Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Oct 1903, p. 5

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r ftriiS J i i7v I STOCK PAID OP Total HEAD NEWMARKET BRANCH General BanMng Bows Interest Allowed DRAFTS ISSUED at points ll ftitl American Drafts end Mm Simpson Sun wit village has had about feet at granolithic sidewalk laid year contract of Co was per square foot- Frank AUCTIONEER dltaooo Oct Oct OctL Oct Bolton Oct Bradford Oct The gentleman who met young lady at Fair woo was accompanied by sister and lady and gentleman would be to correspond with her Address A AT SMITH Gen eral Delivery Toronto forget in the Town Hall Ladies gentlemen invit Children IS not admitted teistSfHam who is as tie town Sunday- It you- not visited this lady not do set Many consult mi daily and speak Highly pi her Opinion The reporter the wee says The New market Fair is always as good as any the smaller Towns and than most of titan On behalf of the Directors allow us to say Thanks Bolton poetical and House Street iIlLbLrd Lane dud EVES SPECIAL DOUGLAS secured and ffuiranteed tteforrar Block A Ellis Architect and Sanitary and Estimate kinds of building mads fox all i j liauer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Office Newmarket oca Papers Issued at residence If Found- On Thursday of last week as three ladies were walking over to the Grounds followed at a short distance by Mr Redmond Simpson he noticed a Watch lying on the sidewalk He it up and it proved to be- to one the ladies who had not noticed it fail off the hook on which she carried it When will women get enough sense to carry their jewelry in safe places ft Bridge fair County Engineer reports that the new bridge over Yonga St at to he 35 foot span and will cost acout The work is progressing favorably This bridge is the first structure this nature to of a character This bridge will be of stone and sub and superstructure and the floor of concrete with i surface of vitrified brick Mr says that all the in future on roads that carry heavy traffic will be of a similar character NEWMARKET Monuments and Head Stones Call Ordering Photographs Are easily obtained fay calling on THE PHOTOGRAPHER Opposite Sovereign Bank Newmarket Andrew Hunter Builder Contractor o Uvea On Short and Stepa gc4S consult HUWTER St P Box the Court of Justice lost Saturday the following judgment was given by Justice in the late Edwin Hunter Estate Judgment on motion by tors under rule for order declar ing destruction- will of Edwin Hunter Held that the testator in tended an equal distribution among his children and that their shares should vest immediately on his de cease The construction intended for by Douglas Campbell Hunter would he repugnant to this and particular ly to paragraph which being subse quent to the will must prevail over any inconsistency therewith in clause 2 of subsection of the second para graph There should be a declara tion that the shares vested at the testators death and that Douglas Camp belt Hunter is not entitled to the benefit of more of the rente and interest moneys than one to his share of the principal His application for an administration or der is dismissed Costs of all par ties out of the estate A Marsh KC for executors George Bell for Hunter A Lawrenceor Mary Hunter and William Hun ter The Era till Jan for Try Flanagans tor choice groceries vegetables and ftnStff A- party of young people took a- trip to Aurora last Friday in a hay wagons The tax collectors are for their annual calls King Plowmen have set Thursday the 5Ux of November toe date of their annual Plowing Match out out ye orchard lands with all your ripened store such bounteous measure nature yields how could heart ask for mora Does your neighbor read the Era Dont you think be would appreciate it until January 1st for the small sum Ask him fait market last Saturday Town lively with people from the country Prices ruled as follows Butter to Eggs IT to Dressed chiclcens to pair Dressed Ducks to Crah apples basket to basket Pears to Potatoes bag- Tomatoes Green corn or 3 foe Live Chickens to Old Hens to Live Ducks to pair Turkeys Pigeons 15c Hides Tie lb Calfskins Sheepskins to each Tallow lb Zigs to He Lamb to lb by fionsot bulbs witJitha heat end fragments glass era flying through the rooms Mir Walton the popular banter left on Wednesday a trip to Ttoiscainiug- A meeting the will be held in the Council Mon day evening Rev J Howell for a number of years stationed in Aurora ana well- known thruouh York County died Hanover a few days ago Sons agricultural- works wilt he considerably work has been DAVID BRINGS UP THE IT Sam Blessed dwell thy house are they that Too late for last week Eva Chant let of Newton who has been the guest Grose has returned home Miss Shaw is on the sick list Miss Minnie Long is the guest of Mrs M Long Miss Chan tier Derail College was the guest of Miss Grose for