Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 Dec 1904, p. 5

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THE ism mm IM NEWMARKET- BRANCH Genera BanW Busliiess l Interest DRAFTS ISSUED At all and American thought and LEGAL J Barrister Notary Public Ac Street Newmarket to Loan on good Farm security Solicitor Notary Honey Court Building St Newmarket Aurora will be it on Saturday aid Court Co Banker and Ontario Bank Aurora to Loan J Barrister Block Loan INSURANCE J A Agent for w Loan interect at Current R R Rdtriady Fire Insurance Ageatt on rra and Isolated c ifcMJ Main St Sundries aod Goods Frank Street Newmarket- Bolton and John R Irate Broker and Financial Agent Bond Auditor Insurance lux or for Mortgage Wanning 1 A Ellis- architect lid Room Manning Chambers estimates made all kinds of buildings t Office will receive prompt attention MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 Newmarket 1uued at private If Aid Chare will bold of yDeecmber Sovereign Belidine St Pauls ftOAual sale in Hart A press from Ste Dec 3 says for Thomas Irving Son Hamilton who are- a roof new pig Iron building at blast furnaces very serious ly injured by falling a distance of feet from building to the car tracks yesterday His collarbone and two ribs were broken and be sustained internal injuries Mr is a of Mrs J of this Town DITORIflii last day for entering protests against members returned for re cent Dominion elections Is Dec Up to the present date only one case has been entered that Mr of to recover toe seat which considers that he was wrongly deprived of by tbe error of a deputyreturning officer who placed a number upon the of all voters at his polling subdivision contrary law- Singer Cone The famous colored Jubilee Singers will give grand concert in Mondk ght Dec tatn under the auspices of the L Society Dont fail to hear them in mixed Quartettes Male Quartettes Solos Duets Plantation etc Plan of hall opens at The Rogers Drug Store on Wednes day evening Dec 7 nd we would advise those wishing good seats to be on hand early as there promises to be a big demand for See small bills for particu lars Buy Your Mens Lumbermans Rubbers at per cent loss than list prices at Hunter Bros Curling The draws for the Tankard and Dis trict Cup competitions of the On tario Curling Association took place in Toronto Seventyeight Clubs are entered Newmarket is placed in group 4 for the Tankard This group is comprised as follows in the schedule Group Prelimina ry Round A Newmarket raven hurst v C v Barric Midland v first v P v Churchill Parry Sound Play at Umpire Rev Burns For the District Cup Newmarket placed in group as follows Dis trict No 3 First Round A Orillia v Newmarket v Churchill v v at Umpire A flgnieulturfQi pairs seem from the recent re ference to agricultural fairs in con nection with the superintendent under the Department of Agriculture that some change is imminent with the view of lessening the number of airs in Province A paragraph in a recent issue of the Globe reads as fol lows Superintendent Cowan has received intimations from several large manufacturers that if the num ber of fairs in the Province can be reduced and those held continued for two or three days instead of one us is now often the case they will make extensive exhibits not only of their finished products but of methods of manufacture There are now so many small fairs where the attendance is comparatively slight that the manufacturers feel they can not adopt the plan mentioned except at a loss to them selves As it is more than likely this ques tion of lairs will form a prominent for at the next meeting of the Ontario it would be for lie Board of North York Society to re commend the appointment of two or three gentlemen as to that competeit to intelligent ly represent the interests of the So ciety at that mooting We notice that it Is Cowan is to be that annual gafther- and the meeting upon the questions presented in the extracts herein quoted The Fenian Raid veterans of are now made happy On Friday test Hon A Com miss toner of Crown decision in the af firmative in the dispute s to wheth er men who were called for riuty at that time but who did not actually go to the frontier were to the land grant of the Ontario Gov- We understand the ruling will affect between 100 and veter ans of this class As previously announced in these columns the Dominion Parliament has been summoned to meet for the despatch of business on Wednesday January when Earl Grey the new will make his first public official bow to I he Cana dian people Sir Wilfrid promised last session that if possible Parliament should be called early in and he has fulfilled his According to usage on the occasion of first sessions alter a general election first- day will be to swear ing in- of members and the election of a Speaker This will be followed the next day by the delivery the speech from throne Tho Toronto Worlds Ottawa respondent had a cockandbull story about Hon Mr retire ment from the Railway Commission a few days ago intimating that it was part of a plot for the overthrow of the Dominion Government that in point of fact was a scheme hatched in Montreal the object of which was to create a panic just be fore the genera elections If true it only shows the desperation and wickedness of the Opposition to gain political