BRA FRIDAY DEC Touching Up Carney Sidneys HOT At Conservative gatherings thru- Can Only Be bj the out tie Province since last session ot the Legislature Mr has occasion to make ifh I a J J l Pink Pills The kidneys Alter every drop of anything but complimentary re- blood Tbe purity of the blood spooling members of the Ontario Gov- depend upon the the and of the Liberal party health the kidneys depends upon also spend the winter there During lie recent Reform convention the kidneys have not strength for lion J as by his nieces Miss Little and Miss Mackenzie has left for- San Antonio- A change to a milder cli mate was ordered by his- physicians Hob J Cameron Winnipeg will for It is announced that Hon Mr Toronto Hon A me thdr blood naval militia scheme- for newly appointed Commissioner Lands took occasion to un mask the Man from and did it most effectually He also made pointed allusion to several tor completes this est in Canada It abounds in arti cles of interest as Canterbury and Its Memories From c to the Sea Dante by the ate Dean and other Quite a Christmas flavor is given by- deter poems and pictures With the Jan uary number this magazine will ajt pear in enlarged and improved form Its program for the year is and foul the kidneys get poisonous impurities If your blood is bad Canada provides for the acquisition clogged with painful o three training vessels from the 1s unties That is what British Government One will P causes your backache with the dull located in the Provinces I 8jf it pains or sharp stabs of sick kidneys the second on the upper lakes Sri kidney disease is one of the third in British waters and December numbers gentlemen who now seem to be moat deadly and hopeless toinstnat cheek by jowl with toe man who can attack you The only hope to The new ol Carta- stood sponsor for the member for delay at the root of the trouble in the blood with Dr on the occasion of tike letters renomination for that Rid- make new blood 90 Earl Grey is expected to reach sW w to new subscribers Halifax today and will be received by several members of the Federal Hush the kid- Cabinet The oath will be I GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET am Daily for What with boats for points on Lakes North Bay aid am Daily except lor Allandale wood Wharf pm Daily for Stay er flortti BsfysM points in the pm Sunday for Collins- wood PenetanR Barrie and ARRIVE NEWMARKET Ditty Boo Day Wharf Orillia and 9M am Daily except Sunday from CoIlfnKWpo Orillia and pm Daily from points in Cana dian NorthVest Nortfi Hay HunlfTllle and fear- rie pm Dally except Sunday from Meaford CollinKWood and Delicious Attractive the tfae CITY BAKERY Including til kinds from FANCY BREADS Whipped Cream from extra select Hem Mr said I recollect that on the day that this convention was announced my friend Mr J J said through the press that it would be a failure days of prophe cy are gone so far as he is with reference to predic tions I have not yet been twen tyfour hours seated as Minister of the Crown Lands Department and I am a little solicit to for the next four years or will preside over that important department ihey the Conservatives ever to office would get the port folio which he the speaker now held and Dr would as he said a ago slick lie would slick to him closer than a brother It re minded of the journey of Dr from Ottawa westward as far west as- the heights of Card well where the willows weep cA the used to abound laughter where in re turn for a nomination he was to get he would give Mr a J and positions in the civil service to his sister and his aunt No wonder there were protests from leading Con servatives like White KC Pembroke and Turner President Con servative who refus ed to go to the banquet Just one word added Take the past two years and follow those men If this gentleman were to be given the position which I now occupy think of the position of affairs Lives of great men all remind us We can live in fashion fine And departing leave behind us Timber limits stripped of pine Loud laughter While there are yet leaves on I the forest or foam on the the Government shall flourish de spite Whitney and forever Loud laughter and cheers clean heal their by Mr Justice and give them strength for their Justice of Canada It I work Common kidney pills only also stated that the Canadian Club touch symptoms Dr Williams of Ottawa is making arrangements Pink Pills cure tie cause That is for a banquet to His Excellency upon why tiiey cure for good and at the bis arrival at the Capitol