Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 Sep 1904, p. 5

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FRIDAY -J- ONTARIO BANK STOCK PAID OP MIPS- Tub BRANCH Bulling Business I General Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED AT Ail rA LEGAL J- Public Street on t fit Conrer Eos Bankers tad Ontario at Block toner to INSURANCE fl Aifcat for Lire to Current Port 0 ffloe fl fl Ramsay yire Insurance- Isolated 15 Oil Farm Bisks sad Newmarket WWstnBt sod Fane I AUCTIONEER J Street Newmarket lstauCCorncr fns John Watt Broker snd Agent Auditor Jinn or for Property Arcsde Km for kiOs iHrlct at Era recti prompt items WHAT IS IK A of of the Got- Generals Body Guard was great enjoyed last Toutsdar and the Band put up a splendid concert in the at night but their was only half a house Christmas this year and Mew Years next year ooth fall on Sunday Fell Fairs East York at South at Oct Oct Oct Oct Bradford Oct UOct Sutton Sept Scott at Oct Farm Produce Owing to the wet weather last Sat urday there was only a small mar ket Prices were as follows Butter to lb Eggs to 20 Dressed chickens to pair Dressed chickens Ho lb to lb Crab apples basket Apples to basket Apples barrel Honey lb Potatoes bag Green corn or 3 for Tomatoes 20c basket Celery head- Cabbages to bead Onions peck Onions lb Other vegetables as usual Live chickens to Old hens M Wo Live to pair Live turkeys to ft Pigeons pair Hides to Sheepskins to 9 Co lb Tallow lb Presentation Just previous to leaving Cooks- town to attend Normal School in Toronto Miss Madge Bennett of New market was presented by the other teachers and pupils of- the school with a watch chain and manicure set accompanied by an address Miss Bennett has taught in for two years and a half J Miss Bennett was also the recipient of a prayer book and hymn book from the Junior Womens Auxiliary of St Johns Church at accompanied by an address from which we take the following extract We cannot allow you to leave this part- without expressing to you In some way the great pleasure it has been us to have so interested and faithful a member and officer as have been in connection with our branch While laboring in this vi cinity your happy and genial disposi tion and the earnestness with which you undertake your allotted work have greatly endeared you to our members and as a small token of the great esteem in which you are held by our branch we beg you to accept this prayer and hymn book arid we trust that although we may be divided by distance may al ways be hand in hand in the work in Gods vineyard and we earnestly pray that prosperity and happiness may accompany you in lifes short journey on earth and then he crown ed with Gods richest blessings This is the last day Sutton Fait Regular meeting of Town Council next evening East Council meets at Sharon next Friday The date the High School Com mencement Exercises is fixed for the of October A sharp electric storm on Saturday morning put seventeen telephones out service The biggest crowd last Thursday that the North York Fair ever bad Toe gate receipts were better than any previous day on record Hot Here We notice the Acton Free Press that a decidedly interesting meeting was held by the Acton Womens In stitute one afternoon recently Over people were present and practical tests given also the making of to mato catsup a supply of which was passed around for criticism- Follow ing tbis a lady gave her recipes for layer cake and almond cookies sup plementing her remarks with liberal samples of each Then a question drawer was answered by an other lady and this part of the pro gram was followed by a dainty tea It seems to us that the ladies Newmarket could learn a good deal and be of practical service to each other by having a similar institute if they would only put their heads together and say so believe it would be greatly appreciated by the whole community A Prosperous Business We notice by the Moose Jaw Times that the firm of Robinson Hamil ton dissolved and W Robinson Co continue the business as a Joint Stock Co with a capital of The Times adds This is one of the oldest business institutions in our city having been started in years ago by Mr Robinson and Mr Ram say Mr Ramsay retired toe follow ing year and Mr Robinson continued the business till when he took into partnership bis manager the late J Hamilton and retired to Toronto with his family where he has since resided On the death of Mr Hamilton last March Mr Rob inson returned and took charge of the business While it was well- knownthat it was not his desire to continue in active merchantile life yet he wished to continue his inter ests in our city and consequently re fused several tempting offers for the business In selecting a partnership he followed his previous policy which resulted so satisfactorily and has taken into partnership three of boys who have rendered faithful and valuable service for from five to nine years and we are satisfied that he has made no mistake All the mem bers of the firm are wellknown and deservedly popular with the purchas ing public and so far as the- custom ers are is a change in name only Mr Titus W Robinson is a New market boy and he