Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 7 Aug 1903, p. 1

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gives mora home news week than any two fepers in North Yor 4 t J combinei is M63gecf la be tie Leading County sJivv NORTH -YOEK- IMTELLIGENGIBR AND rce the lib to know to utter and to rgU9 freely to conscience above all other liberty No paper cent outside of North York unless paid in advance No copies 3 cent each Newmarket Ont Friday Aug 1903 TERMS per annum if paid in advance EVERY BALL of PLYMOUTH FULLY GUARANTEED PRICES Special per lb Sheaf per lb Gold Medal He per lb IT IS THE LONGEST STRONGEST CHEAPEST Everyway the beat Dont take good when you can get GENUINE Upto What You Ask For You Get Our Drugs are always Fresh and the Best Our Patent Remedies the And say about our There we Dispense Everything That i Good New Tasty Very Cooling J I To the 1 Fastidious A Drop In Dye Works Agent Canadian Express Co Cartage and led No- ma feeUh l of We MARION and IS Ial County Weekly Cocts York Falling From Grace The sudden change in the weather had brought on a discus sion Yesterday had been glorious with June surahinc but today titer a chill in the and the was grey Bad weather in metaphysics in the house hold Its faith asserted Presbyterian Mrs Prior Its works insisted her Metho dist husband sat facing eaclother across the dinner table in their own cheerful kitchen The warmth from the the table cloth the odor the crisp broiled bam on the platter between them gave The tears were rolling down her and making dark spots on her calico dress made when he was mad Mrs Prior If hed hed a changed it Do hitch up Pete and drive lie village and fix it up with lawyer Saunders so that Julia tan have every cent it But argument only checked the wa vering mans soul towards generosity and right Ill hitch up Pete and drive to She was a cooiley woman tnirty- fiye or ail lurked in the cor ners her mouth but her grey eyes were gentle unafraid Two bare footed cbiiaren followed her and the smaller the two stood holding a fold of ier gown noticed the expression of tenderness In the hand which she laid on the boys curly head Bennie she said run and the wagonbouse door for your uncle stood irresolute with the bri dle in his hand Pete was looking the Village and get the of that round with eyes that asked his mas- farm to keep announced he didnt do one thing or the tomorrow Ill begin the new harm j other The woman who held that action I know he said i did makes no difference in the measure of not to stay jest came on ones righteousness and the man who business believed that works are the deter- He was seeing more than he wanted rll 1 mining factor in the salvation ones to see in Julias lace the I S sottI other the clothes oi the two smaller a rested on both never occurred lo either of them I children and broken shots the old- brows The old old bone their abstract problem girl Sally who ad shyly the only ope they un able to bury in twenty years of af fectionate married had been drag from its hiding place to be gnaw more Your- own righteousness is filthy rags Mrs Prior You was bought with a price You cant add to it nor take from it The law is the law Acts make no Prior paused with a piece of potato half way to his month The rule was an argument and a mouth j of food in decent I I maintain he said that youj with the concrete issue at hand Fifteen minutes later the oldfash ioned lowhung wagon lumbered out her mother to the gate ttut pleaded Julia Ive wanted to sec you so long and of the gate at the heels of the cant get over want to know if tant Pete had not gone into the house to ask his wife what gro ceries she wanted for he was Ill do jest as I please about it you dont think theres some way we could him to come home Her mouth twitched Evidently in spite of all the trouble the word Take that back will you he said jest Jet me look at that will a minute The will is all right said the lawyer I drew it up myself Did you tell the widow the news V No answered I didnt I didnt have time I ve change my mind about ihe property lie took the will from the lawyer and made a motion as if to tear Mr watched him with his noncommittal professional air but an expression that was seldom seen came into little black eyes Hold on he If you was thinkin of handing over everything to the widow youd better jest let the will si and and execute a deed gift That would save some trouble Sua Co and Clarence Powell hi a fishing trip to hate to have anybody know how anybody know jest how Bans acted The lawyer drew out a sheet of legal cap ana a iuill pen fln pish Stotry A CLERGYMANS STRUGGLE WITH A SHARK Atlantic City Aug Over board and struggling desperately with a mandating shark WisUc perilous position In the Rev John Mc Millan pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church this city found himself yesterday afternoon There seems to be no doubt that the minister would have town death by the had not one of his friends Killed it with a spuarshaped As the guests in his launch the Mr McMillan the Rev Dr 11 J Caldwell the jr lis city a grassy bay a miles the city Fishermen have reported or the last week or more that they have sighted sharks in this semimarsh need know abouti the UVe it he remarked aint told and wont he remarked with manly pride tick- had but one meaning for her ling his horse with his heard from him lately she He had three miles to drjvc timidly air weighed heavily down iipor said I aint had but and there was no stir of life in one letter since ho went grass or leaves The green of J Sallie said Mrs Prior you go the pines and cedars and the pale in and heat up the oven and make grass grain some biscuits for your