Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 16 Oct 1903, p. 2

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A I ARK OCT I Fox Hound for Sale well broken ANGUS Vivian Spectacles Found St last Saturday Gold rims Owner can get them at Smiths grocery Town Houses fa For Sale by Auction That double roughcast House situ ated on the corner Church and Timothy Streets market owned by the estate of the late Mrs will be offered for salo by public auc tion at the Dominion Hotel market on Saturday the 2ith day of at oclock fore noon property consists of two good RoughCast Houses semide tached both ranted by the month For terms and conditions oi sale ap ply to VcndoVs Solicitor John Smith the Rampage v RAILWAY SYSTEM Hunters Excursions SINGLE FAIR FOR THE ROUND TRIP From stations in Canada ville and west including Bridge Niagara Falls Buffalo To the Highlands of Ontario Lakes District Lake Bays Magnefewan River Severn to North Bay in clusive Lindsay to burton Points on Canada Atlantic Rainy Lake to Rose Point on R Havelock to Lake Jet inclusive Good Going Oct to Hoy Tickets on sale October to Nov to poinis on wa to Nippigon and Garden River inclusive also and Temis- All tickets valid returning on or before Dec or earlier from lake if navigation closes before Dec Write for handsome illustrated booklet entitled Haunts for Fish giving all information pertaining to game laws the regions to go to maps and all particulars Copy sent on application to J McDonald District Passenger Agent Toronto For further information and tickets apply to Root Agent Newmarket Butoher Business For sale in Bradford Apply to H jr Bradford Wood Furnace for Sale In firstclass condition Suitable for a large house or school Newmarket Mangolds and FOR SALE Pood Teamster Wanted Huron St To Farmers Having refitted my elder mill I am now in a position to make cider on short notice I have also put in a floe apple butter mill and am ed to give satisfaction FRED PHILLIPS Yonge St Entrance opposite the brick school- house LADDERS COAL Dressed Lumber Q Special Siding Shingles nut LATH I A AND PEARSON Park Ave NORTHWEST LANDS SURETY QUICK RETURNS HIGH INTEREST The Land Corporation for terms rto to J SMITH THE PHOTOGRAPHER Opposite Sovereign Bank Newmarket -jLtweokV- the heading Re of Merits gets off the following- and illus trates peculiar methods be is adopting to ha a at the Hon Commissioner of Crown Lands He Many of the Liberal readers of our paper have expressed their indignation and surprise at the peculiar methods adopted by Hon J Davis for rewarding some of supporters for the sup port accorded at the late elections A certain man who resides in the Riding of North York has been a servile support er of Mr Davis and like all men of his class he has been a persis tant and pressing candidate for an office of some sort that had some emolument and little work attached to it This mans de sire was to be appointed a wood- ranger or game warden but his many applications were not re ceived in the sympathetic man ner he thought was the essential reward for many sacrifices and undying loyalty to party which had always characterized him so patriotic Literal turned rusty and threatened to expose the work done by machine in his locality The threat proved ef ficacious and the persistant plica was rewarded by the of fer of a pass for himself and two others to New Ontario and he and his friends will take their annual hunting trip at the ex pense of the Provincial treasury Now either the above is true and the writer in a position to name the servile supporter alluded to or it is a John Smith We challenge the proof L us have the name no going the no Lucas House deception give the name of this hungry officeseeker whose yearn ings after office so easily as to be appeased with a hunters pass Give proof or as the in ventor of gross untruths in order to injure a political opponent KETTLEBY The residence of Mr and Mm David Dales on ill line en fete on Wednesday mi the occasion of the marriage of their daughter Miss Ella to Mr John of Franklin East The Rev of Bat hurst Christian Church Toronto conducted the cere mony Miss Elvin Dales of cousin of thabilie was bridesmaid and Mr of Toronto best man The bride was at tired in white and carried spray bouquet of white car nations and maidenhair fern The bridesmaid was in pale blue silk and also carried a bouquet of carnations The bridal party entered the drawing room to the strains of the wedding inarch beautifully rendered by Miss Etta The guests number ed about fifty Mrs John of Alpena Mich ik viaiiing her sinter Mrs J Bogart this week Mr Walt visit friends here We are pleased to nay Mr is able to be Mr Hilhorn in a busy man now a Hs tender wan accept ed the mail from the sta- Ho four trips a day Our town is looking up four mails a The flood throughout Britain in serious planing mill at was destroyed by fire on Tuesday United have decided to blow up the steamer- now blocking the Clair Ca nal with dynamite Oct Fully a thou sand people from town and the am- rounding country crowded the Meth odist church last night at the largest temperance meeting ever held In the town The speaker was Angus Ranton of Toronto A