has done well In the West MARRIAGE- LICENSES ftri st private restdece If Newmarket Liveries for Dont keep too long have are alt hungry But A Hi for work Some kick a But they to Rive you Mm to are to Either busies The Rally Day service last Sunday afternoon was a great success The Auditorium was nearly filled with scholars and visitors all greatly- enjoyed the program Mr P Pearson presented the picture roll in a bright and enter taining manner Mr J K recalled the condition Ontario thirty or forty years ago and by contrast showed the needs of the settlers in New On tario regarding the Sunday School Ms address being a bugle call for the collection The address of Mr A Coombs was particularly interesting and be held the closest attention of the boys and girls throughout The subject of Ms address was Two Thoughts Reverence for parents and Continuance In the Sunday School and both points were illus trated by captivating autobiogra phies addition to the bright music by the scholars there was by the and a good male quartette The honor roll is as follows Hill Winnie Hill Douglas Cook Ethel Maw Ross Garnet Kirby Harold Maw Atkinson The collection for the Sunday School AW ana Extension Fund amounted to Before closing yie pastor several fea tures in the and considered Death of Dr Cone The many friends Dr Fred Cane brother of Mayor Cane will regret to learn of his sad bereavement in the death of his estimable partner The following particulars are taken from the Whitehorse Star Yukon Sept Today all mourns the death of Mrs Cane the beloved wife of Postmaster Fred who re sponded to the call of the angel of death at last night when her soul left her diseaseridden body and returned to the God who gave it While the demise of Mrs was not wholly unexpected she having been very ill for the past three weeks her death came as a to those who learned of it last night while the flag over the postoffiec building hanging at halfmast told the sad silent story to others this morning Her was due to poison ing the result of disease of the kidneys Mrs Cane was loved most those who knew Iter best hut honored and respected by all An accomplished musician she was ever ready to con tribute her talents to aid In any church work regardless of denomina tion- although she was a devout ad herent to the teachings of the Church of England in whose services and councils she will be greatly missed By her death a vacancy Is created which only one of her cheerful will ing hut unassuming disposition Could fill But while Mrs Cane was useful in church and society circles in her home circle she a treasure She was distinctly a home woman her greatest ambition In life being to make her homo happy and pleasant not to her Immediate family but to all who passed within and to the bereaved husband Ik ex- tended the heartfelt sympathy ol the entire commit The remains will In a metallic casket and temporarily in terred here Later they will be tak en for final interment to the family plot at Newmarket Ontario York Fair Winners Continued from page FRUIT Apples Alexander John 2nd Miss Penrose American Golden RussetMrs Uri ah Young 2nd Mrs American Pippin Norman Brown Baldwin Norman Brown 2nd Haines Pippin Norman Brown 2nd Mrs Uriah Young Duchess of Oldenburg Norman Brown 2nd Mrs Uriah Young King of County Norman Brown 2nd J Maidens Blush A E Starr 2nd John Greenwood Mann Geo 2nd Nor man Brown Northern Spy Norman Brown 2nd John Greenwood Rhode Island Greening Norman Brown 2nd Haines Russet Wm Haines 2nd Mrs Fred Feasby Snow Thompson 2nd Norman Brown St Lawrence Mrs Uriah Young 2nd Norman Brown W Stephens Mrs Uriah Young TwentyOunce Pippin Mrs Uriah Young- 2nd John Greenwood Sweet Mrs Uriah 2nd Norman Brown Wealthy 2nd Charles Yellow Bell Flower Norman Brown 2nd F A 0 V named Nixon Hurst 2nd Chas Seedlings H 2nd Mrs A A Skinner Collection best and largest A Starr 2nd Thompson large John Fair- barn 2nd Gilbert Johnston small Mrs A A Skinner 2nd J Wrn 2nd Norman Brown dAnjou Norman Brown Fall A V Thompson 2nd Norman Brown Winter A V Norman Brown Plums Norman Brown Golden Brown Lombard Norman Brown Yellow Egg Norman Brown Plums A O V Norman Brown 2nd Millard Grapes B Padget 2nd W Stephens White Geo GARDEN VEGETABLES Beets Half Long Geo 2nd Thos W Stephens Beets Long Blood John Green wood 2nd J Beets Turnip Thos Stephens 2nd J Partridge 3rd Mar tin Cabbage largest head named Mrs A A Skinner Cabbage Summer Jno liar try 2nd J H Cabbage Winter Samuel Moualcy 2nd W Stephens Cabbage Red John 2nd Norman Cabbage Collection Etc Thomas Stephens Cauliflower Jno 2nd Stephens Vegetable MarrowG W Lee 2nd Geo Carrots Stump Rooted Stephens 2nd Geo Carrots Point Rooted Stephen Sellers 2nd Celery White Table use 2nd Celery Golden Table use Mous- Thos Stephens Corn Sweet cars Mrs D Gros ser 2nd Mrs A A Cucumbers Table Stephen Sellers 2nd Millard Cucumbers Stephens 2nd Mrs Citron Round Stephen Sellers 2nd J Egg Plant W Stephens 2nd Lee Herbs Marjoram Etc Stephens 2nd Mrs Geo Hops This year Bert Gardner 2nd Thos Stephens Musk Melon Mrs Geo 2nd Stephens Water Melon Stephen Sellers- 2nd J Onions Large While Mrs Uriah Young 2nd W Stephens Onions Red Stephen Sellers Mrs A A Skinner Onions