Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Dec 1904, p. 8

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it FRIDAY SI if vj rrX e f A i A COR- TO A rather unusual announcement was made by the Superintendent of our Sunday School last Sunday to the effect that a Sunday school conven tion would be held in the church on the Thursday anJ Friday before the full of moon in January houses is CAMS OF A UTTER Aunt Kile I tell you the food new your the day before lit Tear I started with tioao the year wrote to V Pierce at Buffalo as requested toe to do I rave him all which were that I lired sohred all the time tad did not care to anywhere depressed and and all ambition gone backache and a feeling- could not aleep limb sore ftrd I followed the doctors advice which be went to considerable pains to make to rne to rest every day a nap after relaxation cultivate of try not to worry get as puch outdoor air as possible and prac tice long deep breathing- the lungs Then for a uterine tonic Dr Pierces Favorite Pre lion coupled with a wash fee told of I must say that after follow- his advice for four months feel per fectly like a new woman Yours Jewel letters like the above are not Mrs Arc says with the medicine yfitil bottles also two vial the Pleasant Pelt els an4 I was I at- wayi Dr Pierce medicines to friends when they are not well My in health thanks to Or Pierce medicines My wishes are that who are will ihcm and sec whit can 1 done for the ck writes Mrs of Rochester Send y onecent stamps to Dr Fierce Buffalo Y for his Common ferae Medical Adviser Repairing and painting the order of the day hunters who went from Noble- ton arrived home safely with a load of venison The Swiss Bell Ringers were here on Nov 30 a hi- Trie County Council THURSDAY A committee consisting of Council lors Woodcock and Ley was appointed to enquire into and A few of tbc young men attended a the council in regard to rescind- party at Mr They reflort a good time i WEST FRANKLIN is Miss Annie Sinclair of Toronto visiting friends in this locality Mr has returned home from the West looking well Mr Park has been taking down some his old buildings will make a great improvement when bylaw a bylaw in reference to tie Klectric Railway The county council passed a bylaw granting the Electric Railway Company running rights over a portion of the Kingston road twentyone years Part of the time tiasnow elapsed In the meantime Township Council has granted the railway company a franchise over the same niece of road with more added The council is now fair was a most and en- one the chair and on behalf of the gainer rig Warden with a ebony engraved The warden acknowledged the gift In approprl- terms You lucky well balanced ones talk extended toast list atid of the horrors the following gentlemen being of drink and the drunkards cab led upon for short addresses Archibald I You think the whiskey drinker ought f ft V J Hill Gibbon Robertbon Walters l yourselves or iiny Clerk ex- Warden sto Stokes Councilors Laird j Let us Consider today the Lindy Howell and arid side of the case Let us sec Rogers Underwood what may be said on his and Alex Tingle Era Fattening Poultry By Graham of Ontario ciUural College Graham and have been busy piling wood for Mr J John Smart of Mount Albert was the guest of Willie on Sun day J W Longhurst 1 is busy hunting these days BRADFORD The Presbyterians of this village T Sovereign pastor day evening his extreme delight at lite result being subscribed Contractor Rogers has completed the wharf at the bridge and if one is disposed to be not too critical it will pass muster During the season it will be found to be a in Ontario Quebec great convenience no doubt the present time marsh hay men must find it of great service judging from the quantity of hay stocked ipon it over Sunday Branches in the Co of York 6 Bankers for of York A Good Bank In which to keep accounts to farmers busi ness Sale notes supplied free and made on ADVANTAGES OF OUR Sayings Bank Department Interest allowed from date of deposit Cheque it paid four times a year I You are not to With tw money the or the month either at any time w Cll tod get one of our little or we W Bruce Manager BRANCH MOUNT AL BRANCH A GREAT BRIGHT SCHOOL We have hut completed the and decorations of our entire and we have the brightest school in the Mr It leaobing who make it their to after the Individual of students With bright comfortable rooms unexcelled facilities for work GPL A building Toron to Oct is in a position to give its BEST IN ft BUSINESS AND SHORT HAND EDUCATION Mo Canadian College can evidence British American of study meets the popular demand INVESTIGATE DECIDE New free V A very sad accident occurred just west of on Monday after noon Mrs John was nearly burned to death While putting chips from her apron into stove her ap ron caught She tore it from her threw it upon the floor and in tramping the flame her underskirt took fire Immediately she was in