T- Clark Halo St New market Richardson NEWMARKET DENTIST mi bo at Mi Alter Brooks Block a Sua tf of Jersey Grades for from months to old have been bred also Cows For further particulars apply STOKES Mount Albert CORRECTION the Prize List the heading General Purpose Horses should read- Agricultural and Gener al Purpose Horses w H O LEHMAN A opened up a Custom Boot and and In Albert prepared to do of Manner an fit in a HandMade all repair Proprietor The London INSURANCE COMPANY Available Balance of Capital HEAD CANADA board of Andrew P C J Clout- too fir Hate A Albert Chief for TUITION A months term of tuition at the British American Business Col lege will be disposed of cheap apply at Albert Branch TOO NOISY A number of complaints have reach ed us of a number of halfgrown youths who parade the streets at a laic hour and keep people awake by rendering the nights hideous with noise meant for singing Their vo cal efforts would be more appreciated if heard at a considerable distance the greater the ACCIDENT Miss Best of while at home of her sister Mrs Byron Stiver bad a narrow escape from a serious accident- She threw something in the stove which caused an explosion Miss Bests hair and eyebrows were scorched and her clothing set on fire but promptness on the part of her brotherinlaw saved her from serious consequences i Try Our Own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy Coughs Colds Lung Trouble We the leading makes of Trusses Properly fit and guar an tee them Forrests Drag Store ALBERT MOUNT ALBERT Our Spring Wall Papers m and Carpets Are In for 8prlng It will pay you to see them before buying elsewhere BROS Messrs Victor Cane and J have each purchased new threshing machines v Mr Robert of the Centre road had a most successful auction sale on Friday Mr Herb Shields took second prize with at Newmarket Fair Mrs Elliott Graham is suffering from an attack of typhoid fever Mr Jewell has disposed of his house in the village and his farm on the Concession to Mr of the Centre Road Mr Woodruff has purchased the farm on the Centre Road from Mr Mr Leslie Stiver had a tumor re moved from one of his fingers last week Mr Hunter has moved the building from the rear of the town hall and is having made over into two dwelling The members of the lawn are thinking of holding a tournament shortly Some of our local sports have taken up coon i hunting as a pastime Mr Sam Armitage is laid up for the as the result of a fall No cattle were shipped from town last week In meantime the weigh scales are being repaired Mr Byron Stiver is building a new house Mr Brooks is suffering from an attack of appendicitte Mr J A- Hopkins occupied the pulpit of the MetfiOdist Church on Sunday last Mr has rented the house from which Mrs Terry is moving Mr had a quantity of wood stolen from his woodshed one night last week Mr- Seth Jewell has rented house now occupied by Rev Cameron Mrs Terry Intends leaving town and removing to Mr Wood is visiting his sister Mrs Summerfeldt Mrs John A of Toronto is spending a few days in town and vicinity Mrs Win Bird nee Miss Pe terson is spending a few days in town before joining her husband Winnipeg Mr and Mrs Jean were in town last week Mr Ben Johnston of North was in town last wee Mr and Mrs were in Toronto on Friday Mr and Mrs Clements were in town last Miss Ada was in Toronto last week Mrs Wm who has been spending the summer with friends in town and vicinity left for her home in Manitoba last week Miss Porter has a lady friend from Toronto visiting her Mr John of Marsh Hill and Mrs Graham of Manitoba are at the home of Mr V Mr M of the Sovereign Bank Unionville and Mr Everett Theaker of Stpuffville were in town on Sunday Mr was in Toxonto on Wednesday to attend the funeral of his sisterinlaw ONLY DID HIS DUTY AS HE HE SAW IT l deem it to add a word of praise for Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy say J Wiley Park the wellknown mer chant arid post master at Wiley I have been selling it for three or our years and It gives con tisfactfon Several of my customer tell me they would not be without It for anything Very often to my knowledge one single dose has cured a severe attack of diarrhoea ami positively know that it will cure the flux dysentery You are at liberty to use this testimonial as you For Sale by T Lloyd SUTTON Lawn Mowers- RAKES HOES SHOVELS NETTING DOORS AND WIN DOWS MIXED ALL COLORS CURTAIN WIN DOW SHADES CROQUET SETS HAMMOCKS J Mount Albert HAS A PILE OF CHAMBER- CAINS COUGH I nave sold Chamberlains