T rfvr i THE OCT CHINA It tew remarks which we great many Wo out many odd of Hens and HI Mr Geo Miner has sent us reply to the Owls open letter in weeks issue hut wo think quite ffloagfi h said the subject Guitar and Banjo free to term which will open in Newmarket a few days further particulars correspond with G Marlboro APS pi Ml L are not quit but the wearing quality la and you can buy at very Come and see We Lines Right prices to suit the The New Shoe every purchaser Fit Comfortably Look Stylish Wear Well They are Moderate In price Oxfords for Ladies are a half more Our childrens Leather Strap Slippers for sre away below value and our I Patent Leather Strap Slipper te are well worth inspecting Boys and Girls School Boot best to be hid both In fine appearance would like you to see our DIN GER SETS and TOILET SETS GROCERY DEPARTMENT i cooking Figs for Ik Leading Reliable Grocer Farming For Profit Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business principles Guess work and haphazard are no longer used by successful and uptodate far mers By reading The Weekly the Farmers Business J you will get the very lest and most accurate in formation regarding your busi ness Suns market reports worth many times the sub scription price to you Every Farmer in Canada realize the full value of we service The Sun has ren ted him in a public way It l action of The in giving voice to the pinions of the farmers that law relating to cattle wards drainage across rail- and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been tended We will send The Weekly now l January combination Era for Subscribe Row Simples for the feikcIQVorfiolVl The young people had a splendid time at the Endeavor Social in Christian Church School Room Wednesday evening The place Was prettily decorated witlr flags and Chinese lanterns in selections on Mr gramophone solo Mr Willis and cbaractej t on by little Georgia Re freshments were served and it was about when party broke up Death of Styles On Oct 5th there passed at of her Mrs E the last surviving Bister of the late Cane in her- year Deceased was twice married Mr Niks of was her son and also late Albert being sisters of Mrs Her second husband was the late Styles who also leaves one son Mr Cyrus Styles of New York The remains were brought to roaTketfox interment Wednesday- Police On Saturday last some unpleasant ness between the children of a couple of families led their parents to bring matter before Squire Jackson but alter a short conference in court it was made that fault existed on both sides and tatting the trates advice the matter was ami cably settled each part agreeing to pay their own costs Charlie Grabber is again in trouble on account of making things at home His case was called for Tuesday but he did not appear and proceedings were enlarged till this afternoon If he does not turn up the cops will be after him Band of the GovernorGenerals j Body Toronto THURSDAY OCT A Matrimonial Bureau seems to have been opened in connection with a Mam St limited liability company This enterprising concern being ap parently able to turn out from their own stock at short notice not only grooms but brides that are capable doing duty or the original article and as far as the public are able to discern defy detection even under closest scrutiny A well known and popular employee of tnis establishment referred to who had been away on a weeks cation returned on the midnight Pacific Express last Friday night and as the rumor had been circulat ed that he was quietly bringing a bride with him a score his friends bethought themselves to greet him with an old time charivari party which as a thorough success dis counted anything that has been seen here for a generation When the jovial groom and his blushing and at tired bride stepped from the rain the discord was let loose Rendered so by both and Instru mental music brass horns cornet bells and the rasping country A carriage had been provided and tie happy couple rabidly driven up Main St the musical escort giving chase on foot A final outburst of Kaffir music was discordantly rendered at the resi dence of the groom who appeared thanked his friends for their recep tion and courteously invited those assembled down tot refresh ments and it was not till late the following day and after hosts of call ers had offered congratulations that it was srung upon the merrymak ers the midnight previous that tone bride was none than a popular male clerk in the same establishment who had been made up for the occa- 1 MARCH Hail Edward VIL i Hughes OVERTURE Bridal Rose C SONG Humorous Oh My Tooth MR J CORNET SOLO Sea Flower Polka J MR C SONG In the Sweet Von Tiber MR HARRY WOOD MEDLbY OVERTURE Old Indiana Chattaway SELECTION II Verdi TROMBONE SOLO The Holy City Stephen MR J A 9 SONG Humorous Hiding the MR J POTPOURRI OF POPULAR SONGS Von MARCH Commonwealth R Hall The Maple iJOO HAVE TUB K ISO Accompanist ADMISSION ass- a SEATS 35 Plan of Mall at Rogers Drug Band of the GOVERNOR GENERALS BODY GUARD Toronto Mr A Bandmaster j tog tor tail outdoors in a sheltered position or in a vacant shed OrbaraU Plymouth Rocks Wyandot or chickens of a similar type weighing from two and a to four pounds are preferable lor j Chickens of a medium height and of a broad square shape with short straight legs set well apart fatten the most profitably A suitable fattening ration is one that is and that will pro duce a white colored flesh Ground Oats ground buckwheat ground bar ley and low grade- flour are meals that have been fed with profit at the mash exclusively No whole grain is given Several meal mixtures are given to illustrate how a ration can be formed Ground coarser hulls removed two pounds ground oats two pounds ground