a mass of flames Being alone in the she rushed outsuto scream ing Her cries were beard nearly a Her husband and the hired man were plowing in a field nearby and rushed to her only to find the unfortunate woman lying on ground with her clothing com pletely burned ofi and Dale were called Or answered first He found that the woman was so badly burned that she could not live Those wear ing cotton goods be when in close proximity to flame as goods in light form arc highly inflammable -ooo- if T The Board of audit was empowered to allow the high constable a quan tum meruit for special services ren dered by him in connection with crime in the county A bylaw was passed instructing the county treasurer to the sales html for taxes for a year was granted towards the Sut ton lockup Thfe education committee had a large delegation before it in regard 10 the appointment of an arbitrator Township of he Town oil to the section and docs not desire ail ap pointed The time of the County Council was token up Friday with the ho from in regard certnin farm lands in the Village whs left over until the January meeting of Council Jt decided on motion of Mr that a petition be before the Legislature that the Municipal Act be so no city town or village referred to In of that Ac shall be entitled to from the any sum as the value of which at the time of Making addition the added ter ritory had in the property and ts jf he county may saw on Very often physical weakness causes drunkenness Many a man a drink because the task upon him j is than he can bear The whiskey does not help him it hurts him But it cheats him and makes- him think that he is helped j You that whiskey drinking settled on man as a habit must be fought with weapons of some Will power is tfte great weapon to use in our behalf You tell the drunkard to use his will power But you forget that the first thing whiskey attacks is our will power It is injurious chemicals and adulterations in common soaps that destroy clothes It adulterations that harden your woollens and the excess alkali that destroys and shrinks them f contains no adulteration or alkali It is just pure saponified fats and oils That why it cleanses your clothes perfectly in hard or soft water and does not injure them Allde41ers ire to return your purchase money if you find any Cause for complaint TORONTO Well fleshed poultry a superior grade is always in demand for the Christmas market and commands a price very much largerin proportion than does that of an interior class Chickens intended for the Christ mas market should be shut up fat- the drunkard that his crates or in a pen for from weakness brings suffering on others two to three weeks previous to the appeal to his conscience time I hey are to he killed A seven forget that foot crate will hold twelve chickens conscience even more that it or a stall eight by ten feet will hold weakens the nerves You forget too twenty Choose good healthy chick- tlat whiskey makes its victims suffer ens of one of the general purpose or could free himself he would do meat producing breeds such as Ply- s0 if only for his own sake mouth Rocks must not forget etc A chicken weighing about ingeniously jo addition to four pounds more economically its telling of lies- than a larger bird because it A man is overcome with some great ops as it is fattening although birds grief Whiskey mattes him forgot weighing five six or seven pounds least it makes him not care can be placed in good condition for A man is suffering under some great killing in two weeks Before being humiliation some sense of personal cooped the chickens should be dusted shortcoming that is intolerable to with insect powder to kill the ver- Win Whiskey offers to relieve him min and for the moment it docs relieve Feeding him For the first twentyfour hours You temperance the birds arc cooped they should laws governing men be fed very little and throughout P of sell- first week light feeds at frequent in- should be the rule Heavy I you have never drunk- feeding during the first three or four lncn absolutely unable to days usually sickens the chickens and prevents them from doing well after- At this season of the year Perhaps you have been a the days are so short the andhave stopped But you do S all they will eat not how much lighter If you or contracted you are never life The times you see alarming fir follow to such town l hi- county ratifies and con- twice a day grit being supplied once by bylaw the addition of or twice a week The following rations have been us ed with good results parts each of barley meal corn meal and shorts- and one part each oil firms men territory or Mr explained that an the Inn stands now when a city take in some territory of a county It and receives a share of the of the county in import on to the amount of territory annexed valuation on as hold may have been upon you upon others Suppose you worked hard week day every week and every year Suppose you had no pleasure in