Cough Remedy for more than twenty ears and it has given entire I have sold a pile of it and can re commend it highly Joseph Linton Iowa You will lad this remedy a good friend when trou bled with a cough or cold It at- ways affords a quick relief and is pleasant to take For Sale by Lloyd Jersey Bull Lambert kept lor LARGE BERKSHIRE PIGS lor tale bred from imported each guaranteed J FARMERS JUST A WORD Plymouth Binder to beat every teat consequently the We have It In stock now t Mount Albert Mrs Geo Leek of Dollar spend ing a few days in town with her sis ter Mrs Hunter Master Kenneth Ross returned home on Monday from a vlit with friends in Midland Mrs Hunter returned on Wednesday from a visit with friends in Toronto Mrs who has been visiting at the home of her parents left for her home on Saturday Mr and Mrs urncrJ home on Monday after a Jacks visit with his brother Mr Miss is recovering from a appendicitis Miss Vi resumed her duties as in ibe Junior department of our school on after a weeks illness Mr Garnet is spendUig a lew days In town Mr Howard Willoughny and of Sutton is staying- at tbe Gorman House Mrs Stiver entertained a few friends one evening last week Mrs Johns of Sutton spent a few days In town week Mr Lloyd spent a few days in with his son Mr Lloyd Mr Lehman spent Sunday in Messrs and of were in on Friday- Miss Best returned to town last week after a few weeks holiday a Miss Weir spent last Friday in Mount Albert Master Harold Hawkins is home on sick leave from the Metropolitan Bank Toronto Childrens Pay in Knox Church passed off pleasantly the church was tastefully decorated for the occasion with flowers mountain ash c Rev McKefrol the pastor who was home for the occasion preached an interesting discourse to the children on the Little Foxes that Spoil the Vines found in Songs of Solomon Chap verse A Mission Box containing clothing and quilts was sent from here on the trie Knox Church Auxiliary of the Womens Foreign Missionary Society- The destination of this box is to one of tre Mission Schools for Indians in the NorthWest It is our painful duty to chronicle the death of Mrs Elizabeth Grant who was buried here on Tuesday She led a consistent christian life The last seven she was confined to her bed where she lay a pa tient sufferer The funeral was largely attended- Mrs Geo Burrows sale on Tuesday when she disposed of alt of her household goods at a very good figure There was large number at the sale We un derstand that the house was not sold Mr Charles moved his family Into a house belonging Warren P Cole The Dr and Mrs have gone to be away a couple of days in To ronto and vicinity Mrs her furniture in storage preparatory to getting her house ready for Mr Herb Johnston who has rented it and who will soon sscssjon A number of our citizens took In the Sunderland Fair among them being Mr Mr Trcmayne Mr Walter Kemp and sev eral others a bus toad altogether Miss V Karl is having her millin ery opening on Thursday the and following days The ladles of Sutton- and vicinity will now have the privilege of investing in some fashion able headgear Her stock of ready- towear hate Is quite attractive went back to Toronto on Monday morning It to be hoped that the fine weather will continue until after Sut ton Fair on Thursday and Friday Childrens Day in the Presbyterian Church was observed- last Sunday An interesting service was held and the church was prettily decorated While working his engine one day last Week Mr Jr ac broke his right ana be tween the wrist- and elbow It is es pecially unfortunate just now as this is the threshing season Mr Silas Soules is also carrying his arm in a sling the result of blood poison Mrs of Toronto is vis iting her sister Mrs Mr of the Post Of fice Department Ottawa is home convalescent after a severe attack of rheumatism Chief Constable Bond of Port Hope who has been instrumental in the ar rest of parties in connection with the Cut Mystery also police man Bond of Toronto arc sons of Mrs J Bond of this village Rev Mr and Mrs have returned from their cot tage at Morton Park hear Mr Peter Morrison is quite ill Miss Cunningham is stopping with her sister Mrs Peter Arnold BALDWIN BREEZES In order not to trespass on space requisite for prize lists of fairs brevi ty is our watchword for the next fort night According to our prediction our Rifle Club bad a glorious victory over Suttons representatives who came here on Saturday last The match was shot mostly in downpour of rain Capt says it if not wisdom to blow