supremacy at- Ottawa and if not true presents a heartless at tempt to create an unwarranted sen sation A scandal is also hinted at in connection with the Department of the Interior in reference to which Hon Clifford stated to a Star reporter If the Toronto World knows of any scandal in the Depart ment of the Interior I would like to know what it and there is no way in which I would rather be informed of it than through the columns of the press So far as I am concerned I know of no scandal and- challenge the truth of the siorv to which re- made A Montreal press despatch states that the Worlds story about Mr Blair is not credited in that city and Hon Mr Blair has himself denied it in toto J Thin of mail matter transmitted He Is planted good a still In vigor and fiody box and under the most favorable spite his four score- years and conditions only and besides his as postmaster coald be induced to grow ho is clerk and treasurer Ihe VII- was then placed In open air with of Richmond Hilh the thermometer below zero When again put in the seven teen more of the seeds produced pleats The soil was then allowed to become thoroughly dry and again We One Hundred Dollars out to after which twelve ward for any case of Catarrh that hundred seeds be cured by Halls Catarrh operation was repeated I several times until finally every J Cheney Props seed demonstrated that the mother Toledo not l We the undersigned have known SGeds J Cheney for the last years and that grow from ta believe him perfectly honorable In all theic business transactions and financially several years when embedded in the v THi able to carry out any obligations made by their firm West Wholesale Druggists Toledo Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo soil It is then to prevent the formation of seed It is quite evident that many fields throughout Canada have now a suffi cient stock of weeds to produce lux uriant crops of weeds for several Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter- adopting a ro- acting directly upon the Possible to prevent most and mucous surfaces of the system these weeds Price per bottle Sold by all maturity Testimonials free Halls Family Pills are the best I est i r AND ooo The Council met on Monday Mr in the chair Other members present Lloyd and Somer- The minutes oIast meeting were read and confirmed The foUowlng- were ordered to be paid T Hunter Bell Telephone Co A Thompson 250 Packard Electric Co lamps 3035 Packard Co Insulator Packard El Transformer Can Gen Elect Co I will agree that most their Jul I share of weeds poor they are always with us How do we get them Many fanners can doubtless remember when the Thistle was a new Sow Thistle Ragweed Bindweed and some others are or more recent introduction There are many more to come and- some of are even more than those that are now common For instance there is the Devils Paint Brush or Orange Hawk wood that is already well distributed over the Eastern Townships of Quebec and part of New Brunswick Where this weed has become well established land that was worth forty dollars an aero five years ago could not be sold five dollars an acre today There is a number of weeds that have been recently introduced into Western Canada and which have proved to be exceedingly dangerous Most of them were brought in 1 P SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IrA ALL LINES Office 250 migrants Among- are eel Jurorq ling Mustard and Anderson eel A J Can Fxnrpsfl Co J found in different parts of tntatio during the past season and the know more about later WW thing seems clear and tfiaf is that the weed pests are now gaining headway- at a much more rapid rate than they did twentyfive years age How can we account lor this The investigations of the Seed Di vision have shown that are to blame to a considerable P w 450 Pay Sheet No Jos Wesley cartage arj The acot of Ik for was referred to the Inspector to be paid If- correct GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE AS REPRESENTED i ALLAN TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR i tent but there are many The request of Mr become electric light was which are worthy of the t The reUeet Committee of Wesley and which are worthy lion Any farmer who has land that is annually flooded by freshets for water for their livery the difficulty keeping such land allien referred to Transportation Committee companies particularly the railway Mr and carried that are introduced to make Europe Their seedsare with town light- bought in rhaterial that is for the of for packing articles commerce A paragraph is going the rounds of supplied with light therefrom This packing material is scattered application to about on ground and the seeds of Hill and his con- fiuch fi00n germinate In three R Liveries waiting for you Dont too Ve JM are all hungry But J for work may xk a little But they if are where you are itfnr or rubbertired buggies To tbe Editor of the Newmarket Era Dear Kir Permit me to correct an error in your of November under heading County Coun cil You say The Council decided that the farm lands should be taken out of the village meaning Holland Landing and annexed to Bast This wholly incorrect What County Council did do and there was only twothlrde of the members was to authorize tfte Committee of the County Viitcil introduce a ByLaw to