Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Dec 1904, p. 4

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fc II J lip roof weve said CREAM SODAS Doubt the crackers J you Cf them you prove thai arc right and you are For you cant doubt ri the fresh crisp The Danger of Vfctimi Are Disease Strikesthe Blood Be Kept Rich and Pure A London press cable referring to the rumored resignation Lord in the near future and the succession Sir William Mooneyt Perfection Cream fa The proof of the very targe and enthusiastic Liberal in Toronto last week- has passed into history fa i and the result its conclusions for the promotion of the political and welfare Province pro- pies calculated- to enlist the cordial against disease is a plentiful sup- ter support of the great Liberal party person may cold but quickly Ontario It proclaims- an ad- nn it off But a cold lingers vane which in some respects may the anaemic one goes to even be called radical It proclaims and the first signs of electoral wrongdoing and appear It is the anaemic makes for the protection of thc ztness who- cannot climb a against the encroachments without whose heart flutters grasping corporations It favors the a palpitates wildly at the least establishment of a Department of exertion- Such people Can only be Colonization and Labor under a Min- supply of rich red j v Wood arid Dr Williams Pink Pills of Crown the lhat wmA cast municipal ownership of public red bloc with of bis reconstructed Ontario met in for the first time on Friday last The business transact ed we understand was purely tine and no announcements were made of the result of their delibera tions All the new Ministers have now taken possession of their new offices Through blundering error of a Orpheus of St Johns Era yU i BY A BANKER mature one of mQ3t ntriking and is as seen in the pure and drifted air of the summit lofty Halt before rays of becomes the peaks and of capped mountains on the western feav gradually come into tie pure whiteness- the snors ever augmenting and brightening with the coming day soon hue extreme the virgin snow in its auxo- until the mountains are on fire in a splendent blaze of lovely Besoath the are shroude4 by a pall heavy cloud which on in varying aspect now utilities and pronounces a- strong dose Ordinary only touch Libai wiQds sire for a more vigorous enforcement the symptoms pi disease Or The division is Lib- neighboring aad hence the Liberal candidate was more largely than his flJ The will be appeal- widenleft chasms now j of gyrating cloudlets speeding along until broken up by impact of the Liquor License Act The fol- to the root of the ttouble and drive it lowing s an epitome of fa thfisc piUs rt GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET am Daily for MuskoVa boats for points on OriUia North Soo am Dally except Sunday for OoUtng- itusStdV Wharf Daily tor North Bay and points to the Canadian pm Dally except Sunday for wood and ARRET fi02 am Daily from North Bay Wharf and am Daily except Sunday from and Daily from point la North Bay and i pm Dally except Sunday rle and Delicious Attractive the CITY BAKERY ill from FANCY BREADS Whipped Cream from In addition our regular we r Klondike KKr Al fc0 Twists and Rolls and Tea cakes opt 4 Finest Oranges and Messina Lunches at I Hot Dingers on Dont will have for W A No CITY BAKERY After the most important feature about Khftdl the ability of Mr for tea years have through AH his jr The majority of pupils i for lt- we have doc tor others we do for you Write for prospectus Jan A London youth to for two yearn for Bending in alee the fire alarm boxes THE PLATFORM Temperance The right to have the question of the abolition of the bar or of the shop license of putting the traffic under Government control submitted to a vote of the muni cipal electors on the initiative of a petition signed by per cent of the electors Public Ownership Obstacles in the way of acquir ing franchises in municipalities to he removed by the Legislature and all public franchises hereafter granted not to he for more than years A purchase clause to be inserted in the agreements Another notable declaration was that the settler on getting his pa tent from Crown shall be deeded the minerals arid the tim bereverything above and below the ground of his lot The of the prospector and the settler were also conserved in other resolutions Stock Watering Declarations were made in fa vor of the constitution of a corn- mission to prevent the overcapi talization of joint stock compan ies Taxation of Railways The assessment and taxation of the property of railways on the Same basis as other property Electoral Purity The continuation of contested election trials until every of fender