Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 15 Jul 1904, p. 7

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I THE CHINA HALL WE HAVE A FEW Interesting Snaps FOR YOU WHITE Toilet Sets For Nest of BowIs Colored Edge I Each Size For 30c tfeeklftif1Nft Service Rev Hall man President the City Mission Work of tie Men- Church will preach in the Tem perance Hall on July nth at and pm All are welcome Brook A carter Aurora Was in town Wednesday afternoon for a small load of lumber and In crossing the Metropolitan tracks on Main Street a front wheel collapsed giving the driver considerable annoyance Baseball A fast game I ORCHARD BEACH w Ever since Saturday cars and ferry at each bringing additional sli to Morton Park and Orchard Over Sunday visitors from Newmar ket Mr and Mrs Ross Dr Scott Mr and Mrs Angus Williams Mr and Mrs Wakefield Howard Mr Thos Watson Skipper Mr Russell and two ladies From Toronto we noticed Mr the Pure Co Mr Geo Simpson Ontario Bank JW St John Mr Rosa Insurance Agent who has rented one of Mr Yates new cottages Complaint has reached the local magistrates that some young men who drive frequently along the Lake Shore Road make use of very unbe coming language and impertinent of ball has been comments as they pass ladies on ranged for Saturday July at sitting on the verandahs Exhibition Park when the it smart but team meet the fast St Andrews of Toronto Senior InterAssociation League Game called at 330 Come and help the boys with your patronage Division Court There was a very small attendance at the Court Room here on Tuesday At the request of Judge Morgan who was absent Mr Lennox pre sided Judgment was given in three cases that were not defended but all other suits were adjourned until next Court Substantial Progress The new assessment roll for the Town of Newmarket shows an in crease in improvements to properly of more than over last year The population too shows an increase of more than the number on the roll Ms does not ta ble people regard it as the height of impudence Indeed so impertinent did a couple of these thoughtless young men become in the presence of some young ladies near the Post Of fice the other evening that only a want of knowledge of their names prevented summonses being issued The constable Squire McCordick was- instrumental in having appointed in the neighborhood of Roachs Point will likely find something to do be fore the season is over in order to teach these indiscrete young men an important lesson in manners Six gasoline yachts now ply the waters of Cooks Bay and one may hear the puff purl all hours of the day Their owners are now using them frequently to troll the bay for lunge and for bass fishing expeditions up to Snake Island Several new summer houses have been erected in Belle during the past year Grass is not quite so filled this season as last but there is quite a jolly lot of people located same and they know home for the holidays at Mm Irwins Mr Stephen Then was ah the Childrens Day haven on Sunday last A of choice Sabbath selection and alt to nicely Such gatherings tend to do much good it gotten up in upon the right ma hut we must be careful of the theatrics Sabbath church entertain ment a attendance at the LadieV Aid at Mr Harry Bennett on Wednesday and a roost pleas ant and prof afternoon was Valley read a interesting paper on Frances Ridley Thursday afternoon the Church Aid met at Mrs Winchs Annie is with her siater Mrs Wellington A number of persons from here propose taking the trip to on Thursday to attend the great show Cordon Grocery 2 Packages 26o Horseshoe Flat the Finest Packed Cents Each Lard Finest Quality lb Pall 200 The Leading Reliable Brow elude the at the North End which makes the actual population j there all the the Town of Newmarket ab how to make visitors happy Miss Dunn of Newmarket has been spending a couple of weeks pleasant- Sly with Mr and Mrs Fred It is high time some action was at their cottage Contemptible taken to stop the contemptible ex tortion practiced on an entire Morton conducted last Sun day evening service at Orchard Beach to the Town last Friday night assisted by Rev Dr Meacham and There was no fellowship or Rev P Addison Dr Emory lead connected with It but simply a in the song service piece highway robbery Chief Mrs Addison has so far recovered and lime For the Era Swamp Soils By Prof Chemist Agricultural College Scattered here and there through out Ontario there are many swamps varying in size from a few acres to many thousands of acres Original ly these swamps were covered with such trees as the ash tamarack wil low cedar etc or bush indigenous to the soil They were lowlying and covered with water the greater part the year Consequently the fallen trees dead bushes and grass have not had free access of air to bring about their natural decom position and partially de cayed matter has through long ages accumulated until it is a few inches to many feet deep In all cases these surface accumu lations arc rich in nitrogenous sub stances but they contain no more mineral matter than the materials from which they were formed They are therefore very likely to be de ficient in potash phosphoric acid has to prose- as to be able to take short walks cute every person that had