landslide took place on Sunday at Que twelve miles north of Buckingham completely blocking River for a distance a mile and ruining the Little Rapids lock Immease damage has been done anil much caused by floods in New York New Jersey Pat and it will require millions to repair the damage done Graham school building at Street and Union Ave the old est public school building in Chicago was destroyed by early Monday It was built in were pupils on the rolls Our Society Column IP YOU IT IN OUR AD ITS RIGHT I Tbe Ik is icucr quite ffiU man The day opwi down hi New who under succeeded la Now talk about nerve the sex The at Ottawa have been struck by a cold wave in conse quence the toat exMinister Blair is about to return to a Cabinet position The rumor gained credence by obser vations made at the dinner given to the Opposition Leader a few evenings ago at the capital The electors of Muskoka having a lively time over their byeelection to the Legislature which take place on the The Conservatives have imported Mr from to help Mr candidature It will lake him all his time to answer tfofl hoi shot in the Gazette respecting and his bribery conspiracy Instead of helping his party A cablegram was read on the floor of Parliament on Tuesday by the Premier Lord em phatically denying the tele gram from Ottawa dated Oct which stated that he told in diplo matic and circles the United States had the better case in the Alaska arbitration He says The report is an absolute fabrica tion Oar Toronto Letter Mr VanEvery representing some St Louis capitalists has open ed negotiations with the Assessment- Commissioner for the lease of a site on Island The proposition is to erect there a summer hotel Three robbers with a revolver held urr William Hewitt of avenue shortly after Saturday mid night and robbed him of and some loose change He was walking on Street near coal yard when the stopped him One held the revolver to his face while the others threw him down and went through his pockets Premier Ross went to Ottawa on Monday where he met Premiers some of the Lower Provinces It is supposed their conference was in ref erence to Provincial subsidies til To Oil from Carpet To remove oil from a carpet satur ate the soiled spots with turpentine and rub hard This will probably have to be repeated several times be fore the spots are tafcen out If this not remove them it is pos sible that they will wear away in time of themeelves Often this is the only way And some very bad spots have been known to wear away in time of themselves when nothing else would efface them The Sunshine of Home Dont shut up your house left sun should fade your your hearts lest a merry should shake down some of Hie musty old cobwebs there If you want- to ruin your Boas let them think that all mirth and enjoyment be left on the threshhold without when they come home at night atf Twelve dwellings in St Koch were destroyed by fire Loss Moscow Oct A large force of Russian troops for the far east are travelling thither by rail from Khar- Seven persons were killed and thirtythree wounded during a con flict between and Socialists at Spain A strife is reported among ihe servant girls of the at and it is said taken the place of strikers fumes of a lighted match or the smoke of burning sulphur it is said will remove at once the stains of fruit from the hands or gar ments of than hundred employees in carriage re air shops and the round houses of the entire Vanderbilt railway system were on Monday in formed that services were no longer needed A saving of nearly a day will be effected Ottawa Oct The revenue for three months ending with Sep tember amounts to com pared for the same time last year or an Increase of The total expenditure for the past three months Is placed at compared with Port Arthur Oct Tucker Tur ner well known in lacrosse circles as a fast and reliable player was very badly Injured yesterday at the Cana dian Northern elevator here He was running the steam shovel mov ing wheat out of the cars when bis foot got caught In the gear His leg was broken off Just a little below the and his condition Is very serious He had only been married a month tRSOMAi Mrs is spending Thanksgiving in Mr Geo Simpson of Toronto spent Sunday at Constable Savage was in this week on an case Miss Fisher and will spend Thanksgiving at Orchard Beach Mrs Jackson had a few la dies in to tea on evening Miss Louie Richardson her brother in Aurora three or four days last week Mrs Richardson is spending Thanksgiving with her daughter at Mrs Dr Irwin ot Weston has been spending the past week in town and vicinity Mrs Major Allan entertained a- number ladies at tea last Friday as guests of mother Mrs Mrs Rev Geo Webber of To ronto was the guest of Mrs two or three last week Miss Stella Anderson and Mr of Toronto spent Thanks giving at the homo of Mr Lewis Armitage Otfiss daughter of the late of of Chicago is visiting relatives and friends in town and vicinity and Mrs Lewis Armitage celebrated the thirtyfifth anniversary of their wedding on Oct 13 A very pleasant evening was spent Don Sutherland is celebrat ing Thanksgiving by getting married The Era wishes the young couple long life and prosperity Mr