Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Oct 1903, p. 7

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iVv I THE NEWMARKET- OCT CHINA Jut a id Interest a treat many Wo art JobMa out many odd of Boy and leeks Local Ho entertainment Town Dont miss it H on In a letter to the City Solicitor Toronto Mr Geo Jones Super intendent of tfcis division of the G announces the double- tracking of the entirenorthern Divi sion at an early date Boots gome are not quite uptodate in but the wearing quality and you can buy at very prices Come and see We at prices to suit the Shoe Farm Sold Mr Joshua sold one And It Verily a Land of Promise i ORCHARD f J After a very exciting term the con test for an oyster supper at the Sons of Temperance Lodge has clos ed in favor of Mr B side by a large majority of marks Toe winning side put up an excellent closing program Miss of the past week with Misa Conner Mr and Mrs Ira are happy possessors of a baby boy On Monday afternoon of last week up possession of the land for this the editor of Era joined a party railroad Every morning Mrs A Cook and daughter are of Pressmen and railroad officials tracks and deer may be visiting their brother in Tenne-see- on an excursion to that part of seen in the loose ballast along the Mr Frank Gordon is spending a I concession this province called New Ontario It sides of the railway time in the of containing acres the outing was I The officials expect- to Elgin Hastings is attending Model Ski I Win thoroughly enjoyed more particular- the railroad to New by July School at the Junction shows toat good farms account of the revelations con- The North Bay people appear I Mrs Jas Phillips of Toronto is vicinity of Newmarket still our own loved land to fully realize the advantage of this visiting at Mr Win Phillips Through the courtesy of the railway road to thejB as the base or supplies j John Brown has Mr the party travelled in a spe- to New Ontario and things are boom- Lemons farm Pullman car and every attention in A good number from here took in command good prices The Empress Fine Shoes Millinery Opening Report at Hug last week During the two weeks ending Sept there were 372 books from the Public Library Tickets till Jan 1st only The Librarian proposes to change books for members from 7 to oclock on Tuesday Wednesday and Friday as well as the regular even ings- East Council meets at Sharon today Town Council meets next Monday evening A partial eclipse of the moon takes place next Tuesday night Bread and Cakes fresh at Flanagans grocery are nearly 100 appeals to the Town Voters List Judge Mor gan will hold special court here on of Oct Only two weeks and Thanksgiving Day will be here was given to make the trip enjoyable In addition to this a special photog rapher Mr Park of ac companied the party on behalf of the Government and over views of THE RAILWAY TOWN the Newmarket Fair and were well The party returned to North with it about pm and found that thocit- Mr Davidson PSI our had prepared a magnificent -ban- school last week and was well quet at the Pacific Hotel where with the way the school was doing scenery public improvements condi- thing was done up in regulation farmers are digging their For please every purchaser Fit Comfortably They Look Stylish They Wear Well They are Moderate price Our Oxfords for Ladies axe Forth a half more Our childrens Patent Leather Strap Slippers for are away below value and our Patent Leather Strap Slipper for are well worth inspecting Our Boys and Girls School Boots are the best to be had both in wear- Is quality and fine appearance We would like you to our DIN NER SETS and TOILET SETS want of an authentic map of our own Dominion of Canada was never so much felt as during the pos session at Ottawa when the tions of the settlers and products of the soil were obtained at various times trains and boats being stopped for this purpose as the eye cad take in at a glance what would require many words to describe Our train arrived at North Bay a before ten pm and the press gang were given a cordial welcome by editor Phelps and the town offi cials About 25 o the party slept on board and the balance found com fortable quarters at the Queens and Pacific hotels On Tuesday the party were the guests the ofiicials in cbatps of the Northern and Temiscaming Railroad now being constructed between North Hay and New a distance of miles almost directly north The Mayor of North Day several Council lors the Sheriff and the Clergy had also been invited and as the train composed of an engine the press pullman and an observation car pro ceeded north the various points interest were explained One of the first of them is trout Lake between three and four miles from North Bay very order A colored instrumental which are affected with rot to vocal orchestra was in attendance quite an extent on the clay land and the speeches also were inter- Our school teacher Mr with solos by local artists son has been engaged to teach another The speeches bad toe ring of progress J year The trustees have raised bis and the North Bay people are very salary Dr Law of Dearborn who has been in the village ami vicinity during the past two or three weeks has great faith in a schene supply A number of citizens on street Iron progress of j Toronto northward with a supply of enthusiastic over their future pros- The are building mammoth workshops and a handsome stone passenger si at ion brick are in while many other buildings are excellent water from artesian wells going up in all directions The neighborhood of Leinonvillc- of the town is now and the Dr can get Capitalists to see the schools and churches arc so over- things the way he sees he has crowded that- new ones are contemjno doubt that the necessary money plated It is beautifully situated on will be forthcoming and a company Shore of Lake a formed to promote the enterprise magnificent sheet of water some The people in this vicinity as well as miles wide and long The the millers along the course people will never rest contented the streams dependent for their till they secure a waterway between supply upon these springs will Lake and the Georgian have much to say in this matter This can be done by a canal utilizing