too much the tide of victory might be reversed in future matches so we let the subjoined score speak for itself Highest possible points shots at each of 100 and yards Totals J Treloar W J Kester87Dr Noble Mann Cameron 75A Millard A Tomluisonrt J McLaughlin A 67W 58 P LaChapeilc6lS Summer Tomlinson 57L Kemp 13 Sam Park Millard A Crawford Farmers are making good use of toe fine weather Fall plowing and corncutting arc order of tbe day Tbemanjr friends of Miss Frank Brown will be pleased to know that she if recovering from her severe ill ness Mr Root Wilson is in the city on The sale of Mr Joshua Wilson on Saturday was largely attended the Weather was notvery favorable Mr aria Miss Mr and the Misses Wilson of were at Mr during the Fair On Tuesday evening the friends arid neighbors of Mr Joshua Wilson took them by surprise and gave them an Oyster Supper They were cordially received by Mir arid Mrs Wilson and a vecy enjoyable time was spent There were about sixty present Mr- Wilson is moving to Newmarket and both wilt be greatly missed in this neighborhood as they were always ready to tend a helping hand to those in trouble but our loss is Newmar kets gain FIT GUARANTEED at GEO Merchant Tailors J- v of OOD it VALUE IN PRAISE OF CHAMBERLAINS r COLIC AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY Allow me to give you a few words in praise of Chamberlains Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy says Mr John Hamlett of Eagle Pass Texas I suffered one week with bowel trouble and took all kinds of medicine with- a out getting any relief when my friend Mr Johnson a merchant here advised me to take this reme dy After taking one dose I felt relieved and when I had taken the third dose was entirely cured I thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting this great remedy in the hands of mankind For sale by T Lloyd il fc AT H D ALBERT toss our popular teacher was friends in on Sunday Mra lnscy who has been visiting a week returned to Toronto on Saturday Everybody is corning to the Worlds Fair October Valltntync Ottawa this week on business the Do minion Government Mrs Gordon Is spending a holiday at her former home In Baldwin thus by the majority of points Offhand shooting too Just think of that and scratch your Mm Andy Millers daughter Mabel formerly of this place but now a resid ent of Toronto came homo Monday night in very low health will some time with her mother to be nursed up to little strength Miss Ruby has returned from a three weeks visit in the Provincial Capital Miss Crittenden returned last week from a three months so journ at Ernie returned Saturday New Ontario where he was acting as fire ranger Hes hearty as a little pig and talks quite learn edly of the topography of Ontario for hasnt he travelled for his infor mation Balance crowded out till week A boy of fifteen named John Logan was knocked down by a horse at Fair and killed MiesLottioBorthwick aged died under the of an esthetic an OttAwa dental office The twoyearold son of John J McMecken of Owen Sound Knot him self dead with a revolver The British torpedoboat destroy er Chamois sank In the Mediterran ean All on board were saved I Eleven fibbing were driven ashore off the coast of New foundland and seven men were drowned John Lacy foreman at a lumber camp at Shoal Lake Sank shot himself fatally in taking a gun out of a canoe Two of Cecil Hotel at Dawson were seriously injured In leaping from an upper window to es cape a fire that started in the hotel and spread until worth of property destroyed The annual convention Whit church Township Sunday School As sociation was held at Mt Methodist Church on Monday and Tuesday and There was a good attendance at each session Weston Sept Last evening While the caretaker of the Presbyter ian Church was lighting up for choir practice and Kitting ready for the Sabbath service he started down the basement to put some carbide In the boiler lie was carrying a lamp and It appears that fur some time there has been a leakage of gas and as soon as ho got lo the bottom of the stairs there was an explosion burning both the caretaker and his son quite badly and leaving the new pipe organ unfltfor use I J- A good many people from here and vicinity attended the Newmarket Fair The Ladies Aid met at the homo of Mrs P was a good attendance At the close of the meeting the ladies of the Socie ty presented Mrs P P with an address and a handsome silver bread plate Mrs Steel a very feeling and suitable reply Mr and Mrs P P Steel and