Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 Jul 1903, p. 3

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i l gygTVXHE NEWM ERK FRIDAY WvWf 903 leeks Hews OH IK jioit end Found I valuable Pearl Crescent was lost i lady waiting for the car didnt Met ropolitan car come on Monday evening but with the aid ol lantern and several passers by it its found down the grating in front store house Gone to Picric What Why that enameled pot that I bought about six weeks ago This could not have happened if the ware wears was bought you ever tried the kind that we sell a grantee We mean Stria of course at It Got Ad illustration of the sagacity of the cog occurred last week Rev who was spending his in the vicinity of Whitby drove across the country and was followed by his dog In sons way animal missed his master end it came back home alone a distance of over miles apparently without stopping for food Mr j who has conducted lumber yard here for a of years has into with him Mr P Pearson our most active and honorable and we are quite sure the union will attended with beneficial results Mr- Pearson will be on band at the from morning to night to attend to the wants of cus tomers prompt as well as careful attention to orders will no incuse the present prosperous business and be appreciated by the general public Police Court A couple boys were pulled by the Chief for being saucy and disor derly down town last Saturday night admitted the charge before Ma gistrate Woodcock and were let off each promising that it will cot occur again Tee charge pulling mangels in Henry Donnes was aired in coart on Monday and adjourned till Saturday Inspector Hughes had the hotel at summoned to in Newmarket yesterday altcr- to answer the charge of silling liquor to a minor The case was not concluded when we went to press The editor is moving into his new fcouhe this week Tire firemen have a very attractive display in Jones show window DM you tee it Hunters delivery van upset oppos ite the Fire Hall last Saturday morn ing The wheel caught someway on the streetcar track Baseboll A good match took place at Aurora between Aurora and Newmarket last Saturday being the first a series between the two towns The game was decidedly in Newmarkets favor Ibe score being 12 to A large crowd went down from town and things along by lusty cheers The score Newmarket 00000105 Struck out by Struck out by Saturday weather permitting Aurora will wend a team up here Wtleh they promise will be stronger thin nine last Saturday so a match may looked torj The Fossils have challenged the to another match on Friday when they will put forth their wpreiuc ml Will open a choice stock of grocer ies on Friday July 31st Supplies Binder Whips up Oils Greats grades Cradles Rates Handies Satisfaction it you deal At i Postponed On account or the wet weather the ajinuaJ of the Christian Sun day School which was to have been held at Wilcox Lake last Tuesday was postponed for a week It is hoped the weather will be set tled by that Farmers are hav ing a vexatious time finishing their haying Mr Jos Millard is having a neat porch erected in front of house occupied by Mr Bolt Hewitt Property Committee of the Town Council have got a move on and made the Prospect Avenue Heel House have quite a respectable ap pearance ft shows what a new and a little paint will do On Thursday evening July Rev A ny w an address on Impressions of a Trip through Western Miss is to he present and will sing a couple of Cane will occupy we chair public are invited We ic not know enough about our own tor do we as a and extol our heritage as we This is a s oppoitunity to It Lin something and we hope tie will he well The Ontario Bonk That old financial friend of a legit of North Yorkers issues through its Head in extremely neat comprehensive form its fortysix annual report with list of sharehold- During the past year two halfyear ly dividends at the rate of six cent per annum have been paid in its capital of was made to its ofliccrs pension in profits were carried and was added to the rest account which now totals the pleasing figure of a million dollars The bank has now four of which located in Toronto Prosperity a proverbial popularity with promptitude and politeness to all of its patrons seems to have suc ceeded in the case of this wellknown business institution whose offices and their officials in this locality are uni versally and favorably known to al most our entire population The We sincerely hope the citizens of wnurUt r vicinity will not let toe Show die for want of far we bear very talk it and the informs us that vory few been made There are over omnd from 75e to Has got either f garden can or something Then in town have got and lliey can be without any trouble Just W word with the Secretary and will call for them as well At previous to lii Old Cops On account of the power being weak at Bond Lake powerhouse Metropolitan Co was running old cars again the forepart of the wee From what we can learn some of the boilers were being cleaned out and repaired Toe bell on St Johns church toll ed for about an hour on Monday even ing owing the death of the Pope The caretaker the flower beds at Newmarket Cemetery looking love ly You might just as well as not pick up or in prizes by getting something ready for the Flower Snow mill is running again after being shut down a few days for re pairs persons have won from prizes not because their were extra fine but because was nothing against Let all pull together and Wt a fiovtr ft will astonish close on the an Vooday Show is open to wile on evening when program by local talent hi evening he Military fro Aurora vill provide car to Aurora af- in I of the or the North YorV will be to the Flower Show Man Killed by The thunder storms that have pass ed over section lately have