Albert of Holland Landing has recently been idled the list of County ap pointment of Judge Winchester Win Holmes of the Toronto police force who has been home on furlough for ten Cays returned to the city for duty on Tuesday night- rMrsi Dr Richardson nee El liot will hold her post nuptial re ception on Wednesday and Thursday Oct and at her home on Prospect Ave ifrs John daughter of the late J as McArthur of King gave us a call on She is over in connection with the settle ment of the estate Invitations are out for the mar riage of Rev J Davidson son oi Davidson lo Miss Thom son MD of wedding to take place on Oct Mr who fell and broke his arm near the shoulder four weeks ago is only just able to leave his bedroom this week Owing to the nature of the break the knitting of the bone has been very painful Miss Ruth is spending a week or two Miss Florence Cain daughter of the genial Bag gage Master for the benefit of health She had the Diphtheria three months ago and It has left her in a pretty weak state Mr Will Trivett and family left for Falls Tuesday night They were delayed in getting away having to wait for a car to ship their goods commend them to the people Burka Falls as good citizens and splendid church workers We omitted last week to chronicle the return of Mr John the wellknown cattle dealer from OW where he spent 2 months looking over the scenes of his boyhood after an absence of 36 years While filled with admira tion Tor the old land he thinks tin people are much less progressive and much behind Canadians in many things and would not like to live permanently Our St Overcoats great value feee them We can save you par cent on rubbers Get our prices paving our way Winter Trade the drys The process the front exceptional in worthy and wanted goods goods that are deoenrl and that are upttdate and reliable Our Guarantee Satisfaction or back your every purchase ft is believed that visit l he Italian King to Paris will result In a treaty for the arbitration of in ternational questions The In Pine Orchard on Sept- to Mr and Mrs Jos a son THE LEADING Undertaking House Tables and Couches r Embalming A SPECIALTY to at John Millard Japanese Matting In neat combination patterns of Red Blue Brown and Green full yd wide made with cotton warp worth for Wool Underwear 35c Boys all wool Shirts and Drawee all sizes ribbed cuffs and skirts worth each each Ladies Homespun Skirts 12 lily ill and oil wool wade Skirls sizes t Womens Misses Coats fonts we are wonderful value They are mad pure wool Braver Cloth and Frieze in Bwk and Gift v lined throughout styliaMv nil of buying very at 5 no Electric Beat at iF perinea large size nicely lined Saturday at each Electric Seal Ruffs for 125 Black Electric Seal Huffs long two tails on each end would be a Saturday each Costume Cloth at yd only Suit Length of this latest materials Blue Green Brown and Garnet regularly sold at Saturday 11 i Floor Oilcloth at 25c yd deaicna in heavy Floor Oilcloths in 1 yda wide extra at yd Oilcloth Squares Neat HI for to put tinder at to I per square in Wool Frieze at yd 6 pieces only in wool Frieze in Blue Brown and three shades of Grey a splen did cloth for Suits or Skirts worth yd for yd in Flannelette at yd yds Flannelettes in Stripes of Blue and Pink full in wide heavy weight and good washing colois Saturday GROCERY SPECIALS Da vies Bacon mild cured l4o lb- Davids daily lb lbs choice Japan Ten special value lb 6 lb Pail of or Strawberry Jam for I Old Cider Vinegar extra strong gal Hmntzs Gherkins at 10c quart Christies Biscuits in large varieties fresh every week HUNTER NEWMAEKET The Canadian Com pany was organized last week at Hamilton The concern has capital and will employ about a thousand men At first annual meeting the British Cotton Growing Associa tion held at Manchester reports showed that cotton was being grown in West Africa Despatches from Chefoo report a Russian warship and a trans port with troops left Port Arthur October for Sixty Japanese civilians left Port Arthur Oct for Nagasaki Hie forces at arc reported to have been increase Oct a- convict who escaped from Stony Mountain Penitentiary last weak was caught by Portage la Prairie police yesterday without much trouble who is a young man of years was serving flvc year the penitentiary for horse theft and had put in only nine months of his term SCHOOL STAT The HIMrLf3MONAt the residence of the officiating minister Percy Oct Mr Thomas Hi Township of York was united to MUs of the Township of King The Tomb WATSON At the Industrial Home on Oct Win Watson formerly of Aurora in yr October at the Western Hospital Asa Rogers in his 73rd year Oct let Hoy only son of Mr Bond merchant aged months New Designs of the various needs in these lines Fine Note Paper with Envelopes to Match FOR LITTLE FOLKS AND BIG ALSO New Oranges Lemons BANANAS SWEET POTATOES AT Apples Cabbage Cauliflower Pure Spices and Vinegar Pickling a MAIN ST NORTH AH Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention Christies Fancy Biscuits A LARGE ASSORTMENT FRESH jread Pastry Flour In or by barrel by the hundred weight or Telephone Special for Preserving

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