Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 Jul 1903, p. 5

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THE FT a FRIDAY JULY 17 1003 ONTARIO BAM rfiiPlTAt BEST itiece NEWMARKET BRANCH Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED American Draft bo Collections Simpson Main St prank AUCTIONEER Kent Collected- Street Comer Street Lane and WJ SMITH smiTH special DOUGLAS CO per cent Original secured tad guaranteed Block Ellis Architect and Sanitary Engineer Room Manning Chambers Toronto and Estimates made or all kinds of buildings Jackson MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Era Iwucd at private residence NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Allan FirstClass Photographs Are easily obtained by calling on SMITH THE Opposite Sovereign Bank Newmarket Mrs Irwins fence on Victoria Avenjie has been recently removed and the lawn nicely graded Mr Robert Utile a new veranda to tilsUiiy residence in fin Egyptian PHARAOHS CHARIOT Rare Archaeological Discoveries by Howard Carter Monuments of Upper Egypt Again Ground on Eagle Street under auspices York Pioneers surely somebody might see that tbe long grass and unsightly briars are cut and graves kept a little better condition The Sovereign Bonk The first annual report of this mon etary institution is now printed in artistic form for circulation among its patrons The cost of opening so many branches the first year must have been very great and yet a divide per cent for the past three months has been declared which is a little better than per cent per annum This shows that the Bank must be receiving consider able patronage Holiday A week from Tuesday Aug Is Newmarket Civic Holiday The Fire men will run a cheap excursion to that day which promises to be well patronized For rates and other information see another col umn frf Our volupteer Fire Brigade are al ways ready when the call to duty is given and our citizens snould recog nize this fact when such an opportun ity is presented Produce Very good market last Saturday but the crowd seemed to be in a- hur ry to get out of town before dinner time The ruling prices were as fol lows Butter to lb Eggs to dozl Cherries per pail Red Raspberries to per lb Black Currants and Red and White Currants Potatoes by tbe peck or per bag Tomatoes home grown lb Spring chickens 10 to pair Ducks to pair Live Turkeys lb Pigeons Lamb and lie by the quarter Hide Andrew Hunter Builder Contractor On Short Boil Setting Granolithic and Door Steps Roiai St P 0 Box THOMPSONS REPAIR SHOP Ave Newmarket Of IRON WORK REPAIRED OH Afa a A Another Road The Ontario Huron Rail way Act has passed at Ottawa and received the royal The com pany are authorized to lay out con struct and operate lines of railway from Port Perry to Kincardine by way of Mount Albert New market Bradford Durham and Walker ton from through Owen Sound Southampton Port and Tiverton to Kincar dine from through or near and Luck- now to touching at with a connection between Luck- now and Kincardine through Ripley The undertaking is declared a work for the general advantage of Canada and the company re authorized to acquire and utilize water and steam power for the purposes of generating electricity for lighting motor and heating purposes in connection with its railway or any branch Subject to the provisions of the Railway act and the consent of the Mtuicipal having jurisdiction the company are permitted to enter upon public roads and to construct the railway and erect poles and stretch wires The bill which was brought in this session contained a proviso that tbe powers conferred as to an electric railway shall he subject to the pro visions of any general act hereafter passed by the Parliament of Canada regarding electric railways The Toronto people objected to this clause The said company may construct a branch from any point on Us main line between the villages of Bradford In county of York and in the county of Into the city of Toronto by such route as is found most convenient and such branch shal be two years and completed within five years from the passing of this Act other wise the power of construction grant ed by Parliament shall be null and void as much thereof as then remains uncompleted But when the following clause was pointed out withdrew ob jection Subject to the i the Railway Act and the consent ol the Municipal Council having Juris diction over the roads and street of any city town or municipality the company may by its servants agents or workmen enter upon any public road highway street etc This clause eems to guard all mu nicipal The great event of season from an After all the expense last with erection of the iron fence enclosing the Burying l3 Thothrues a the London Times For the last two years Theodore an American gentleman who well known is Egypt has been excavating steadily and systematically in the Valicy of trie Tombs of King at Thebes clearing the away inch by inch and so layiag the bed rock He has been rewarded this spring by the discovery of a viously unknown royal tomb mummy of in ihe Cairo museum having been found in the tomb of Amenhotep to which it had been conveyed by Egyptian priests for tte purpose of conceal ment probably in the age of the dynasty but sepulchre of the had never been discovered though it was pretty certain thhl it was hidden somewhere under the in the Valley of the Tombs of the Kings TOMB IN MOUNTAIN The actual discovery was made by Howard Carter inspector of the monuments of Upper Egypt who been conducting tbe excavations for Mr and it is to care and practiced that we owe only the preservation of all ihe found in the tornn but also a scien tific record the conditions under which