Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 15 Jul 1904, p. 8

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THE iWMtoBBWtaB Be It hard for to forego iff which abe was to enjoy and adorn may- to be busy all day In office or yai the cannot deny the octal which art offered her iftinftoj from headache Ijaxjiachejtfa consequence of overexertion Women who Are tired and worn out will find a perfect tonic- and nerrine in Dr Fa vorite Prescription cures backache and other aches and pains to which women are subject It establishes tile Hie TOD The Womens Church will a Garden on Wednesday evening the 20tb of July The committee are arranging for a program and a good time may tiean ticipated Refreshments icecream J Webb J I kind ft von writes ant Co to with great Is in and of ray aad of the tail I lit Could hardly ft te is the tut afing- tarte two rial I an tike a Four Baptist Schools those of Baker Hill and the line held their art- dries weak- rival picnic Lake on Tues day ana had a pleasant Outing- Mrs celebrated her birthday on Wednesday of week and had her photo taken with her women strong and sons except Calvin of Mexico woman well iters soninlaw and daughterinlaw Mrs is enjoying fairly good health one of ficr years and you for tains the use of her mental acuities a remarkable degree drains heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weak ness It makes weak in AURORA Previous to the removal hi Rev A Bedford from the Toronto Centennial Church to the Aurora Methodist Mo women those suffering Church a special meeting trie of standing are in- Quarterly Official Board was held a motion was passed expressive held as strictly t appreciation of his ser- ttorrespwidc rand sacredly confidential Address Y Sovereign r Authorised Capital Head Office Toronto- BRAN Falls Citnton Crt11tn Exeter Que Harrow Maria Montreal Hod Mount Forest ifl Mount Albert Mil pert Mont a J Ottawa Market lb rif fiution Sutton root Zurich vices for ihe past four years The church debt had been cut in two and 16 added to the A surprise was also given Rev A Bedford on behalf the congre gation a purse of gold as a token of respect in which he was held by the people Last Christmas he was presented by the congrega tion -with- a fur coat Mr Bedford was cordially greeted on his arrival here Mrs Bedford was a former resident Queens lie being a daugh ter of Mr John Moore Miss Josephine Russell has been successful in passing FirstClass Pro fessional Examination for Teacher at Normal College Hamilton OK Sayings Bank from date of Cheques may be paid twice a year You are not to deposit or on the or rt day of You ay Co either at any time all and one Of our little or wj will you WWallace Bruce Manager BRANCH MOUlT ALBERT BRANCH or the Era r I Soli J At fruit recently held at Central Experimental Farm Prof which Includes Drops may cite as the important the control or tfcp soli improvement of the conpervtar Soil Moisture generally It Is desirable thai the soli moisture- should be served Cor the trees during the months of the Up to say July 1st the tree is new growth and Is through Its leaves largo quantities of tracer Further the swelling fruit Is mating Its for er For pound or dry matter of leaf or wood or fruit the tree uses at least lbs of water iHenee in district where droughts in spring or the ralnlali be the importance Is By this means an earth mulch is produced and thus evaporation or prevented The cover crop system allows Of sur face in tbespringapd ear ly summer months Some Experiments Experiments have been made to ascertain the effects or cover cropl and cultivation on soil moisture on the Central Experimental Farm for several years Thus ilay 100t we found that there was tons more writer per acre a depth of Inches In soil in the adjoin Irie plot carrying a vigor- A QUESTION OF COLOR The Matter I j The young aj resources he Is not sure about It now as he was a Jew ago He has been very attentive to a certain young and be was calling on her at the time that be par- lost confidence In his resourceful j mind Is to narrate what passed between upon the occa sion in question but at the tlrae ladys sister entered the room he In the act of the to his manly bosom Of course he at once as young men generally do nnder such circumstances was not em- not a bit The young ladys sister said Excuse and started to leave the room wben bis resourceful mind began to work He felt that he ought to say and say right away Dont go he weve Just been measuring to see which one Is the tatter paused In the doorway and look ed at them Intently Youre both about the same height she said quietly sister Is much the redder j Then elm went out and he was em barrassedjust a little mjoiiv I prised pleasure be paid bis fare and up beside Billy who gave him a piercing stealthy glance uncertain recogoitibn reins chuckled to His horses cracked and started After they had travelled a mile or the senator said Billy do you remember a little barefooted boy shiny and by the of Sam tbat viceyou would have cured I streets lP your hair added much It If hot bald now Is your opportunity Improve it Pair for jean lam of rich brown due A llMabottta Anaiagfti aia for odd WHISTLING JUGS They a Very Ancient The United States senator had Just finished his first term of service and having worked his way up to that high honor by hard knocks felt a natural and proper pride in his cess thirty years or more ago you wouldnt believe it to look at me but I am be You didnt know hie did you Yep The senator was taken aback by his indifference But- his got the better of him and he was over- powered by his thirst for