appoint to consider the rjuestion whether it vas advisable to detach the wile or any portion of lefKJa aeked to 1e detached and terms any lands that might be would fa permit ted to The petition for such bylaw was so Imperfectly worded as to description of property that solicitor at once it was to draw up a bylav from the inform and no bylaw wan Had it been when all the wore I am from J overheard It would not have J WOODCOCK Nov 0 Ugh notified to the town Council such Councils approval thereof oh mined before the and that cleric Ho and ho la here by Instructed to to above effect In the town nap On motion the Council adjourned till Dec 1Mb with the post office of that village which much of inj not only in reference to Mr V hut also touching the progress and development of the postal tem during his tenure of office It reads as follows For nearly years Mr M Teefy has been in of the royal mails at Rich mond Hill thereby earning the dis tinction of being the oldest postmast er in Canada He is now HZ years old and was appointed o office in December 1850 having first come to this country from Ireland in 1821 At the tirno of rebellion in he was a printer in old Patriot office Toronto When Mr Teefy first appointed postmaster there was no in Cana da the work of the department being then under the control of the Imper ial authorities with a deputy officer residing In Canada Those were days of postage rates To send a letter from Richmond Hill to To ronto or fifty beyond cost four and a half or seven and a half cents to Montreal cents to Halifax Mr has lived to see wonderful change In the system not least of which is the immense increase In the volume the new weed may be or four found on Infants and The Kind You Have Always Bought the of l Vor bronchitis better thin Aycr Cherry Pectoral Pectoral Ask youf if this not fio fie uses It He understands soothes and heals I a I Mux J- St for ism elf CoughsColds will recovery by tak ing of it the The Dissemination of Seed All weeds arc disseminated by means of their coeds while a consid erable number also multiply through the medium of underground root stems Among the latter wo have Couch Canada Peren nial Sow Bindweed Sheep Sorrel and some others When a new weed is discovered It Is 1 good plan to examine into its habits of growth and means of reproduction and dissemination A knowledge of is more to the fann er than tho mere name of the weed Weeds that depend for reproduction upon their seed alone produce in largo numbers A single plant of False Flax will mature from five to thirty thousand seeds and al though we sometimes have to doubt the vitality of the of corn or mangels wc buy we need have no misgivings as to vitality these seeds The seed of weeds that mature In our 1 grain crops even though it out the field Is with to germlnato a time It can bo destroyed Some of it tan be persuaded to grow by stir ring the surface soil directly alter harvest but most of it will not ger minate until It gets ready Thus na ture provides for the perpetuation of the species In the at Ottawa I io hundred fresh seeds of Wild us Tho wind and animals of various Winds do much to spread weed seeds in a local way Seeds of many weeds provided with special facilities some like small parachutes in Dandelion and Canada Thistle by the aid of which the seeds are earned long distances by the wind Nature provided weeds of other seeds such as burs with the means of clinging to the wool of sheep or to other animals in order to Insure their dis tribution In any case it is the that comes first the curse follows W A CLRMONS of Ottawa Dominion City Man store of was completely destroyed by fire to visit us often from now Christmas TORONTO JOBBING Mi A f law AN J ARE YOUR KIDNEYS SICK your morning for In a or veuvland then if It it milky or cloudy contains a red- or If parti cles or float in it your are diseased If the are well they filter just to much blood but J ire lick they leave the poison in and this poison affects the is natural to pass three day but many who regard Ms are to water to ten daily and are obliged to up frequently during sick and bladder know Smiths Pills cure and all kidney and Bladder diseases axd new rich blood will you a generous together with our Urge took on the Co Street Montreal Canada A POSITIVE ALL POKW BLADDER A ALL AT THE r We have the Latest Patterns and make them to your satis faction both for Style and A TRIAL SOLICITED F WILL NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON STREET NEWMARKET Buy Soft Coal for Threshing At per ton Twine and feet to pound BEST HARD COAL Nut and ALWAYS ON HAND J Huron St Storehouse Residence for Sale On Tyler St Aurora occup by Mr Miller Good location Terms particulars apply to A Farm for Sale actea arid In the con North There are acre under cultivation a good Brick House good Pram Barns and Out Buildings good Or chard small fruit trees of all kind Lot of good For further par apply to J MORTON NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that I been appointed Financial Agent for Sir William In recent elec tion held in the Electoral Riding North York in pursuance of the Dominion Act AH election accounts contracted for or on behalf of Sir William Mulock must be Event on or before the day December to f A Aurora 1

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