improve health in i It is pleasant to know the I Christmas numbers of the Canadian periodicals show signs of displacing every way Mr Geo Johnson of the village of Ohio gives strong proof of the truth of the above statements He says My son now nineteen years old suffered greatly with kid ney trouble He was troubled with severe pains in the back and often passed sleepless nights His appetite failed he grew weak and could hardly do the usual work that falls lo lot of a boy on a farm We tried several Kidney rncdioines but they did not help any Then a friend recommended Dr Williams Pink and this was the first medicine that reached the I cause of the trouble He used the J pills for a couple of months and I am thankful to say is now as strong land healthy as any boy of his age There is no disease due to bad blood Dr Williams Pink Pills not simply because they make new rich red blood that expels disease from every part of the body That is why they cure the worst cases of indigestion neuralgia rheu- headache and backache and the special ailments from which wo- Christmas numbers of foreign magazines The Christmas Cana dian Magazine with its cover and its magnificent illustra tions is -something- to be proud of seeing that every feature of it is made in Canada The contents are also worthy of commendation Hamilton Herald Independent gives a pretty hard punch to certain I Conservative journals who arc mak ing discreditable insinuations respect ing Premier Ross view of five years ago It says It appears that not more than five years ago Mr said some nice things about Byron who was then the Liber al candidate in West Hastings Well what of it Quite possibly Judas deserved to be well spoken of even less than five years before the time when he yielded to temptation On the Resurrection morning Soul and body meet again No more sorrow no more weeping no more pain Here a while they must be parted- and the flesh its Sabbath keep Waiting in a holy stillness Wrapped in sleep For a space the tired body waits In peace the mornings dawn When there breaks the last and brightest Easter morn On that happy Easter morning all the graves their dead restore Father mother sister brother meet once more Soul and body reunited Henceforth nothing shall divide Waking up in Christs own likeness satisfied Promote Sour StotoachDiarrhoea Worms ConvulsioriS and Loss OF SLEEP Signature of i ft rfL COPT or Whitchurch Information is to hand that the Ontario Government has received from the industries a cheque for representing the- firsts half The Municipal Council of the Town- that the full name Dr interest Whitchurch hereby enacts 1st That the sal by retail of men alone suffer But wily the gen- interest the loan of pills can do this and you should on Dec the first instalment see Antonia St Armand found dead at the Norwood Ho- with bruises on his face and it is believed that he met with foul play ii IV a a fhttU v BYLAW NO- To Prohibit the Sale of Liquor In Municipality of the Township of liams Pink Pilli for Pale People is printed on the wrapper around fall due on the mortgage bonds held by an American syndicate of the M each box Sold by all medicine deal- take Superior Corporation and to or direct by mail from tic Dr meet lne comp has out at its Williams Medicine Co Out at cents a box or six boxes or own earnings already placed the ne cessary sum in a New York bank what about the Opposition I croakers Two were killed and several injur- in a headon collision on the The Montreal Witness commenting Southern Railway near Va men that will not say that much One told ftrr Whitney closed i 1 the corivention with a ringing speech I London Dec correspondent claiming that victory was about to I at of The Dally Conservative banner FOOLS USE WASHES the attack on 205metre I o so it will give the Conservatives- a chance to mil into In our have a Klondike I and Crtam I ft and Spice and Tea Bbieuite CAKES Jplce Drop Cabin and Marble Finest Bananas Oranges and Messina Lemons Lunches at all Hours Hot on Dont Forget have for Saturday W A HILL CITT BAKERY Phot Ho I After all the moat Important texture about a the of Mr Kennedy baa been training for ten years thouaand have his hands All are in good positions majority of Torontos were his pupils a record speaks Vrnat we have fox others we can do for you Write for our Enter Jan Thinking perhaps they will cute Ca tarrhbut no one ever heard a genuine cute following such senseless treatments one prompt and thorough care for and it is fragrant healing which goes right