lam- are about moving to Toronto They will be very much missed in this community as they were good citi zens in every respect Miss Ida of is spending a few days with her broth er James Lawson Mrs Frank Jordan and Russell have returned from Chicago They also visited the Worlds Pair at St Mr John Phillips is in Toronto on jury Mr Gardner and Miss of Toronto spent a few days at Mr Jas Phillips Mr French our new storekeeper will commence business here on the of October GOODS Binder Twine Harvest Tools Gasoline Stoves Preserving Kettles ALL AT- HARDWARE MOUNT ALBERT Crying Babies i a Babies do not cry unless- there is some good reason for It The cry of a baby natures warning signal that there is- something wrong the fretful and crying arc not caused exterior sources it is conclusive evidence that the crying baby is ill The only safe and Judicious thing do is to give Babys Gun Tablet without delay For indigestion col ic teething troubles constipation di arrhoea worms and simple fevers these marvellous little given relief In thousands of cases and saved many precious lives hey are guaranteed to contain no harmful drug John St An drews Que rays Babys Own Tablets are a splendid medicine for the cure of constipation and other Ills that afflict children I consider it my duty to recommend them to all who have little ones Tablets are sold at cents a all druggists or may ho had by mail by writing Tho Dr Williams Medicine Co Brock vllle A number of Iron and steel plants in Pennsylvania have reopened after being closed sin spring NOTICE Mr Thos 3cdti has decided to en ter into partnership with Mr John They will carry on busi ness in coal cement lumber shin gles etc in Sutton NOTICE hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to th Voters List Act by- Honor the Judge of the County Court at Tem perance Sharon oil Friday the day of October at am to hear and determine the several of errors and the Voters List of the Municipality of Township of Bast for All persons having at the Court ate required to attend at the said time and place v- A J HUGHES Clerk East at Sept IDOL STRAYED I Into the premises of the undersign ed on Lot Con Scott a Red YearUug Heifer Owner la requested to prove property pay expenses and take it away BYRON STIVER Mount Albert DISTRICT MANAGER position rapid advance ment salary and expenses full la free of charge clean de sirable business THE J NICH OLS CO Limited Toronto Mention this paper Rattan Rockers SICK HEADACHE For several years my wife was troubled with what tho physicians called headache of a very severe character She doctored with sever al eminent physicians and at a great expense only to grow worse until was unable to do any kind of work About a year ago she began taking Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets and today weighs more than she ever did before and Is real well aays Mr Geo Wright of New London New York For sale by T Lloyd For Four medium priced houses In Mt also one in Franklin Must be sold quick DAVIDSON Mount Albert Kennedy Shorthand School Is on a higher plane than busi ness colleges It carries trio student farther trains him thoroughly gives him greater earning power It places every graduate Its teachers are specialists this means they have exceptional ability In this one line Its fees are reasonable The school Is in the centre of tho business section Many other pecu liar to school arc In our catalogue Write for it 9AdeIaideSht We bought quite a lot of Rat tan Rockers a while ago week they came Today HI are asking- you to let us aho them to you You probably know these are the most comfortable of chairs Their yielding give brings rest and their coolness is grate ful enough on hot days There are some atyles them that arc distinctly They are strongly put together even the lower priced ones Those that coat look as if they were worth more ALLAN THEAKER ISSUER OK MARRIAGE LICENSES SUTTON WEST ONT Weaving Loom for Sale Uptodate in make and good as new Complete FOOAL I Pino Orchard Farm Comprising acres being lot Con North Good Orchard all young trees also plenty small fruit Good large log bouse barn and stables for horses and acres seeded down Terras easy Apply premises to JOHN BROOKS ALBERT- DRUG STORE Pure Paris Bought In bulk and put up packages by Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot J f Wo also carry a full lift Patent Medicines among Remedies an gals Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions and Family receive personal attention day or night T LLOYD a