Yellow excluded Thos W Stephens Mrs Uriah Young Onions White Stephens 2nd Mrs A A a revival in Sunday School interest of BLOOD POISON OFTEN RESULTS From paring corns with Wise people use Painless Corn and Extractor the stand ard cure of America and Great all sorts of corns warts and bunions Use only Jinn Onions Stephen Sellers 2nd Thos Stephens ParsnipsStephen Sellers 2nd Mrs Young Peppers Largo Red Jno Hartry 2nd Stephens Peppers Long Red S Mousley 2nd Tabic use Small J 2nd Mrs Klrby Peanuts nuts attached Stephens 2nd Geo WinfcrThos Stephens Stephen Sellers Stephens 2nd Mrs Uriah Young Sweet Stephens 2nd Geo Squash any Table Variety Bert Gardner 2nd- Stephens Pop Corn Frank 2nd Mrs A A Skinner Tomatoes Large Single named A Hill 2nd Mrs Geo Largest named Millarxl2nd Tomatoes Best Shape for table use Stephens 2nd Miss Newton Tomatoes Best and Largest named Collection 2nd Steph en Sellers Tobacco Best 3 plants Stephens 2nd J Collection Garden Vegetables W Stephens Continued on page Mi ft AURORA High School commencement ex ercises and concert will be held in Oc tober on the evening of the 14th or 21st Mr George has commenced building his planing factory on the corner of Berczy and Metcalfe streets The building which will be- of cement ia by ft and two storeys high Mr Mark Browning has sold his house and lot on Street to Mr and has purchased the lot east of Mr Towns residence on Wellington Street He has com menced building a handsome residence While doing some work on his resi dence on Monday Mr Rey nolds fell from a ladder and sustained several severe bruises One of the most exciting games of football ever played in Aurora was that which took place on afternoon last in be town park between the of Toronto and Snow ball the latter winning by a score of t The Anniversary Services of Baptist Church will be held on Sunday and Monday Oct 2nd 3rd On Sun day Rev George Cross B A PhD of University Toronto will preach On Monday evening a musical concert will be given in the Mechanics Hall by a choir of voices under Mr Fletcher con ductor of Toronto Choral Society BRADFORD A Master Allan aged about twelve years and son of Mr McKinatry had a narrow e cape from a horrible death on Monday last He was under one of Mr ele vator buddings and insomewaY came into contact with the shafting He was carried around the shaft several times and besides had all his clothing stripped off his body Luckily for the young lad one of the pulley belts off but this had been adjusted and thrown off a second time ere Mr the cause The boy was immediately extricated from his perilous position and placed under the care of a doctor The little fellow was considerably bruised about the shoulders and arms but the wonder is that he was not killed on the spot On Wednesday afternoon of last week a meeting of much interest was held in the Methodist Church It was under the auspices of the Womens Mission Society and to it had been in vited the of the Ang lican and Presbyterian Churches as well as the adjoining Methodist aries of Bond Head and Newmarket Owing to very unfavorable weather rain falling mostly almost all day very few of the friends from the were able to present The meeting in charge of Mrs Young who very ably and gracefully presided At the close an was made to the school room where a social luncheon was enjoyed together Thomas Williams and Robert Smith were drowned near Port Arthur by the up setting of a Harry Shelly fas saved SOFT CORE Like the running brook the red blood that flows through the veins has to come from somewhere The springs of red blood are found in the soft core of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen are full of fit Scotts Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats the pure cod liver oil For pale school girls srtd invalids and for all blood is thin and paleScotts Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food notnly feeds the bloodmaking organs but gives them strength to their proper work Send for SCOTT ClrtwIaU do THE LEADING mi The Latest J AND l I 1 Design i HARDWARE ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO TELEPHONE JACKS FOR HIRE iji Jr if Our Fall Stock Is About Complete YOU WILL FIND IT t Call and See Us A TORONTO HOUSE Good Farm to Rent to Rent In the King being West land la hall of lot in the con acres mostly cleared good buildings good fences Spring creek crosses the farm Fall ploughing to be done and fall wheat in the ground Good Orchard Afpjy to JAMES McOINNIS Seatorth a NEWMARKET IN Monuments and Head Stones Allan Markham Townahip Splendid tion For particulars apply to A WILLIAMS Solicitor Newmarket Timber Lot for Sale Delicious Attractive Is Baking tho CITY BAKERY Including all from BREADS Whipped Cream Puffs made trow rasUrlsla In our regular WO Klondike sod lO Twists and Spice Breakfast Rolls and Tea Biscuits Finest Bananas Oranges and Lemons Lunohes at all Hours I ud Hot ok Dont W A HILL BAKERY West half No 6 Con old of King miles from Newmarket For particulars enquire of J P SEE i BREAD G PHILLIPS NEWMARKET Agent for Carea Magnesia Flexible Cement Roofing I BEST HORSES tfH fit Telephone No T

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