uncles tea told you arid take help open the door disappeared Their toward Prior and double chin trembling with eagerness but Ben willed it spoke a sob breaking her voice then you want never really saved a right to it and There it suddon arrival of a letter- take it just to show she said red color creeping slowly The discussion was interrupted by house I over the line wrinkles of her face 1 came through the window contrary as an old hen Git always cured about Ben and I Mrs rose to get the currant that pint of looked at anybody else I cant go her for on without him I dont know like tar to this day how he got that idea con cerning James He just flared up and was gone before I knew about it lie set great store by you Ben did remarked gating resolute toward the barnyard regarded as mere stories Rev Mr Million sat in the stern ien you lhe Jine his hands To everybody the fish that the clergyman had hooked began to the boat along The tl clergyman is a sturdily built lawyer dryly smiling as he A h out that paper and Ill sign it fragged out of And s pose you go up tomorrow and the of everything left to her And you break it about his Maybe 1 shant have time either wrote That or sat A neighbor driven Ive labored with he over to the village stopped years but she sticks outside the window with a prolonged to cant make Whoa commented 011 the weather this day she says as ft and was gone j dont make no diHerencc his spectacles mantel- j wearily his face and opened yellow envelope w the clearness of his con- Mr Prior eyed the letter in that youre saved whatever you while he at his pie then he rose to reason took piece An expression of astonishuient came into his thin little face j know what we can be judg- Bens diei out West he announr- j aint works he thought I drew the wagon wheels out of The look that came into his wifes deepest rut hi the road Into the countenance was singularly like his shallower ones and the drivers mind own Neither difference in avoirdu- back with a jerk from the old nor disagreement in theology the new could stamp out likeness resulting cen of that money from long years united existence with it Ami lies left continued J with Lawyer Saunders with an air of importance hes left short In the bare his entire property to floored country lawyers scantily torn- The more shame to him remark- M room Uncle was shown his brothers will Benjamin Priors Thp letter is from Lawyer signature was affixed to a So did I by him said Mrs or James came here to see me I was too busy thinking of Ben and the children ever to no tice it Prior turned and winked hard with both eyes at Pete Never had he so longed for the large and com forting presence of Sarah Never had he been so glad that she was not near It was lack of imagination not hardness of that kept him from understanding until now Do stay begged his sisterinlaw I aint used to managing by night Mr and Mrs Kben by on the piazza in the twilight watching the fireflies was slumbering peacefully his head resting on the back of the chair Mrs- Prior watched him with eyes that glowed with tenderness She bad kissed him when he came home and told her what he had done Hes done jest right she said to herself and twill lie some small comfort to Julia to think Ben chang ed his mind and left it all to her heart is in the right place even if his theology aint sound I hell go on to the day of his death that grace aint sufficient and that actions does make a about saved I hope it aint wrong but I 9ccm to care jest as much about him as if his views were BABYS VITALITY The vitality of Infants and Is at Its lowest during this hot More children die In than at any other Is because the little suffer more t troiiblea are weak and Irritable 1 I Seems Ben got him to make his will before ho left and somebody out there had instructions to write on if anything happened I only hope his will be sonc relief to Julia remarked Mrs Prior vehcnrofitly If a man and had brought three Innocent children into this world and had a wife that had done for rife lor sixteen years without saying a word and then willed my money away from her to my brother just because I was fool enough to have quarrelled with her Id want to die so I could have some place to cover my head Mrs Priors full lips were working and her gingham apron to her eyes- t Her husband looked on meditative- Now can put up the new barn he saw Ills wife dropped the she had in her hand and it the yellow floor Kbon Prior- she gasped you dont mean youre to take that out of a poor mouth He before the expression of her That look of had never been there be lore Its to me he said dogged- iervously playing with the arms of his spectacles and the law in law guess Ben had for what he done- He had no reason said Mrs Prior with passionate convic tion He went Jealous out of his own evil imagination YouMl find- it consent to see Julia jest once sx thai house en the ridge with out a she can get at and too poor to buy herself a gingham apron and two of the children and them the go and be as as he was One in the lam Is document stating that all his consisting of seventyfive acres land and in the ban was hereby his brother Prior tipped his chair back and thrust his hands into his pockets the deed of the farm he asked The lawyer nodded and it from the safe In the corner thrust it into the breast pock- of his coat Going to work the farm or let it asked Lawyer His little sharp black eyes were watching the Willi their usual expression of amused distrust In human nature Too far away to work I to get a tenant maybe Ill let his wife ileas wife live In oth er part of the house Do you It she knows hes dead Lawyer Saunders head f doubt it They werent on he left