Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 31 Jul 1903, p. 6

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NEWMARKETERA FRIDAY I rii Of DENTAL Brookn Mount Albert Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of of each week TINSPALE MANAGER THE Buggies There at Tuesdays Prices as Parties Repairing and Prices moderate J COOK Am to The atone wall under gardens butter to to house is now completed His late A has purchased is to brick Wie entire seventyfive acre farm near Jack- bouse so that it will be transformed sons Point Sutton West known as new one Cedar Brae There is a fine white mdtC Neighbor Broad had the misfortune brick residence on the which For Hamilton Rye express Ho lose his driving horse to tol than Ids sincere thanks lo the insuiy friends His wife also was very seriously ill 3000 overlooking Lake Prnch COWS s0 helpful during has passed he crisis Along the is the wj fcs demand lor berries far exceeds gravel bottom beach The residence for their sympathy in his sad bereave- the supply Mrs has lots of the many beautiful Miss Also Three Jersey Heifers due about- patrons quantity a fine view the Lake from the so earnestly enjoined the balcony Mr died last decalogue against leaving his son acres last lhss stock grain imp I emails and portion of In loose money To bis widow he left their greed for gain even church BALDWIN BREEZES queensville Mrs widow the We are pleased to say that lie Sutton Brass Band is being and we trust success may crown ever effort in that line The of Garden Party was held the evening following that first announced and resulted in a great success Over were June STOKES Mount Albert Dr G DENTIST Main Newmarket visits Tuesday visits Mount Albert REAL ESTATE A Jones sold two week one belonging to to and farms Mr Mr- Mat gain even an somewhere about Mr Jos Hoggs farm to i members do not hesitate to petty caring to be idle Mrs an of for meanness the way Cedar Brae which will It IS tO I tnr In Hopkins Block upoialra Mr J Mr Jones did not easy to discern easier for both in Township year fait or to suggest and son should they see rent reasonable remedy A consci- Homestead- We congratulate Aire on her fine purchase and -j- LLOYD will refund your money if you are sot pay satisfied alter using Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy You save money by buying It is everywhere admitted to be the Furniture at the successful remedy Bool consci entious old marked to If Were an honest debt would it if it took- last cent IV your pit him store f use for bowel complaints and the only one that never fails It is pleasant safe and reliable f A STOCK OP Bedroom Iarlor and Parlor Tables and Mr Robert Grant chosen jrlinJpal bur Public School has long may they live to enjoy it very suddenly to Violet of Lauding is the gum here of her aunt Mr Williams Mrs arc not so cohscicn- on Thursday evening ol Ii week She was sitting en the Most of our households are having 7 quota of visitors Mrs is home for a health and at oclock she corpse The old lady was a Mas a visit at her parents Mr and Mrs pi of her Alex iacquaintancc The service Chairs are for Pillow failed to connect and another Shim Holder and Bel been advertised for Carpet Stretcher and Picture This continued wet weather IS a delivered free of charge when ordered in quantity- Hall which is like a great hotel has a stream visitors coming and going Airs- is into he business for Kill Her barnyard is like a menagerie She has sixty turkeys and more to hatch and countless number of chickens ducks j coming rather discouraging to the and geese Experts say theres farmers money in them Wonder if KingSt has A mirage was observed a I AN THEAKER hcen delivering any more bread re- j of citizens one morning near I a couple weeks ago The scene pictured apparently some No man or woman will well of Stomach Liver Tablets alter once trying them They always produce a P pi the bowels improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion For sale by took place on Saturday atcrnoon from the residence of her son Mr Silas- and Was largely at tended HIS LAST HOPE REALIZED From the Sentinel Mont In the first opening- of Oklahoma to settlers in the editor this paper was among the many seeders after fortune who made the big race one fine day in April During his travelling about and afterwards Mr and of Formerly of Sutton are visiting with bore Mrs Debbie and her sis ter Mrs of Baldwin visit ed their sister Mrs of last week Mr John now of Toronto is pending a few holidays the home Beharrial of Toronto her parents and friends here last Sun- day Mis of Toronto visited tier mother Mrs Hawker last Sun day Some one was amusing himself last Sunday racing a horse up and down High street Such conduct is dishon oring to the mart who does it and to the authorities who permit it Mr J clerk and of was the guest of Leigh of Sutton for a few this week Miss Jessie Allison of Toronto CLOTHING Suits for boys and men A fine range at prices to suit every one Fit as well as ordered clothing D WIT ALBERT era and the that these fruit do not ripen at once Did you ever think of it that thin is one of the wise provisions of on All wise Provi dence The fall wheat in those parts is cut ami some of it in the It will prove a heavy yield when threshed Barley is now harvested and is WANT portion of Georgian Bay In too many cases young folks who camping upon his claim he encoun- New We are busy opening Spring Goods DAILY Call and iuspect our new range of GOODS o CAPS SHOES SUNDAY SCHOOL EXCURSION j The Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday Schools held their annual jcuTsion and picnic at Jacksons on Wednesday of last the weather was rather in tie morning the was patronized the number of tickets