life save the fictitious pleasures artd Disease but live In hopes no results follow Have you ac ig Bore throat ulcers tbe tongue mouth hair of the skin or on the eyes dyspeptic stomach Ecxual glands Don trust to In Wont ruin your system with the old fogy treatmentmercury and which the symptoms For a time only to out again happy In do mettle life Dont let experiment op you sew TREATMENT Is guaranteed to cure you OUR GUARANTEES ARE BANK BONDS that the Blood or Skin disease will Thousands of patients have been already cured by our NEW METHOD TREAT MENT for over year and retdrn of the disease No experiment rlk- a positive cure The worst solicited not a patch up HO USED WITHOUT HAD BLOOD POISON sit The New Method Treatment Cored after Drugs Mercury Hot Ac all failed Patterson of Mich re- hla experience I do not Kite notoriety and especially or this kind but I feci I owe thla much to for the great good they have done me I had a blood when years of The and symptoms gradually developed Pimples and ulcers formed running cores broke- out hair became loose pains In the and dyspeptic stomach foul breath skin etc It Is needless tried doctors I grew to hate the looks of one I visited Hot four months each time of finely ground oats and animal that come from meal It tlie animal meal is not to Suppose you failed and failed and bo had skimmilk will answer suppose that sour always ready to praise you fit after Treatment for me to say Springs twice for It but In six months after returning home I was as bid as ever Finally a Doctor friend of mine me to Kennedy A Kergan He said he had known of them for ana they made a specialty disrates and treated the worst cases by the Idrfd ought to toe expert In Curing I afraid of doctor hut I took hi advice They to treat me under a guarantee or n pay their financial standing and found they were perfectly responsible eo I commenced thenew method Treatment eruptions In two weeks the toohe pains In four weeks and rcontna I was cared sir can recommend the New Method Treatment for Blood and Skin CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY Consultation Free If unable to call for a Question Black for ftcFMuent which higher jj of corn meal of ground you feel proud of yourself make In city than in other of the one of finely ground responsible for your I his was unfair and if is ab0IIt own failuresare you sure that you kept up a city might eventually It inn all a be round ft- city It The the other wav pay the a every depart- christian la complete nearly every Kalianspeaking atafl composed ft and authorits per cent of animal meal if milk could let whiskey alone is not available I Suppose that many misfortunes very Rood ration is ground flitted you and that you had a friend oats parts ground barley parts able to make you forget them all Sand animal meal one part Would you not seek out that friend Ducks which arc being fattened most eagerly To many many v it should be kept from the stream or thousands of men whiskey- is such a York County iQ they seek whiskey It is county Mr Lot L at I They can be fattened on whole pain a lying friend and daily pushes them Clyde itel on Friday af- very nicely and wheat lie- J further down hill Hut it lies the best grains Such and it does give should put in a trough or pan and for the moment In your condemnation of those who persist in whiskey drinking you must STREET r of its territory THE BANQUET a to the tvarden hi tin Desirable House or Sale With Of lot on FOR BALE The comfortable Brick- towelling on street occupied by under- aipitd aWW J tea to discard cavalry Infan try drill book by Dun- Ml IB T A which justify the shaking statement made by the Irish League Journal in following Human life is cheap A man Shoots his dog In a fit of temper and is ordered to pay a fine of His smoking chimney emits whicn Kettles on neighbors garden and spoils the look of his and an injunction is secured by which the is down ad reconstructed in a different place and by which ample is allowed for faded flowers or discolored lawn A whose life has been made an idle sot to whom the tied lifts aloof from the counter to fill of her crying children or a second- 1 hand jacket the footpath to one of her shoulders ami she is incarcerated for four months and during this period the children beyond the strength and It jury requisitioned perhaps in all the civilized than last act of of the the tragedy If the became extinct On the 16th oil publican nam- John of Dublin would be a worldwide up before the Dublin Police Court of the Oil that com city on the charge of having from its liver all other given to a tailor under the fate in and lifegiving liquor render- Thirty yearn ago the proprietors of river He fell into the found a of preparing was drowned and was cod liver oil bo that everyone can coyried days subseqwMy The take it and get full value of drink was sold to a man already in- the oil without the objectionable loxcatod and it was sold during ia for of the