E a p THE NEWMARKET KIDAV AUG fob A good Driving Mace years old Norman Bailey ear Hunter Newmarket Good Genera Servant good apply to MRS A Dangerous The Toronto and Hamilton Company in order to cover a at firet attempted to obtain from the Dominion- Parliament a charter features objectionable because of Its powers to override and asked to have inserted a to the effect that shaft have no right to construct a line Hon J Davis is on his way to the Pacific coast- Miss Kate of Toronto is visiting- in Town Low visited her parents in Bradford over Sunday TRAY Setter black and white spotted railway along a highway without the I Maud Richardson is spending permission of the municipality Had her vacation at Orchard the amendment stopped hers apart j Mr- Fred Toronto question of Provincial juris- completing his vacation at home- is diction the charter might not Miss Stocking spending part of have same by paying so objectionable tot when vacation with relatives a town they added the further proviso that J aunt Mrs Rev at- Co in the event of a refusal to grant peases John Granger Lot lie W Yonge St PO For Sale or to Rent commodious brick residence on Hutt has returned after spend ing a week at Point is able to be around again after ft for days illness Mrs Thompson of daugh ter of Mr Jos Wesley Miss Mary McCaffrey spent a few days with in the city last Miss left last Monday for a months visit with a friend at Captain Foot of was in Town last week she of Mr Al bert Thompson and Mrs Win- of Toronto were of Mr and Mrs J over Sunday of Hamilton brother the Mr A was on a on Wednesday Newmarkets Cash Store Newmarkets OnePrice Store the Company desired the of Ham- Albert Rogers and wife a under railway act spent a week with her sster Toronto are spading a with his shall have power to grant desired Mrs J Muir father on Yonge Street Lome Ave now occupied by Mr permission on such terms and Mr Fred Lloyd Possession 1st Misses nieces of Mrs J ate spending of as they may impose a deter- Miss Wilkinson spender to ftpply to JOHN MILLARD Newmarket ruination is shown to enact into law a principle that deprives local muni- Sunday at the Lake Miss P- returned Tues day after spending a very enjoyable Farm to The South hall lot No con J East of St East owned by Mrs cipalities from the control the vacation in Manitoba highways constructed at their erl The Misses are the guests pease and set a precedent fur a kind of Rev Thompson Shanty Bay of vicious legislation by a couple of weeks ion Parliament subversive of Mr Robert wife and and Municipal rights which are ther were Mr t on Sunday now held to be constitutional prerog- J containing acres and sivJate about a Irvine Ross miles from Newmarket For par- apply to Leesors Solicitor a couple of weeks their vacation their cousins Mrs HunterDoerin from Iowa is spending a week in Newmarket with Mrs J Smith previous to visit at Hamilton or- her way home Bowles of Newark J and her sister Mrs of Aurora were visiting their sister Mis J ft a ay or two this Miss Myrtle Thompson of Calgary Alta and Miss Eva of An old saying but worth repeating right here Were dealing in facts and it is the facts that are stubborn not us We on the contrary are very yir lding yielding everything to the people in this August Sale of ours Merit and square business methods have made this great elearanee a success so far We want to keep the interest alive We want folks to understand this to be what its name indi cates a sale that signifies Get rid of the goods because they must go That means a lot particularly when this house says it atives The proposed Electric Rail- and Jackson way two is purely cities in a local Sunday at Orchard Beech this Province and Farm for Sale with their aunt Mrs Albert Thomp son Mrs Koehler of Lexington Mich sister of Mr Morton is here on a visit She brought raw fruit from her own garden that was Mrs John returned from should its promoters succeed in ab- Preston on Friday last feeling great- other local lines it will be viSit none the less purely local Hence to I 1 Jantrae has removed to Newmarket a clause declaring that is is a expec delicious the advantage Ge0 Hewit ot Albert bdde The North aDd West part lot j Canada is little else than a Toronto were visiting his brother Miss who two lo Concession of East the face thereof- We have no Mr B Hewitt on Tuesday years ago of Pittsburg are bury acres About acres of hesitation in saving that of