they were discovered The tomb itself like the tombs in the same valley consists of a cut the heart of the mountain After sloping downward for a considerable distance it is in terrupted by a deep square on one of the walls of which is a Land of paintings- On the further the well the passage turns hack upon itself end Anally opens a large chamber at the extreme end of which is a magnificent sarcophagus covered with texts from the Book of Dead MUMMY On either side are snuiler cham bers the floor of one of which was covered with mummified loins of beef legs of mutton and trussed due s and geese offerings made to the dead king between and years ago Clay seals with he name of the king had been attached to the doors of the chambers and it is interesting to observe thai the Egyptians the eighteenth had already to some extent anticipat ed the invention of the rais ed portions of the seals having with blue ink belli impressed upon the clay The walls of a chamber which serv ed as a vestibule to that in which the sarcophagus was laid are adorned with a few paintings and on one of them is a hieratic insciipUoii dated in the eighth year and stating that the tornh had been plun dered by robbers but restored as far as possible by that Pharaoh STOLEN It was doubtless thai time that jewellry and other precious ob jects buried with the King were More than enough was left how ever to satisfy the today The floor wis literally cov ered with vases disiies boomerang symbols of life and other blue faience neatly all of them have wantonly brok en in some cases inis have been done by the original dexe crators of tho tomb as the breakage has been repaired In lius Intermixed with the faience were fragments of cups and vases of rich blue or glass There are also frag ments of an opaque white glass as well as what would have been to be the bottfims of modern beer bottles had they been met with on the surface of thiounu interesting is a textile fa bric into which hieroglyphic charac ters of different have been wov en with such wonderful skill as to present the appearance of painting on linen Sick InMugnof Halt Lam of Appetite Covtivcoc the fcia- Sleep Frightful try Box of Fill nd lUorwill A firVAL u health- They promptly any obstruct Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver they a will work wonder Ihe the brio ring back the of and with the the nbok of the re fact Admitted by in the beet ffur- to the It BeoNAES PI Largest of any Patent narobeen public for halt century nt popular family REcoMMEfjB Prepared by fit Oar Saul as king Sam 15 Golden Text To obey sacrifice July is better than The Strength and vigor come good food duly digested Forte a wheat and barley loo adds no burden but sustains Practical nourishes invigorates FOUND PHARAOHS CHARIOT The great and unique find however has been that of the aerial in which he rode at Thebes body it is alone preserved hut III a perfect condition The wooden frame was first covered with papier mathe made from papyrus ana this again with stucco which has been carved both inside and out into scenes from the battles fought by the Pharaoh in Syria The art is of a very high every detill Icing exquisitely finished arid the fates of the Syrians being clearly portraits taken from the captives of Thebes The in fact one the fin est specimens of art that have come down to us from antiquity and that it should have been mad Tor the grandfather the heretic king whose foreign correspondence thrown such a light on the history of Editor of the Era Dear Id your last issue your correspondent made cer tain insinuations regarding the trance Examination which as a mem ber of the Entrance Board I resent He asserts that the majority the country pupils failed while nearly all the town pupils passed He then speaks of partiality and asks for tioe If he knows of any candidate who he feels did not get justice he may appeal against the decision of the Board It your correspondent will come to me or to Inspector Davidson I have no doubt we can satisfy him in a very few minutes that the deserving candidates passed and the undeserv ing ones failed The regulations see Reg and for are very definite on the point Unless a pupil makes onehalf of the total or very nearly that ho cannot pass Regarding pupils who ate prevented by sickness from writing there is al so a provision made Because one such candidate sought admission this year and was regularly admitted by the Education Department your cor respondent fancies he sees par tiality was shown Probably the correspon dent canncft see a good reason why a larger percentage of pupils should pass from Newmarket and Aurora schools than from the other schools in North York I can tell him why In the first place the Principal of each of town schools devotes his time almost exclusively to his Entrance Class His assistants at tend to the classes In the case of and schools simil arly situated the principal has under his immediate care probably the junior and senior third and the jun ior and senior fourth and sometimes a fifth class as well It does not re quire any calculation to see which class should be better prepared for their examination In the second place country pupils go through snow and mud a long distance to use the words of your correspondent For this reason and others their at tendance at school is not as regular as in the case of town pupils who are not at such a disadvantage correspondent asks who ex amined the Literature papers Mr examined most them I examined the rest Was the work not done to suit the fastidious taste of your correspondent Or he think that Mr and Mr Thompson of Aurora should not have been- on that Board because they have candidates writing