Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 Sep 1904, p. 3

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Weeks OCT rr is oh soya Crop iui Fall we fruit giving a crapy SmoJcs of beautiful received this week ten Mr VrtInlj climate j goose Banting The finest region in Canada for the who wishes to secure Moose c the region in New Oh- and now easy to access by the Trunk Railway System and Bay guides routes rates etc can on application to J District Passenger Agent Toronto j who won prises at the North York County Fair are alter their but it is not payable I be Board meets on Tuesday Oct at oclock in the Fire- Hall This is in order to give ample time for to appeal there has any attempt at by their competitors- having bills against the Society should send them to the previous to this meeting fcTW Pl5tcfec ilr Cane Is adding a com modious verandah to his residence Mr Kitchen has wired Mr house lor Jfce electric J v The shaking morn ing was a goodthing for Fall meeting toe at the of Mrs Hughes next Monday afternoon at 3 oclock A lady lost in bills on Park Ave on Monday night The Ontario Bank cutting quite a shine with its colore pavement and brass letters Severalxoofs going on new houses this week- Bargain The Company have for sale an Upright Cabinet Grand Piano manufacture by the Piano Company joj It was bought much below its value and can be had for cash a- reg ularly sold at cash- or cred- it jicai Post Office Id response to a residents of Street In the vi rility of Grange Hail a new his been opened at the lioTn as receive morning and from Toron to- Anybody at panting to communicate at must re caliber that the mail goes to Toron to for distribution and mail from for Newmarket has to go to Toronto before it gets here miles away Bales for flout Culture At Drug Store Just thing to start now for Christmas Chinese sacred lilies for Hants Hyacinths all at each and Narcissus cents Call early and gel your Tit annual meeting of the Set Branch will take place the Christian Church on eveo- fcg week Oct fiih The ad- tea will be given tiyRerV N- A Campbell of It is expected that special music sill provided by the church choir In of this meeting the in Presbyterian aad Method is Churches that titling will he withdrawn and it is that there will a full bouse at the Bible Meeting Tie Executive meets at the same at Tee ladies or the Womens Mission ary Society to the number of nearly at on Tuesday to partake a Tea Mrs Rev John Gardner leaves for Toronto next week eater the Deaconess the Church Ma Jackson kindly offered for this purpose and on the following address by the Secretary read by tie President Mrs It J Mrs Gardner members of the Womens Society Methodist Church have met in this home evening for the purpose bocial hour with you previous departure from among us not statu our regret in an active and helpful member auxiliary we realize the ease and we desire to to you our of your noting your ever readiness sillfngness to perform any duty a advancement of our all the which apparently stood in the particularly long and try- of your late dear husband called for such devotion and vvJifitu in which you were never i lacking but the rather showing of real heroism It br repeating dear her vices be greatiy J lot despite fact a feeling arl gladrjcsH Is mingled that one from our auxiliary ft on into Wit of the greatest and wit wrvice for Christ that can rwidercd fe whole life Work of our a lift of mini in and He that by striving to other live brighter and I o obtain the flr places Kingdom you to this field of footprint In this path of TJie Sacrament of the Lords Sup per wlil be observed at the service next Rev Dr Smith Bradford will this evening at oclock Trie Coming Sir- succeeded in pressing the resolution adopted at public meeting held- recently in Newmarket upon the attention of the Minister of Marine and Canals and the latter has instructed Surveyor Walsh of bis department to proceed at once with the survey of the and West Branches of the Holland River and also the Slack River Sutton to ascertain the feasibility of the proposition and probable cost Mr Walsh expects to be in Newmar ket and Aurpra next Tuesday to con sult the gentlemen appointed by the Meeting to the work Have you seen Drug looks fl6oiith now Cabinets extending to tho floor in place of on the south side of store- 1 I f urlng you dear sister Jf- niie are treading in the J fVitprinU fn this path of i W payers fcfiail of the M ft It J Wi Newmarket made a very fl which the ladies enjoyed tea and social chat all WOCeM in her wort WftbbdiBt Regular Monthly Fellowship meet