is duly convicted and pun ished and that no political or other considerations be permitted to stand in the way of fullest vin dication of the sanctity the ballot and the protection of pub lic morals That any candidate tearing the Liberal colors should try to complete his organization out of reputable men residing or Saving business connections in his and that it is an active duty of every Liberal candidate to see that no person who has been noted for corrupt practices is included his elec toral organization or brought in to political contact with his Labor Interests The consolidation of the exist ing branches of the Government service deal log with labor inter ests a Minister Colonisa tion and Labor was recommend ed alto the provision means of conciliation whereby strikes may he avoided and the competi tion of prison labor with free la bor prevented The lengthy clauses dealing with of Now Ontario equal advance on the of public ownership The proposal to extend the railway to James Hay was encouraged the laying out and of town sites arid Water powers was and the general ad- that now land to be opened up by of rail way from north to south and miles from east to west was commended and enjoined NOT IF IT COST TEN DOLLARS A bottle would I do without writes J A a farmer jiving near Trenton is the beat household liniment I know We use It tor troub les Indigestion headache and Bummer complaint I know of nothing better larger sale than any other medicine in the world and that is why thousands of people praise them so highly Miss Florence Chester says I have used Dr Williams Pink Pills or several months and Lani- happy to say they have restored me to health after all other means had failed I was suffering from anaemia in its most severe The least exertion would leave me breathless arid out I had no appetite and suffered greatly with nervous head aches I was pale and seemed it going into a decline- I had medical attendance but it did me no Then a friend advised ire try food Dr Williams Pink Pills and in few weeks I found they hewing me I continued use for several months and am again enjoying good health I think Dr Williams Pink Pills Will make every weak and ail ing girl strong and healthy You can get these pills from any dealer in medicine but you should careful to see that the full name Williams Pink Pills for Pale People is on the wrapper around each box If in doubt the Dr and the pills will be sent box or six boxes tor jOnt It cost to pay for clerks otbers who vaporous In scarce veils from view the Japs In Their Attacks on Port Arthur London Nov A despatch from work of registration to perform in Toronto previous to the late general election This is only in one city of the Dominion and calls for a change Why net let the municipal machinery complete the voters lists annually and let that be final Young moo entitled to vote can be placed on lists as well as by registration The World on Monday hands out this little bouquet to tho Hon Com missioner ol Crown Lands The I executive ability of Hon J Da vis we have frequently told brought a sound business training to administration of his departs meat And jet his executive ability and sound training Mr Davis has been moving yet as solid as pursued with more than ordinary hit- carved of purest ever since he entered the Onl tlialcedoiy as Government ineb advance across the broad The Conservatives York with majestic and have again Mr J St John movement it would appear ranges of mountains their But as the sun continues to drives before it that first great gaps revealing the beneath But in the meantime while been lost spellbound in the of the ever enhancing grand eur and sublimity of the scene the brilliant glow in thc east continues to increase in vivid more a very blaze the flashing rays of orb of day scattered and dispersed the last vestige of the gloom of the waning night and a Hood sunshine illum ines all Truly that rolling sea of clouds be neath is now a pageant almost in its sublimity and in its solemn and august prandeur It is a very ocean of curling billows quite dazzling in their brilliancy and though ever Corner Mam- Timothy Four St Thomas men drowned in the St Clair River while crossing in a in a heavy sea The highest price at the big sale of trotters in New York was paid last for the four-yoAr- Sadie Mac The purchaser was Miss K Gait Oat Ma- brought and was bought by K Billings owner Lou Dillon in nomination as their candidate at I c towering the next no less was present and gave the candidate a firstclass lhe after which he took casion to blow a trumpet on his own IT IS HIGHLY INJURIOUS To use a Safest remedy for constipation torpid liver Is Dr Hamiltons of Mandrake and Butternut which loosen the