should an attempt be made to French River o5 miles in length with the excellent water areas in and would permit the grain of th Whitchurch Township The Fruit Season will soon he a J Basket Fruits of all kinds are get- ting scarce Grapes are getting very much higher in price also Tomatoes Dont put off any longer the frosts have made their appear ance you know what that great NorthWest to go by boat from Fort William bo North Bay leaving only miles to Montreal by rail Grand Trunk Pacific Bill was being hay te a saw mill shingle- North Bay people had arranged a discussed Few homes business of fices or schools have such a thing GROCERY DEPARTMENT W fti good cooking Riga for The Leading Telephone mill half a dozen or more houses trip to the French River but owing York Fair being over the The view the railway train previous arrangements the Press have settled down to red clover to be the v lU Probable to be a great com- clovcr throughout his islands oi an sizes town- Property on Main section will not exceed a half crop iefd at a estimated by experienced growers about four Quick Reference like so many separate channels and j We were pleased to meet here Mr form a combination of loveliness that A Browning a former abounds among the various waters of dist Minister in Newmarket He is the District the leading lawyer of the town All along the line of railway the superintendent of a Sunday nature of the country reminds us of School a The publishers of the Family Herald very enchanting and no wonder tourjp obliged to forego that again Gathering and Weekly Star of Montreal always speak so highly of the picture j potatoes and apples seams alive to such emergencies at once J when coupled with the excellent There is no doubt but that North conversation saw their opportunity and have had that is said to be obtainable engraved a most complete and upNumerous islands of alt sizes from map of the with half an acre to nearly one hundred street is now held an enlarged map of this province as acres make portions of it appear frontage well It is a new Map and is all she name The map is only one of three valu able premiums given this year to al who subscribe to that popular paper The two others are pictures entitled and Hard and gullies immense Rev J Stewart son of the late TOROHTO OHT 1H8TRUCTION8 GIVEN I TOUCH PKNMANSHIP Expert flludenu to Kept Free J AooouaUDt Moclpal Choose and are without exaggera tion the most delightful subjects ever selected as newspaper premiums Family Herald subscribers always get big value but this year certainly looks the limit as to what can be given R Popular Clergyman Rev Jas Grant soninlaw of Mr Cody of Newmarket on the eve of his removal from to Co- burg was along with Mrs Grant the recipient of many surprises be tokening their popularity On Thursday evening of last week the congregation of Baptist TaVer- gave a farewell in the basement when Mrs Grant was presented with a couch and chair together with some smaller articles as a slight ap preciation of her devotcdness lo the local work of the church this Mr was made the re cipient of a purse of gold containing Both presentations were ac companied by addresses The following evening a public ban quet was tendered the man The Chronicle gives a lengthy account of the function having the following introduction a grand climax to the series of felicitous events which have this week emphasized the popularity of the Rev Jas Grant and his estimable wife with the people of as a whole an elaborate banquet was last evening teadered Mr Giant in the school room of the Tab ernacle by representative citizens The gathering numbered over fifty and from the lips of mrn fell kind words proclaiming the worth Mr Grant and expressing deep regret at his removal The address on this occasion was accompanied by a handsome Tea Service as boulders protruding here and there Mr Stewart of Newmarket is pastor and everywhere and yet thickly wood- Methodist Church here and we with pine hemlock maple and enjoyed the hospitality of the parson- birch I It was the remark everybody also had the plcare of meeting that the road built by the On- Mr John Morton of Keswick who Government is exceedingly sub- located at North Bay and is being constructeli at Another North York boy whom it a less cost per mile than other rail- was our good fortune to meet here roads AH kinds modern appli- was Mr Miller formerly of Mt are being used and it was a Albert who is general agent for revelation to see how labor District in life insurance Public Warning very time the Hie publishers the Family I lei- it lifted up two aid and Weekly Star Is being reduced to a minimum About 18 miles up the road a stcm dredge was at work loading the vel train Only some six or eight men were operating and attending this machine which loaded a car in three minutes per went down cubic yards of gravel which it drop ped upon a Hat car The stumps and roots of arc no obstacle whatever While watching the oper ation stump of a tree inches in diameter was lifted right out the ground apparently as easily as a man would lift pail of water This machine cost Another operation equally as be continued public regarding an oner made by certain papers in which Montreal paper with a somewhat similar name to The Family Herald is in a clubbing combination It is reported to the publishers that some cases le offer has been ac cepted the impression it was He Herald aid Weekly Star that would be received The paper est ing was the unloading of a gravel question has no connect wo By means of an iron plow ever with the Family Herald and attached by a wire cable to a drum Weekly Star It is The Family Her on engine the entire cars aid and Star that is offering were unloaded in exactly minutes the handsome premium pictures and After passing the highest point of large colored map of the Dominion as land between North Bay and premiums The word FAMILY Bay our train halted for dinner a should be used when addressing that distance of miles from North Bay paper This caution should have and here we found a regular old fash- the effect or putting people on their toned lumbercamp hot dinner in guard readiness to appease the splendid apj which northern oone had created and right