Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 Oct 1903, p. 2

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iifc 5 r THE NEWMARKET -i- OCT i On Prospect Avenue or Watte St as Presbyterian Church a gold broach- Finder will be suitably rewarded by it at the Era Office jersey Cow for Took prize at Newmarket Fair Milking J WILSON The Ce dars Newmarket LOST In Newmarket on Wednesday Sept a iocs black pocket Book contain ing a sum of money The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at this office of Mr and Mrs Daly and family wish to tender their sincere thanks to friends who were bo kind during the and death their son Arthur FOR SALS acres ol land on south side Town Line west now occupied by in connection with slaugh ter house Apply to A WILLIAMS Newmarket of Thanks We the undersigned wish to thank the Royal Templars and the many friends for their kindly offers of as sistance and sending of beautiful flowers during the illness and death of our dear one MRS J GARDNER MR MRS GARDNER 9 JLBA2iJrrtT Oar Torooto fietter To Farmers For sale one choice Pure Bred Mr Routley la spend ing toe week at Mrs The Misses entertained some companions last Friday evening Miss Marshall of Toronto visited Mrs Allan at the Cedars over Sun day Mr and took in toe Exhibition on Wednes day Wright has gone to to look her property there Mr John A Bell left on Tuesday for Calgary for the benefit of his health A number young people- had a good time at the last Fri day night Mrs Barker and Mrs Toronto spent Monday at Mr A I Mrs Albert Thompson was at the Landing on Sunday seeing her mother who is very ill Mrs J Hughes of Detroit is spending a few weeks with hex sister Mrs A I Miss Lee sister of Mrs J who was here on a visit left on Tuesday for Toronto Mr and Mrs David Miss spent over Sunday with friends at Keswick Mr A Hughes of is spending a week or two- with his grandfather Mr Ellis Hughes Messrs Walter and Leslie Jack son left yesterday to resume their studies at Toronto University Oh dearest mother art thou gone Gone ah so soon from earth I cannot paint thy cherished form Nor tell thy priceless worth Application was made Friday for administration of the estate of the late H real estate broker which is at about personalty and the bal ance in real estate including a farm of acres in York County Tee controllers of this corporation by an amendment to the act passed last session will hereafter be elected by the electors at large the same as the mayor Aid Is be ing urged by his friends to become a candidate He is likely tobe one in joy of the successful ones If he consents to stand Norte York boys work to toe front A shooting accident occurred in Bay last Monday Three youngsters were out shooting ducks and somehow one- of the guns was discharged the shot taking effect in a companions face and shoulder It is not expected to prove fatal There appears to be a hitch about exhibiting the Queen Victoria Jubi lee presents at the St Fair The railways require the same to be specially guarded and no provision has been made for this expense It St Louis dont do the right thing the presents will be to Canadian cities for exhibition and then return ed to London Walter Forsyth a farmer who re sides near Aurora was found guilty of fraud in the General Sessions on Of David Thompson Who Died Quite Suddenly July Bear Sutton West Thy kindly glance and spirit sweet Could I but meet thy smile My heart would rush for a treat And stay with awhile To talk once more of earth and heaven And in thy counsels bide We carry in Silks OUR AD ITS RIGHT cannot be Our NEWMARKET AND J buying untiring energyand ability to lead in the race of merchandising are made manifest to all who enter the store in the excellent of seasonable at the lowest possible cost to produce We are confident our qualities and values cannot be excelled The goods are here to support all that we say regarding varisties and the reasonable prices for legitimate trade We invite comparison in the lines we carry and ask your patronage only where merit warrants A pair of pure white raccoons have been presented to the Zoo by Mr Dell- The improvements to Government House cost The and his family are moving in The will of Ireland King Township has been filed- He was worth at bis death of Miss Isabel Starr and her sister in a farm in the Miss Lou Starr Pleasant Valley His is ex- were in Mr Starrs lunch wife gets all the pro- room during the Fair for her own benefit Examiner Mrs companies of militia have Clubine ot Newmarket spent the past sent from this city to settle the week with her brother Rev J J the Soo Very little sit me at thy side The graceful of tby form The unpretending way Smiles blessings comforts in ft storm Drop round us like the spray And when she met us door With a kindly glance so true Her smites lit up lives Her faithfulness how true Her example principles I know The Rock she stood upon The life she lived with us- below With Will still live on The centre of a social sphere Around which others swung A husband and eight children dear Whose hearts by grief are wrung Thy cheerful tables tasty spread Made home a palace bright Thine old armchair like a The blazed with light Love wove her garlands strong and flne S Around thee mother And memories still our entwine While hope bids us to