buck wheat one pound ground corn one pound ground oats one ground barley one pound ground buckwheat two pounds ground barley two pounds low grade flour one pound wheat bran The ground meat mould mixed to a thin porridge with spur milk or buttermilk A small quan tity of salt should he added to the The should remain In the fattening crates for about twenty- four days Before the chickens i placed in the crates they should be dusted with to kill the lice The first week the chickens should be fed the mash sparingly three times a day in order to accustom them to the change of diet and confine ment After the first day the chick ens should be given twice a day as much mash as they will consume For one week before the chickens are killed a small quantity of tallow should be added to the mashes to in crease the juiciness the flpfl water should be In the trough twice a day and grit gravel twice a week At all the illustratkn Stations the chickens are fed from the trourii throughout the fattening period The machine has not been used for fettling chickens for two years Yours very truly A CLEMENS -V- J The Fruit Season will soon be a thing of the past Fruits of all kinds are get ting scarce Grapes are getting very much higher in price also Tomatoes Dont put off any longer made their appearance that the frosts have you know what A ci ml Si KING the water evaporates and leaves the Alter being closed three weeks for fa Med chicken are more edible through repairs Methodist Church hero of exercise To lean chick- to e reopened divine service on Sunday next Rev Dewey of Toronto will morning and evening The church given a thor ough and muchneeded renovation having been painted both within and without The painting and decorat ing was done Messrs of Toronto who make a specialty of church decoration The interior woodwork is all grained in oak The walls are papered in a soft and pleas- ins shade of green and the ceiling is beautifully An uptodate system of gis has been in stalled by a Thumbs firm The fixtures are very haadtfOtue and the system is complete a light even ex tending to the shed The art to for the work they have in done at their Fruit ha been a with the farmers of this iity in by the that A- purchased neatly 81000 worth of apples for an firm proprietor of tin- Metropolitan Hotel iiHUlhd en is wasteful The proportion of edible meat to bone and offal is so small AW breeds of chickens with the ex ception of Leghorns and and similar small chickens can be fatted in the crates with profit Fatted chickens can be marketed in Canada and Great Britain for ten to sixteen cents a pound- plucked weight A great number farmers have engag ed in the fattening business and are preparing their chickens lor I he home markets or for export The follow ing letter was received the De partment last week showing the sat isfactory results of the firt years chicken business and the offered to engage in it ex tensively Last year experimented on a small scale with cratefed and the result was so satisfactory that this year 1 am going prepare all my o that maimer should like you to send the names of some reliable dealers in Ottawa or Montreal to whom I can ship fatted chicles when ready Mr Hare Chief of the Do minion Poultry Division in this arti cle give directions for construc tion of fattening crates feed ing the chickens A subsequent arti cle will contain information about killing and marketing the chickens claim and accept the merits of the Redeemers atonement as an all suffi cient passport to the glory land At Montreal last Saturday men were electrocuted by a coming in contact with a wire two a children on from Huron River Lake Winnipeg their were way down drowned in lUitallKl an acetylene thoroughly fi m chickens lighting bin by this up to- fattening crates in use at the daw method lustration Stations are six feet long inches wide and twenty inches o For the Fattening Chickens inside is divided into throe compart ments each compartment holding four chickens A frame is built of one inch by two Inch lumber and covered With slats The slats placed lengthwise on three bottom back and top and up and down hi front The slats are one Inch wide and half an inch thick The spaces between the slats ft front are two inches wide to enable the chickens to feed from a trough For Era The Splendours of BY A Those who have gone through the experience of passing through a great storm and have been in the midst booming and realized that the surcharged electrici ty stored in dark clouds was permeating them through and through must look back upon the weird experience with sensations of relief that they escaped unscathed 1 from the adventure After ascending about half Way up a fairly lofty mountain it is seen that a thunderstorm is approaching and in a short time the precipitous path is completely enveloped in dense mist Startling peals of rolling thunder now crash with reverberating roar against the mountain side which we are climbing appearing to ex plode with ever louder and more deafening detonations as though they would rend the very earth the doom of all life within range and everything in annihilation and overwhelming ruin The nucleus of the storm whence the forks and tongues of lightning were launched forth was probably at the edge the cloud here the electricity was more diffused Some travellers relate that they were sur rounded with an aureola of glory un der similar circumstances the elect- trie fluid however failed to Invest the writer in this saintly Continuing the ascent as rapidly as possible in the semidarkness alter a short time emerging from the gloom and obscurity the pall a glorious sunlit prospect sud denly bursts upon view Almost as far as the eye can reach a vast outspread wean