Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Oct 1903, p. 8

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r Vr Y v NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT Toronto tetter 4ft Of the American man is filled In case it it i0 filled It contains too many kinds of food and often the food of the wrong kind hard to digest and j containing little l const- man a develops pome form of stomach trouble which inter feres with his health and reduces his work ing capacity Where there Is Indigestion or any indi cation of dis- the stom ach and its allied organs of digestion and nu trition the use of Pierces Golden Medical Discovery will almost produce a per fect and perman ent cure Mr Thomas A- of Sub C Bo miles was with severe Ihsa pi the id food would cot divert then kidney er trouble sod lay back got I At I ill the more I doctored worse rot six rears bad tccofne so I could walk the noma by Ihi Sid a chair and I cot so thin I had rut to thinking that I could not be cared Then est of ray neighbors said Take ray adrfce and take Dr Pierces Golden Medical and make a new man out of The bottle helped me so I thought I would get toother and ailer had taken eight bottles stout six weeks I was weighed and found I tad gained iwentyseren Stout and today I think as Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser paper covers is on re- ceiptof of customs and mailing only Dr Pierce Buffalo Y at pm fur Jacksons Point re- Mondays has Wen discon tinued The city bus in and Stearhep Gallia Disabled Halifax Hi I I This is tin- racouiv par jn ra police can arrived thw in the of Out in eludes Wand ni c faw the sua W GnUia had a broke on down over ili fields I fl lte tin ntiw 105 and the fields sod ami sludis aid of down over smiling fields pumpkins The wind rustled th- green petticoats of the clover a rough hand Then from rural districts from the home of iho fall fair the ponderous squash and the big bean came many vagrants who secured in Police- Court the right and title to a winters home across the peaceful waters of the Riv er Don Mrs who the To ronto Railway Company fur a street car having wrecked the pump Two girls named Klith and Mary were ionvicttnl in Police fur fraud in and sent io the Merer for a term disastrous fire occurred at the on Friday afternoon As a result big power house the and shelter urn com pious ly ruined The a bunch of her milk delivery wagon obtained ma cause a a Formerly Can via Permanent and Western Can a Mortgage Toronto Street Toronto ABSOLUTE SECURITY W rector J VtrePfMcni J iltynrKi arc it el fill car wiles be nail cu if oar lice we will to recent I Hit is VOIR SOI NO SAFE up t ig EVERY FACILITY r Grocery and Provision TOR County Court in the jury assizes last week is much talk of having the curfew ring to call off children from the streets at oclock If parents stayed at home evenings and looked after their children there- would be less about children gadding the streets at night Francis a yard was fined in the police court last week for allowing a freight train to clock avenue for minutes on Saturday evening Sept when people were leaving the exhibition grounds This shows that the law against allowing streets to be blocked by trains can be made effect ive According to the story presented last week by the liquidator of the Atlas Loan Co it a subscrib ed capital of but there was owing by subscribers To make the list doctors ministers figure within the crowd A una way horse attached to a J I Call and try our New England Ham Just the Thing or Picnics and Lunches All ready for use only per lb Picnic Harns per lb Cottage Hams 17c per lb B to lb Cooked Corn Beef to lb I keep nothing but the Best and Guarantee You Satisfaction on Saturday at Lowest Prlcca KNOWLES When You Need No 22 and get the in town I J Huron Street Ottawa Set the Fisheries have notified that a gnat deal of illegal fishing is taking place in Between Satur day last arid night the cruiser Petrel Am erican nets in Canadian vaters The to stop this practice if Kidney and Cough It w J if VLa to Jt aJI pi i A K salaf Sold by tfd Lyman Bros 5c Tor on to Co wholesale Butchers wagon collided with Grands tallyho hist Thursay upsetting it end throwing its halfdozen occupants to the pavement One man had his hip injured the others escaped with some slight bruises The season is fast approaching when ordinary citizens can tell- candi dates for municipal honors by the way they grasp and hold the hands of free and independent Special trains on the sys tem have carried over during past three Oct is to be iving Day this year On the even ing of that day Madame said to bo the queen of song is to appear in Hall A report is current that milk deal- contemplate raising the price of milk- another cent per quart when cold weather comes The city was visited on Friday last by a party of about fifteen of