tthile none had a farewell to say So short the tSme Theres chance thru grace that we may say morning I in a fairer clime Tho look divine the beauteous smile That graced her lips in death inch Wool Frieze pieces Wool Frieze in dark and light grey blue black and fawn good weight for Suits and Skirts very special at per yd worth Plaid Dress per yard- yds only Wool Plaid Dress Goods in Red Blue and Plaids signs for Childrens Dresses speciaL at per yd sympathy is felt for peace disturbers LL Mrs Cocker ill and Mrs A violated law after being assured would see they rut sale one cnoice rs Yorkshire Boar Pig months old Miner of Toronto spent a Jew days that also one well bred Yorkshire last week at Mr doe to farrow in October this sow is a good breeder Enquire on Lot Cor of Whitchurch WILLIS Newmarket P For Sale or to Rent To good tenant dwelling house and store in the village of Sharon flood hard and soft water Buildings comparatively now and in excellent condition Apply at Shar on Post Office or J KAVANAGH Metropolitan Life Insurance Co Toronto Queen St The marriage of Miss Laura Elliott to Dr is announced for Wednesday afternoon of next week Master celebrated his birthday by giving a party to a number of young friends on Monday the Sept wages paid due the Co at the Soo THE MILITIA CALLED OUT She draws her parting But she is gone our hearts are torn The home is broken up Shall we forever weep mourn And sip griefs bitter cup No never no break our hearts Since Jesus opes the way Well stand above the grief that starts And meet some fairer day j Heavy Worsted Hose per pair dozen heavy pure Hose sizes J to J a good hose for Boys wear prices range from 16oJ to 25c pair a Serges at 15c pieces new Kanata Serge beautiful patterns for Waists now on sale at per yard inch Duchess Satin Neck yd Satin Ribbons in pink bine cream white and old gold now on sale at per yd I Gloves In Ladies and Childrens all sizes black white and colored at 25c per pair Ladies Vests I Very special values at 25c and each Hosiery for the Baby In Red Cashmere inch each at Infants In sizes to fit all ages J EXECUTORS Notice to Creditors the Statutes pro Tided In that Uteof on the day of are hereby notified filettie Alfred or Morton Kelck int ra or the will on or before the day Of November with proper proof thereof the of the said estate will be distribu ted entitled only o those claims of which notice ahull have been received Solicitor for Alfred and Friend Morton Marie Sept The trouble which has existed between Y Rev Wesley and of the the consolidated Lake Toronto were the guests Mr and Superior Company and the employees Mrs J J Pearson their stav since closing down oi the works in Town over Sunday climax today and the town was carried taxpayers All Wall Papers bought Saturday Oct 2nd to Saturday Oct 10th 4V GROCERY SPECIALS Miss Pearl Millard Miss Miss Lily Lush and Miss at- Ttte bylaw for taking over the a week ago last Friday reached Radial Railway by is under martial law in consequence terded at acts of of the men Farm for Sale Applications will be received by the undersigned for the purchase the Hunter Homsfead on Yonge St about a mile from Newmarket This Is a most desirable farm pro perty comprising acres and the finest maple grove of about ten acres on St Brick House and other buildings In good repair For further particulars see J ROBERTSON Newmarket on Wednesday Mr Howard Cane and Mr Albert Collins were in Chicago this week looking after new machinery tor the factory Mrs and son of Toronto Junction were visiting her sister Mrs A Evans at the New Royal during the past week Mr Don Sutherland son of Mr Jas Sutherland baa- returned from the Sanitarium at feel ing greatly improved in health Mr Patterson Rogers drug clerk has gone home for a couple of weeks holidays Mr formerly of Bradley Co taking his place North Bay Times Miss matron of the North Bay Hospital returned on the instant from a trip to California which she enjoyed immensely Dr A Webb Mr Mrs J J Pearson Messrs Jos A Cody and Webb attended the funeral of the late Samuel Rogers in Toronto on Tuesday Mrs Grant and two children are a couple of with her father Mr Cody on way from to King Edward personally selects the officers form his guard and the appointment is looked upon as a great prize Hie gentlemenatarms I a m ft a during the day On Thursday owing to the fact that the supplies in- the camps bad become called upon Davies Pork Sausage fresh daily lb Pure Cider Vinegar gal lbs White Beans boxes Cheerful Soap while they last bars for 6 lbs Cooking Raisins 25c lb Pure Gold Bird Seed GRAND TR SYSTEM Thanksgiving Day Thursday Oct 100 Single Fail or the Trip Between all stations in Canada In cluding Detroit and Port Huron Mich to but not from Buffalo Suspension Bridge and Niagara Kails I good going Oct and valid returning on or before Monday his new charge was represented at Fair on Wednesday by the second oldest citizen of the town Mr Starling who is his anniversary Mr Will a student of Knox College who has been in charge of a church in Sound District all summer was In town on Tuesday on his way back to college Mrs Ingham Sharp left on Thursday of last week for Granite Falls Minn owing to the serious her daughter Mrs J- Townler She will probably remain for a few months Mr Luke and wife of the Queens