sold here being about the same as formerly The picnic was a failure as at fee Point it poured rain near ly all day and most of the time was spent in the coaches- In the after noon a baseball match was played WALL Values Better ROSS BROS v INSERTIONS Mount Albert and teams which was won by Albert ma drizzling after a Close and exciting finish The band went up and played several selections in the afternoon which were highly appre ciated a XfrK8rK8i AND g I REMEDY Til The uniform success of this remedy ffihafi made it the most popular pre paration in use for bowel complaints jit is everywhere recognized aa the one remedy that can always be de fended upon and that is pleasant to take It is especially valuable for diarrhoea In children and is the means of saving the lives of a great many children each year For sale by W T Lloyd DRUG STORE Pure Paris Green Bought in hulk and put up in packages by ourselves Poison and Tanglefoot We carry a full line of Patent among them and Rheumatic Cure and Family personal attention day or LLOYD and Drufcslat NT Ready Mixed All Shades Beaver- Brand Can Guarantee i Whitewash Brushes Scrubbing Brushes for Time J ROWLAND ml ere we go M Albert Mis Flo went to the city on Friday for a two weeks visit with friends there at other plaits The many friends of Miss Miller who was taken St hospital for treatment for ty phoid fever about six weeks ago will glad to learn that she is now al most recovered and will be home in a few days Miss Ada has gone to to her holidays with her sister Mrs A Jones Miss Harrison returned on Monday to her home in Newmarket Mr Win Keller was In town for a few days Mr Fred Davidson of Seattle was in town for a day or two on a visit to his brother Mr Mr J rest returned on Monday from their trip to Manitoba The Misses Leek have gone lo Whit by for a ftw days visit Miss a spent a few days this week with friends Mr A Miller of Uxbridge was in Town this wtek The attention of all men who cruelly abuse their teams because they cannot draw overloaded wagons Is called to the fact- that there Ik a law which protects dumb animals and anyone violating that law Is liable to arrest and a heavy met A discouraged editor In a of desperation off The wind the water the farmer the subscriber and the Lord that we are In need of our dues So come ere we go This us the blues go far from home neglect writing to those left behind Relatives here are anxious to hear of Prof move ments The old folks are well The icecream parlor is doing a pro fitable trade The quality to that served in any rural town or village congratulate our cousin Miss Wilson on her suc cess Sonic years ago we predicted would distinction Tlie gift is hereditary Constant dili gence is the price of success She now has her reward for all those hours of toil Mrs and her grandsons are home from their trio They had a splendid time They also took a boat excursion down the St Clair river and lake to Detroit I can personally recommend this trip lor its grand scenery Few persons could give a clearer or more interesting ac count of an outing than Mrs She apparently saw to seen A fellow who escapes bad luck can well afford to laugh Last week while mowing one of Mr Wm Ar nolds horses pulled the buckle that joins the two parts of the line thru the ring of ttie backhand Thus the line had no control of the horses which realized its freedom and began to run crowding- the inside horse so ran in a Mr Arnold held on jumped at an opportune tunc and as the team camp round to him lie grasped nigh one which was crowding its mate back on the cut ting bar lie succeeded Ip clicking before and damage was done and saved a I inadvertently omitted to mention Mr Lehman was in our burg a couple of weeks -ago- Mr- Lehman ih- fricrd many vtars acquaintance who has the pleasure of having a model family who show true respect for par ents unhappily lacking in lop many homes You may observe that Misses Nettie and Ada arc models of virtue in my estimation There are lovely accommodations at a1 f nit much which to gether with the severe hcat gave him a very severe diarrhoea which it seamed almost impossible to check and along in June the case became bad he expected to die One day one of his neighbors brought him one small of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a last hope A big dose was given him while ha was rolling about on the ground in great agony and in a few minutes the dose was repeated The good effect of the medicine was soon noticed and within an hour the patient was taking his first sound sleep for a fortnight That one lit tle bottle worked a complete cure and he cannot help but feel grateful The season bowel disorders being at hand suggests this item For sale by T Lloyd UNION ST SOUTH Wo are glad to report that Mrs is recovering much to of the doctor fit- Newmar ket mid the cIliiKiit nurse Miss An nie reaping harvest Why dont the keep the out tin Kchool yard i It will to the other horse Pegg has returned after two with Hiss Vera of Albert We understand ihut one of our young men is a trip down the St early in Get ready for a lioyk was also a good crop hut it will the guest of Mrs J Boyd over Sun- root crop will prove extra heavy day this year Take the crops in general J Fasken of Toronto will and they never better in these occupy the pulpit of the Summer parts The weather has most Church at Jacksons Point next Sun- favorable for an abundant growth day evening Mr Geo Cameron son of Rev Cameron of Mt Albert and air are having a friendly exchange of visits this week In weeks Era reference was ORCHARD BEACH The campers intend to have a big time along the shore next Monday About or 530 have been your Wool to the Albert Woollen Mills and the Highest Prices A largo stock of Our