a part in abroad it This work will not be stopped Mrs Jackson had a slight the necessary for the full de velopment our cultivated plants especially those producing seed During the last twentyfive years a the citizens in identify- lapse last week but is on the mend large number of these swamps have Harker expects to leave been cleared and drained Where them will not get of with less than for Hamilton today and costs j Fishing is not extra this- season Bass are more plentiful than lunge One of the notable events the vegetable matter is well decayed and not top deep goon crops even of cereals may be matured after soil has been cultivated for two or Telephone Beach is the sale of Mr Boyds three The best results are Abou the only amusement this sea- home to Mr VanNor- obtained where the subsoil is clay son is baseball and nearly man who keeps the Idlewild board- and some of it has gradually become plays On Thursday afternoon of using as an mixed with the top soil hut where last week the Mount Albert team annex for rooming boarders Very the vegetable mould is deep or the failed to put in an appearance On few inland resorts can boast of the subsoil sand or gravel the results Thursday evening Canes Factory and accommodations of which Orchard arc usually not satisfactory Crops the Specialty Works played eight Beach can now oner such as hay and roots wjrich are innings resulting in three to one in Skip entertained an not matured before harvesting very favor of the Specialty crowd at Portsmouth Cabin on often do well while wheat and oats On Friday evening the Town Monday evening with a powerful will fail to produce seed There arc team played against Canes Factory gramophone of the latest invention still other soils which fail to in twelve to one in favor CORRECTION remunerative crops of any kind felt should have been of the Town I Kills of Roachs Point common on swamp A mans appearance Isnt of On Monday evening tin- Curlers fi correC error in doubtless due to the played against allcomers the result Era in which it was stated of nitrogen which is de facing twentyfive to twelve in favor thc steamer Agnes had a hole decaying matter and of the Opposition knocked in her side It was not so production is probably Town and Specialty played on caused by the small amount of night Result in favor matter present In cases of Town against a timber which caused hole It has been fixed and is sound as ever 1KB or In Ions- talk that those two ex cellent and Pfifciara had from time to about life the world and the men women therein he bad more this confided to her tsat could be to lore with a woman who was not a I- cant exactly explain bow I feel about it be said one day as tbey tat together la an art gallery where nit worshiping eye returned and Brain to a pictured face of rare beauty that looked down upon them from the warm red walls It isnt that I think they are toe most fascinating Wit and beauty are not too fond of each company Besides the most attractive woman Ive ever known was so that at first she made yon gasp After that well was your criterion of When yon left her things became stale and life- lew All the color and sympathy went from the scene You simply hungered for her He paused and turned toward his companion with a- waiting took as If be wanted to be sure that she understood and she answered the unspoken question of bis glance with slow smile that did not betray by bo much as a flicker tbe warm woman wrath in her heart She had heard practically the thins from him before but today for tbe first time her patience gave way utterly Apparently all sense of her womanhood had been sunk In comradeship Instead of rejoicing In this state of affairs a feeling of Injury outrage suddenly flared up In her heart Did he think that because her fea tures were Irregular and ber complex Ion dull she was a girl who did not need to be reckoned with Did he suppose she was the less a woman be cause she waa plain Had be no Idea of the in tbe remarks he waa for ever making about feminine beauty These were the questions she asked herself hotly but her voicethat low vibrant voice that thrilled one its rich difference from other betrayed in Its full evenness no trace of tbe resentment that surged- within her You are right she agreed with im personal candor AH women should be beautiful there a alight pause a hesitation Just marked enough to give force to the conclusion of her sentence Just ell men should be big and strong Dunham glanced at her quickly For one startled moment he half thought But no Barbara too good a fellow to glre a man a fleck on the raw like that It was a mere coincidence Dunham but five feet alx and though be was well knit and substan tial with a clean bred look that was in Itself a recommendation he was a trifle sensitive on the of the additional Inches of height that ho in If your Grocery account is ourf it is the hands of Experienced Grocers who devote their whole time and atten tion to Groceries Only f Anchor your business with us Sat isfaction in every package that leaves this store Cooked Meats on ice We can furnish your table with the BEST OF MEATS Carefully Sliced Phone 3 Exclusive Grocers L Atklnsoh GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co Varieties of Seed Corn