOKES Mount Albert TINSDALE MANAGER We have received this week a lot of A LITERARY SOCIETY A good entertainment is promised far next Tuesday In addiUon to the past the usual program will be I J i Miss White of has been presented a farce comedy entitled A Troublesome Time Timber Lot for Sale The West East of Lot on which Is a large hardwood hemlock For terms apply to DAVIDSON Mount Albert NOTICE Lehman Boot and Shoe Maker moved into the shop recently by J Hunter where we a full line of the best pol- and Dubbin that Is made made to order Repairing a UKy fie Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Capital JANG Total OFFICE CANADA MONTREAL board OF Andrew Chairman J Deputy Chair man Samuel BCIous- tuE6qlr at Current DAVIDSON Agent Albert Chief for Try Oar Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark in Excellent Remedy FOR- Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble keep the leading of Trusses Properly fit and guar antee them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT CORRECTION Our attention has been called to an error in the description of Hot Supper in last weeks issue The decorations pi church were in the hands of a committee and the young people of the is Mr Herbert Rolling and family moved into the village Tuesday Mr of b opened up the barber shop which as been clos ed for the past two months The hoys who sleighride in the sidewalks should choose some form of amusement There has been good skating on the pond for the past two weeks THE JUBILEE SI The largest crowd present at a con cert for years took in ike entertain ment in the Methodist Church on Monday night The Canadian Jubi lee Singers were fully up to what they advertised and the large audi ence was delighted win their selec tions The Contort v aid of the Public Library and a sufficient sum was realized to iay all the indebtedness OBITUARY At Mount Albert on Nov there peacefully passed from to the life beyond the late Samuel at the ripe age of eighty- three years Deceased was born in Yorkshire England March the In he came to Canada and settled on the Concession of Whitchurch From to he lived at ParkhiU In the spring of he moved back to the Hart- man settlement where he resided till the time of his death Deceased a widow who has shared his joys and sorrows for over fiftysix years three daughters Mrs Curtis and Mrs of Park- hill arid Mrs of and four sons Thomas of Mich William and Lew is of Albert- and Dr J of Blind River In the calm of a afternoon we laid him away in the grave yard at there to sleep the last long sleep until that morning when they that in their graves shall hear His voice free Mr Frank Milne of Toronto home on a visit Miss Wight spent Sunday in Aurora and also attended the Mel ha concert at Hall on Monday night Mr spent Sunday at his fathers Mr Peter The many friends of Sirs James Silver were pleased to sec among them a day or two this week The Surveyors finished staking the road as far north as on Saturday It runs the as- the line struck last year this far reach ing a few rods East of the village The funeral of the Mr of who hied in the NorthWest last week was very largely attended on Monday Rev conducted the service in the Presbyterian Church here We regret to hear that Mrs David is very poorly but hope to hear soon of a change for the better Mrs George Wright is also quite ill Mrs R of Toronto is spending a few days with her father Mr David Evans of Union St NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A Rocker Would Do Nicely more gift You couldnt think of a appropriate Christmas You couldnt give anything that would be more highly If you decide upon a Rocker let us show you now easy can the price Choose now Assortments axe unbroken and you miss the rush of the last day or so Decide upon something now and have it laid aside until you wish it delivered ALLAN THEAKER ALBERT Our 8pring Wall Papers and Carpets Are in for Spring It will pay you to e them before ROSS BROS FRANKLIN The around here are very busy making a rink They intend having a good time when it in finifth- Mr Charles driving house is completed and looks fine Mr F had two of his fingers badly cut Friday while helping Mr J Mr A Cunningham has been re pairing his mill Now farmers bring on your wheat Mr returned from the on Saturday last looking well He reports plenty of work and good wages Mr J A of Toronto called On friends on Sunday looking as hearty as ever Miss May Cook has been