license and this violation of law of brotherhood which aud so fatally the publican wan fin- of threi pounds i Human life la cheap comparer to covered with water to a depth of two or three inches The ducks ap pear to relish the food better when given in this manner Ground com and shorts in the pro portion of three of com to one of shorts wet with milk makes a good ration If water is added meat meal or cooked liver or other refuse meat must be used Turkeys that are intruded for Christmas trade should lie brought in from the fields about weeks remember that what easy tor one man is very hard for another Suppose you should urge two ani mals to go without one of the animals being a tiger the a sheep Would you praise the sheep for the faithful keeping of its prom ise Would you blame the tiger for breaking its word if the temptation to cat meat were offered In mens nervous systems in their previous to marketing time and craving for alcohol there is as great this period they should be fed a difference between different corn once or twite a day They meats as between appetites of may also be fed a mash consisting of sheep and the tiger One man is two parts of corn meal one of shorts dragged toward the gulf of whiskey one of oats and one of scrap with a force of which you have no but if sour milk is in abundance the conception meat may be dropped- Small boiled You look with contempt at a hope- potatoes arc also a valuable less drunkard shuffling along toward to the ration destruction Turkeys should not he confined too There are thousands of such men A large shed is perhaps the who every day of their lives make an Ideal place for fattening purposes effort of the will of which you would To Rent 1 Coopers grain vas v HE above picture of the man and fish is the trade mark of Scotts Emulsion and the for warehouse at several thou- the price of a or jacket a loaf or a Head the Era to absent friends Ft 1 best thing in for weak children thin delicate people and all conditions of wasting and lost strength i fur SCOTT CiiBMivra fill One of Ayera Gherry Pectoral at bedtime prevents of children No croup bronchitis A Cherry Pectoral doctors of the bron chial tubes and lungs Sol4 for over years 7ra irtfcvf With Pitts at one be incapable that effort great as it is- is not great enough to save them whis key drags them too hard in direction Work us hard as you can against drunkenness for harms every him self The drunkard sown comes to ruin and to Ijc profitable Argue with young men and talk to children about their own welfare Iji the matter But remember also the drunk Iiut also that drunk- could try to overcome enemy that Ins that less you have lived his life you can not know his excuse and cannot judge hliii York American and Jour nal Prosperity is a great adversity Is a greater I pampers the privation trains and it He vhat you wish others to be come and not your words Knife wounds a great deal quicker than tongue wounds Consider and forget not thine own so shalt thou pardon of others you fret and fume at the His of life remember wheels which go round without last longest The fine large resldenoe carriage house stables good orchard garden and three acres of belonging to the estate of the late Frances Starr Apply to STARE M A STARR Executors Good Farm to Rent In the of King being West half of lot in the con acres mostly cleared good buildings good fences Spring creek crosses the farm Fall ploughing to be done and fall wheat In the ground Good Apply to JAMES McOINNIS til iiHK PROMPTLY Write iurt r ad us a rough or of In- and opinion as to it Dejected aessuMy by We conduct fully ulpcd office Montreal and dlspolch and aa the Invention Highest Patcota procured through Marion Ma rion special notice without char over distributed Specialty Patent of Miqutic- MARION MARION Patent Experts and Solloiton ftii York Life WANTED BEST HORSES AND UptoPate Rigs Telephone No i WANTED energetic agent for and surroundings districts to sell fruit trees small orna mental trees and Now Varieties of Seed Potatoes salary or paid weekly Dm Acres Under Choicest stock guaranteed delivered La good condition and accompanied by Government Certificate of Inspec tion Our are best In business Interested party apply now to NURSERY CO Toronto Ont this paper A Local Salesman for and surrounding territory to repre sent CANADAS GREATEST NUR SERIES Newest varieties and specialties Hardy Fruits Shrubs and Roses A permanent and territory reserved tor the right man Pay weekly Handsome out fit free Write for particulars send cents for our pocket micro scope Just the thing to use in trees and plants for insect- Wellington Nurseries over seres Toronto NEWMARKET iARBL IN Monuments and Head Stones II J New Horses and Rigs Having purchased tbe old Livery from the and secured now Horses and am now prepared to supply the needs of the with J- tooate conveyances at moderaw charges Give us a call A BOYD a

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