Alio Car of Feed Corn Messrs and Taylor a car of live stock on Tuesday to the city It is that the Flower Show will take place in Newmarket latter part of July or the first week in August Directors are waiting to the date to strike the most favorable time for flowers The residential property of Mr John greatly improved by removal of front hedge which had outgrown neat propor tions The Misfes Kelty arc making con siderable improvements to their resi dential property There was no quorum at the Public School Hoard meeting on Tuesday evening a as Beet Carrot and Turnip Seed LAND PLA8TE Weir Armstrong A wry and quiet wedding place at the home Mr Snider Humbert St Toronto formerly of this town when Mr Geo Sinclair Weir of Swansea and Miss Armstrong of Toronto formerly of this place were united in holy matrimony by the Thc regular Temperance Meeting will be held in the Hall on Monday evening July at oclock sharp Rev Yeo- from Toronto will give the ad dress A good program will pro vided welcome of ir pull up for haying a id Haying a great many at The crop is very jgowh Wheat in quite re arj many heautiful fall wheat Mr and of To ronto and and of an weekn uiioVr the roof ami grandma Connolly Are happy two gathered on to Mr where a drained swamp soil dries out too much in the summer the or ganic matter is not sufficiently decay ed to form a close soil recent ye complaining of unproductiveness of these soils have been received at thc Chemical Department the On tario Agricultural College that we have decided to investigate mat ter rind sec if any In- silgstrd to Increase their usefulness For this purpose nearly cir cular letters have sent farm ers who own swamp soils From the information contained in the answers received and he of the an alysis of a number of typical sam ples and from pot experiments hope to he able to suggest some remedy and next year to undertake cooperative experiments to test the of these remedies ooe Love in Things a Suitor Must Do Before He Wins His Herbert Winch new barn The rain fortunately long enough to race for he is the wo The building went capped that if she When a lad is in love in Lapland they run a with a girl race not a so heavily hanrif- the girl of Fern Ave Presbyterian up in time and without any get to the goal but if she Imp We noticed tale- cares for the young man who The bride was attired in pearl noten of the performance and la trying to win she lets him over- Huron St Storehouse 1 I Carpenters Wanted firUla men need W- A T Park Ave will reside at Swansea bride in pale green organdie and Mr barter acted ait groomsman After the ceremony a large number of friends in partaking a dainty repast which served by the hostess The were numerous and costly as well as useful After congratulations the happy couple left amid showers of rice for the late train for Hamilton and other points on their honeymoon trip after which Mr arid Mrs Weir A justice to the tempting consent of the girls parents amid merry chat and laughter The only youthful objection without this he was liable to receive too much married capital punishment Mr Warren is from I an engagement ring US visiting his parents sends his and friends a quantity of hraody He goes as far as the door Miss from Port Arthur until spending a few weeks with friends in to when a bumper of this vicinity I brandy Is offered to the glrPs father Mrs Irs Harrier of 1C visiting with her mother a few days lately Mrs his consent to the marriage the happy lover then pays the father a sum of money promises Mr nd Mi Irwin of are give the girl some cloUea much consequence he observed Ufa field is action It what be Is rather ttan how be looks There was more heat in his tone than he liked but he wasnt able to ft he didnt enjoy being made to feel that he was not at all like her Ideal man even though they were nothing but friends Perhaps you are right was mild reply and the conversation drift ed to other and safer subject But there was a speculative loos in eyes for the rest of after noon which would have told a cartful observer that she was turning iouh plan over la her Her usual hour of rest before dinner she spent lying at full length on the divan In her room with her hands clasped under her head and her eyes fixed on the open Are thinking Ho could never love any one but a beauty She carefully refrained from finking herself why this should pique her particularly since her never Interfered with their and he spent far more time wit than with any of the pretty their set I dont care she said aloud an glancing at the clock she arose and began to roll up the masses of her dark hair sticking the great shellpins In here and there with Indif ference Im tired of hearing him talk that way He deserves to be pun Beauty may be the greatest thing but It Isnt greater than all other things put together A few weeks of Amy will be good for him she soliloquized as she went on with her dressing Then when she was ready for dinner she sat down at her and wrote a letter to a former schoolmate beauty of her class- urging her to make her a promised visit In the course of a week or two the- Invitation had been accepted and Miss arrived That she was a beauty was a fact as self evident as that the sky Is blue when It Is so It was a net that