Miss of Toronto is spend- spending part of their honey noon who vote for this inva- two weeks vacation with reia- his sister Mrs Arch Thomson d ani on of right will have and v ply to 0 S owner on pren to answer for the act when the- next S Tuesday on their way home after fses Sharon P O GRAND TRUNK SUMMER CARNIVAL AND OLD BOYS REUNION Hamilton Aug to Return tickets will be issued at Single Fare Good going August to icclu- spent a few with appear before tire electorate special- ft net Mrs J wont spending a couple of weeks at ly in the Province of Ontario The principle involved in this proposal city on to legislation is not a mat- the illness of her motherinlaw I Miss the young lady ter lor the municipalities Miss AnlVa Case left on responds jo the Toronto Hamilton day evening for Pa to gMSMS Railway but it is of vital importance to every friend of municipal lights throughout Ontario and should the Dominion Parliament sanction the til ws make no the spend a months vacation with vacation spent at Holland and Sutton- Miss Cane has accepted a position on the Public School Anderson who is at Her mother intends to Jfe reside wHU her visit was cm friends in Town last Saturday He has been in points where the oneway Government and Legislature will and daughter Ham- Jorn two years and is In love with fare Us Hamilton does not exceed trie necessary to its ar visiting mother Mrs the climate V A1 1f J mm the highest tribunal in Mrs Van iluvcn alter pending empire It is to he hoped there- year in New YorkState is points where the one way first- I Mrs Stoddard who has been v s- iitinir in with Mrs Hudson olass fare to Hamilton exeeeds that Dominion Parliament Mrs at She expects All tickets valid for return until will hesitate before imposing upon the Kettleby is now visiting in Toronto to states about the mid- August people expensive litigation to vindi- TO POINTS IN MANITOeate municipal rights and retire AND from a struggle which the people of In connection with Farm Laborers Ontario should not at late day Excursion Tickets on sale good be compelled to enter upon in order going August j sec The month of August is said to be privileges idle of next month for three weeks Mrs John K Lewis and Mr T silent partner the Lewis her son of Elrsabetti late John Smith in the recent breezy J are visiting Mr Charles Lew- political campaign and a the best time of the season to your vacation Call any Grand Agent and secure- illustrated and descriptive literature of Summer in Highlands Ontario in cluding Muskoka Lakes of Bays- Lakes Healthy and refresh St graduate what Peter Ryan Mrs and her parents of called Cave of Winds guaranteed constitutional Toronto have leased the residence Just a prominent figure in tbe Coo- vacated by the editor and took crowd at the session yesterday picnic on Wednesday Blow breezes Mr Lewis of East and help cup contesting left on Friday for North Canadian yacht to victory A letter was received at the I Mr J Green was J town a BOTES as Mission Rooms this week from Rev Norman of Nagano Japan climate lor hay fever sufferers I During the week the bills J represents the Leagues tltis also to points on Side Resorts Agent upper lakes and A McCltUan PINE LUMBER i V Myelin 3 lch Jim BC way establishing a Railway Commis sion and consolidating the law relat ing to railways and making provis ion for the retirement judges were passed and sent to Senate GOAL HOAG PEARSON Park Avenue J the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- improved in health and feels like work again shortly Miss Louie Richardson was taken to the family cottage at Orchard Beach last week and is feeling the of the change already Miss Ethel Garrett of Bradford and her cousin Miss Laura el- low of Midland were calling on friends in Town last Saturday Mr and Mrs A Coombs Mrs Mrs A Cane Miss Frantic Cane and children left on Tuesday to spend a week at Orch ard Beach Mr and Mrs A of Pawling visitmg with his Ottawa Citizen has pen picture of the King and Queens vis- it to the Emerald Isle King IM- ward and ijLttti Alexandra have cap tured and Those who King took great ris in going to Ireland have now the to ponder a la he brought the the Irish people District in that Mission field Ho states that a deep interest is being taken in the work He has Veen re quested by leading to open extra preaching places The natives are rallying in great numbers to his support and two promising young