recognition BiJIy said he have you heard what I have been doing since I left Yep This cold response cut the senator still more deeply but he tried again Do you know that I have gotten to be a United States senator Yep Do all the people in know it Yep Hot Weather Danger I More the hot eeaa At this time stomach and bo troubles their most daDgv me ta the means Tablets loathe medicine world to troubles or cure them attack unexpectedly Every should have a box of these in J the famrptr JK save a childs Cote St little one greatly with colic and bowel trouble bot sicca using Tablets the appeared and and has good health Tablets are guaranteed to opiates and for a or a well grow oaby all dealers or- jZ mall at cent of box by nic the Dr Williams Medicine What do they say Co -ooe- Oh they jest The senator and settled back on the old leather seat mad as sue- a hornet His pride was laid in the dust and he wished be hadnt come that is all they care about the success a boy who has climbed into the United States sen ilis A Relic of Whistling jogs are curious relics As the train which was bearing a very ancient drinking custom All him westward rolled through central the northern nations Bet great stress Pennsylvania a sudden ami irresist- a mans power to take off Ms able desire to visit the little village ate and shed a halo or glory on liquor without putting down the glass where he had been a barelooted hoy birthplace they may get out or beaker and in Saxon graves old ale with only one shirt to his back and prophet is not without honor save buckets have been found made without one pair torn pantaloons to his in his own country he said hitter- foot or stand so that the drinker could came upon him He persuaded not rest them upon the board until conductor to give him a stop- For ten minutes the senator was they were on his through ticket and all sorts and then his sense But even after that was accomplish- dropped off at a way station It humor triumphed and he did what the hardy drinker was expected was thirty years or since he had Billy said the did- have to spare and the taken train there alter Jest laded QUI whistling jags a mod- to thc rait- No can never be heroes to were Intended to village their neighbors Set that down and growth of clover SmanI M town siicremitns friends were dead and he scarcely ex- go back in the capacity of a bare- Needed in Every Home A Up to Date websters International Dictionary A Dictionary of ENGLISH Biography The New and Enlarged Edition Contains 25000 New Words New Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary of worthy with of r by A of Hew Quarto Rich Colllata US SEND YOU A In affords a aj1 fcvfeoloaa ltJrjirijt COMPANY Mrs Stewart of Newmarket was in town no Friday Mr II j Brought on Mon day for a trip to Little Metis Que where he will probably spend a month The Strawberry Festival held on the lawn of Mr fiatcman was a most enjoyable and successful The total proceeds reached nearly By the of a cane Mr James has been able to move about Last Friday he un fortunately stepped on a rusty wire nail which pierced through the boot and his right fool to tl depth of about half an inch On Thursday night about oclock while a passenger train of six empty coaches stood on the main track in front of the depot the en gineer and conductor in charge await ing orders a freight train from the north crushed into the rear end of the passenger derailing a couple the coaches and also causing the tender of the freight train to leave the track The fireman ami engineer on the freight train jumped from their positions ere crash came and thus escaped injuries We understand the loss by the It will not lie heavy that the latter soil contained one half the wator In the cultivated toll But god more exhaustive than sod In 1002 from fto July trtnla every two weeks showed that the soil in from to cent water than adjoining In tho difference times over per The drought In early part of emphasised facts and mark the value of In thc autumn on hand Rejected With It is deslrnble the water Should club- found Itself tlvo acroivth bo racked after the lapse of Borne the wood an opportunity to twenty years The young women ripen bftfore the winter sets in This were no longer- rightly named Mr Is reallly by fcowinjr William H Crane the actor was once the cover in Juno or early part of July FOR OF building of character They wished FOILS of are also to be seen In earthenware during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and their form was such that wben the contents of the Jug bad been Imbibed a whistle was contained erc trough which drinker might blow If he were able The most advanced type of all had a little windmill besides the whistle which worked a dial showing tho j of the blow Sometimes an ordinary whistle was laid on the table and won by the last who could get a found from It Pearsons to see a familiar face but footed boy or the neighbors will jest ting on the front scat the old Charles Frederick stage was Billy the a little graver a little more hut the same old Billy Send tbe Era to absent friends Mr Andrew Carnegie has sent a check for to help furnish Midland and pita I Montreal July ilThe Line steamer Vancouver which tin aground in the river below on July has finally been floated After dredging thc river about- the steamer the force of five tugs was required to pull the stealer oil the mud banks The Vancouver came up to Montreal under her on steam and after taking on a cargo will sail at once for Liverpool Tie steamer is not damaged Fort July trestle work Red Sucker Creek fifty miles east of was carried away by a cavein