ing will be held next Sunday irig at o The pastor hopes to see a large attendance Pastors subject Sunday evening A Character Sketch of an Man a special meeting of the Trus tees it was decided to proceed at once with renovating tie church at a cosines ted between five and six hundred dollars A furnace will be the doors tie ante rooms and the auditorium altered the auditorium frill be papered and ceil- put- Sunday School room with woodwork painted and walls and also improvements in the church yard and repairs to driving shed The Ladies Aid propose to fur nish toe paper for the wails and new window blinds and the League intend putting in a new piano in the Sunday School room Catharines Well In St Catharines the Garden City of Canada eleven miles from Niaga ra Falls is situated the historic St Catharines Well about which is- wov en many a romantic Indian legend and whose curative properties are known far and wide throughout North America The water in this Saline is considered denser than sea but clear sparkling and odor less and is remarkable for its pene trative qualities These waters are a for such diseases as Rheumatism gout scrofula neuralgia liter bits skin diseases and cases of ner vous prostration or as a tonic pure simple The treatment is con ducted on the broadest possible lines the idea being to assist nature as much as possible The use of waters is the chief medical agent ac companied by static electricity exercise and rest All treat ment is in charge physicians The baths are in a separate connected with Main building by a covered corridor Full information descriptive mat ter and all particulars may be had on application to J McDonald District Passenger Agent Toronto Boy A gentleman well qualified to speak concerning the situation in the proposed route of the new Railway said Many have the idea concerning the James Bay that it is being built almost wholly with a view- to provide a great thru and with little thought concerning local conditions ttoc railway will make every ef fort to foster arid cater to local traf fic make no mistake about that A World reporter in passing over the proposed route was enabled to secure some data regarding the terms of sale the farm of Peter Wright rear of con Whitchurch per acre was paid for the right of way In addition to Mr Wright was granted for injury to a hedge near the house Joshua on toe same concession secures per Joseph Pratt a neighbor adjoining is likewise awarded per acre Coming south to the Rich ardson estate the railway have not as yet entered into an agreement con cerning the price John Carroll is awarded per acre while his brother James secure but On Start- south from Mr Carroll the company pay and Mr on next farm is- giv en a like amoUnti Barbara Nigh for the right to cross her property Is given per acre while James Robinson an adjoining neighbor gets an acre While a few Individual cases are cited In which the owners have se cured higher rates it Is found on In vestigation that a correspondingly greater damage has been Inflicted on properties the through which the railway passes is not of the commercial value and the company have largely bated their estimates upon the market val uation Down through the Town ships of and York much re mains to be done In the adjustment of land values In some cues where the railway passes through an or chard a testa of per tree Is said to have been agreed while even higher values are reported in a few isolated Home Rule V meeting in Association Hall Toronto under the auspices- of the United Irish League on Monday night to hear Mr John Redmond Chairman of the Irish parliamentary party of the House of Com mons was very largely attended Among the names of those on the platform were Mr Dan ford Roche of Newmarket Mr Herbert Lennox of Aurora and Rev Father of Thornbill The amount raised Tor the Irish Campaign fund was about The above named gentlemen were among the subscribers Mr Redmond speaks in Ottawa tonight and Montreal tomorrow night A The Price of Apples I As a result of reports received from all parts of the Province the Canadi an announce in its October issue that toe apple crop the Province this year is not near ly as large as last and that the same is true throughout the United States generally There is little rea son for the bearish reports of buyers concerning the large crops While there is a large amount of poor fruit throughout Ontario the general re port is good and growers should realize better prices than are being offered For No and good No growers should not accept less than cents to 100 per barrel on the trees where considerable