heartily pork Berlin Sept Town of beans potatoes green peas and months ago took over the plum pudding were enjoyed and electric light and power This was as far as the train could plant paying It Is in poor Sifter proceed with safety although the condition and not adequate to of affectionate are laid as miles and the road of the town The Town by the citizens for miles Only 25 miles Council yesterday voted to are nwn Commissioners to put the Hut this did not suffice On lne and proper basis Instead of afternoon same day the d that miles will be completed steam coal gas engines will be ta lk ot showed magnam- this a I stalled the second Canada when a deputation The importance of this road was lights will be supplied at leading gentlemen waited on Mr not until a day or two later a cent a night per light and the price Grant at his residence and the party reached New in a of gas reduced to one dollar per Mm with an elaborate Gold Mounts found about way of from thousand Chambers Cane Mr Grant assured his North Bay being miles by and The condition of affairs at the Pistol Cart olio friends that the expressions of miles by water When the lakes and especially the of In rift dollara in am- the address would be ft pleasant mem- are frozen up the hare to the unpaid workmen are receiving bushels to the acre The apple crop is not nearly so abundant as last year while the plum yield was far above the average parts the potato rot has done much damage while others say there is- but very little the rot pear crop was quite up to the average this year but some of them very scabby Mr O we regret to say has lost a valuable mare by Ic ing penetrated by a stake while load ing cars at Mr Lemons Saw Mill A very narrow escape attended Mr on Wednesday morn ing last while accompanied by bis sister Mrs Win Rogers and her son He was driving a very spirited young team which deliberately kicked over the tongue and soon became almost un manageable He however drew them into the fence which threw the oc cupants out with no serious results other than stunning Mr Rogers by striking his head against a rail Charlie is teamster right from word Quite a pleasant evening was spent in Division Lodge room here on Saturday night last it being the event of anniversary of the Order We do regret to report the serious illness which has attended Mr Love Wie past ten days For a while he was considered very danger ous but at thc time of writing he was improving Mr Eaves of Whitchurch was call ing on friends here on Sabbath last The visitors of whom we have knowledge are Mrs Albert of Toronto with her friend Messrs John and Edward Blackburn of To ronto at the parental home also uncle Mr Blackburn of To ronto Miss Toole Whitchurch was the guest her sister Mrs W for the week past Mr Simpson deputy post master and clerk at Mr store left on a trip tor on Saturday morning Out Sept During a severe thunderstorm light ning- played a strange prank at home of Mr Carney on Point Road In the house at the time wore Mrs Carney and her grandchild a lit tle of about five The boy was playing with the dog near the stove while Mrs Carney was busy with the household duties Tie lightning struck the roof of the house passing down the stairs to the lower storey thence at right angles to the stove killing the dog lying there thifti pass ed to the cellar thence to the ground by way of a cedar post sup porting the main floor Mrs Car ney was standing directly over this post and jar threw her over against the nearest wall but she re ceived no material injury- Farming For Profit IE A Apply to A Pearson Ave Newmarket Sorvnt Wanted Apply to firs Lloyd Lome Ave Newm Caretaker Wanted For the Presbyterian Church Du ties to commence at once Apply to or J for par ticulars PINE LUMBER of V 2A3Iich fiidx24 Lath GOAL Park Avenue Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business Guess work ami haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and uptodate far mers By reading The Weekly Sun the Farmers Business Faper you will jjet the very latest and most accurate in formation regarding your busi ness The Suns market reports are worth many times the sub scription price to you Every Farmer in Canada should realize full value of the service The Sun has ren dered him in a public way It was due to action Sun in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards drainage across rail ways and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been amended We will send Tint Wkekly Sun from now to 1st January in combination with The Era for Subscribe Mow Samples for the Asking H Sovereign Authorized Capital M 4 Head Office Toronto- BRANCHES Montreal to CO Wi40 for on to Cook Wanted October per Apply to limine NOTICE Is hereby that a Court will be held pursuant to th Voters List Act by Honor the the County Court at Tem perance Hall Sharon on Wednesday October at 1000 to him w attention determine the On the day proceeding Father To the Ontario down- of errors and called at Mr Grants home freight route will represeiitations have been made the Voters List of the to farewell ana gave his two lit- lover the new railway this win- Saturday Premier of tie daughters a silver napkin J on subject Mr that point pointed that the falls lot drive by about one had given the Central Protestant clergy to receive such pub- the distance a grant land He and It is a god It will le to it to be the policy of the for all whin all rcllRious to know that the niOOKC to withhold this blend their sympathies of along until the wages of the workmen had in ftich an expression of regard milts of track have not vet given raid persons having business at the Court are to attend at the time and A J- Clerk East Dated fit Sharon Sept Mount Albert Toronto ft CfintoD Harrow MUvertoa Mount Ho Savings Bank Department allowed from date of deposit be Intercut la paid year not obliged to or draw none on or Uat of the at any let of Booklets or Write and we will WWallace Bruce Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH- We BRANCH LOST A Walking Cane on the handle of whieb is carved the image of a mans lace with a long beard Finder will be rewarded by leaving the same at this office

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