Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 16 Oct 1903, p. 6

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YAftTf NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY 1 I Jersey for Sale Heifers months to years old have bred also Fresh For particulars apply to Mount Albert MANAGER Dr DENTAL Brooks Block Mount Albeit BALDWIN On Friday night last whilst re turn jag from Fair Teddy J one Baldwins known jo rig men and son of Peter was striChoa by an attack of brain fever He was to the home of a friend where he succumbed to the disease J I aunt of too tti a resident of Gum Swamp we arc iiuonned was the victim of a Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of each Cm i2 SUTTON about to call a halt It sonic would cease their prying and spying at- their neighbors windows Williams has bad to Less sun The idea of folks rcsidcnoe up at windows to spy turn- which greatly improves its Repairing and Genera Prices moderate J COOK Agent Albert Peter Hamilton I mole men a Op lain Si New marvel Mount Albert We are Clearing Few Lines of a ummer Goods It will pay you to see them Look at Oar Dinner Sets ROSS BROS FURNITURE You can save money by buying your Furniture at the A STOCK AN EVER OF Bedroom Suites Extension and Parlor Tables and Fancy We are agents for Pillow the celebrated Carpet Stretcher and Picture Framing a Specially Good a delivered free of when ordered in quantity ALLAN TALBERT DRUG STORE Pure Paris Green Bought in bulk and put up in packages by ourselves- Poison Papre and Tanglefoot We also carry a full line of Patent among them and Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions and Family Re- receive personal attention day or sight LLOYD fat Ready Mixed Ail Shades Beaver Brand Can Guarantee Whitewash Brushes Scrubbing Brushes for J D ROWLAND Mount Albert stroke some days since but hopes are entertained for her speedy Mrs- is getting to be a in Fall Fair business She raked in thirteen prices at but bur neighbor Mrs beat in the Theres no- in lhat as Mrs is or her in dairy work Mrs and Mrs taxing in Fair together this They are in friendly com- petit it in many lines especially butler- the Mrs Ben has a pee tru the fence em and thinks to myself what a or Thanksgiving dinner mate believe if prayed like the old darkey Lawd would send one dose my prayers be answered and Id have a jolly in Mrs Sinclair has returned Manitoba enjoying robust health was wonderfully with the country iter two sons are thinking of Id not surprised to the wind family oil by another year James Cock burn has also from a trip to Jaw Id also enjoyed his outing and a little in real estate lie purchased a tract of land Our news next week be wed dings etc A marriage in high life here this week The band is ready to play the wedding march will play the big drum dish pan A big time looked for v A wonderful tory comes from Ottawa This hen has no bill but a nose and mouth like a human The next report will probably say lhat she has teeth it is rumored by no a person than Dame Rumor herself that our blacksmith had an early and urgent call for his professional services one recent Monday morning Fletcher a well known young man was driving homeward after an allnight seance at Mother of Now as it happened Mr Tom Cat was al so engaged in a nightlurking He had come off victor in many- a hardfought battle merely the loss of an eye and a few tufts of fur Tom has a worldwide repu tation for serenading so before sep arating for the evening he and Miss serenaded Dame Morton with some choice selections from such as Then youll remember me when my love lies dreaming etc Now as all the world knows Tom has a powerful by no means a melodious voice and as lie to a forte passage he emitted a most Waugh It Is not to be wondered at that the horse hap pening at this moment panicstrickem making a huge kick smashing things to flinders Solicitous lost trie Owl should heat of the fracas Joe was urged to has ten Things were repaired in whip and morn began to dawn in the cos the young man silently stole away was a huge joke worthy of Tom Sawyers own self- that was played on the Newmarket gang as recorded in last weeks bo sold again are reported as being abundant in all sections of the iiicy are bold here One come frequently amongst the low Is in Mrs yard ToinilKou Art was one day doing swrc practice at the had his loaded on At this a partridge no relation just a name sake to my friend J Partridge flew up Without a moments hesi tation Hoy elevated the fired