quantities of fruit can be given the buyer Re ports received by the Horticultural- show that buyers are offering to cents per barrel for fruit Death or manning Though not unexpected the death of Mr John Manning last week was deeply regretted He lived past the allotted score years and ten and a humble way his life was a con stant benediction to all who came in contact with him His death was due to a genera breaking up of the system For a number of years he was deprived of his hearing but he never complained and his daily reading of the and constant meditation upon its teaching made him a purer and better man Deceased was bora in Nor folk England in and came to this country when years old with his wife and two children He was a blacksmith by trade and a good one and the first man he worked for in Canada was the late Peter of Sharon He then moved to Au rora and after a short time rented the blacksmith shop on Yonge St between Aurora and Newmarket which he ran for years It is years since he opened a blacksmith shop in Newmarket which has been run by himself and his sons ever since Deceased was an active and consist ent member of the Methodist Church and was greatly beloved by those best He leaves a Widow and seven to mourn their lows AH were present at the funeral last Saturday except the eld est son Mr Alfred Manning of Ham ilton Who is on account of diphtheria The other members of the family arc Mrs Jos A Cody Mrs John Proctor Mr Robert Manning Mr Hen Manning Mrs Ja cob Taylor all of Newmarket and Mr Manning of Toronto Deceased was the eldest of a fami ly of ten only five of whom are now alive three brothers in Canada and a brother and sister in Indiana Two brothers Mr Geo Manning of Ra- and Mr Root Manning of Maple were present at the obsequies which took place last Sat urday Rev J conducted the service assisted by Rev Cor nell and Rev The pallbearers were Messrs Jackson Lambert Pearson Hughes Richardson Harrison Proctor and Asa Phillips The re main were interred at Newmarket Cemetery Considering the wet day the funeral was very largely attended showing the great respect which he was held by the community The following embraces one of his favorite sentiments When the feeble steps have been taken And the gales of the city appear And the beautiful songs of the angels Float out on the listening car All that now so mysterious Will be made clear and plain as the And of the road will be nothing When I get t the end o the way Fred Lloyd was sentenced at Wooddtock to three years for horse Stealing Tited and Depressed m The Condition Many Young Women Shops and Offices Thousands of young women have to depend upon their own eHorts to gain livelihood and to these whether the counter- in the office the j factory or the home work means close confinement often in badly rooms There is a strain on the nerves the blood becomes im poverished the cheeks pale there are frequent headaches palpitation of the heart and a constant tiredness If the first symptoms are may lead to a complete breakdown perhaps consumption What is need ed to restore vim and energy and vi tality is a tonic and absolutely the best tonic in the World is Dr Wil liams Pink Pills- They actually make new blood and bring health and cheerful energy to tired and depressed girls and women Miss Viola Robinsons Corners feays was a great suflerer from headaches heart palpitation and troubles that afflict my sex My blood seemed al most to have turned to water and the- least exertion left me weak depressed I used seven boxes of Pink Pills and they have made a remarkable change in my con dition I can truly say that I feel like a new person arid I strongly re commend these pills to all weak ail ing girls These pulls cure all forms of blood and nerve troubles but you must get the genuine with the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People the wrapper around each box Ask your druggist fortbeni or you can get them by mail at cents a box or six boxes for by writing the Dr Williams Medicine Sale SATURDAY Oct Jno will- have a sale of stock implements furniture etc on Lot in the 5th Con of North wll- No reserve J months credit sums over except for hogs and hay or per lor cash Sale at 1 oclock Kavnnagh WEDNESDAY October 1Mr Ja cob Rose will have a sale of stock implements roots hay c on Lot Con Tp months Sale at one oclock J Prentice Auot TUESDAY Oct Geo Thompson will have a big sale on lot 4 Con- North credit on sums over except for hay and hogs Sale at one w Stoek JHofkefc Export cattle shows a further de cline in Toronto this week the prices ranging from to for best 4 to