to the root of the trouble It destroys the the and cures any case no matter how ob stinate or long standing experi mented for years with Catarrh but found the most rational and satisfactory writes J of It cured me for all time For a sure cure use only Com plete outfit trial size On Thursday evening last week the outbuildings and tents on the of the Henry Machell estate lot HI in fourth concession of Whitchurch were de stroyed by fire The chatties of the tenant had been distrained for rent aid chat tie mortgage were in Charge of a bailiff Most of the stock was saved but none of the or stored barn The loss will be a heavy one lor the estate The origin of the fire is un known A man hesitate about joining another If attend the lodge difficult for him to find an evening for IS USUALLY Attended with binding pain but re lief comes quickly when Is applied or it la the strongest in the world I consider a most magical remedy for I am subject to violent attacks writes Mrs of Baltimore but never worry if line is in the house prompt re- hill resulted in heavy losses to the first division of the Japanese ers and simultaneously of the ninth and eleventh divi sions advanced and menaced the lung and forts It is the correspondent adds that within tbe last hours the Japan ese casualties have totalled and it is asserted that the attacks have been planned until Dec 10 when it is hoped the capture of Port Ar thur will be completed PNEUMONIA US KILLING THE HOSPITALS day we hear of someone be ing taken with pneumonia The only preventive is to tret strong and keep vour body healthy Take makes the rich red blood that nourishes and stimulates the entire system I was all run down and an apt subject for pneumonia writes A Charters of Burlington when I tried I didnt believe it was possible lor to build me up quickly In a few days my appetite improved color came Into my cheeks and I felt stronger I gained pounds and regained my old time vigor through Try it assures Price Two thousand immigrautH landed in New York last week owing to trie fear of famine in Ireland The Montreal Gazette nays There were slaughtered In Montreal last week for local use horned cattle calves sheep and hogs a total of over ani mals Multiplying these flares by gives over cattle and spirituous fermented or other liquors is and shall be pro every tavern inn or- other of public entertainment in said municipality and- the sale-there- except by is every shop or place In the said municipality other than a house of on the deliverance of Ue recent Con- i I convention at Toronto V the said Whitchurch ThT IT m taken on the ByLaw by There is no of liquor officere named on Monday the second day Jarjuaxy one nine hundred and five- commencing at nine In- th9 morning and continuing until five oclock in the- afternoon at the undermentioned places In Polling Division No 1 Percy Forester at John Youngs house Lot 12 Con 3 In Polling Subdivision No Her man at school house In Polling Subdivision No et Barnes at Walkers Hall In No J at Fred house In Polling Subdivision No Nelson May at Mays Shop Pine Orchard In Polling Subdivision No Percy at J Brooks house Lot Con 3rd That on the tenth day De cember at his house in the Township of Whitchurch at the hour of one oclock In the afternoon the Reeve shall appoint In writing by himself two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the jerBons interested in and desirous it until month later familiar with official circles dis- a like number on behalf will luifuro th lho interested in and to practice their virtuous associations continue how ever arid these do not promise sweet- smelling administration Referring to the intimation given by the Ontario Premier in regard to possible date of the approaching Provincial general Tel egram remarks thuly Premier Ross has given assurances that ho will bring on a general election Jn January and Ministerial literature in now being mailed from Parlia ment buildings to party workers No date has yet been decided upon but indications point to January There will he no necessity for Clerk of the Crown in Chancery to take any action respecting byeelec tions before the loth of December being three months from the date of the report of the on the North Perth election the first protested although the report In Mils case was dated the Clerk of the did not of this month lief that it number of hogs or over ani mals in all as the consumption by priceless to me A few amplications yet failed tbs pain I can also rtcornrnend for stiffness in the Joints