of earth on da7 Men had teen working about the place during the day at night a freight train bad just passed over safely A watchmio was standing on bank when tfcc earth started to cave in and the tres tle work was carried away It ws feet high and 1000 feet long York County Taxes for MUNICIPALITIES FOR GENERAL PURPOSES TOR INDUSTRIAL HOME r consulted by some charming girls In regard to the name of their prospective club Their object they wrote was the building of character that to be suggested In the title and The can of olln by the also the fact that they were of or noma other Mr Crane replied that he a lime effectMl by the addition- of Building and and crimen to that Mmtlnt9 soil in the ex- The matinee girl as early as of more of nitrogen ino elghieentli century in Japan girls per In used to throw their by the at feet of tbe lending plan through the certain minced along the flower bacteria in clover walk to the stage Pictures of these It more than were an early product of Jap anese wood engraving and these por traits were secret treasures of many maidens The arrival of twenty of the at the Island In addition to the nineteen landed at reduces umber of to with one more yet to be from Heave Ha tit at tons Drug Lyman Co a J fiS On Saturday last during the thun der storm which pasud over this Mr Samuel Taylors was struck by lightning and but for the assiduous efforts Mr John Wilson and his who wcupy the place thc barn would have been bam on lire both in the stable and In the upper structure gave thc Wilson family lively to save it Mr Wilson had a valuable horse killed in the stable We suggest that the Insurance Co which holds a risk of on the barn Mr Wilson handsomely for his kindness to them We will no doubt able report something of this nature In our next issue Mr- Wesley Humphrey very narrow ly escaped losing his life on Friday last While drawing hay Co the barn one of tugs of the harness broke and let the wagon tongue fall down In Mr Humphreys attempt to con trol team lie was pullet off the and fell on the Irons of the wagon tongue some serious bruises the bane of and causing a bleeding J torn car skilful treatment of Or the patient is On Sunday last at oclock the of thin vicinity met in hall and marched a body to Methodist Church for divine sr vice Vlikb was conducted by Iter Sparks of Sunderland Church elergyman The btfvlpc was largely attended and the discourse much by all present Among those we noticed in the par ade were Councillor J Taylor of and Councillor of Scott the Rn to friends that crop of clover will A ex tent to an application of ordinary manure Not only Is that and plant food furnished cheap ly i by this means form ing material la added In large thlH by its partial decay la particularly In ameliorat ing the physical Of sol The Lawyer Im Im going And lastly the mineral mutter ator- blind The mind in crop finally free In all readily the of treet Will There He Bo your husband baa given smoking It requires a pretty will to accomplish Well Id have you understand that I have will lToncei Fear Lawyer Im Im by Tibet Monasteries of thc lamus In Tibet are perched on top or steep sides of a bill They are built In stages connected by abrupt passages Algonquin Park Hanger are making money killing wolves tills season It is said the rangers have stain in tbe past few days One shanty fore- and stairs guarded by Tibetan mastiffs man made an especially good haul These are almost as high as a destroying a shewolf and eight cubs donkey and are so fierce Hint It goes for which he received Government with a stranger who attempts to bounty of making In all enter without an attendant Isma A daylight robbery in which the iTI iMtvc obtains twenty thousand u I dollars I gold ban great cold water wash off the lather and at the city of Mexico The robbers engaged a room in the Mafson and cut a hole through the wail into an adjoining building Then the robbers cut a hole through floor into thc Money and cleared out the place during the hour CONTINUE Those who and by regular treat ment with Scotts Emulsion should continue the In hot smaller and a little cool milk with It with Is attache tiny to fatty the heated away OuHntf season r a with chamois leather dipped in do cologne In olden times rings worn by and rulers alone but as sat Ion advanced and women were f more chivalrously regarded ring was arlvcn licr the token of high dig- bestowed upon her In marriage ceremony Apples When buying apples thoo that weigh heavily These are the bet there Is less waste in largo than In small North East Scarborough Vaughan Whitchurch York Aurora Newmarket Holland Landing Village Richmond Hill Weston Toronto Sutton Totals 3353 51 2161 67 2053 30 5746 272 115 COS 67 225 437 20 28 513 1436 58 111 25 25 20 12 75 S7 151 33 t of pedlars FROM MARCH 1ST TO JUNK 25TII LICENSEE 1 1 ADDRESS 1 Toronto KIND I WHEN ISSUED 1 1 David Gordon i March 7 1904 Philip Martin Toronto Foot April Alfred Lewis Toronto Foot April i Morris Andrews Toronto 1 Foot April I Israel Harris Toronto Foot April Clifford Toronto Foot May Wilson Toronto Poo Philip Martin Toronto Horse May i i 10 1901 Walter Aurora Horse May ton la Toronto May Morris Toronto Foot June L m Juno Patrick Clark Foot June 24 Beliefs There Is old superstition that be born on Christmas day Is to lucky all ones life and En Silesia Is a belle that a boy born on Christ mas day be brought a or will a thief ISSUED FROM MARCH 1ST TO JUNE LICENSEE J Frank John Duncan M Dogart ADDRESS it itttf t Sunderland Newmarket V HIM DATE WHEN ISSUED March 3rd March March 31st

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