over the Fair large number from here attended the concert and fair and report a good time Miss Annie of Bradford is renewing old acquaintances The young men should go thru the gate not over wire fences Mr Stone of Bond Head was guest of Mr Grose and re- foe fair The young ladies who ran into the butcher wagon want to be more care ful David being about fortyfour years of age and having been king About years attempted a revival of religion It was desperately need- ed after the reign of Saul But a people cannot reform habits at once There had been a great lack or rever ence The ark was being brought out of its obscurity not on the shoulders of the as the divine order was but by a kind of First of July fanfaronade when in whose care the ark had been seized it con trary to law and was smitten dead for his act SUGGESTIONS The reason- that the world is in such ready bo at each others throats wars and rumors wars is because the ark of God is ne glected forsaken without- recognition or regard The ark of God must be treated with great reverence And yet how 9 ferfe I ft J a Vi Every preparation is being made to make the fair the greatest suc cess possible The only requirement now is a goon day arid success is as sured- Mr J has an expert boiler maker from Waterloo making repairs on his engine The youngest son of the late Mrs A Stover Toronto died at the home its grandparents Mr and Mrs Phillips on night The cause of its death was congestion of the lungs The heaviest storm known in years passed over here on Wednesday after noon of last week Rain tell in tor rents washing out great cms ill the roads and fields and the barn of near the village with his crops and implements was burned Estimated loss insurance A- number trees and stumps were struck by lightning and telephone poles just east of Black River were Be sure and attend the public gath ering in Town Hall evening under the auspices of Newmarket A The DistrictDeputy Grand Master Rev A Rutherford of will preside The speakers Jos Esq of and Carder Esq of Toronto are gentlemen oratorical ability and the first named is exceptionally en tertaining This will also be the first appear ance in Newmarket of Geoffrey the female impersonator and from the press notices which he has received we are that he will please shivered The rainfall is considered irreverently most us enter Gods house And how irreverently we treat Gods word often recklessly thrown aside indifferently only sometimes even spok en of jestingly And how irreverently we treat Gods seat pr the ark the place of prayer How negligently we ask for the pardon of our for the forgiving grace of God furl the blotting out our One can live near a church and yet get no special blessing unless there is a spirit The main point of the lesson is all according to Gods law Gravita tion will dash to pieces steam ex plode and lightning kill if they are not rightly treated Winnipeg Sett A triple drown ing accident occurred yesterday at the Bow River Indian reserve near Brooks of the Northwest Mounted Police A and Joseph all Gleichen were attempting to cross the river when horses wagon and all three men went down and were lost few Indians noticed the accident and brought word to Town and a searching party has gone out to en deavor to locate the bodies All were married SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES j GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS HIRE armacy door to Post Office We have now a complete line of Pure Druggists comprising choica Stationery Toilet Prepara tions Soaps and Sponges Brushes Combo Atomirera Hot C A Full Stosk of Patent at lowest reduced prices We pay special attention to our Prescription Department A Call Solicited The NORMAN ROGERS CO Limited J PATTERSON aa and deflgbt the public Read the fol lowing Toronto Star feature of the pro gram was two songs by Geoffrey the female impersonator Standard Geoffrey soprano and female impersonator fairly as the heaviest known in these parts THOMPSONS REPAIR SHOP At OF IRON WORK Gil itrutss a A Mr Samuel Rogers a wellknown citizen of Toronto and President of the Queen City Oil Company died suddenly yesterday Mr Rogers bad suffering heart trouble for two years during which time be had not been actively with company manage ment left in the his son Mr Albert Rogers Mr had ailing bis sud den end was unexpected He was at Pickering on Thursday and spent Fri day at houtie of his brother Mr Elian Rors in the city Yesterday he was attacked with illness at his home Avenue road and was at tended by Dr and Dr Noble In spite their aid he steadily be came worae and finally passed away quietly late in the afternoon The members of the family left are the widow two sons P and Albert and four daughters Mrs widow of Mr Mrs Pickering and Misses Esther and Mary Mrs Rogers was a Miss Cody daughter Cody North York The relatives left arc one brother Mr Rogers and one