bowels without griping pains Use only Dr Pills Price For Sale account ami he had succeed- beauties of the in compelling a reconstruction of t at length the glorious Ross Government and forced the lake and lwt calling of thc recent Liberal and glacier wafleW and that three principal tion Pretty soon Mr Whitney will pastures M far S on account a stupid lot the sun so influence the Omccr who ftg Sun Righteousness and I tSS ballots at his potHivision th refused he of the Holy which happened to give a majority for the Liberal candidate and thus enabled Mr K P Smith the Tory candidate to be counted in ban filed a protest against Mr Smiths return The Conservative organ at Montreal wants Smith to repudiate ported mountain and field guns which the employed against the enemy WHAT IS CATARRH It is am ol the mucous lining of the bronchial seat of not being legally and passage excited by Perhaps he will perhaps he that only be destroyed by worn grant healing which is breathed direct to the seat of Ottawa despatch says The baa yet to cure jjominion and Washington authorities Pleasant to use absolutely to considering the advisability of cure alwyo gives a an international suCeted from nasal g the effect upon the catarrh o badly I couldnt breathe through my nostrils mines of Mend en I used for a few and relieved It cured in a short time other just like its the best Two months treatment trial size Trolley Car Cut In Two Cleveland Nov Fifteen people were injured three and possi bly rnwe of whom will- die as a re sult of a Collision between a last of international waters along thc boundary of power development works and other enterprises There arc said to be at least three In stances where Canada has cause of complaint on this score by reason works constructed in the United States Cue of these is dp the St John River Hie second is at thc Soo and the third is in State Min nesota With respect to the last named a complaint will shortly he forwarded to Washington The Conservative lust week was attended but like the Liberal Convention The Spirit of God wilt the clouds of doubt and unbelief disappear the penitent enquirer will be able to grasp the great tact that atone ment Christ from all sin CASTOR Infants and Children u Kind You llaie Boars tke of The Manitoba Legislature has been called to meet on Tuesday Dec George Henderson Cathar ines dropped dead on his way to work The steamer and schooner Orpheus of St aro reported lost The Dominion Parliament has been called to meet for the despatch of business on January Nov At mow ing as the doubleheader freight for southbound train on the Cleveland A Conference listened to and Toronto was pulling up the out BYLAW NO- To Prohibit the Sale of Liquor in Municipality of the Township Whitchurch The Municipal Council of the Town- of hereby follows 1st That the sale by retail of spirituous fermented or other manu factured liquors is and shall be pro hibited in every tavern inn or other place of public entertainment in the said municipality aid the sale there of except by wholesale is prohibited in every shop or place in the municipality other than a house of public entertainment- 2nd That the vote of electors of the said Township of Whitchurch taken on trie ByLaw by the Deputy Returning Officers hereinafter named on second day of January one thousand nine hundred and five commencing at nine oclock Three new Houses in Newmarket the morning and continuing until Good sized lots desirable location oclock in the afternoon at the t undermentioned places In Polling Division Percy Forester at John Youngs house Lot Con In Polling Subdivision No Her man at sobool house- In Polling Subdivision No Barnes at Walkers Hall Bloom In Polling Subdivision No J at Fred house In Polling Subdivision No Nelson May at Mays Shop Pine Orchard In Polling Subdivision No 6 Percy at J Brooks house Lot Con W 3rd That on the tenth day of De cember at his house in the Township Whitchurch at the hour of oclock In the afternoon the Reeve shall appoint in writing by himself two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by clerk and person to attend at to nd May Spring i Would toy for good milch vis Leather Co Sand and Gravel For cement mail promptly attended to A NICOL Aurora by A Comfortable Dwelling For sale the property the late Lota No wad o the West side Prospect Ave op posite the Public School Apply to J Robertson or to OSCAR For Sale PEARSON Pittsburg a trolley car on passed resolutions following in the Northern Ohio of the The day near Bedford a few miles east of this city The trolley car was far Whitney and also the policy of struck by passenger train while JW in in latter was running fully efforts to oust Government art public ownership electric