Why dont you rtfeoyer and her np The lawyer stood by his win dow and watched his client as he drove toward tjie hill road that led to his brothers pMliaVtthihkKbeV Prior would have done that he to himself and down three theVlopof thotburth he stopped in front of a yellow house paint was gone In places but house and yard bore an air- of cleanliness and order A face peeped out of the win dow thee a brownhatred woman In a faded blue calico pown and a patch ed green gingham apron running down the ft Why she exclaimed This is really good of your hone right In the barn and come and stay to tea Id almost given up you Why didnt you Sarah Prompt action of ten valuable and I need some advice Benforgot ftw to leave me any ready money Some times Sain Turner isnt working the place right and I do want lo know what you think about the oats I cant stay now said re solutely putting the halter Into the wagon Ive business in the village and got to go to But Ill bring Sarah tomorrow sure Dont make any preparation for sup per Plain vittlcs is what like was already in the wagon and had turned Pete round UutKbeo said Julia Prior stand ing with her hand on the gate you said you had business to talk over What was it you come about Whoa- called with en ergy of despair Whoa- Whats the matter with you Stand still cant never sec Pete skittish before remarked Mrs Prior innocently ter two minutes of forced antics on the part of tho horse had given his owner time to think Why its this said from the conflict with his ace red wanted lo ask you about lay much you to cut- you think Sam says about twenty ton nan he promptly met and cured by Klvlnie the little ones Babys Own Tablet which should be kept In very home ready for emergencies Tablets speedily relieve and promptly cure all stomach bowel and other hot weather ailments and sleep Mrs P ManaflelO says My baby was with and- was hot and I pave him Own Tablets and they promptly Mm Before this ho had been rather delicate but since the Tablets lie has been better and stronger In way These Tablets can bo given with an absolute certainty that they will do Rood to alt children from born They contain no opiate or tfoothlng Sold by dealers or mailed at colli a box by writing direct to Dr Medicine had the line simply torn from his grasp But strong as he was the effort proved too much for him As he to hold on the drag on the line became the harder He was brought to a position where he was leaning far over the side of lhe boat In the excitement lie did- not realize how far he was leaning Then he lost his balance and fell into the wa ter At the sound of the splash the line The shark had turned Its fin rose sharp and vicious looking above the water I darted straight at the clergyman Then the shark turning on Its back opened its mouth The clergyman dived to get out of the way The shares teeth caught a section of his coat The garment was completely torn from his body The teeth also tore the flesh of the ministers right aim anil shoulder The shark dove alter its prey but the escaped by coming tc the surface of the water again Ther ttie shark rose also and darted at Mr McMillan for the second time Mr had meanwhile a lonj that had a sharp prong the end of it He was standing a the boats side awaiting the reappear of the shark When it cam up and darted murderously for th clergyman Mr drove prong shaped down with all hi It passed into the shark body The fish began to helplessly Half a minute later lay still in the water The singl blow had killed it had saved Mi McMillans life Then was helped aboard Afterward the party landed shark It measured more than nil feet Stabbed His Farm Hand in West us A Pitchfork Bradford Aug On last a young man named working for Win Church rah a pitchfork to Churchs side just below the As fears were entertained that wound might prove fatal a warra j Mowed Mast for the am of He was sent to Bar this morning for trial The men were quarrelling about I work being when the took place I was of makhr you an oner for your hay said shame Vans Would you Iff me have it a ton Southern Sam said it Was only six Llvroyman Michael of Kight people were killed in a The Ontario Tack Companys doublehead at Hamilton was destroyed freight trains last night neat Cum- fire on the Cincinnati Southern she astonished Hill Well Im a Utle hay this year and I think can get a good price for it long Pete Sec you tomorrow the the driver plunged recklessly down the hill Lawyer Saunters still in his wfien the old wagon rattled up again to the door Been taking possession he asked take you long drew deed of Hie farm Ut of his pocket and nan It over to lawyer reported the theft of a horse WORKERS Ju tin- Fagged out ideas come as as molasses You think of thin just a minute or two too late all gone I The thatm work a pleasure thats gone too doctor would tell you that you- run down not eating enough digesting enough Your stomach his establishment on Saturday night He says a stranger who had come to town on the Metropoli tan came to his livery on Saturday hired a horse and rig stat ing that he wanted to go to hotel at Maple As the conveyance was not brought back within the time neeh of aid your digestion needs promise Mr Michael mude enquiry bracer too blood at Maple and found that stranger Phosphorus and Iron that it may had not teen there at all He then formed readily Vow reported the case to the County a ifomlerful nerve bracer and bl lice The horse Is a light bay and maker Its a food for the blood tire Is a black one nearly new it will make you strong It has since been returned by the one quickly and permanently Sold who took it away all druggists

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