admitted of no difference of opinion skin was like a France rose ber deeply blue and hair sug gested mingled gold copper The curves of her gracious figure swirled and flowed In lines so graceful luring that even the sluggish be holder was Into admiration Hues a beauty all right Durban decided as she kissed her la greeting and conducted her to her room and It was perhaps might find some of her friends returning to tbe city Pausing a moment on the threshold of the sleeper she looked down red plush aisle A few feet In front of a mas was seated with his back turned toward He had light hair jnst like Mr Hardins and standing on the seat beside him was a little child car lurched and the little fellow only to be caught by a strong arm that threw blm downward Then the mans head darted down and Alice smiled screams of childish laughter watched them for a moment then tbe child peering over the mans shoulder called out Pretty lady Pretty ltdyl And she feeling too weary to more smile at the little fellow turned to go back to unin teresting book The train was crossing the long bridge over Lake Pontchartraln and Alice paused In the vestibule between Pullman and the chair car Stand ing at the window looked out upon the of the moonlit lake and sky and felt very tired and small and STOCKS I Viznaga 8 UC Oil 22500 Mexican A Alaska Oil Mid West Osage Petroleum San David Refinery Can Osage Pet 6 I Subject to prior sale we will fill your orders for any number of shares desired and have stock transferred into your name Send your orders to Investment Exchange Co Spec tator useless She was not blue nor was she morbid but somehow her heart re- Hamilton Can belled at going back to old life In the city so empty so shallow so Alice Miss Klllson Why why where did you come from Her voice trembled but did not care She held out both hands to Hardin and as his own closed over hers a sudden picture flashed befors her She beard those peals of childish laughter saw again a mans head bend swiftly down like a great hoys beneath the tug of baby hands saw a face habitually cold alight with something divinely warm as It bad looked at her across the sunny of little Alice from the narrow door way of a fast receding train Her heart gave a frightened her and drawing her hands away she turned and looked again upon tht moonlit I was called home unexpectedly on business was explaining when be noted that she was not listening He stepped nearer to her side Miss he began Then saw how the moonlight caught and shimmered In the tears that lay on her cheek and which she could not help any more than abe could hare told tho reason why they fell Whats the matter Alice There was a long pause and when answered ber voice was like a tired childs Nothing only Im bo tired She bad turned and Involuntarily stretched forth her hands again but hands slipped past hers and ha folded her In his Oh Alice be murmured Alice you dont know how I love you She raised her wet face to bin and as he bent low over her weight slipped from her heart And old life that had TOWN OF NEWMARKET Notice Is hereby to all persons affect ed that a Law to close that liitf hot ween find on the went Bide or Prospect Street In the of Newmar ket according to Plan ex tending wiAtwril ho of Prospect roll depth iota will considered by he Munlolpal Counoli Town of Newmarket at Council on Monday The 1st Day of August AM ois affected he proposed ByLaw are notified to be at the aid date and pine cither p or by r to objections they have to the chistntr or Raid Street Signed J Town Clerk IN THE surrogate court OK TUB COUNTY OK YORK In the Matter of KSTATK OK JOHN HIRST late the Township of North farmer deceased NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Chap Sec and amending Acts that all persons having claims against the estate the said John Hirst who died on or about day May are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to the Executrix or Executor on or before fir at day of August names addresses and de scriptions and a full statement of particulars of heir claim and the na ture and security If any held by them duly certified and that after the said day the executors will pro- to assets of estate among parties entitled thereto having regard only to first when abbey was claims of which shall then called Peters cathedral Money notice being needed to settle the accounts of Dated this 24th day June Pauls cathedral it was taken by SARAH SOPHIA HIRST Keswick so tired her nothing of the pant Peter to Par Robbing Peter to pay Paul tboe In authority from Peters quite to the dissatisfaction of the peo ple who asked Why rob Peter to pay Over years after- the saying was again used In re- j to tame churches at the death of the Karl of Chatham- the city of London declaring that so great a states man should be burled In white parliament Insisted that one to noble In every would be more properly placed amid the dust of kings In Westminister abbey and that not to there would be for the second time robbing Bt Peter to pay she part xUs carried WILLIAM MAHONEY Keswick PO Executrix and Executor T LLOYD Solicitor for Estate Farm to Rent Near Newmarket In firstclass con dition Apply to J A CODY OLD SALE AT THIS OFFICES l

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