and by one of his hie put a ball thru he bird and- down it tame Our Free Mirth parson pronounced banns ot between Miss Hannah Cunningham K9veashie and Mr Jos fasi week He himself in read to repeat the ceremony to a many The more the better Tuesday evening week Mr an evangelist- accompanied by Peter a native consort of South Africa hold a meeting In the Free Methodist Church here Ho her has withdrawn from the farm he at and- has leased Caleb Manns near it in announced Im ftoVry liniecd to have it to say but truth is mighty and must pre vail Our burg it keeps on will soon a worldwide tho unenvi able reputation mscws lound to he oh top at least far as scan dais are think Ming into cellar window and ing to call for assistance to extricate appearance A case of considerable importance them is too ludicrous for between Messrs and Barry The Ladies Aid at last week amounted to six dollars- beating the record Mrs Arnolds mammoth squash has reached the enormous proportions of ft nine inches measurement It weighs more than you or I can lift A few pies in that eh This do ightful autumn weather can not surpassed in any clime Nev er have I seen the maples more hand some than now This is mainly duo to the humidity of the soil thus fill ing the with on one side and Mrs Geo Burrows on the other has been twice Magistrates Cole and John Yates but is again ad journed Mr Harry Hawker of Toronto is borne on a visit- with his sisters Mr Jesse and wife of Marquette Mich have been visiting with his brother Mr John Mr Geo Williams who has bad charge of Mr Sounders ins the leaver abundance sap j Mr n the frosts make chemical vaires changes producing colors who has- been SWtCl poorly for some time is improving Miss Gertie Leigh has been spend ing a few days with friends in verton Mr and Mrs the sick list at present brilliant The delightful fall seems to have a bullish on our market Mon day being an unusually brisk one Butter eggs and fowl were the staple- McDonald are products f The ladies are rushing lor and wile fall is were here last week to see Mr overstocked with orders who js Mrs Agnes visited her and Walter Scott daughtor Mrs in lciJlddd Fair last week last wees in quarters are waking Why do they go to sleep Mr a young man re clad to see our correspond- between and years age died very suddenly of Only two days ill His remains were in terred last Monday in the cem etery at Virginia Mr J a former up how Were also glad to see that our former neighbor Marshall has secured a Rood sit in Newmarket but lately of New Weve recommended him as a good State was in the village this and will do so The week He intends to spend a lew Kcttleby says may sucess weeks in Northern Ontario follow Mm Yes may it go before Mr and Mrs of and welcome them when they arrive Point were in the village last Irish once exclaimed to day one from whom he expected Mr Edward of Virgin- May the blessing of God follow has purchased Mrs Geo New- all the days of your life As he tons dwelling house and to passed by without con- move into the village this fall the beggar with the quick The Baldwin correspondent in last wit of his race added weeks to the stand I overtake ye at all at all take en the tobacco and whisky and I trust he will excuse me if I dont quite agree with the con clusion be apparently arrives at as touching those engaged in that traff ic We must all admit or recognize fact we exist under and are subject to law and I do not here re fer to manmade laws but to those of the allwise lawgiver If we do violence to those laws pain and suffering and a lowering and degra dation of our powers and capacities are the inevitable result It has been said that the proper study of mankind is man Now we find our selves confronted with right and The Owl OWES HIS LIFE TO A NEIGHBORS KINDNESS Mr P well known Mercer and Sumner Counties I and it Va most likely owes his life tof l persons endowed likely owes his life to the kindness of a neighbor was almost helplessly afflicted with diar rhoea was attended by two physi cians who gave him little if A re lief when a neighbor learning of bis serious condition brought him a net tle of Chamberlains Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy cured him in less than twentyfour hours For sate by T Lloyd When you want a physic that is mild and gentle easy to ind cer tain to act always use Chamberlains Stomach and Liver For sale by W Lloyd Too late for week Miss Ada Mills Is the guest of Miss 9- Miss spent Sunday with Miss Pearl Grose Mrs Moore