on the sick list but is improving nicely a T ALBERT DRUGSTORE Pure Paris Green in bulk and put up by Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot We carry a full of Patent among Remedies and Rheumatic Cure Family receive attention day or LLOYD I Miss Clink and Tittle also Miss L of were the guests of Mrs on Hun- day Wo are to learn that we not to lose our baker he the Mount Albert SPOONY Miss Sinclair of Toronto is rev ol acqu Mr and Mr- Mainprise of were the guest of Mr J A meeting hold in the church a week ago for the purpose of organ- king a h ioVTA Next Sunday is quarterly meeting in our church Klder I of the Christian Conference hi expected to preach an ex cellent Sunday from the text Judge not that ye be not judge Home people take it vtry hard When they are told their faults Borne talk of a large party soon yk out for bid HOOD BEST FOR The fineat tot constipation I ever Is Chamberlains and Liver Tablets says Mr Butler act gently and without any unpleas ant and leave the bowels In a natural conditio Sold by Lloyd Send the Era to absent Heifer Astray Came upon Lot Concession in the of East about November a twoyearold Heifer Owner is requested lo prove property pay expenses and lake the animal away A Newmarket will be In Mount Al bert at the Town Hall every Wednes day afternoon and evening to receive in Piano Voice Culture Vio lin and Theory Pupils prepared for examinations tt42 Coal Now la the time to put in your Coal We are also paying the high est price for all of grain SHIELDS Mount Albert For Sale Ram shear Number of Ram Lambs All Shropshire registered a tew Berkshire Sows and Boars J Queens Wile SUTTON Mrs John of was taken suddenly ill with pneu monia while visiting here with her sister Mrs Mann Miss Kay who returned from Toronto Thurs day is nursing her Mrs is the mother of Mrs Leslie of this place Mrs is visiting in Tor onto the guest of her sister Mrs Bebarriel Rev filled the appointm la Sabba A baby boy over at Mrs Manns mother being Mrs A Collins formerly Miss A Mann The many friends of Mr Kay will be pleased to hear that he is now convalescent after his severe tack of toiisilitis Miss Annie came up from Toronto on Saturday and is going to sew in the shop of one of our busy tailors M No School on Wednesday on ac- co of wo at new furnace Mrs George went down to Toronto on Wednesday morning for a weeks vis Mr Sam Last was in the village on Saturday He was on the way to to assist in the store there for the Chris trade Reeve Mr A having received a requisition signed by a number of the prominent business men of this place has called a public meeting of those interested in a better postal service to take into considera tion some steps to improve our present circumstances in this respect to held on Friday Dec in the town Hall and invito all thoe interested in the above object in Sutton and vicinity to attend There will be a mortgage sale of desirable property on High St with house and tailor shop on premises cm Saturday Dec 17 at the Queens Hotel A Christmas Festival for the child ren attending the Presbyterian Sab bath School will be held in Knox Church on evening of Dec 22 Addresses will be given and presents distributed to the Silver collection at the door for those not connected with the school A cor dial invitation is extended to any one wishing to be present The Band Concert was quite a suc cess the Jubilee Singers coming up to the general standard and the hall being well tilled many corning in from the surrounding cormtry Quite a blizzard raging here on Wednesday morning but so far we have had no sleighing Nearly ail the cisterns dry and many of Dr has got his new fur nace in operation The house is much more commodious since the al terations and improvements made The family of Mr John Joyce were nearly asphyxiated on Sunday morn ing by gas escaping from a coal stove Mr Ed Joyce being the principal sufferer Sufferers from sciatica should not hesitate to use Chamberlains Pain Balm The prompt relief from pain which it aflords Is alone worth many times its cost Sold by Lloyd Tho egg emporium owned by Limited was by fire incurred An express car on the Atchison Santa was held up and stolen The express messenger wan mortally wounded Van Ness of tally shot and killed his sou while deer hunting The bullet passed through the body of James Parks who will recover BALDWIN BREEZES On Thursday pm last week a bang up good shooting match was held here under