been unusually severe and it Is our pain ful duty to record the death of Mr Arthur by lightning on Mon day afternoon Deceased was plowing in the field when storm came on He evidently intended to finish his furrow before seeking shelter but the summons that no waiting called to the bar of God without a moments warn ing f Apparently the electric current went in at one side of his head and came out of tbe other for the straw hat that he was wearing had a hole the size of a walnut over each ear and cut out as- clean as if done by a bullet The plow handle which he held in his left hand was also shat tered and piece broken off The horses ho was driving were knocked over and stunned The hired man Mr Win Hughes was plowing in the same field about rods away He also was partially stunned but look ing around he saw Mr fall and the horses scrambling on the ground Taking his jackknife he cut the harness so that the horses could get up without injuring each other and to deceased but got He had been killed instantly Hughes then went to Mr Joshua horse which was nearest for assistance A doctor was sent for and the terrible news spread like wildfire Deceased was a son Mr Joshua on the con of Whitchurch and was in every way an honorable Industrious and praiseworthy young man About or years ago he married a daughter of Mr of Queen Bast and sister of Mr Walter Eves the hog- buyer and their matrimonial rela tions werc exceedingly happy The parting is very sad under such excep tional circumstances and we Join with many friends in extending sym pathy to bereaved families The eldest brother Mr Albeit Wills n came home from Belmont Mass to attend the funeral and comV fort his aged and heartstricken par ents The funeral on Wednesday was one of the largest ever seen in the of Whitchurch The remains interred at Pine Orchard The locality seems be dangerous in respect to lightning for two ycaix ago two cows were killed by electric current In the field adjoining It Is a singular coincidence that deceaseds brother Mr stunned by lightning while working on his faun in Dakota about three weeks ago but Is recovering Supplies Long Mitts in horsehide pigskin calf or mule Babbitt Metal a snap lb Leather belting in hides or laces Rubber packing red or black Special discount cm oils A Hardware of On Friday evening last the winning side in the contest for last matter were treated by the aide to Ice cream on the beautiful lawn of Mr who placed it at the disposal the committee and which was brilliantly the occasion Chinese lanterns Games were indulged and a time generally is reported by who attended who about thirty The committee desire l hank Bro for his Madness and during ewning Templars The following officers were ins i led in Council No It of current quarter on Wednesday Select Councillor A Vice Sis Past J Sec Fin Sis Ben Treas P Duncan Herald Hector Guard R Sentinel Cole Organist Sis Christian The retiring pastor Rev J will his sermon next Lords imag The evening service will be a so cial nature with a brief by be pastor and others Mr will l on Men- day afternoon going by way of New York Fall River and fistoJ mating brio calls on friends par ishes in Brooklyn and Somer set Mass and will ihu month of August with bis at Went- worth Lake I be tainsl Many friends in market will say goodbye with much regret and wish himself and family long lite and continued usefulness Mas ters cause Regular last Monday even ing Cane and Councillors Smith Hughes and Rich ardson Following bills passed Packard Electric Co Office Specialty Co dog tags J coal for 53 Express on electric goods J Hancock coal Freight and duty on coal Cartage on coal Pay Sheen No W Starr stationery carting The following bills were referred to Inspector to be paid if found correct Smith cartage Perkins strap Office Specialty Co board plating sockets No action was taken on communica tion Mr Pedlar regarding claim re Office Specialty location Mr arrived and took his- seat Tbe bill from Era Office re ferred to a committee was ordered to be paid The chairman of the Electric Sup ply Com was authorized to purchase order No as recommended by the electrician Council adjourned at after discussing sidewalks and roads LEMON VTLLK Mr A the has made a icccrd in wellboring that will be to beat On the farm of Mr Lemon Con Mr has just bored two wells feet deep and tbe other CO fret in one and a half days giving Mr Lemon two very flowing wells Ladies Dress Skirts Erery a Perfect Fit Our new fitting room is suc cess You have the opportunity oi trying on before purchasing if you wish to Your money refunded if you are not per fectly satisfied HOT WEATHER HOSIERY Ladies Fast Black Cotton Hos- pair v i Grocery Specials Pink Salmon Tin Perfect Baking Pow der 10c per lb Canned Corn Canned Pork and Beans The New Store i A Mr James Arnold had a runaway on Sunday The reach broke and let the front wheels out Mrs Arnold nd two but no one was badly hurt One of Marshall Pickerings ran away last week with stlkv rake smashing the hutting no one Sacrament will be in the Methodist church a week next Sunday afternoon Rev If Kemp and important iusness meeting of the will be held on Monday pooling in Roat Syracuse July 18 Charles Long and Florence Miller were drowned yesterday at Lake The two were in a rowboat with Jen- In disembarking Long shoved the boat from shore and the women jumped escap ed but Miss Miller went down trying to rescue the latter Long who could not swim was also drown ed iV Newmarket July Flour per barrel a J4 White Wheat per bush a Red Wheat per a Goose Wheat per bush S3 a Spring Wheat per bush a Buckwheat- a Barley- per bush 37 a per bush 30 a Peas per bush a Rye per bush a Wool per lb a Hay per a Bran per ton 18 a Shorts per ton 19 a Butter roll per lb a Eggs a Potatoes per bag flO a Chicken per pair a en ft Geese