men have to give their whole time to evangelistic work Mr Nor man is greatly encouraged by his suc cess in all departments He is in good health parents at and also at Mr the Montreal Star has struck a new David Rogers on St for gait and wants to beat the three weeks cities of Ontario It says- 1 left for his Toronto Kingston and London have borne in Lowell Mass after upend- all had Old Boys festivals nion here He made a big Improvement to his fathers premises during his vacation TORONTO irdTRUCTION8 GIVEN SHORTHAND We Montreal not imitate these provincial town lots twin ft Northwest last week He dont l wit w too good for thton I Mr Clarence Caldwell of New An attempt to enforce the Ontario was in Town on to Liquor license Law the In- u the House of take his invalid father down to Y TOUCH made at Ottawa Joseph Brule ward Willson of Leal jwho runs the restaurant In connection of Newmarket with the ftenate been roP not very good In Dakota for alleged illegal selling of liquor theory has always thai conditions else- of Parliament are supreme On their own premlsea and can do as Mr also Mrs please so long as no criminal attended the funeral Mrs la committed within the Margaret Kendall Mr Wet known as at on Senate restaurant barkeeper of last week and returned the sell liquor to all and without a license It will be a Arlle of to the licensed hotels of the John A Ramsden County Cleric To- city and a disgrace to the Senate and Miss tolerates tie Injustice If the ter Mr of Mount Senator had to he elected the same Albert also Miss M Johnston of There are men who would rather M lor the Commons the Senate Snowball King and Mr Crone of square No would Boon become a thing of Mount Albert were guests of Mr town Is benefitted by fellows pat Mr8 PENMANSHIP Expert Student to He Sept I at Pre vestervelt The KPWORTH In East on Aug tbe wife of Mr Kpworth caretaker of New market cemetery of a son MORTON At North Bay Aug to Mr and Mr John A Morton nee Miss Prei ser of Keswick a son THE READING Furniture Undertaking House -IN- Tables and and A SPECIALTY to at John these Satnple Offers a Mens Striped Suits all wool Tweed fit regular 1500 Suite for Black Suits all sizes regular Suite for t Mens uolined Serge regular Coals Soft Shirts all for Mens SI Umbrellas for Ladies Parasols for Ladies Hose wool feet for 19c Ladies Fancy Cotton Hose for 19c 25c Unbleached Sheeting for 25c Union Carpet yd wide for 25c 10c Wall Paper beautiful designs for Wall Paper new patterns for loo Lineu Roller Towelling for Table Linen wide width for 25c 12iC Prints all new patterns for 15c floral designs for 10c 20c Floor Matting heavy quality for yd wide Floor Oilcloth for Ladies Shoes Oxford for Oxford Shoes for Grocery Specials Fresh Comb Honey 1 lb squares for 12Jc 7yearold Cider Vinegar per 30c Lovely Corn superior quality for Good Sound Salmon a bargain 4 Tins for 25c Phone No 49 Goods Delivered Promptly 3C A AH our Advertising would be money wasted if behind it were not eloquent con- facts Take this one li Wholesale Prices at Hunter Bros during Augusl in every Department j True The Money Savers NEWMARKET lf fMll4f Aug James Kennedy the thirteenyearold son at Alex Kennedy blacksmith was drowned at Big Bay Point last night While he was standing on the stem of the steamer Myrtle boat a lurch in a heavy sea throwing tho boy into the water Owing to the big waves it was some minutes beore the spot could be reached and that time he had disappeared The body had not yet been re Odd Pieces Of China and Glassware at a Bargain while last The HI ten STICK WOODTRUSTY At Toronto on Aug Mr Stick- wood to Miss Roue Trusty both Newmarket TAYLORMcKINNON At tho home of the brides parents Aug by Rev Wilson Mr A Taylor Toronto to Miss Allle daughter Mr John Mc- Kinnon Th Tomb MAINS At Keswick on Richard Mains his year GOULD In Newmarket on Aug Emily Rose daughter of Mr Michael Gould two and days At Aug Samuel years months ARMSTRONG At July 3t 103 Armstrong aged years Interred at Blooming- ton Express Wagons Wheelbarrows Doll Cabs GoCarts Toy Carts Croquet Bets and Balls INT and GALLON wee Ub I KENDALL At Kawkstonc Aug Margaret wife Elijah Kendall and Bister J ton of her year GARDEN GROWN JCA FRESH DAILY Black Cherries Tomatoes Cucumbers Onions Lettuce at J I MAIN ST NORTH 4 All will receive end Prompt Attention apiary In small quantities or by the barrel I by the hundred weight or barrel Central Telephone Office a