cut completely and the to tun in two and the sir- lout and Whitney in The latter part or seventy feet to one side The the program was vehemently urged passenger train not derailed electric car carried as fourteen men arid one woman all of by almost every platform speaker In Conference On the temperance question the noticeable feature to take In hot water to break up were or less severely to be a wink at both cold or to rub on lor mature or As quickly as the In- temperance and neuralgia Every farmer jurcd placed on train and happy with cither keep a few bottles of bandy hospitals In Cleveland They could and have a mailer doctor bills Laxo bottle at A STUDY OK QUO AGE Provincial elections in on Friday last rcsulkd in turn with those elected by Reveals tat that the blood la ilori on nomination day the week thin and lacking in Liberal s Conservatives four Independent Lib- frost and are prevalent Great Is properties young is If you want to nil your and two elections yet bo bo the poor Owlnj to repeated raids of A me r a meat w organs weak the blood brains and John AMacdonald could only secure Aptonatc paymaster irjertt8 with new life Try a bakers dozen to the Tory you to mi your vt w blood with the fife youth build up and Magdalen So tar your your nerves been able to observe by Just use the most press campaign tonic and will PJ4 2 fc iLoputit to all his own way In Will patrol the when Sic a iij Price per tor pleaded to chary- having a check and with to years by I What is the tree that everybody Poplar slde of Parliament from Ontario I Province of Quebec enabled him to jtaln power but things have changed and has got down to rep resentatives in the new Legislature of holler of one of engines blew up 1 cald- ICnglneer Ford and Fireman who now in hospital and may not recover Holm wood is unmarried ami conies from Copper Cliff Ford Is a Scotch engineer who has not been long In the services He Is married his home being in ooo 100 readers of thla paper will pleased to that there la at least dreaded disease that science baa been able to cure In all its stages and that Is Halls Cure Is tbe only positive cure now to fraternity Ca tarrh being a constitutional dlWase requires a constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure Is Inter nally acting directly upon the and mucous the ytfCeui thereby destroying q disease and giving the patient by up the constitu tion agisting nature in doing Ita wrk The proprietors so much faith In its curative powers that otter One Hundred Dollars for any case that it tails to cure Send tor list testimonials Addreas CHENEY CO Toledo Sold by Druggists Take Hall Family tor con stipation FirstGlass Farm for Sale id of of lot the ACrea flood wil good of cultivation fall plowing done and fall Wheat In ground STARR Lake Property for Sale feet of finest property for sum mer residence For particulars ap ply to W F Ave Toronto persona interested In and desirous promoting the passing of this By- Law and a like number on behalf tho interested in and of opposing the passing of this By- Law That Clerk of said Municipal Council of thc Township Whitchurch shall attend at his office Newmarket at the hour of norm on the fourth day of January 1105 to sum up the number of votes given for and against this ByLaw This ByLaw shall come into operation bo of full force and ef fect on and after the first day of May next after final passing thereof Council Chamber Whitchurch day of October TAKE NOTICE That the above is a a proposed ByLaw which has been tak en Into consideration by thc Munici pal Council of the of and which will be finally pass ed by the said Council in event of assent of electors being obtained thereto after month from the publication thereof in Newmarket Era date which publication was on the day of December at the hour day and places therein fixed tor tho votcn of the electors the polls will be held J LUNDY Clerk Whitchurch Clerks Office Dec 2nd CHARGE j For the information which will help any young person to get on in life JACOB Deceased It is all contained in catalogs of Public Notice hereby sons having of Kjhi farmer ia or about AI are to flfu their properly vtrlflcd with TJ for tho on or bulorclho2fcth day j Desirable Residence For sale The Cedars corner of Victoria and Park Avcnuo Newmar ket The Is In firstclass repair property will be sold en bloc or BUILDING LOTS Will be sold on Park or Millard Avca all good sire Terms reason- able Apply on tho premises MRS J In the Estate OF or rnber And further of Toronto proceiodUuibuiotbe wiping more than young several persona regard only have filed Dated at day ofHo- I Mi w up every year Write for It Address Principal A Hi J

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