hotel Manitoulin Island were visiting their Mrs Smith Prospect Ave pretty well exhausted the officers of the company were obliged to bring men into town The first batch arrived here on Friday night and these were followed by large numbers on Saturday and Sunday The en tire crowd about COO with trie men employed at the industries in the town until the cessation of op erations made up an army of The men held a meeting early this morning and decided to go in a body arid demand their wages at the com panys office A notice was posted on the door stating that the company was unable pay the wages now due The men made a rush for the main entrance overpowered the police and greatly destroyed the companys pro perty Magistrate Qui bell read the riot act but the continued to act in a lawless manner stopped the street- railway service Many people were badly hurt and was called out Magistrate again mount leading to the general offices and again read the riot act which he with a tew words of good to men whom he advised to go to their homes like peaceable He assured them that thefr money would be forthcom ing in a tew days Mr re marks had a decldedty good effect on those of his hearers Who could under stand the English language and the majority of these- men started for home when the Magistrate had con cluded his remarks The damage done by tbc rtotcrt Is estimated Over people attended an nual fall fair of the Western Agricul tural Society which was held on Sat urday under most favorable weather conditions With a largely Increas ed number of entries and a greater determination of directors to for duty on the occasion of all court ceremonies at London or at Windsor but they are never taken away from England Rev Mr who left Heron River Lake Winnipeg in a sail boat with Ave Indian children for Brandon Indian Industrial School some few days ago is missing and fears are entertained the party have been lost Rev Mr Simmons has left Selkirk with a tug to the shores of th lake to find traces of the missing ones provide better accommodation toez- durine the the fair was a pronounced Fair also her parent Mr and Mrs success the- receipts being away Special Colonist OneWay Excursion Tickets Now On Sale to Points la COLUMBIA MONTANA UTAH IDAHO OREGON COLO- CALIFORNIA HUNTING SEASON Apply to agent or write to J McDonald District Passenger Agent Toronto for Illustrated Haunts of Fish and and all information ap ply A Agent ltt of Aurora Rev A Pearxm of Aurora Rev and Rev J A Rankin Toronto Miss Williams evangelist of Tottenham and Mr Reynolds or Aurora were guests at Maolcton the Methodist District Meet ing 1 Sept Fortytwo thou sand barrels of Canadian apples are in London at the end of this week record are assured Larger Quantities fruit from the United States are arriving heen ordered owing to the failure of the crops on Britain and France ahead of any previous year Washington Pa Sept Dyna mite was exploded under the buggy of contractor Ferguson ot the Wabash Railroad West this evening Ferguson was killed and his bookkeeper Mr Martin was bad ly hurt Mr Ferguson had with Wra the weekly pay for bis men amount to about in a satchel The satchel Is missing Two men sus pected of the outrage have been ar rested and two other suspects are sur rounded in an abandoned farm house fan The filtar HARRINGTON On Tues day Sept 2ft in St Johns Church Miss Minnie was married to Jeremiah Harrington both East by Rev Father Whitney COLrFOSTER At the Methodist Parsonage Queens Hie on Sept 30 by Rev J son Mr Wellington Cole to J Foster all East At the resi dence of the brides parents on Sept 30 by Elder Mr Frederck son of Mr Jos A of to Miss Lily May eldest daughter of Mr- Joshua of Whitchurch PINTS and Automatic Sealers Perfect in every way THE LEADING Farnltow Undertaking House argains -IN- Tables and Couches A aiteadoa to at John Millard Phono and Sign of the Big Hand NEWMARKET The Tomb WRIGHT In Toronto on Thursday September Margaret J wife of Mr John H Wright of St Louis and daughter of Mr David Evans of East The funeral took place on Satur day Sept from the residence of Mr George Wright at to the Cemetery DALY Near Plumas Manitoba on the Sept Arthur Max- well beloved son of Mr Daly Streetaged mos and days Interred in Newmarket Cemetery on Toronto papers please copy on Olive Maud Gray wife of Mr Percy Printer in her year Deceased had only been married nine weeks She was the daughter Mr a beauti ful singer and a member of the Church choir She Was only sick a lew days having taken a chill at Rev J Gardners which turned to peritonitis will be greatly missed and the bereav ed family have the sympathy the community The choir chancel was draped last Sunday In affectionate re membrance and the preacher made reeling reference Franklin on Friday Sept aged years and months Mount Albert on Thursday Sept Mrs Andrew Ego alter a lingering illness Granite Falls en Saturday Sept Agues dearly beloved wife of John Townley and eldest daughter of the late Ingham General Hospital Toron to Sept Toole aged years and day a J MAIN ST NORTH Orders will receive- Careful and Prompt Attention Apples Cabbage Cauliflower Pure Spices and Vinegar for Pickling I read Pastry In small quantities or by the Special for Preserving Centra Telephone a

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