per lb a Turkeys a 0 0 0 85 00 The Summer Girl X wants a dainty light and stylish hat with her warm weather costumes and pretty dresses and we have bem in materials in lace chil- and fancy straws and trimmed in airy and delicate trimming to set oft the plainest or prettiest face Such charming creations in were never seen at such prices as now being shown at Toronto markets July Wheat per a 0 Spring Wheat per bush 0 a Wheat per bush u a Oats per bush 00a Barley per a 0 Peas per bush a 0 per doz 0 a 0 Butter roll per lb a Potatoes per hag 20 a Hay per ton 12 a GO Wool per ft a 0 Dressed Hogs per 7 a a 9 Chickens per pair a per pair a Special Line of Hats this week at Some say Children are Easy to Please but they know well as grownups when they have toot aches We make a specialty of supplying for the people with the aches left out hut spare no pains to make the youngsters happy little shoes for little people at little prices CLOTHING j of Spring and Summer Clothing out we will give off Cash of this week Cor Main Timothy Wedding in A very wedding took place on Tuesday July at Cedar Lawn lioinc of Mrs Urania Davis when her eldest daugh ter Miss Allele was married to Dr of The drawingroom ihe cere mony took place was prettily ated with vines and marguerites At oclock the bride entered the draw ingroom on the of father Mr Roy Stanley Davis of London and the ceremony was conducted by Rev Win Toronto The bride was gowned in while taffeta and lace She wore a long tulle veil up with white roses and carried a shower of the same Hewers The bridesmaid was Miss Lillian Davis sister ol the bride who wore pule blue crepe with yoKe of Irish point lace and white trimmings carried pink carnations Or Richardson of Newmarket attend ed tbe groom a dainty breakfast wa partaken and doctor and Mrs iL mediately for I 7 I 9 9 Sale Register SATURDAY July of Complete set of Carpenters Tools Chest Patterns etc at am at Mrs Win Browns Main Street North Duncan Auct j The Dead Pope- Rome July tody of Pope Leo Mil lies in state in Basilica of St Peters Beginning tomorrow at sunrise the people of Rome and these of all nut now in tie Eternal City will he admitted to pay their last for this tribute Will end Saturday Until oclock this afternoon the remains of the dead lav in the throne room the Vatican where the leaders of I ho cletknl ahd civil world were iVmved to lass the bier The ceremonial night when the body was torn throne room t t was cue of the most striking of all tae During he km of met and decider to hold conclave under which lined at the which elected Leo In Toronto this week exporters are selling from to with poor er ones down to Export bulls run from 4 to Good to choice butchering cattle sold from to Ordinary butchering cattle and dry cows sold from S3 to Good run about to Calves from to per lb Dry cows from to Milk cows 25 to Spring Lambs to lb A little improvement in hog Se lects lights and fats Brussels July The Belgian cot ton spinners have decided to close their mills one day weekly Actually looms are idle The crisis been brought about by clear ness of American raw cotton Elections The elections in Manitoba Mon day show the people are satis fied with the administration 2d Government supporters were elect ed and only Opposition The ma jorities are all small All the Cab inet Ministers were returned Poll ing is yet to be held in two constitu encies- Baileys broom factory at King ston was burned Loss Hamilton Cemetery Board ha amalgamated the offices of superin tendent giving the combined job to former secretary at a salary A burglar stole from the home of Patrick Council a farmer about two miles from Niagara Tbe man arrested at theLakc was not the escaped and he has been The breaking of a scaffold caused injury to four men at Charles Han cocks barn ralalng The hardware store of W and offices of Scouts shoe factory at Gait have been broken into by burglars lately and small sums stolen- Seattle Wash July IS The Hall Liner Dolphin which left July 16 baa reached here with eighty passengers and 2O000 In Klondike gow Auburn July Fire midnight caused losses estimat ed at partially insured The structures include the 175000 High school Windsor July 20 Detectives Cam- pcau and of this city and secret Service Chamberlain of made a capture here this when they placed under ar rest Mrs Ellen McKcej formerly sub- postmistress at Tubhermore a sub urb of Belfast Ireland Mrs Is wanted by the Irish authorities on a charge of eintevlin about from the savings deposits and forging receipts to cover her mis appropriations Industrious Per sons In each state to travel for house established eleven years and with a large capital to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profit able line Permanent engagement Weekly cash salary of and all travelling expenses and hotel bills ad vanced In cash each week Experi ence not essential Mention refer ence and enclose self- ad dressed en velope THE NATIONAL Dear born St Chicago For DURABLE ROOFING 8KB HPHILLIPS NEWMARKET Roofing FOR Fruits Vegetables Groceries Fresh Fish Meats BREAD CAKES Ice Ore am and Lunches MAIN ST SOUTH NEWMARKET The Hamilton Times Printing Company presented Gardiner the retiring editor with a handsome gold watch Tito staff presented him with an ebony goldheaded cane Dunlop Reliability You full in Tirci the will your trust to to repair Years of thorn of almost Yer1 adoption Ever with a tattoo Is with them Every rider of them make enthusiast They the pleasure of wheeling and the trouble an- with The Dunlop Co i IbiaftiUd v Toronto j 1 you found The long standing lockout of Cal gary carpenters has been brought to througb the intervention of VV King Tbe lockout a loss of over to men and contractors A In One Day WSJ la Two Day cm every box

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