the auspices of mine host Bill the Travellers Rest Some exceedingly fine marksmanship was displayed The usual trophies turkeys geese and ducks were hung up for competition match was virtually a contest between Sutton and Baldwin experts few other con testants taking part in which Bald win had a shade the best luck In the largo bore competition Messrs Kester and Crit tenden of and Burrows and of Sutton were prizewinners Ducks were for win- in small bore pop gun and toy competition On Wednesday evening last two young gentry from the vicinity of Jacksons Point took a great shine to and took out extradition papers for Mrs Crittendens turkeys On going to the hotel shed for their horse they observed the birds roost ing overhead They seized upon se veral and immediately a tussle ensu ed The fought vigorously probably faintly realizing that defeat meant an death and roasting on a spit They had cap- one lusty bird broken its neck and bagged it when Leslie over heard the struggle rushed out in the and caught them in the act Wire full of shame dont tell our name More babies Yes One wee mannikin arrived at Chap- mans over a week since A good many homes in the settlement have been similarly blessed and still the record is incomplete Continued on page the nicest we have ever shown You should see them before you buy D MT ALBERT 1 g I Happy Thought Ranges Coal and Wood Heaters ALL AT- 1 MOUNT ALBERT J BE QUICK Not a minute be lost when a 1 child shows symptoms of croup j Chamberlains Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the croupy cough ap- pears will prevent the attack It falls and is pleasant and safe to take For sale by T Lloyd Fall Suitings Overcoatings I In the Newest Designs just arrived FIT GUARANTEED at GEO HAIGH SON Merchant Tailors and Woollen MOUNT ALBERT O O 9 SUNSHINE QUEEN HEATER AND GOOD CHEER HOT BLAST All for burning OR WOOD i ROWLAND Mount Albert Farmers A Jersey Bull from B Bull Sons Brampton herd will be kept lor service on lot In the East Well bred St Lambert Jersey and Grade Stock for sale J PECO Sharon PO LINGERING COLD WUstood Other Treatment But Cured by Chamberlains Remedy Last winter I caught a very se vere cold which lingered lor weeks J Zephyr Ontario My cough was very dry and harsh The local dealer recommended Cham berlains Cough Remedy and guaran teed It so I it a trial One 25 cent bottle it cured I believe Chamberlains Cough Remedy to be the best I have over used This is one tho moat staple medicines In use Thousands have testified to Its excellence It only cures a cold quickly but effectually but coun teracts any tendency towards pneu monia It equally valuable for children and may bo given to them with implicit confidence It always cures and la pleasant to tako There la no danger In giving It to children for it contains no opium or other harmful drug Sold by Lloyd J RAH MARRIAGE A WEST Our Display of Goods is Simply Superb and range in price from the most moderate priced gifts right up to suit the most fastidious tastes See the display in our windows and then come in and see the store full inside We everything now on dis play CURRANTS RAISIN Good Clean Currants Fancy Cleaned lbs for Choicest Voattssa Cleaned Currants lbs for lbs Selected Valencia Raisins for Royal Crown Extra Fancy Selected lb Fancy Seeded Ralatna boxes for 25c full pounds Extra Fancy Seeded Raisins lb package Freeh Lemon Peel choice quality lb Fresh Orange Peel choice lb Crosse Lemon and Peel 15o lb Crosse Citron Peel 25c lb Mixed Cut in pound Cartons 20o box PRUNES DATES FIG Fancy Santa Clara Fresh Prunes lb Fancy Santa Clara Prunes larger size for Fancy Santa Clara Prunes largest size lb Fresh Dates lb Corona Dressed Dates pound packages Choice Cooking Figs lb Table Figs lb Cranberries very choice quart STAPLE GROCERIES lb boo Cream Biscuits regular for 20o Ginger Snaps regular lb for Tea Cakes regular lb for lbs Finest Pearl Tapioca for lbs Gold Dust Corn Meal Bottle Welle Richardson Butter Color for I Imported Pickles bottle Yeast Cakes box Best Soda lb Clover Honey regular 10c lb for Corn and Laundry Starch regular box for Witch Hazel Toilet Soap Sage Savory Thyme Marjoram and Poultry Dressing can Cheese Finest made In Canada lb for Mocha and Java Coffee regular lb for Royal Dutch Cocoa can Shelled Almonds and Shelled Walnuts also In stock Icing Sugar lb Beat Red Salmon IBs can Johnstons Cash Store 1 9 4 U T T i 9

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