the delegates to the American Farmers Convention which closed the day previous at Niagara Falls They remained over till Saturday The Toronto Garrison Church par ade will be held on Sunday Oct to Hall Miss McKinutsy a missionary from India has arrived in Toron to with the of touring Ontario on bubal of the Zenana Bible and Medical Mission of London Eng land the President of which is Lord Miss McKinney is stay ing at the Deaconess Home 179 street east The authorities hope to the new freight sheds at and John streets finished within a month The new buildings will more than double freight storage capacity of company and will he a consider able convenience to local merchant Tho mixup over No one of the winners in the Day Baby Show which was causer by two numbers turning up when the prizes were awarded been straightened out at Tho diffi culty was settled by the two babies being by the rnen who done the judging on Labor Day Samuel J Kennedy an farmer was to the Hos pital from an injury to his head on Friday afternoon received in a runaway accident on Queen street His team was frightened by an auto mobile which approached from bo- hind The horses ran away and got Mr Kennedys control He able to return to home this The runaway horses afterwards a street car and was killed John Doyle who was injured at the Diamond Glass Works on Tuesday of last week died in the Emergency Hos pital about oclock Friday A movement for the consolidation of grocery stores in the city has been started The aim of the company is to unite some of the leading grocery houses of the city so that goods can be purchased in large quantities and at consequently lower prices The company will have a central ware- This movement is intended to enable the small grocers to even up with the departmental stores The social train which loft Toron to via Grand Trunk every Saturday fire in St Joseph street that enured dam it was put out ThrfO more toys aper fioin Toronto Industrial last weeky- Iihh made a very acceptable this year but lie- a Liberal th- Conservative party press will his reelection The organ is trying to foster an agitation for a labor candidate in the hope of dividing Mayor support and thus allow a strong Con servative to have a fighting chance for the chair Wheels within wheals is the game of tho politicians no matter who suf fers On Friday last Jane fine looking and only years of age was in the Court with bigamy by her third White defence she told how she married Ernest of age when only 16 Alter living hap py with him for a while she learned he was a married man and him In she married man named Harry Piper but left him be cause ho too was a married man A month later she married White who knew of her marriage to She claims to be Whites lawful wife as the other two men married her while their wives were Hying It looks as if she would win and was given a week to prove was previously married If she does White will be a sick man Rev J Bond editor of tho Christian Guardian has resigned thru illness Mr President of the Queen City Oil Co died suddenly on Sunday morning last from heart trou ble He a native of North York born on the old homestead Yongo St near Newmarket and was years of age Assistant Provincial Secretary passed away on Sunday morning last after an illness of about three months For several days vious to 1880 ho was engaged on jour nalistic work in the office of the Ham ilton Times Mrs Mary a widow was instantly killed on Saturday afternoon about pm by run down by a car on the corner of Queen and Peter Mrs McCabe was crossing from the north to the south aide of Queen street when she stepped in front of a westbound Dundas car which was just slowing up to allow a passenger to alight Upwards of people attended promenade concert of Gover norGenerals Body Guard on Satur day evening in the Armories Thursday in dirnio tab miles pelt Her tow pressure cylinder was damaged J hi Gallia bad 500 emigrants on The was bound fom New York to l I J Gold ipom Sbattlb Wash Seat tles gold receipts tho north on Friday amounted to Tin- iciest shipment came from Nome and Yukon on the Ohio and Dol phin The vssoN brought ehgfirs Ti had the Klondike or British Yukon shipment of 300000 It came consigned to the Seattle and the Can Bank of re of this city the Dawson branch of the insti tution Purser Robertson- had in his charge on the voyage from the north the greatest gold- nugget taken from an Anvil Creek bench on Sept The exact value of the nugget is Kind You Always Bought been in for over years tho signature of mid has been under his per sonal supervision since its Infancy Allow no to deceive you in this All Counterfeits Imitations and are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment h A I Britains Quo London Saturday Sept The Daily Telegraph says that the British War Office alter three years of ex periments has