of rolling billows white and dazzling as snow and ap pearing solid as though carved out of the purest alabaster gleams beneath us Here and there the peaks and pyramids of the surrounding moun tains pierce the Irradiate sea while ever gaps reveal Gillettes Supplemental Chambers glimpses of the landscape beneath to shoot cheap P Pistol Cart- Tim la fl Auction Sale of Timber Berths Owing to widespread distress in Porto Rico thousands of people arc emigrating to Mexico Joyne Robinson of lost his granary and five thousand of grain through fire Little Council the Red and White Pine PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given I that pursuant to autliority of Orders j Timber in the following townships berths and areas namely derrick DISTRICT of trolleyi of Parkin Aylmer Missionary McLaughlin and six In- W part of children on their wav down of Stewart part of part of part of and Phelps part of In the DISTRICT of ALGOMA Berths and the Town ships of Kitchener and Roberts and Block W near Lake j In the RAINY RIVER DISTRICT Bertha and and the following berths with right to cut and remove the spruce tamaracb cedar and poplar 037 GS7 G43 Berths SI S3 and will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the Parlia ment in the City of Toron to on Wednesday the NINTH DAY of DECEMBER 1903 at the hour o ONE oclock in the afternoon ATKINSON containing terms and condi tions of Sale and information as to Areas and Lots and Concessions com prised in each Berth will be furnish ed on application either personal or by letter to the Department of Crown Lands Toronto the Crown Agencies at Ottawa Marie Port Arthur Rat Portage and Fort Prances J DAVIS Commissioner Crown Lands Department of Crown Lands Toronto July No unauthorized publication of this advertisement will be paid lor era now heaved up In masses which break against the mountain peak now sinking down in apparently a a a v bottom ipea in struct the fattening crates No J slats are one and a the distant snowchid Alpine range building Is required In which to P The top slats arc cut ct place the crates Grain on hand with I and three doors formed The doors are hinged to the rear the frame The crates are placed on stands sixteen Incites light feed casion by a most clever and capable crate of chickens is a Being then driven to Profitable business for almost every Aurora he met the train that to engage It is a simple groom was returning upon and drop overtaking can be managed by ping from the carriage en route from a member of a farmers family who the Newmarket station to is sufficiently interested and rooms residence had himsell join- prising to study the work and con ed the charivari party and was fact the first of their number lu shake hands with the happy benedict vv arrd congratulations upon the option of corn and peas when steps his place of residence and fineI Vouud and mixed with skim- afterwards in mixing the buttermilk fed With pro- iced refreshments It is needless to W to the chickens its is Pound A say that few can be found willing to buy grain fine half inches inside combine in creating a pageant that they had been so skilful- preferable The cost of the food of each crate passing loveliness so subline and even the Jovial fattening averages ten cents per carried on nailed brackets nailed on magnificent that a thrill of rouryifaeed Joker who knew the chicken It is advisable to produce the crate fascination courses through the- i flesh as only a small number of chickens veins of the spellbound spectator and who thoughtfully provided him- Is more are to be fatted packing boxes can But soon the mountain winds self a twoseated carriage and drove than yellow flesh It is flue in be adapted for the purpose The carried before them every vestige of lhc become that resplendent sea of cloud which the intercepting are fat globules the bottom of the crate and odTS dc ttb into space and left the bridal party and considerate- the flesh and under the skin When should be removed for the front not a wrack behind St thus sparing the A M melt into Increase the the also of for what must couple the juioeaM- of the chicken With atc to the board he supernal rior1 the first of vtr IK- should he In he top ta of How fataoul r a I of the majority of the fat toh- to the Stha iZS nt prospect now Is of surpassing In rifles saves dollars in The azure of skies munition above undecked by any trace of j SPECIALTY Co cloud the rolling ocean Toronto snowy ever advancing curling break- To Farmers For sale one choice Pure Bred Yorkshire Boar months old closing In the gorgeous cloudscape and he occasional glimpses a fields a river which also one well bred Yorkshire How shines like a slender thread silver due to farrow In October this sow and some scattered chalets dotted Is a good breeder Enquire Lot about like tiny toys far beneath all Con Whitchurch 9 WILLIS Newmarket I O For Bale or to To good tenant dwelling house and store in the village ol Sharon outbuildings hard and soft water Thanksgiving Day Thursday Oct Single An or Round Trip all stations In Canada Detroit and Port Huron Mich to but not from Black Rock Suspension Bridge and Niagara Kails Tickets good going Oct and valid returning on or before Monday October Special Colonist OneWay Excursion Tickets Now On Sale to Points In BRITISH COLUMBIA MONTANA UTAH IDAHO OREGON COLO RADO and CALIFORNIA HUNTING SEASON Apply to agente or write to J Buildings now and In McDonald District Passenger Agent condition Apply at j Toronto for illustrated pamphlet en- titled Haunts arranged hoax ties When the chicken is led in I front forfeiting Him and by neglecting to on Post or J KAVANAGH Life Insurance Co Toronto titled Haunts For tickets and all information ap ply to A Agent