medium to 350 for export cows and to 4 for export bulls Best butchering cattle sold at 4 to- medium 350 to poor to 325 dry cows to and butchering bulls Heavy feeders sold at to 4 lighter ones to to and Jersey and Holstein grades to Calves are to sheep to bucks lambs to Milkers arc to No change in hogs this week Se lects are and fats and lights less- T There Is more catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other dis eases together and until the last tew years was supposed uncur- For a great many years doc tors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment pronounced it imourabte Science has proven catarrh to be a disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment Halls Cure by Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is the only cure on the market It is internally in from drops to a It acts directly on the blood rad mu cous surfaces the system one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure for- circulars and testimonials Address J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio Bold by druggists Hairs Family Pins are the best f4fggf JfcJ r rt tfVfinft JL h- ff f j Japs Lose 3000 Tokio Sept Is believed that the Japanese have captured forts In second line of defence at Port Arthur since September 19 The forts were apparently taken by the after a terrible bom bardment and the Japanese lost at very least estimate men in killed and wounded The hope a speedy reduction of the fortress Is running higher Send the Era to absent friends I V j i Pure Wool Grey Flannel inches wide extra light and dark snades sale price yard goods are dirt cheap at Other Grey Flannels at and inch Sheeting soft finish at yard Dont buy underwear before coming to see what we can you In mens and womens bur stock has no equal in the trade- starts Mens at Womens at s- Price s GOODS The that our Dress trade more than doubled speaks for itself We have exclusive styles that no other house in the trade Can show you THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER Pink Salmon guaranteed tia Perfection Baking Powder lb Shredded if heat Biscuits for English Breakfast Coffee lb tins The purest Spices and Pickling Vine- gat at the lowest prices Cold Cooked Sliced R Prime Hams J ii and always I v A I v Ji e Open Thursday and Saturday Nights until oclock h j f to Come s r- tt I J- I COMPANY LIMITED j WORLDS FAIR ST LOUIS APRIL Special Building on Art Hill for Sculpture Typical mining camp in Mining Gulch An tfLi- A i GOOD TIME TO GO to the Worlds Fair Louis The weather is delightful Thru Tourist Sleepers to St Louis every Friday 2020 NEWMARKET With stop over privileges at Chi cago Detroit and Intermediate Can adian Stations Make application to J McDon ald District Passenger Agent Toron to for handsome illustrated booklet of the World Fair v TO THE WEST Reduced oneway rates to points in British Columbia Colo rado Idaho Oregon Utah Washington on sale dally HAUNTS GAME The open season for deer and In tho Highlands of Ontario from November 1st to and from Oc tober to November In the Temagaml country Make your ar rangements for For Illustrated literature regarding Fair and further apply to Agent Jamcs Hamilton was killed toy falling oB a bandcar Woodstock Ont Sept A dis astrous railway wreck occurred at Eastwood on the Grand Trunk about five miles east of this place about 330 this morning by which four rail road men were killed and one fatally injured tomtit it J I E8TABLI8HED DO YOU WANT A sell only reliable watches every one guaranteed and the price is as low as good watches can bo sold for We will be pleased to show thorn and give full informa tion and the benefit of our long experience to all who call Watches and Watch Repairing Our Specialty T WATSOM and Graduate Optician At the home of Mr Joseph Butler on Wednesday hln oldest daughter Miss Ethel Maud was mar ried to Mr Marshall Chan tier of The ceremony was con ducted by Rev of Maple brother of tho groom bride who was given away by her fa ther wore a blue Llama chovlot travel ling suit and carried white asters and carnations She was attended by her little cousin Miss Belle Allen as flow er girl in white silk carrying pink asters After tho wedding breakfast Mr and Mrs left for Lindsay and other places Choice Farm In the of Vaughan lot in Con for sale On the between King City and Maple Vil lage Good buildings and good state of cultivation Convenient to school and church For particulars apply to the Executor JOHN PARKINS PO Farm to Near Newmarket in flr ceo- dltion Apply to J A CODY Newmarket rf- 1

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