substantially adopted a new type of field gun which is de clared to be the best in Europe It is a rapidfire gun which is effective with shrapnel at a range of yards but is able to plant shells at a range of more than yards The same paper also states that the War Office has practically decided to the cavalry with a light straight thrusting sword discarding the new short lance TO OURS A COLD III DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets AH druggists refund the money it it fails to cure Groves signature is on each box is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Drops and Soothing Syrups It Is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its ago Is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates tho and Bowels giving healthy natural sleep Childrens Panacea Mothers ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Auction Sale of Timber Berths NOTICE is hereby that pursuant to authority of Order in Council the Red and White pi Timber in the following townships berths and areas namely In the DISTRICT of tee Townships of Hutton Parkin thy Merrick Mulock part French part of Stewart part of part of part of and Phelps In the DISTRICT of ALOOMA- and the ships of Kitchener and Roberts near In the RAINY DISTRICT- Berths and and the following berths with right to cut and remove spruce tamarach cedar and poplar- 04 CIS Gil Berths Si S3 S3 and SI will be offered for sate by Public Auction at the meat in the City of Toron to on Wednesday the NINTH DAY of DECEMBER at the haut ONE oclock in the afternoon U-c- G30 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years CfHTAUH Farm tor Sale Town Carting in lota and Having bought the carting outfit oi Con Whitchurch Plenty of wood Mr I should be pleased and water Two thirds seeded down Stone wall under barn MoQUAIN Vivian PO to serve the public on short notice reasonable Orders phoned to the Era Office will be promptly at tended to H SMITH Sheets containing terms and condi tions of Sale aud information as to Areas and and Concessions com prised in each Berth will he furnish ed on application either personal or by letter the Department of Crown Lands Toronto the Crown Timber Agencies at Ottawa Marie Port Arthur Hat Portage and Fort Frances J DAVIS Commissioner Crown Lands Department of Crown Lands July NB No- unauthorized publication of this advertisement will be paid for ANY OLD AGENT tin fi rut Kleins sll itt ljt ICO on Jt LlnscoU Barrie ratepayers carried a by law to loan to the carriago and grant them a free site free water and light for twenty years A bylaw to install an electric fire alarm in the town was alio passed Eight cents a pound is what a young woman paid for twelve pounds of flesh She was thin and weak and paid one dollar for a bottle of Scotts Emulsion and by tak ing regular doses had gained twelve pounds in weight before the bottle was finished Eight cents a pound is cheap for such valuable ma terial Some pay more some less some get nothing for their money You get your moneys worth when you buy Scotts Emulsion We will send you a little free SCOTT Chemists Toronto Ontario and all druggists alls The Greatest Source of Physical Power in the Dominion of Country The Greatest Source of Knowledge About the Dominion The strength of Niagara is due to the fact that over two hundred rivers empty their waters into the great lakes that feed the Falls Over two hundred brilliant Writers Scientists Divines Financiers Politicians etc have united their powers to make this work the greatest national encyclopaedia ever produced A FEW OF THE CONTRIBUTORS Canada and the Empire SIR JOHN SIR GILBERT PARKER SIR CHARLES SIR CHARLES Education etc HON ROSS HON G FOSTER HON CHASE HON J HUNDREDS OF OTHER Religion MOST REV DR JOHN WALSH PRINCIPAL GRANT CHANCELLOR REV PROP WM CLARK Finance GEORGE HAGUE WALKER D McCABE SUBJECTS BY Science DR GEO M DAWSON THOMAS WM HAMILTON MERRlTT GEO DRUM MONO Military COL GEO T DENISOM COL WALKER POWELL FRANCIS J DIXON LTCOL JAS MASON EQUALLY COMPETENT AUTHORS I The Government of Ontario aud different municipalities are considering the expenditure of millions to distribute the power of Niagara throughout the Province AT ENORMOUS VVr COST the knowledge in CANADA AN ENCYCLOPEDIA has been gathered togetheiVV and presented in entertaining and convenient form and can be yours for the of but Cut out the attached coupon and after filling in your name and address send it to us and we will send you a Prospectus of this great Work which gives the subjects treated in detail and a list of tile authors The Work is so cheap and the TERMS SO EASY that you will be to resist our proposition me the Illustrated Canada An the spectus of full of your Itlc proposition for a ci of Work Tine Co Street Address Office Occupation t A 1 Vf- L V Ji ft

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