sister Miss Martha Rogers Mr Rogers was years of age He wait on Street near Newmarket of a notable family of arid came to Toronto in he the oil business of Samuel Rogers Co which later grew into the City Oil Com pany For some years he waa a resident of this town and for a time thus a partner with the late Wm Bond in the sewing machine retiring In his disposition Mr Rogers devoted a great of his time to charity He a of the Hoard of the Hospital for Sick Children and in a way wail constantly engaged Id of jplrilanthropy The annual Fail Fair for King To wilt be held in the village of Schorr- brought the house down on and Friday and of October The British Grenadier Band has been engaged for the Fair and Concert The directors advertise single fare tickets Horn ail points on the Metropolitan Railway Madam a specialist palmistry will be here on Tuesday and wilb remaiu the rest of ills wick The Government Engineer too a trip over the A A on Tues day it being his duty to Inspect and see if it met with requirements of the Jaw as it was a new load report was very favorable as he found everything in the best of and the road meeting in very manner what is demanded by law The railroad service continues reg ularly now and for the beginning the com any is doing a fair business the passenger line As scon as the to come by rail busi ness on the line wiU be better By a to depot each time a train is due it would lie easy to tell- that is a new rail road village and that the people are not used to the coming and going of trains as a lady in full evening costume and with a most bewitching coif fure he gave two good soprano while in the encore of the second he finished in an excel lent tenor then when repeatedly out he lifted his head- adornment and strode oft the stage The effect was ludic rous in the extreme Toronto Saturday princi pal feature of the evening was the female impersonating Geoffrey combines a charming man ner with a handsome personality and a line voice He is rapidly and deserv edly paining notice as an imper sonator his being marvel ous Ladies and gentlemen invited Chil dren not admitted AGENTS FOR THE GREAT NORTH WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY OF CANADA No The will of Moses White of Mark ham entered for probate dis poses of an estate valued at is given the Hospital for Sick Children 76U Ifee Home for licur- to the Muskoka for consumptives and to the Presbyterian Home Mfssionar So ciety Ironox Tablets are Very Highly Appreciated In Kingston 17 ft is with tful I certify ta the No tablet that I know of better serves th pur pose of an effective yet and regulator the bowels the time acting atonic ta blood nervous system As a regulator the bowels hey are all right J ARVI3 7 Ana Dally action of th bowels Is ry Aid AyeVs Farm for Sale fifty la pock cc2tts guj or vent on receipt price The Ironox Remedy Co ittjl Ont Practical Try on Ad in the It pay a was 4 large attendance in the basement of the Presbyterian church on evening to hid fare well to their pastor Rev J ami his estimable wife who were on tike eve of removing to their- new of labor at Acton The ministers of the Town were alt and during the evening Mr Wil son was with a bag gold as a token of esteem on behalf of generally An accident occurred on evening at electric light whereby considerable damage was dune to the wires connecting the street lights to the main line- It appears that the belt that operates jibe governors allowing the engines to go at their own sweet will Then in a few minutes after I large dynamo belt came off and was made to squirm about and thump the ceiling at a great rate Mr who was outside at the time on bearing the noise hurried in struck a and quickly off steam Hie lights on the street were mag- bright for about a minute so thou could le heard the report a lit use and Immediate the In se the wires Wltti- lot con Whitchurch and consisting of acres about un der cultivation and acres with hardwood and hemlock The farm Is situated about three miles from Newmarket and la convenient to both church and school house On It there are a good frame bank barn with stone foundation and stabling far cattle and horses a good brick- clad with solid brick Kitchen and frame woodshed a good well at the house a never failing spring creek a young orchard coming into bearing and plenty small fruit The farm well- fenced and the soil fa a good clay loam and in good state of cultivation Plowing will be done this Fall and wheat sown Possession given 1st of April Easy terms can be given if desired For particulars apply to ARMSTRONG on the premises or thru Newmarket In the Lines we handle GOODS CLOTHING GENTS BOOTS Stock Always Up to Date Town of ICECREAM VJfTJ All ardent for carting will promptly attended to Moving a specialty Good bus kept for HUNTER JR Heat Public School TXnOf4T3 JOBBING

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