of Sutton was the guest of Mrs Shaw Sunday Tin on loeatimi on Wwlnenday Mr has resigned Mr Ken- yon lias the The mail will now he distributed at KenyonM store MiH Culver well is in the for Wo to that Mrs who in in Hospi tal Toronto in improving nicely A RECORD Chamberlains Cough Remedy has a record it hoe been in use for over flirty during which time many million bottles have been wold and used It has long been the standard and main reliance in the treatment of croup In thousands of homes yet all this time no case has ever been reported to the manufacturers in which it tailed to effect a cure When given soon as the child become hoarse or even as as the croupy cough appears it vill prevent the attack pleas ant to take many children like It contains no opium or other harm ful substance and may be given a confidently to a to an adult For sale by Monday morning thousands ol men women and children employed in and factories at Pater son could not go to work on account of the and factories shut down with reason and to deeply exercise our judgment to between the two and act accord- ingly What is the concensus of opinion of the wisest minds re gard to the use of narcotics in toxicants Is it not tint they we positively injurious The human system cannot assimilate them and hence they are entirely outside necessities contribute lively in no degree to elevate men to a standard of true dignity and manhood mentally morally or phy sically on tho contrary have the very opposite effect- carrying elation and ruin everywhere Con sider also their the barrier to cleanliness- refinement and good taste besides the absolute waste of lime and money It any one desires to see the absurd person- him look at the man with a pipe or cigar in his mouth and he will behold a practical demonstra tion of it Now although under present conditions we are forced to bear with them should they roceivu condonation by any or all who look for enlightened progress And al though the law may afford protection yet we find are inimical to the law of our being or in other words law and hence Only condemnation and denunciation every where and under all circumstances Whether any man can honestly and with a clear conscience engage in certain vocations and practices de pends absolutely on tne nature of those vocations and whether their tendency is to elevate the character or to degrade and destroy it If the latter then it in certainly crim inal to engage in or practice them It is- by do means a pleasure to write thus hut It becomes a duty and responsibility to endeavor In check that which is evil The weather man favored and gave them two splendid days lor their Fair result was the best Fair they ever held En tries were larger than ever before every debarkment was fully sustained Big crowd on grounds on Wednes day everybody looea List of prize winners next week -o-OOO- I Fight on Bulgarian Soil Another Clash That Bring on War in the Near East London Oct According to de spatches from Sofia there was a fight at on Saturday between Bulgarian and Turkish frontier guards Two Bulgarian and four Turkish are reported killed The Turkish Government has- order ed the mobilization of the first and second reserve troops residing in the District and also the Thirteenth Macedonian Infantry Regiment The insurgents lost killed in a fight with the Turks near Periostea on Oct PARK SUTTON WEST Our Stores are headquarters for Caps Hats Clothing readymade and tailormade Underwear Blankets Overcoats Pea Jackets Cordigan Jackets Rubbers and Boots and Shoes Try us lor anything you wish in Wiiuerwcar prices in produce for this week will be Butter choice pound rolls i fresh gathered 20c HODGINS SUTTON WEST AND The Girl at Central No nervous girl need apply at a telephone exchange The strain and stress of the eight hours intense concentrated attention to the de mands of the switchboard call for coolness and poise The girl who has the telephone bee buzzing within her bonnet seeks general manager and is first out through a searching test for general fitness sight and heating deportment If satisfac tory she is turned over to the oper ating inspector For the Inst week she does nothing but attach her headphone to an oper ators position and listen it takes lhat time to distinguish the dozen and one confusing sounds that- crowd into her receiver The next two she puts hec observation into practice with an experienced always at her elbow The lot the telephone girl is by no means ui unenviable one Her work demands