and Try Price city of the live stock of Canadian all of goes to show that Montreal la a great city and that the home market for cattle Is not to be despised trtu ton r In Spain has fallen Inces santly for thirty hours Street traf fic Is stopped In Madrid without wippiies arid workmen are out of employment Wash greasy dishes or pans with fevers Soap a powder It will remove the grease with the greatest ease In a letter to the a few day ago Premier Ross emphatically dc- the charge of setting up his col leagues to speak against throe in the report the platform com mittee at the recent Liberal Conven tion Ministers Who spoke- Kays the Premier did so dele gates and without any suggestion from or any other person so fir I know But Mr Ross at thc same time they spoke wisely and says The temperance plat- gains lofeS by Win elimination of clause three It in the beat and most ever adopt by and province Canada arid as a clergyman said to roe the- day after It Is more advanced any religious denomination would Its adherents to to an a test of church membership am confident that when It Is more fully considered It will bo accepted hearti ly by the bulk temperance of opposing passing of By- Law That the Clerk of said Municipal Council of the Township of Whitchurch shall attend at his office Newmarket at hour of noon on the fourth day of January to up the number of given for and tills ByLaw fith This ByLaw come Into operation and of full force and ef fect on and after the flrnt day of May next after the flnat passing thereof Council Chamber Whitchurch 29tb day of October TAKE NOTICE That the above is a true copy of a proposed ByLaw which has been tak en consideration by tho Munici pal Council of thcTowruhlp of Whit church and which will be finally pass ed by tho said Council In the event of the assent the electors being obtained thereto after one month Corner Main Timothy Ot I nvzw- For Sale Three new Houses In Newmarket Good sized desirable location For particular apply at office of Leather Co Sand and Gravel For cement delivered Orders by mall promptly attended to A Aurora FirstClass Farm for Sale In of Whitchurch being west half of lot Con acres Good soil good state of cultivation fall plowing done and fall wheat In ground STARR if Newmarket I Desirable Residence For sale The Cedars corner of Victoria and Park Avenue Newmar ket The residence Is in firstclass repair The property will be sold en bloc or BUILDING LOTS will be sold on Park or Millard Aveaall good size Terms reason able Apply on tbe premises MRS J iW NO CHARGE For Information which will help any young person to get oh In life It is all contained In catalogue of the A Comfortable Dwelling For sale property of the late H Lots No and 3 on West of Prospect Ave op posite the Public School Apply td T J Robertson Newmarket or to OSCAR HumberstoTie For Sale Two Jersey Heifers do In January and May Also Spring Calves Would exchange any those for good fresh milch cows GERALD PEARSON Newmarket Chandeliers for Sale Six coaloil Chandeliers complete with lamps for three or six lights Also Wight wall brackets which will bo sold on application to JACKSON Methodist Church Newmarket Male Teacher Wanted For No King holding second or thirdclass certificate Apply stat ing salary previous to of No vember to BLACK HE CORNS GROW BETWEEN TOES But can be cured In one day Putnams Corn and Wart Extractor This standard remedy never burns the it Is entirely vegetable In torn- position and does not destroy flesh Use only Putnama Its the ft I workers of the province who Willi Wl firs publication thereof Id not I forgot the words used by Mr in tho discussion of resolution when ho the Newmarket Era date of which publication was on the second day of December at tho hour day said every item of temperance login- therein fixed for taking Wo arc so proud has of the electors the polls been put upon the statute books- of bo held Dominion and Province by the Liberal party promoted by a Liberal Government J Clerk Whitchurch Clerks Office Dec Toronto which school la helping more than young people up grade every year Write for it today Address SUA Principal Toronto In the Estate OF JACOB Deceased Public la hereby tflveu having novo Jacob of w Townihtp of Kut d ceased who lied in or About the day of November rerrtlrcu properly Woodcock of Town of ffjgz for the on or before the Mf of IW And that day of no will proceed to dUtrltHte no several persons thereto bavin regard only to the that nave been Hied Dated Newmarket- this day of No Ann CB I