Manufacture always on hand made to the power of for sports of various kinds which Councils prohibit apitting on the be distributed among the and in public places but how competitors There will be this will bo accomplished will be a skin races doublescull for boys and problem so long as absurd and singlescull for boys ad girls slavish habit of smoking and chewing racesdouble and single tub tobacco is indulged in Those who swimming and diving contests do not indulge in that foolish habit sports at p rarely have any call to spit while on 2 V u ever and the residents of the but- the other im ting every minute into a room tho enjoyments where a number of moken and chow- the era are and the stench from it will almost knock you down How HOLLAND LANDING is spend- the Central Prison for somebody up here A certain gent has shot and made potpie of nearly a dozen of Nelson ducks They have stripping his blackop raspber ry bushes at night stole the saw and nobody knows what all Fine hay weather this week Al manac says so The Owl The Livedo London INSURANCE COMPANY lUlnicof3ub6Cfbtta VyCH CANADA niKKOTiilWl And row Km J Alex Albvrt a Ayeht for AHss of Hamilton her vacation at home Miss who ill past two in somewhat bet ter Mm Lloyd spent a few days in the city Miss V A is visiting her aunt Mr Williams in Sutton incud inking the Excur sion to on next sports a now driver How In ml the no to get bin hoino killed by the train one night last week soon bo the order of day John Stephenson mncrH on Monday Mm Fisher of Toronto who has spending a few weeks at her Mr J Goodwin returned homo on Monday cute harvest has commenc ed The season will likely bo abort but a fair yield is anticipated of Toronto spent Tuesday last Irts father Why a lawyer should call anyone of his longdrawnout legal documents a farlcl is past all human understand ing It Is all well enough for charity to begin at home but it has no ex cuse for sitting down there and a sanitary law of this nature could be enforced puzzling question Mr of Toronto is home for a few holidays with here Mr Fred McDonald who has been absent for a considerable time paid his parent a visit last week Mr A spent a week ago Sunday at Mr and his two sisters Ada and Minnie visited at Kettleby a week ago Sunday Think before you act but dont spend too much time thinking Ac tions count CO 3 pa VOTERS LIST NOTICE NORTH Township East County of York Notice Is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per sons mentioned In sections 8 and the Ontario Voters List Act the copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the v made pursuant to said Act of all Many of your renders about persons appearing by last revised I to law Dated at July haven will rmembor who attended Public School with his brothers and one sis ter tho only girl in the family away back in the seventies Your corres pondent taught school in 1872 then the largest school in township Young was then about year old and was at tending school For last sev en yearn ho has been cooking at the Cook County Hospital Chicago Be ginning with month seven years afijO his wages have been increased till now they are per month which he has received for the last two years who is a cousin of your correspondent like many another Canadian boy had to make hie own way in world with out means or even a good public school education One will es- his fidelity duty during seven years ho has been in the position he has not lost a single day lie has a family of four children tho eldest now a man slater now Mr H is also liv ing in Chicago haa a family of three children and is also doing well Mr John Smith and wife of enfehoe took a trip to Muskoka on the and expect to- be months for the benefit of Mr Smiths health Ho has been quite poorly for some time at present residing at Malta near Bed raspberries have boon a abund ant crop this year but the season for them is about ended Next will bo buckle- terries cran berries each in their turn larger fruits What a good thing fori the pickers canncra proscrv- assessment roll of said municipality to he entitled to vote in the munici pality for members of the Legislative Assembly and at municipal elections and that the said list was first post ed up In my on the day of July IP and remains there tor in spection Electors arc called upon to examine the said list and If any omissions or any other errors arc found therein to take proceedings to have the said errors corrected according A J HUGHES Clerk said Municipality- Sharon this 1 day of MU8IC Miss Alice Woodcock wishes to an nounce that she Is prepared to re ceive a limited number of pupils on the piano or organ at her home Mt Albert or at pupils homes if so de sired Terms on application Binder Twine Now on hand Plymouth Binder Twine Barrel Salt and Land Salt In at lowest possible prices SHIELDS MOUNT ALBEHT GEO MOUNT ALBERT FOR SALE Try Our Own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Hark An Excellent Remedy FOR Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble Wo keep leading makes of Trusses Properly lit and guar antee them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT Farm for Sale acres of good clay loam all good of cultivation except h acres pasture a spring in pasture being P and in the 3rd con of Gwillimbury Good house fairish barns wens plenty fruit apples pairs cherries and raspberries In sight of the- waters o Lake Terms easy on the premises ROBERT ROSE VI RAG MARRIAGE LICENSES BUTTON Acres miles from Newmarket Good buildings Wells And creek Plenty of fruit Land in good the tivation Apply to J L TOOLE Pino Orchard FIRE INSURANCE To insure slock cooler TUB LIVERPOOL i IS A COW With assets of will be risk low C M

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