but eases the strain The great telephone compa nies are in the forefront of the mod ern movement for impr working conditions girl is given a halfhour intermission and afternoon to lounge in rest room and read or gossip as she will Our Stock Now Complete Nice Nobby Goods Prices Right HDRAMSDEN ALBERT Forecasts Bad Weather London 0 1 Large have been observed on the disc of the sun largely These have interested as tronomers and meteorologists as be ing the most prominent they have seen in five years On Friday the disturbance- extended over about miles of the solar surface meteorologist believes that bad will characterize next ten years Pittsburg- Oct of the largest spots that have appeared on the sun in recent years has been dis covered by John A Chan cellor of the Western University of Pennsylvania Its area is so great that it can be seen by the eye if smoked glass is used In miles this newly discover ed spot is twelve times the area of the earth The spots on the sun militate great solar storms The present spot is probably the lhat has been seen for many years J A KAN A WAIL THRU HIS HANI While opening a J Mount of Three Mile- Bay ran a ten- nail thru- the fleshy part of his hand I thought at once of all the pain and soreness this would cause mc ho says and immediately ap plied Chamberlains Pain Balm and To my sur prise it removed all pain and sore ness and injured parts were soon healed For sate by Lloyd Port Said Oct The Russian battleship Czarevitch the Rus sian a mo cruiser arrived here today bound for waters The odsy I rtltAt f Nine thousand acres of Moorland near Jtsed Hungary outaiUug im mense peat deposits are on lire Brighton Oct The scarcity apple barrels in this section is be coming a serious matter The coop ers cannot fill more than onehalf their orders claiming they cannot get enough stock to keep their work men busy Barrels are being im ported from Western Ontario but not in very largo as the price is very high The price barrels has jumped from last years mark cents to present price of cents The result will be that a grrfat many apples in this section and Prince will be froen on the trees before barrels can be secured to pack them in and crop Is Un usually heavy in these incuts North York License District Notice is given that appli cation ham been made to the License of aboye District for a Trans fer of Tavern from of to Robert Pollock North A J License Inspector Dated this nth day of Oct 043 TOV Happy Thought Range Mode Wood Cooking Stove Garland Wood Cooking Stove and kinds of Stoves for Wood Coal MOUNT ALBERT Pattens factory Dalys car riage works six dwellings and a barn at Hebron Yarmouth County Nova Scotia were burned on Saturday James Raymond on Sunday proved another victim of the lunatic With some others he was loading a gun when one of them grabbed it and pointing it at Raymond said Look out I am going to shoot He pulled the trigger and the charge entered Raymonds He died in three minutes HE LEARNED A TRUTH It is said of John Wesley that he once said to Mistress Wesley Why do you tell that child tic same thing over and over again John Wes ley because once telling Is not enough it is for this same reason that you are told and again that Xhamberlaina Cough Remedy cures and grip that it counter acts any tendency of these diseases to result in and that it is pleasant and safe to take For sale by Lloyd COAL Stone and nut coal for sale at per ton delivered Highest price paid for all kinds of of grain and seeds SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT J RAH ISSU LICENSES BUTTON FIRE To hi biat Mock company always TUB t St Co DAVIDSON ML Albert will lnil a low Fall Suitings We wish to announce that we have a large stock of SUITINGS AND and prepared to do firstdasj work and thoroughly uptodate in fasLioo music Alice Woodcock wishes to an nounce that In prepared to re ceive a limited number of pupils on the piano or organ at her home Albert or at pupils homes so de sired on application Try Our Own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy foe Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble Wo keep tho leading makes of Trusses Properly fit and guar antee thern Forrests Drug Store pa Wo Solicit Your Order GEO HAM SONS MOUNT ALBERT MOUNT ALBERT The Liverpool INSURANCE COMPANY Assets of Subscribed Capital V Wis- HEAD CANADA or niAECtoiui And row iU-i- Chalrrua worih J DuGbAmmn Deputy Sir at Current Mi Albert ewer V yiiAikii j i

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