Regarding their appointment I have nothing to say except that they are appointed according to law by Public School Boards and are just as compe tent as any of the eight members who compose the Entrance Board Neither them where his own pupils are writing and neither one has access In any way to an swer papers of his pupils your correspondent would like to find anything more about the work ol the Entrance Board Examiners he may do so without getting anyone to look behind the Kent for him he suggests There are no INTRODUCTION With the end Samuels farewell address began the of Saul Most of twenty years must be count ed as the interval of history between the last lesson and this years full trials which came to Saul as king in a lime when enemies were upon every hand and full of temptations which finally caused his ruin At last Saul committed one overt act of disobedience to God and Samuel in his extreme old age was sent forth to meet him as he came from to There occurred the scene which- lesson records PRACTICAL It is an awful thing to try to cover up our greed and meanness under cloak of religion Alt who believe in God at all believe that he is the Lord of Na ture and natures laws But are laws of nature any less harsh than the laws of God as revealed in the bible Nature no less Oban revelation teaches us most clearly that the sins of the fathers are visited upon the children to the third and fourth gen eration Whoever does not sacrifice at all for the sase of and his fellow men has not reached a high state of per fection There are two sides in the destiny ol every life Gods will and mans will the divine choice the human choice We may have the royal gifts God chooses for us if we choose his way we muse lose all if we choose our own way hi opposition to his r LEA OUT OF THE SHADOW f Tho discouragement the despair of illhealth out in the noontide glory of health vigor and strength Aro you seeking this way Are you wishing to replace weakness by strength desponooncy by hope and ex pectation pale cheeks and lustreless eyes by the roses bloom and spark ling eyes If you but use you will make rich red blood vour nerves will grow strong Old time vigor will return and with it an endurance that will enable you to live an active energetic and successful life Remember the name Sold by all druggists It may be my parting words to many of you said P M Arthur Grand Chief Engineer of the of Locomotive Engineers in ad dressing a banquet t Winnipeg Im mediately he fell and in a few minutes ho was dead Jf you want a tropical plant to grace your window collection cut the top off a pineapple and put it in a jar of water and place it in a sunny window In about four weeks a mass of roots will start then pot in rich sandy soil and give it an abundance ol sunshine and water and it will grow right along and form a pretty plant as well as a novelty DONT LET CORNS TORMENT YOU Use Putnams Corn Extractor which cures corns in one night with out pain For 3ft years Putnams has been the standard of Great Brit- tain and America Try it scenes in the sense In which he uses the word We have nothing to conceal and anyone who seeks for fur ther light may easily get it if he ap plies In the proper way- The pro per way Is not by casting aspersions on the character of honest men a a COOMBS Si Newmarket Trie Battle was fought on July 1st In order to bring the British year In accord ance with the Gregorian colander days were dropped out the month off September Thus although the battle was fought on the let of the ancient east to It I old the Along with the July new style Many was the leather gauntlet Scott Highlanders for a the protected his hand reason celebrate January as when bow or the reins day i V SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAH GO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION A JACKS HIRE- The Newmarket Pharmacy Next door to Post Office 0O000 We have now a complete line of Pure Sundries comprising choice Stationery Toilet Prepara tions Soaps and Sponges Atomizers Hot Water Bottles c A Full of Patent at lowest reduced prices We pay special attention to our Prescription Depart A Call Solicited rto The NORMAN L ROGERS CO J PATTERSON AGENTS FOR THE GREAT NORTH WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY OK CANADA Phono No ALLS GOODS GOING OUT About persons arc killed ev ery Year In Londons streets George a brake- man aged as bad his back broken by a fall from a car in Montreal A settlement of the World Furnish suit against the town of lor failure to carry out the resolu tion promising power to new factor ies at a horse power which resol ution was subsequently rescinded has been arranged The town will sup ply power to the company at a horsepower for first Ave years and guarantees to charge not more a horsepower for next five years Deafness be Cured by local applications as cannot reach tbe portion of ear There is only one way to cure deal- nest and that Is by constitutional Deafness la caused by an inflarntod condiWon of the mucous lin ing the Eustachian When this tube gets you have a rumbling or Imperfect hearing and when it is closed deaf ness is tbe result and unless tbe In flammation can be tken out and this tube to its normal con dition hearing will be destroyed for ever nine oases out of ten are caus ed by which nothing but an of tbe mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred or any case of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for cir culars free J- CHENEY A Sold by all druggists Halts Family Pills are best T0B8NT ICECREAM AND SODA AT- mm Candy lade NEXT TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Every i L

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